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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

"Ah, those wisp things? Emote said something about Rose... stopping him..." Eel trailed off in thought. "He's such a know-it-all..." He grumbled before bumping Chester back. Shade shaking his head a tad, blending more so into the environment. His blue eyes glowing against the dark. Eel's golden eyes and hair were easier to see but he did have his eyes squinted a little trying to see better. "Come on, do you two need to hold on to me so you don't get lost?" Shade offered out kindly.
Chester gave him a puzzled look.
"...Is he someone who reads a lot on folklore? Why would he know that?" He asked wrinkling his nose genuine puzzlement the rest of his face pinching up with it before he shook his head banishing the sign of having any intellectual thought.
"I think we'll be good. What's the worst that can happen? Plus I can't feel the redhead down here so really getting lost would be a benefit." He snickered pushing his hat back ever so slightly to help him see better.
“Better question, why does he think he needed to know that?” Eel mused as he waved off Shade’s concern. “We’re fine bud.” He hummed out wandering ahead. Shade arching an eyebrow but not saying anything as he glanced at Chester again. “Okay… follow me then. I'd rather be in the real world than down here. The others… aren't the kindest.” He muttered barely audible against the sudden hissing noise filling the space. Shade pausing as Eel tensed. “Ah… that’s our cue.” Shade hummed casually and took hold of Chester and Eel. Then reaching up and out in a puff of smoke they appeared in the living room of Eel’s and Ink’s home.
Chester shrugged
"They seem to be a bit of a problem here....maybe he was a dumbass and ended up following some, its pretty easy to fall into their trance, even if you know what too look for. "He suggested after a moment of thought before glancing over to Shade at his words.
"There's others down here?" He asked skeptically moving quickly after him and Eel with a slight tilt to his head. Before looking around suddenly taken off guard by the hissing sound his tail swishing around defensively.
"What's that- what cue-" He began before beinc cut off by Shade pulling them into the house the sudden change of lighting causing him to blink rapidly.
Shade pulled away and headed to the kitchen humming happily to himself. Eel standing there a moment shielding his eyes and still tensed up. "The fuck..." He whispered out under his breath. His golden eyes adjusting and cutting a glance at Chester. "You two coming?" Shade asked from the kitchen. Returning with a pumpkin in his hands and setting it on the dining room table. A grin on his face as he ran to get the knives for carving. Eel slowly moving to assist a frown lingering on his face.
Chester's gaze slid over to Eel once his eyes stopped blinking.
"...Was the weird hissing thing not a normal part of the trip? He asked after a moment quickly hurrying after the others to help grab the knives taken aback by suddenness of it all still.
"And fuck yeah I'm coming I'm not much of an artist but you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm gonna carve shit up." He said sliding past Shade to grab the knives with a slight flourish of the blades in the air and a devilish grin.
Shade gave a light smile. “Hm? Oh yeah, it happens a lot when I'm down there.” He sat down at the table and cut the top off the pumpkin to gut it. Eel arching an eyebrow. “That's my first time hearing about this… does whatever it was attack or something!” Eel glanced at the shadows around them with a slight glare. Shade laughing light-heartedly. “Not normally. Plus I don't say anything about it because I don't need Grace up in my life in every aspect… I love him dearly don't get me wrong. But the shadows are mine… and I wanna keep it that way.”
"So...if it doesn't normally attack what was that then?" Chester asked spinning his knife around before stabbing it harshly into the top of his pumpkin starting to slice of the top.
"I get it though your brother is kind of...bleh ya hear? Like he seems a tad controlling-" he popped off the top peering inside at the seeds and stuck his hand in pulling out the seeds and strings.
"So like don't you worry, he won't hear about it from me. Plus what's life if you don't live on the edge eh?" He grinned flicking a seed at him.
Shade laughed wiping the seed off his face with a thankful smile. "Uh, thanks!" He hummed out going back to doing his pumpkin. Watching as Eel sat down and went to work on his. Just throwing all the pumpkin guts on the middle of the table. Shade glancing at the paper plate he had brought out for that and shrugging. "I think the best way to explain the noise is that they don't like people travelling long in there. Normally I do pretty quick trips. Which is why you wouldn't normally know of it Eel." He smiled and went to carving his pumpkin sighing in relief that his brother wasn't there to chide him for using the knife. Eel rolling his eyes a little. "Right, anywho after this we should find somewhere with more whatever energy you need to be visible and watch movies there. So you can still hang after the sun rises."
Chester tossed out more of the pumpkin guts into the the paper plate with a hum pausing to look at his claws before grabbing some more. A playful smirk dancing across his lips.
"Really? Well that's rude of them, I personally think that we make fantastic company. But that's their poor taste." He said pulling out another handful and just dropping it to the side. He took a moment mulling over Eel's words.
"The shop is really the only place accessible to us both. It's not really just a blatant energy type thing. " He said sticking his hand back into the pumpkin.
"Damn... welp we could run back to your place for movies if that's good with you?" Eel sighed dramatically and leaned back in his chair. His pumpkin looking a little worse for wear. Having already started carving a face into it. Shade taking his time with his. Being sure it was cleaned out well so he had less chance of cutting himself while he worked on the face. "Maybe if I hung out more the other shadows would like me." Shade shrugged out humming happily as he worked on his pumpkin.
Chester grinned about agree before stopping and letting out a curse under his breath.
"That would be awesome...we don't have a TV though." He grumbled twisting his knife into the pumpkin for emphasis as he finished carving out a chunk. He grabbed it and tossed the chunk out over to Eel playfully.
"And yeah sure maybe, who knows, you could befriend the shadows or whatever. Are they even fully sentient?" He asked glancing over to Shade as he angled the knife to get started on the next shape in jack-o-lantern to be.
“No TV? Damn, she is a party pooper. We could drag a TV over to the place… do you have outlets at least?” Marvin tapped his knife to the table. Thinking about how they could do something. Shade finishing his pumpkin and smiling. Then looking over to them both. “I'm not sure… I think it's more like a hive mind? They follow a ruler and stuff. Though… I don't know for sure. I do hear faint voices down there in my mind.”
Chester let out a chortle as he sliced through the pumpkin flesh.
"Yeah, no kidding. Although that's mostly just because we don't tend to stay in one place for more then six months." He pointed out before frowning at the pumpkin his face scrunching together before he pulled the knife out.
"We do have outlets, she wouldn't be able to survive without a coffee machine." He rolled his eyes at his own words as he pierced the pumpkin again. "Could be a tad difficult to carry a TV two miles though."
He let out a hum at Shade's words creating an x in the flesh.
"So they're like a bunch of bees then? If you can hear them that's actually wicked."
"Not through the shadow realm!" Eel grinned finishing his pumpkin and getting up to take it outside. Humming under his breath happily as he went. His figure barely visible through the windows outside as he was setting up the pumpkin on the porch steps.
Shade grabbed his pumpkin and looked at it a moment before heading to the kitchen rooting through a drawer for something. Coming back with a couple battery powered tealights offering one to Chester as he put one inside his pumpkin to make it glow. "I can't hear all of it, just bits and pieces. They have their own language, and I haven't had the time to really study it... maybe Darren would... no never mind." He shook his head sighing as he fit the top back on his pumpkin and headed out shortly after Eel returned inside.
Chester snapped his fingers at Eel's response releasing his hold on his knife.
"Right, right our shadowy friends certainly make that easier eh?" He wriggled his eyebrows as he pulled out an odd elongated shape and tossing it away before taking the tea light from Shade with a nod.
"Thank you Pepsi Cola. And their own language huh? I guess that makes sense, humans can't even have one language of their own...and who is this Darren exactly?" He asked setting the tealight to the side to get started on carving out his attempt at a mouth on the pumpkin frowning as he did so sticking his tongue out between his own set of jagged teeth.
Pepe frowned realizing he had messed up before smiling again. Stepping back over to the table to sit across from Chester. “He’s a friend. He’s able to mimic the pitches and vocals of other people. He’s also really good at studying languages and learning them.” He explained smiling to himself.
Eel had made himself comfortable on the couch going to start a movie since they had quite a bit of time before they had to move the set up back to Chester’s place.
"Shit man, that's actually pretty fucking useful. Like think of all the trickery you could use that for. It would be a great way to lure people to an untimely demise or perhaps just a little fun. " He pointed removing the mouth from the pumpkin and grabbing the tealight and setting it inside. He got up grabbing his pumpkint and looked to Shade for guidance on where to put it away he glanced over to Eel.
"What movie are you thinking?" He asked crossing over still carrying the pumpkin to flick his hair with his tail playfully.
Eel scoffed and fixed his hair before grinning. “Annabelle. That creepy doll one.” He hummed out chuckling. Pepe watched them both before getting up to offer to take Chester’s pumpkin outside. A smile on his lips. “Yeah, Darren is pretty cool. And he’s a prankster that’s for sure.” He giggled out.
"Oooh don't think I've seen that one before...how is something like a doll considered creepy?" He scoffed as he handed the pumpkin over to Shade before leaping over the back of the couch to sprawl out next to Eel.
"And he should totally join us sometimes, the more the merrier eh? I can think of a couple ways we can use that talent of his." He grinned glancing back at Shade and waving for him to join them once he finished with the pumpkins.
“Well, a lot of people get kinda iffy about inanimate objects moving on their own. I could care less honestly.” He smirked and made sure Chester had plenty of room. Pepe taking the pumpkin outside and returning shortly after. “Ah, I don't…” He trailed off as Eel shrugged. “We’ve already hung out with him a bit. He and Rose were who we bumped into earlier tonight.” Eel hummed out. Ignoring Pepe’s slight look. “I don't think he wants people knowing his…” “Identity? Well, you kinda blew that didn't you?” He cut a glance back at Pepe who paled a little. “I… I didn't mean to… just… you didn't have to connect those dots for him.” He whispered out and went to sit down on the floor.
"Eh I mean fair I guess, plus minor haunts tend to pretty over protective of their anchors, I could see one getting all upset and scary I guess." He shrugged stretching out before flipping himself around so his legs draped over the back of the couch lazily. He craned his neck to peer over at Shade skeptically before waving off the two's bickering.
"Ehh, I'm sure it's fine, who am I going to tell? I'm kind of dead you know." He grinned before sticking his tongue out at Eel.
"Plus you yourself did just give me Pepsi's name." He pointed out as he tilted his head backwards to stare at the screen.
“See everyone makes mistakes.” Eel hummed out moving over and waving Pepe to join him on the couch. The young man hesitated before joining them. “A lot of yours feels very targeted.” He mumbled out as he let Marvin flop on his shoulder. “Because it is. What don't like it?” He teased gasping out as Pepe moved his shoulder and he went sprawling on the ground unable to catch his balance. “Oh my goodness! Are you alright?!” The half-demon instantly got up to help him. “Sit your ass down. Before you trample me. Geez. I'm fine.” He chuckled and sat up brushing off causally getting comfy on the floor instead to watch the movie.
Chester used his clawed hand to cover his mouth as a laugh emerged from his throat.
"Yeah, you could say mistakes happen. You two need to work on your balance though." He smirked removing his hand from over hid mouth before twisting pulling his legs down and rolling to an upright position waving Shade to sit back down.
"And a little targeting isn't bad, if anything it just means you can control your slip ups." He pointed out sliding himself off the couch to join Eel on the floor grabbing a pillow as he did so plopping it on to his lap and resting his tail on the pillow looping it around on it so he wouldn't accidentally step on it.
Pepe watched them with a frown. "That's..." He trailed off shaking his head and watching the opening credits. Eel laughed a little. "See that's the spirit. I'm just controlling my outcomes to situations." He grinned wide. The young man on the couch pulling up his legs tilting his head. "I guess so..." He mused out. Leaning up on the side of the couch arm, tucking up his chin in his arms. Eel moving and flopping over on Chester's shoulder. His golden eyes watch the screen with a smile on his face. Pepe trying his best to not drift off, as he was sure they would make more trouble while he was asleep than awake.
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