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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Chester scratched the side of his head in thought.
"No clue who that is...and yeah this is probably better honestly, the church grim will protect the cemetery and this way his body can be found. " He shrugged glancing around at the gravestones as Eel dialed the phone number tilting his head and closing his eyes for a moment before tuning back into what was being said.
"Apparently they were doing science type shit and testing." He offered up rolling his eyes at the sound of the unhelpfulness of the others.

"...Sounds like it was some sort of sedative then..." Ivory mumbled quietly almost to herself as she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as she led him further into the forest pausing and moving her lantern around to check where she was before continuing forward.
"I'm sorry all that happened to you...you're being very helpful and things will be better now." She assured.
He glanced at Chester and nodded. “Alright and look into any inhumane experiments going on. Thanks, jackass. And take that me and Chess beat you guys.” He grinned before hanging up. Jumping the fence again and waving Chester to follow. “I'm not sure who it may be… but Rose and Emote should have something in their files for sure.”

He nodded again and took a shaky breath. “I can't remember much else… just that one day they seemed to have forgotten to tie me back up and I escaped through a lower vent. They then chased me through the forest… and… now I'm here.” He leaned on her arm frowning.
Chester hurried after waving goodbye to the dog before passing through fence.
"Great, red is planning to go through the archives and see if she can find any other victims that could help us find the place once she gets the kid situated. What's the plan for you and me then?" He asked doing a cartwheel before straightening up and hurrying after.

"Oh hun...I'm so sorry...that was very clever of you....would you like a hug?" She offered her eyes glancing down at him and then back up at the sky as she led him her eyebrows furrowing in deep thought. The sight of a small cabin was starting to become visible in the distance.
“Er… what else would you like to do?” Eel asked itching at his neck as he walked. Keeping an eye out for any more dangers that may pop up.

“Is that your friends place?” The little boy asked instead. Leaning against her for comfort. A small yawn escaping him.
Chester shrugged looking around and then back up at the sky.
"Let's see red has the kid handled and will be at Blue's meaning they'll be safe unless those people have a conduit, which means we're free. Wanna stop by the shop grab the caramel apples and see if there's any late night horror movie screenings we can crash?" He asked glancing over to him.

Ivory smiled and nodded down at him.
"Yes, my friend Blue and their wife and kids live here...they'll help get you situated while I look into your mom okay? Are you tired?" She asked as the cabin got closer.
“Blue? Also yeah heading back to your place sounds good.” He took a breath. “Plus isn't Pepe still there? Or did Ivory send him home?” He arched an eyebrow. In all reality Eel just didn't want to be stuck in the forest. Very aware that his past could come back for him that night.

“Mhm… I'm sleepy… and yay!” He giggled softly and rubbed at his face a few times. Itching at his arms sniffling a little more from where he had been crying earlier.
"They're a ghost that's been handling archival stuff for a while here. They might be able to help. " He shrugged as an explanation as he started off towards the shop.
"And nah, Ivory wouldn't send him away like that, that level of a breach in manners would send her into the grave early. Maybe she was already gone when he got there?" He suggested glancing over to him before furrowing his eyebrows.
"Pepe should be fine with just watching movies right?"

Ivory let out a small laugh leading him up the stairs of the cabin and knocking on the door crouching down to pick up the edge of her shawl and dab at his eyes and nose to help clean up any tears or snot while she was at it.
"There we are, you can sleep when we go inside alright? It will be safe for you here, the living can't find here without the help of people like me." She promises setting down her lantern and holding out a pinky finger to swear it to him.
"Can you give me your mother's name by the way?" She asked.
“Hm? Yeah Pepe should do fine watching movies. I'm guessing you learned about us from this ghost?” Eel looked around again. Trying to make sure they wouldn't be followed back to Ivory’s. He didn't feel like putting her shop in that situation. Plus where else would he safely converse with Chester?

Emmy smiled and hooked his pinky with hers before pulling back. “Uhm… mama’s name? Ethel? Her friends called her Ethel. Papa called her darling.” He offered up as he nodded to the idea of resting.
"Uh no actually, technically we were just told there were certain areas we should try to avoid and to never go anywhere near the gas station. Technically we warned about Everett's by another conduit and Ivory narrowly avoided you and Ink once." He explained walking around with far less care whisking his tail around lazily and tapping his fingers against his crossed arms. He glanced back at him raising an eyebrow.
"What's got you so on edge?" He asked.

"What about your last name?" Ivory asked taking quick mental note as the door opened revealing a tired looking figure rubbing at their one visible eye.
"Ivory do you know what time it i-" they cut of mid sentence noticing Emmy and immediately softened their facial expression stepping out of the way so the two coule enter. "Oh...hey there kiddo...both of you better come in."
“Unlike you Chester I'm alive. And I have a lot of enemies. Both dead and alive. Not that being dead wouldn't suit me. Then we could do stupid shit living people can't do, together.” He made his way into town and stuck his hands in his pockets as they walked the near-empty streets. “If I'm being honest though… there’s a person I'm trying to avoid who most likely is corporal tonight. Like you are.” He set his jaw and fluffed his hair. “I’d share more detail but I don't think I could handle it.”

“Stewart.” He beamed before waving to the person who opened the door. “I'm Emmy! Who are you?” He asked still clinging to Ivory. His eyes are wide and curious even though otherwise he appeared extremely tired.
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Chester frowned looking around himself
"...ah shit...that's why you were asking about ghost rules and corporality earlier wasn't it?" He asked glancing over to him before back to their surroundings.
"...If it helps with this specific person, salt still works tonight, and while I might not be as much use as a conduit I can certainly help even the playing field." He promised with a grin to him and wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Ethal Stewart good to know..." she muttered stepping inside and gently encouraging Emmy to do the same.
"My name is Blue, it's a pleasure to meet you Emmy." They introduced glancing over their shoulder to make sure their own kids hadn't woken up.
"Is it okay if Emmy stays here while I work on finding him a place to stay?"
"Slow your role what happened? And of course, I take it you don't want to take him to Nana's then?"
"Ideally he can stay with his mom, actually...Emmy you mentioned your Dad, he's still around right?"
Marvin smiled. “Thanks Chess.” He muttered out as he stopped in front of Ivory’s shop. “She’s been dead the better part of ten years at least… still, some nights she still haunts me.” He whispered out to himself rubbing at his forehead. Glancing at Chester a moment before smirking. “Guess I won't have to break in tonight?”

Emmy beamed. “I can't wait to see mama again! And yeah my dad is still around.” He was grinning wide. Excited to be back with his family whenever they found them.
Chester frowned passing through the door and opening it from the other side for him.
"Nah, and honestly it's easier to break in from the fire escape. And about that ghost thing, I know you two don't particularly like each other but Ivory can help you out with that if like. " He pointed out as he waved him in glancing around for any sign of Pepe.

Ivory let out a soft laugh releasing his hand to ever so lightly ruffle his hair.
"Alright, it might take a little while, since I need to find them and reach out without freaking them out or possibly putting myself in danger...do you know your address? Or what your home looks like?" She asked glancing over to Blue who was already moving to get a place for him to sleep set up.
Eel instantly shook his head. “No.” He deadpanned firmly. “I don't want her involved.” He grumbled out. Thanking Chester for opening the door. His arms crossed as he saw Shade peer down from upstairs. His cat makeup now washed off and his curls were pinned back by some bobby pins he had kept in his bag.

He thought a long time before shaking his head. “I don't know the address… erm… oh!! Mama’s number! You could call her!” He eagerly pulled away from her. Spouting out his mother’s phone number twice before thinking once more. “Our house is two stories. And the shutters are blue! That’s all I remember.”
Chester raised an eyebrow but shrugged not interested in pushing it.
"Fair enough I suppose. Sup Pepsi!" He greeted with wave moving for the stairs once Eel was inside.
"We're grabbing the caramel apples and then gonna go crash some horror movie showings wanna come along for that?" He invited taking the stairs three at a time and ruffling his hair as he passed through to the kitchen.

Ivory looked around quickly grabbing a pen and jotting it down on the back of her hand not wanting to forget it by the time she grabbed paper.
"Alright, I'll do what I can. Two stories...blue shutters...you lived in town right?" She asked glancing down from the ink on her hand to him tapping the pen against her knuckles.
Shade beamed giggling a little. “Sure! Just to watch right? Not disturb…” He muttered out as he fixed his hair. Sighing as Eel walked past and ruffled it again just to annoy him. The young man leaving it after that. “Peps are you gonna want an apple?” Eel called over his shoulder as the man followed the two. “No, I'm alright. Plus I already had a little to eat.”

He nodded eagerly before yawning again tired. Rubbing at his eyes again as he gave her a sleepy smile. “Thank you… for helping me.”
"Just to watch, I think I remember a customer mentioning an outdoor screening at the park of some classics a while back. Wanna check it out?" Chester mentioned opening up the fridge and grabbing the platter of caramel apples and holding them out for Eel to grab from.
"Has anyone stopped by at all? Do either of you want some left over harvest soup by the way?" Chester asked glancing over to Pepe. As he did so.

"It's my pleasure, things will be okay from here I promise."
Ivory smiled softly at him as she spoke as Blue approached crouching down to Emmy.
"Alright, I have a makeshift bed set up in Pom's room Xe's about your age." They said before standing up glancing over to Ivory.
Eel took one and politely declined the harvest soup. Shade giving a smile shaking his head gently. “No thanks. And nobody showed up. Ivory had already closed up when I got back. I… well I didn't want to head home yet.” He shrugged and grabbed his bag. “That sounds great by the way. Watching an outside movie.”

“Thank you…” He whispered out smiling a little. Going to take Blue’s hand. “I can't wait to sleep…” He smiled rubbing at his face tiredly.
Chester shrugged grabbing his own apple and put the platter back inside the fridge.
"Perfect to the park then." He said not clarifying on why he asked before moving to head on before stopping crossing over to Ivory's work desk and rummaging through before pulling out a small satchel and a stone handing them out to Eel.
"Here, stone allows you to see auras, the satchel holds black salt." He explained before taking a bite out of his caramel apple.

Ivory waved goodbye moving towards what looked to be the cellar.
"Its really no problem, I'll come visit when I can and let you know if I can connect you to your parents." She promised.
Blue took his hand leading him down a short hallway and to one of the rooms down there opening the door to reveal a child's bedroom and a small figure cuddling a Jackalope plush pretending to be asleep.
"Pom...why are you awake kiddo?" Blue asked gently nudging Emmy inside.
He smiled and took both. “Oh… for…” Eel cut off and glanced at Shade who looked curious. The younger man quickly looking away and making sure his bag was packed good. Eel rolling his eyes and taking a bite of his caramel apple. “Come on.” He cleared his throat and walked out the door. Shade furrowing his eyebrows and looking at Chester.

He smiled waving to Ivory. Then making his way following Blue. Emmy tilted his head curiously and itched at his arms again. “Hi…” He whispered out cautiously.
Chester gave him a nod at his words moving after him and shook his head at Pepe's questioning look.
"Don't think about it." He advised waving for him to follow as he skipped the stairs entirely just hopping over the railing and spinning over to the door waiting for the other two to catch up so he could lock it behind them taking a bite of his apple as he did so.

Ivory slipped away descending down the stairs to go through the archives.
The kid sat up pulling their blanket up to hide the majority of them except for a pair of pale blue eyes and peach colored hair holding on the jackalope quite tightly.
"Hi..." they mumbled quietly peaking at him from behind the blanket.
Chester gave him a nod at his words moving after him and shook his head at Pepe's questioning look.
"Don't think about it." He advised waving for him to follow as he skipped the stairs entirely just hopping over the railing and spinning over to the door waiting for the other two to catch up so he could lock it behind them taking a bite of his apple as he did so.

Ivory slipped away descending down the stairs to go through the archives.
The kid sat up pulling their blanket up to hide the majority of them except for a pair of pale blue eyes and peach colored hair holding on the jackalope quite tightly.
"Hi..." they mumbled quietly peaking at him from behind the blanket.
He frowned before following. Eel is already mostly done with his apple. Glancing at Chester with a thankful smile. Shade shyly hurrying to keep up. Showing nervousness as Eel glanced at him. “Sorry… I'm coming.” He muttered.

He smiled a little. “I'm Emmy!” He greeted. Pulling away from Blue. Slowly moving over to the bed where the kid and jackalope was.
Chester shot him a grin and a little salute before shooing them both out locking the door behind them before phasing through shooting them both a grin and ruffling their hair as he passed by eagerly.
"Any idea how long we have until sunrise?' He asked flipping around to face them as he jogged backwards.

They grabbed their plush tighter almost protectively as they lowered the blanket peering at him for a moment before ducking back behind the covers.
"I'm Pom..." they mumbled quietly poking up once again to look at him.
“About seven hours.” Eel reported looking up at the sky. Shade looking up as well and frowning. “Ivory was right. You can't see the stars here.” He muttered out before hurrying to keep up with Eel and Chester. Eel still having a faster gait than Shade despite being shorter. Not that it took much for Shade to speed up a tad.

“Miss Ivory said she’s gonna try to find my parents and send me back… so I won't be here long promise!” He smiled and moved over to where Blue had set up a place for him to sleep. Grinning excitedly.
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