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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Chester glanced up at the sky slowing down from the jog to just speed walk backwards.
"Hell yeah we have plenty of time then!" He declared doing a little spin around before stopping checking the way he was going and nodding certain that this was the right way to the park.
"Yeah, Charleston had the same problem, most cities these days do. I've heard it's something called light pollution or whatever?" He shrugged before cracking his knuckles casually underneath his jaw.

They fell quite glancing over to their parent who nodded crossing over and tucking them back in.
"Yes, and don't worry Juniper isn't in any danger from him." They promised in reference to the Jackalope before turning to help Emmy.
"They're a little shy around new people and protective of Juniper." They explained in a quiet whisper crouching down to just fluff up some of the pillows again before standing back up pulling back the blankets so he could crawl in.
Pepe nodded and moved to keep up. Eel shrugging. “I don't care a lot about it… the stars are still there you just don't see them.” He mumbled sighing gently. Pepe frowning a little. “I wish we could travel all over the world. It sounds awesome. And we could meet so many more people with different backgrounds and cultures!” He grinned. “And I could expand on my medical knowledge. And maybe me and my siblings could actually get a band going.” He beamed closing his eyes a moment to imagine it. Eel shaking his head slightly. “Sorry to ruin your short-lived dreams, Pepe. But I don't think we’ll ever have that luxury.”

He smiled and crawled in. Thanking Blue as he settled in and yawned. “It's okay… I get it…” He smiled and shut his eyes after a moment tiredly. Curling up in the bed. “Goodnight…” He whispered out gently.
"Wait, wait, wait, you and your siblings have a band? And why would they not be able too?...." he trailed off glancing skywards as remembrance flickered in his eyes as the reason dawned on him.
"Oh yeah the curse thing right? And have you tried to like...do your shadow travel thing away from here? Or is there like an invisible border or something?" Chester asked glancing over at Eel's comment after a moment.

They smiled gently exiting and closing the door behind them leaving the room lit up by just a night light.
"Sweet dreams kiddos." They said as they stepped out.
"Night..." Pom mumbled quietly between a yawn although unclear about who it was directed to.
Shade frowned and shrugged a little. “I… tried once.” He muttered furrowing his eyebrows. “I hit a boundary and couldn't go any further.” He took a breath. Eel bumped Shade’s shoulder gently. “Meh, in here is rad too. No use dwelling on what we can't have.”

Emmy smiled and cuddled up drifting off to sleep happily. Eager for when he hoped to be back with his family.
"Huh well that's pretty damn weird, and yeah, though if Ives and I leave and still are able to come back we'll bring souvenirs eh?" He grinned batting him with his tail as he took a left turn with far too much confidence for someone walking backwards.
"And yeah dwelling is useless but why not believe in better possibilities, at the very least delusions of the grand are still grand." He pointed out narrowly avoiding bumping into a streetlight.

Blue slipped away to join Ivory in the archives bring sure to leave the door open a crack so if anything were to happen either kid could easily leave and come get them.
Shade beamed. “That sounds great!” He muttered keeping up with Chester and moving to walk beside him. Eel shrugging a little. “I’ve gotten used to things being ripped from me. Freedom is something you can’t have without dangers and shit.” He shrugged putting his hands in his pockets. Shade letting out a low whistle before shaking his head. “Still… maybe someday? Even if it means righting what the people before us did wrong right? We can be the better people?” He rubbed his arm awkwardly. Eel curling his nose. “Better people? They’re the monsters who made this mess. I have no intent of going behind them and fixing what they should fix.”
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Chester raised an eyebrow
"I feel like I'm missing a bunch of context here, the people before you are responsible for this curse thing?" He asked glancing between the two of them with a slight quirk to his head as he walked.
"And for the record I personally think one's freedom is more important then anything else.... take it from the persob that needs to be constantly around someone else to physically exist. " He shrugged before frowning at something else. "The concept of being a better person then someone else is just dumb though I've got to agree with Eel there." He added on with a slight scoff
“The sisters. They need to fix what they caused. Instead of letting pass from gen to gen.” Eel grumbled out. Shade growing quiet as he whispered out an apology. Eel not bothering to try and cheer the young man up. “No reason to be better than any pretentious assholes.” He added on walking over and lightly shoving Shade’s shoulder. The man flinching a little and hugging himself. “Sorry… I…” “Stop apologizing. You're fine.” Eel stretched out his arms and walked a tad faster to be in step with Shade.
Shade grew quiet letting Eel sling an arm around him and get pulled along.
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"Right, right, sooooo....what exactly did they cause?" Chester asked scratching his ear as he walked backwards arching an eyebrow in reminder that he knew very little about the history of things.
"I mean like the curse obviously but how did they cause it?" He asked speeding up a bit so they weren't a three person line on the sidewalk almost bumping into a white haired woman who ran past without an apology on the phone.
"Rude...and Eel is right ya didn't do anything wrong. Don't apologize unless you actually did something wrong to someone that's worth the shit. That's too much power to give people regardless. " He pointed out flipping of the woman without glancing her way.
Eel watched the woman closely eyes narrowed. Shade looking down quietly. “It's not… I…” He trailed off as Eel let him go. “Ah… there’s the park. Come on! Movie time!!” He grinned leading the way. Shade hurrying to keep up to Eel.
The woman quickly disappeared out of sight still tugging on a jacket as she ran in the direction of the cemetery.
Chester darted across the street waving the others after him with an eager grin.
"Fuck yeah, come on let's go go go!" He declared sliding to a stop once he reached the grass looking over to the large cloth projector currently playing Halloween.
"What was it you were going to say?" He asked Shade once they reached it looking around for a spot to sit
Eel went and found somewhere for the trio to sit as Shade shook his head gently. “Nothing…” He muttered out. Going to sit by Eel as the man glanced at Shade. “You coming Chess?” Eel asked as Shade turned his attention to the movie. Biting gently at his lower lip to which Eel bumped his shoulder with a hand to make him stop.
Chester grinned plopping down next to the two and stretching out before crossing his legs propping his chin on his hands to face the screen with a grin.
"You betchour darn tootin I am. " He replied batting him with his tail before wrapping it around his own waist so it wouldn't get stepped on.
"Oooh I remember when this first came out." He commented leaning forward as his red eyes flicked up to the screen before pausing glancing over to Shade.
"You are okay with horror movies, right?"
Shade nodded pulling up his legs. “Our lives are a breathing horror show. I think watching some scary movies should be the least of our concerns.” Eel mumbled out. Shade not saying anything as he turned his gaze to the screen. “I watch them with Faded sometimes. He likes Pet Cemetary.” Shade whispered out softly ignoring the slightly proud look Eel had.
"Pet Cemetery? Oh that's by the...fuck umm what's his name...Spencer Queen guy right?" Chester asked glancing over before turning his attention back towards the screen as the movie reaches the climactic finale. He paused a moment mulling over Eel's words before glancing over to him.
"Breathing horror movie huh...do you say that like as in we're the killers here or is your boss lady really that bad?" He asked lowering his voice as to not carry over to the other movie goers.
"More so the weird shit going on in the forest... though sometimes I think I'm living in a dark humored comedy. Not that it matters. Also Faded let you watch Pet cemetery, Peps?" Eel turned to the man mildly surprised by his slight nod of the head. "And yeah the Spencer Queen guy." He whispered out. Shade moving to get up as the movie finished and checking the time. "It's getting kinda late. We could head back to the house and hang out? My brother said we could carve pumpkins to set on the porch if we wanted." He offered, a small nervous smile on his lips. Eel contemplated this and shrugged. "I guess we could if Chess wants. Is Ink not home then?" He furrowed his brow. The two men staring at each other a moment. "He told me he had something he wanted to do... so I'm not sure..." Shade spoke in an apologetic tone of voice. Eel chuckling a little under his breath. "Wait... so he trusted me with you all night? That dumbass." He snickered out as Shade frowned.
"I can take care of myself..." He mumbled awkwardly. Rubbing at his wrists glancing away.
Eel stopped laughing and shrugged again. "I know that. It's just ridiculous that he would rather me watch you then let you do your own thing. Especially when I was the one who killed..." Eel trailed off as Shade's eyes grew wide glancing at Chester.
"Please... I don't wanna talk about him..." He whispered out. Tensing as Eel patted his shoulder closing his eyes in wait for the man to go against what he said. Them slowly opening again when he didn't. "Thanks... thank you..." He puffed out in relief.
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"You mean there's more weird shit going on beyond the whole curse nonsense or are you talking about the shitty curse nonsense?" He asked glancing in between the two before frowning listening to the conversation between them with a contemplative look.
"Who's this he why does..." he trailed of stopping himself before shaking his head noticing that it probably would not be appreciated.
"Eh...fuck that actually who cares? Your brother is kind of low key controlling though." He stopped looking up at the sky frowning.
"It's not that late...but year we can go to your house, I'll never say no to stabbing meat." He said with with a grin miming cutting open a pumpkin to try and help ease the tensions noticing that there was something up.
"We could watch horror movies there as well and like then we can control the ones we watch. I haven't seen any of the Queen's dude. " He said with a shrug moving to get up in a single motion offering out his hand to help the other two of them up.
“I think most of it is because of the curse? I'm not going to blame it all on that though. Some shit is… well weird.” Eel nodded to Chester getting up. Stretching his arms out and humming. Waiting for Shade to take Chester’s hand. “Movies at the house sounds good.” He muttered smiling cautiously. Once Shade pulled away and walked ahead some Eel looked to Chester. “If you want I could explain later. Pepe just doesn't want to remember it.” He whispered out gently. “He won’t mind though.” He shrugged. Facing Shade and patting his shoulder. “Hey… is it alright if I tell Chess later? If you’re okay with it.” Eel smiled giving Shade full control over what me could say to his best friend. The young man pressed his lips in a thin line. “Er… yeah… just, not tonight. Please. You can chatter to your hearts content tomorrow though.” He made sure to clarify as Eel nodded respectfully. “Cool beans dude.” He grinned and then hurried off ahead.
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Chester grinned flattening out the lapel of his jacket once his hand was released already starting to weave his way through the groups of sitting people alongside Eel shooting the shorter man a playful smirk and eyebrow wiggle.
"Weird stuff is all over the world my friend, weird creepy shit all over. I'm living er...dead proof you know." He commented with a chuckle under his breath before glancing over to Shade.
"En tout ca, tomorrow works, after all we're just out here to have fun. And we're gonna make sure you have fun tonight. " He grinned before looking over to Eel his eyes lighting up.
"Oooh you should come over for dinner! Ivory typically heads out around seven so we should be free for the evening so long as we stay at the shop." He grinned playfully elbowing him before pausing and frowning.
"So long as you don't mind vegetarian shit that is...if you do though I can talk her into ordering pizza instead." He suggested.
“Vegetarian is fine. And dinner sounds great!” Eel beamed excitedly. Shade keeping just ahead before glancing back. “Do you two wanna shadow travel? It's a little faster.” He offered as he watched them chit chatting. A small smile on his face glad that Eel had a friend he got along with.
"Fuck yeah...I'll get something figured out entertainment wise...and yeah let's use Shadow Travel, the more time we have before morning the more time I have to be corporal. " He grinned moving to catch up with Shade once they had made it out of the maze of people trusting that Eel would also be there.
"Let's go stab some pumpkins eh?" He remarked turning back with a mischievous look to Eel and then back to Shade.
Eel grinned and nodded taking Shade’s outstretched hand. The younger man then holding out his other hand to Chester. Pointing to his shoulder for Chester to hold to so he could reach down for the shadows. Eel humming under his breath keeping an eye out for them all.
Chester placed his hand on Shades shoulder as he was instructed being careful to not snag his clawed nails against him as he did so. He glanced around as he waited for him to do his thing looking backnat at the crowd of people in the park as the credits started to roll and some people got up to either stretch or head out as the projector flashed to a black screen as the movie was switched out.
Shade reached and they warped into a landscape of pure darkness. Then slowly one by one little lights began to twinkle around them. Dark smoke clouds appearing under their feet as Eel let go and raced off ahead. His laughter easily heard. Shade gaining a nervous look and gazing up at Chester a moment waiting for when he would inevitably release him and go galavanting off with no proper sense of direction. Eel soon trekking back breathing a tad heavier but still grinning wide.
Chester released his shoulder shaking his head as eyes attempted to adjust to the sudden darkness.
"That's gonna take a while to get used to." He joked shooting Shade a grin before moving to follow Eel slowing down to a stop as he came back.
"Dude do me a favor, don't like run after lights in our realm or whatever you call it unless you want all your energy suckes out leaving you a near spirit less corpse." He said shoulder bumping him as he returned.

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