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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

“Puppet position? And what pray tell is the details on this rumor?” Eel had paused in walking and faced Chester. His golden eyes are curious. A slight glint of suspicion in them. “Anyways I don't think the kids will be much trouble. And I'm in my twenties I’ll have you know.”
"Yeah, I was 31 when I died. Isn't that a little old to still be spoiled by mommy and daddy?" He asked taking a bite and stopping beside him.
"And I wouldn't necessarily call it a rumor. Just a theory Ivory's mentioned." He shrugged realizing that he probably shouldn't mention that she had shared it with Jay and Bolt.
"She just figured that if there's people like your boss in the area with that type or control on things and it's that well hidden, then any elected officials would really just be a symbol of power. Or something along the lines of that, I wasn't really paying attention. "
“They are. But nowadays people are coddled until they die.” He complained. Eel glanced around cautiously before making a beeline for the nearest restroom. Waving Chester to follow him. Opening the door and stepping in quickly. His gaze wary of the people around them.
"Damn, really?" He asked before noticing what he was doing and quickly following after him closing the door once he was inside.
"Did you see someone we're supposed to like avoid, or are we brainstorming now?" He asked curiously flicking on the bathroom light with his free hand, taking a moment to take in the room.
"...Definitely lots of lettuce." He commented.
“So she thinks that the mayor is a puppet under a keyholder?” He asked instead indirectly answering Chester’s question. Pacing the space of the floor with a hand on his chin. “Look here’s how we’re going to do this…” He moved and pulled back the shower curtain and sat on the side of the tub. “How certain is she of this theory?” He asked leaning forward a little with his head tilted to the side in contemplation. Those wheels of his turning again as he got up. “We could ruffle some of the rich kids feathers. Knock them all down a peg or two.” He then continued as he switched the conversation over.
Chester shrugged sitting down and quickly finishing his cake setting it to the side.
"I think that's what she was trying to get at? I don't think she thinks they're a direct underling though. As for certainty I don't know, she's not like actively investigating it or anything. And she hasn't really mentioned it since...maybe she...no never mind. Is the possibility of the mayor not something that you've considered?" He asked glancing over to him resting his chin on the palm of his hand.
"And dude, I'm always down to mess with rich kids. Are we gonna Carrie this place?"
Eel chuckled and waved it off. “Not thought of it? Pffsh no I just don't think information like that should be circulating. The mayor is a… well a bitch we could say. Definitely not any underling though. Sorry to debunk.” He smirked and shrugged casually. “Also yeah why not? You want first dibs?”
Chester shrugged stretching backwards.
"No disappointment over here, I think that would make her more relieved then anything. " he glanced over sitting up.
"Doesn't mean it's not a puppet type position though." He pointed out as he stood up getting off the bathtub and starting to rummage through the cabinets of the bathroom.
"If we want to Carrie it, it might be a team effort to pour that much stuff over that many people. " He pointed pulling out whatever sort soap or lotion he could find.
“No… I think the mayor is very in charge.” He mused mostly to himself as he got up to help Chester. “Most of them are downstairs. So as long as we get up on the balcony we’re good.” He pointed out as he dug through the small linen closet for supplies. His face was focused and thoughtful for a while as he paused and came out with more soap and even more liquidy hair gel.
Chester shrugged setting the items he found down and continued searching snatched the shampoo, bodywash, and conditioner from the shower setting them besides the others.
"Aha, knew she was just being paranoid." He mumbled under his breath before examining the items.
"Let's see what else we can grab, and balcony sounds good, plus we'll want bug containers to pour this all in. Milk would also be great to add." He mused glancing over to the assassin with a grin.
"Want me to run to the kitchen and see what I can find? If luck has it we might also find red food dye."
“Ooh yes!” He grinned. “I’ll find a container to put it in while you do that.” He moved and stripped out of his costume to use like a bag. Scooping all their supplies into it and hoisting it into his arms. “She’s always paranoid from what I've observed.” He muttered out as he went to leave the bathroom. His jeans and T-shirt a little disheveled.
Chester let out a loud snort.
"I can't really argue with that, also you might want to smooth out your shirt." He said and opened the door for his friend.
"I'll meet you on the balcony. " He nodded with a whisper and wave before turning incorporeal. Both to just float through the walls to find the kitchen without drawing attention to himself and to make the journey quicker.
Eel glanced down and did so then slipping around past everyone. His hands gripping his makeshift bag as he made his way back up the stairs and to a good vantage point at the balcony. Watching all the people below him leaned up on the railing before pulling back and setting the bag on the ground. Sneaking back and heading to find some containers.
Chester continued to float around eventually finding the kitchen and stopped. He looked around for a moment to ensure he was alone before turning corporal and immediately opened up the fridge pulling out two gallons of milk and setting them to the side before rummaging through the cupboards and finally pulling out a bottle of red food dye. Double checking that the way out was clear he grabbed the dye and food coloring before walking out trying to look confident as he made his way to the staircase.
Eel had made his way back there and had two good-sized bins that he was filling. Watching the people below very closely to make sure nobody spotted him at work. Glancing over his shoulder as Chester arrived.
Chester quickly crossed over to him setting the milk and food dye down.
"Mission accomplished on both ends I see." He grinned plopping down on the ground next to him and immediately began to uncap the milk and pour it into one of the containers.
"What's your escape plan once we dump this?" He asked glancing at one of the windows.
“There’s a dumbwaiter we can shove into. If anything the nearest window will suffice.” He grinned and handed a broom to Chester for mixing. A broom in his own hand as he went to mixing it up. The sea of suits and dresses under them completely unaware.
"I can just turn incorporeal and float out you know? The dumbwaiter is smart though " he commented taking the broom and momentarily setting it aside to pour the red food coloring evenly between the two containers before grabbing the broom once more and starting to stir the ungodly concoction in his own container.
"Where do we go after this?" He asked not minding the little bits of mixture that spilt over the edges of the container.
“Probably scaring teens out in the forest. If you want to that is.” He mused. Being more careful about spilling it. As he wanted to be able to dump the full amount on people’s heads. “Mostly because the mayor is definitely going to send people after us once we vandalize her property.”
Chester let out a chuckle stopping stirring for a second to check it before starting to stir in the opposite direction.
"Sounds like a blast to me, but really, what are they going to do? I'm a ghost and you're you.....you should put your cloak back on though so nobody gets a good look." He pointed out adjusting hid hat with his hand momentarily.
"Think it'll make the news?"
“Maybe… she likes things like this on the down low though.” He moved and slipped his cloak back on. He grinned after a moment. “Though we can probably expect some citizen to help our publicity.” He chuckled.
"Let's just hope it's not toooo public, we don't want certain people riding our asses about it eh?" He asked setting the broom aside satisfied that he got it stirred in enough and bent down to pick his container up.
"Ready whenever you are, you take the side closest to the dumbwaiter." He grinned glancing down at the people below them, his tail started to flick eagerly.
He nodded and made sure his hood covered his face good as he hoisted up the container onto the railing. “Get ready to run for it.” He giggled as he nodded firmly to Chester to dump it. Going to tilt his over the railing. Fully intending on just dropping the whole bucket with it.
Chester shot him a grin moving to the other end of the balcony before slowly tipping his over watching the red monstrosity cascade down onto the unsuspecting party goers below them. Once the container was near empty he shot Eel a wink quickly turning incorporeal letting the container free fall as his own form disappated. He took a moment to watch over the handy work before floating over to his friend's side before anyone could see him.
Eel let loose and moved quickly back. As people started shrieking as they got doused. Eel snickered and quickly made his way to the dumbwaiter and swiftly crawled inside. Grabbing the rope and lowering himself down. Waiting a moment as he listened to the people outside the dumbwaiter before slipping out. Crouching down low and making his way to the nearest window. Being quick to slip out.

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