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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

He curled up tighter shaking his head. “Go away… I'm waiting for my mama to find me…” He sniffles as he wipes at his tears. His little body shook a little. “A scary man tried to get me but I escaped… now I'm waiting… she’ll… she’ll find me even if I left my body right?” He whispered out scooting away from Chester warily.
Eel slowly approaching watching the little boy. Who kept his face buried in his lap.
Chester glanced back at Eel having no idea how to properly comfort a child.
"I'm calling for Ivory." He mouthed back to the man as he took his hat off half-heartedly offering it to the boy, falling quiet presumably contacting his bond before offering the boy a halfhearted smile.
"You know...being dead isn't thaaaat bad, plus scary people can't hurt you if you're a ghost." He said after a moment being out of his comfort zone.
"Say eh, wanna see a cool trick?" He offered.
“I don't wanna be a ghost!!” He suddenly wailed out starting to sob. Curling up tighter. Eel frowning and coming to sit by the kid. “It's okay buddy… come here, someone’s coming to help.” He muttered out opening his arms to the kid. The child looking up finally between the two men slowly reaching out and taking the hat to pull on and nodding through his sniffles. “I… I like magic…” He whispered out and slowly moved to sit in Eel’s lap. The skin on his face bruised and he looked sickly pale. A small hole in the side of his neck by a vein.
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He glanced over to Eel giving him a small nod thankful that he was better at this then he was.
"Magic huh? That is pretty cool isn't it?" He asked looking around before picking up a pebble.
"Kind of like this pebble right?" He asked showing it off to him.
"Now watch veeeeeery closely." He instructed rolling it into the palm of his hand and making a fist around it showing it to the boy before opening it suddenly.
"Oh no! The pebble is gone!" He declared showing his empty palm with faked surprise.
"Wait a minute, I think I see it...right behind your ear!" He declared reaching over and pretending to pull if out discreetly slipping it out of his sleeve as he did so to hold the pebble up for him to see.
The boy’s eyes widened in surprise and he glanced back at Eel as if the man had passed the pebble back to Chester. The blonde smiling amused and showing that both his arms had been resting at his sides. “How’d you do that?” He asked eagerly a smile splitting across his little face as he pulled the hat down some more on his head. Looking at Chester with admiration. Eel kept an eye around them very aware that someone could be nearby to them. Especially since the kid wouldn't have been dead for too awfully long.
Chester grinned sticking his tongue out and patting the hat with a laugh.
"Haven't you heard magicians never reveal their secrets?" He asked holding out the pebble to the kid glad that his very minimal magic trick had been enough considering that it was pretty much the only one he knew.
"Why don't you give it a try though and see if you can figure it out yourself." he encouraged before glancing over to Eel.
"Red should be here in another couple minute's she's running as fast as she can and she was already close." He told him plopping down out of his crouch into a criss-cross position.
Eel nodded giving Chester a smile. “Well at least the Calvary won’t be long.” He teased as he let the boy get up. The kid grabbed a pebble and tried to figure it out clearly using the distraction from his own death. Eel kept an eye on the kid as he tried to get the trick working on him. A small smile on his face watching the child. “We should probably find the body later.” He whispered out to Chester.
Chester let out a small snort at the description.
"That's one way to put it." He agreed watching as the kid worked on the trick.
"Try getting it into your sleeve once you close your fist." He recommended giving an ever so slightl nod back to Eel at his words.
"Agreed, we can do that while Red figures out what to do with him." He whispered back picking up another pebble and rolling it between his claws.
Eel nodded once more. The child looking up at the two and acknowledging Chester’s advice. Trying to get it up his little sleeve and then holding his arm high. “Lean down some, you're too tall I can't reach.” He demanded of Eel who shook his head slightly with a smile. Then leaning down so the kid could reach. “Tell her to be careful. Whoever did it may still be in the area.” He cut a glance at Chester.
Chester grinned tapping his hat atop the kids head.
"I'll let her know, she does typically have a bit of a heads up on potential dangers though considering Conduit can see auras and all though." He pointed out tossing the pebble to his other hand as he glanced back as a glimmer of light became visible in the direction of town.
"Looks like that's her." He grinned.
“Perfect timing.” He smiled as the kid shook the pebble out of his sleeve and showed him. “Good job kiddo.” He praised as the little ghost beamed and went to try again on Chester this time. His movements super exaggerated. Eel watching the light in the darkness shifting to stand brushing off his pants. His golden eyes looking around cautiously to make sure nothing else popped out of nowhere.
"Aaaaye there we go." Chester grinned holding out his hand for a high five as he leaned down a bit so the kid could try it with him.
The light was drawing closer seeming to come from some sort of lantern and eventually Ivory with it as she hurried over spotting the three and slowed down her eyes landing on the kid.
She glanced over at Eel giving him a small thankful nod as she set down the lantern and moved to crouch down next to the kid.
The kid beamed and high-fived him. His eyes catching sight of Ivory and widened as he hurried to Eel and clung to his leg. The man letting him as he gave Ivory a wave. “She’s with us…” He muttered comfortingly. Glancing at Ivory a moment before smiling. “She won’t hurt you… not that I'm aware of anyways.”
"Yep don't worry Ives us about as dangerous as fly." Chester assured standing up and ruffling her hair causing her to bat his hand away.
"Hi hun, my name is Ivory. My friends here said that you needed some help...what's your name?" She asked with a gentle quiet tone offering out her hand with a soft smile giving the kid some distance as to not scare him again. She glanced over to Eel and Chester as she did so, any personal grievances set aside to focus on her job.
"This is the Red we mentioned." Chester leaned down to whisper to him as some encouragement.
He frowned before handing Chester back his hat and walking over to take her hand. “Emmy… that’s what mama called me.” He whispered out. Eel watched Ivory a moment before bumping Chester’s arm and jerking his head to indicate they were looking for the body now. Emmy trying to show Ivory the trick Chester had halfway showed him.
Chester nodded at him pulling back on his hat and shared a quick look with Ivory before moving out with Eel wanting to find the body quickly.
Ivory smiled softly at him watching the trick.
"That's a very pretty name Emmy, do you know how old you are?" She asked glancing at the two retreating men before back at Emmy pretending to be surprised by the pebbles disappearance.
Eel scanned the area heading back the way he assumed the child had come from. Rubbing at his forehead a little and sighing. “What twisted sicko… actually I shouldn't say anything. I've killed a couple kids.” He shrugged a little.

Emmy put up six of his fingers grinning wide. “Six!” He proclaimed proudly. “Are you gonna help me back to mama?” He asked warily. Looking over his shoulder and tensing realizing he was alone with Ivory. “Where’d the two nice men go?” He muttered out huddling closer to her nervously.
"To be fair to you it didn't look like he had a very kind death as it is..." he paused furrowing his brows before rolling his eyes."Also Ivory wants to know what you know about the mom... " he said after the moment of silence. He turned his attention back to finding the body walking next to his friend.

Ivory smiled down at him.
"Wow! That's a very impressive age...and I hope to...I just need to figure out if you'll be safe with her as a ghost..." she said hesitantly, tugging the shawl she had thrown on over her costume a little closer around herself before moving to pick up the lantern with her left hand.
"They're just making sure the scary person who killed you isn't around." She said offering her hand to him.
Eel wrinkled his nose and sighed. “I don't… but if we can catch Emote he will.” He mused as he paused. Frowning as he walked over to a young body just left on the forest floor. “Either they have a clean-up crew… or they just love littering.” He knelt down and picked up a syringe off the ground. “They drugged a child…” He whispered out. His eyes focused on the syringe trying to figure out what they had put in it as he went to pick up the body very gently.

He took her hand and nodded a little. “Okay… good. Are they gonna make the mean man go away? So he doesn't hurt anyone else?” He asked as he pressed his cheek to her arm. Itching at his neck. “I can't wait to see mama again… I miss her. After they took me I haven't seen her…” He sniffles a little and looked around.
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"Clean up crew?....and jeez this is fucked." Chester muttered looking around for any signs of who did this as he took the syringe from Eel so he could better carry the body.
"What are we going to do with him?" He asked moving to poke around more squinting his eyes.

Ivory gave him a sympathetic look. Knowing she can't make him any promises about reuniting with his mother just yet.
"I don't know quite what they're planning to do, but I promise you I won't let any more harm befall you. " She said crouching down to be eye level as she promised him before tilting her head and standing back up.
"...Do you know who took you and how long ago that was?" She asked.
“Bury him… I don't need Slate finding this and eating him. No matter how sacred he finds his damned ritual.” Eel nodded in thanks about Chester taking the syringe and started off deeper into the forest. “Someone normally cleans up the messes from dead bodies. Since we don't need them piling up. On Receiver’s we have the Robin Hoods. Slate preforms some sacred ritual thingy and afterwards they burn the remains or bury them.” He paused as the crooked gates of a cemetery. Craning his neck to make sure nobody was around. Skittering to a stop at the black dog positioned just in front of the gate.

Emmy furrowed his brows together and shrugged. “Maybe a week? They… they were really mean people...” He huddled closer to her worrying at his lower lip. “They had other people too… older than me. Doing bad things… I don't remember where I ran from… I'm sorry…”
"I'm sorry eat him? Ritual? I'm no stranger to cannibals and all but in what word is that sacred?' Chester asked with a scoff as he followed after.
"So you think the kid was murdered by one of your group thingsmajiggies then?" He asked after a moment walking glancing over at the body in Eel's arms as they approached the cemetery straightening up as he saw the dog.
"Damnit...don't tell me it's a church grim." He muttered under his breath shoving the syringe into one of his coats pockets and holding out a hand to the dog.
"Nice puppy, we're just here burry a body. "

Ivory glanced at him chewing her lip in thought and set down her lantern pulling off her shawl and wrapping it around the ghost before picking up the lantern again.
"You're alright, you have nothing to apologize for...do you know if there were other kids there in trouble?" She asked softly starting to lead him to the west.
"And could you describe these people to me?" She asked allowing him to huddle close.
“Eating people’s sins apparently. And yeah… not Receiver’s though. Someone else.” He eyed the dog warily as he went to walk around and hop the fence. The back of his robe caught on one of the fence posts. Him jerking a little from not noticing. Turning to free himself. The dog hopped over the fence and followed to keep an eye on the two. Not showing any aggression yet.

He looked up at her and shook his head. “They wore masks… and if not that they put sacks over our heads… I only know there were other people because I could hear them.” He let her drape the shawl around him and keeping close to her so he wouldn't lose her. His grip on her hand firm.
Chester shook his head rolling his eyes.
"That's....something..." he paused before glancing back at the dog and shaking his head momentarily Turing incorporeal to just float through before becoming corporal again.
"...Apparently there are more people according to the kid, and everyone wore masks." He relayed watching the dog as he followed Eel into the cemetery.

Ivory fell silent pausing in her step and squeezing her eyes closed before turning to him and nodding.
"You're very brave, thank you, I'll do what I can to help those people, I promise you. And you're safe now...I'll see what I can do about reuniting you with your mom but in the meanwhile I'm taking you to place where you'll be safe and a friend of mine can help okay?"
“Masks… hmm… Perish perhaps... Or… no not them.” Eel huffed and set the body down. “I don't have a shovel…” He grumbled trying to decide what he wanted to do. “Fuck it. I dragged him to a cemetery and this is good enough.” He shrugged and pulled out his phone. Dialing a number and tapped his foot waiting. “Dumbass… the kid’s already dead. Hey, what do you and Rose know about masked people? I'm thinking Perish… but I don't think she uses strong drugs or poisons.” He fell silent listening before scoffing. “Okay great you both are so damned helpful. The fuck do you mean it's not my concern? I have clearly made it… nobody cares. Just send the info to Ink then. I'll handle it later.”

Emmy nodded a little and smiled. “Okay… thank you.” He whispered out gently. Rubbing at his eyes and sighing. Knawing at his lower lip more. “They lots of sciencey things… and poked me with a lot… I'm not sure what they kept putting in me… it made me sleepy after a while.” He said, trying to help her with whatever he could possibly remember.

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