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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Chester raised his eyebrows a s starting to split even wider across his face as he saw what Eel was doing.
"Who's Ash exactly? Come on." He asked starting to make his way closer to Eel and just expecting Shade to follow. He weaved through the crowds of drunk and dancing people.
"Bit rude of them to not offer any to us eh?" He asked turning his head back to wiggle his eyebrows at man's comment before stopping just close enough to Eel to listen and figure out what was going on.
Shade looked slightly uncomfortable but didn’t say anything. A soft hum leaving his lips. Glancing through the crowd and struggling to keep up with Chester. Muttering apologies to the people he squeezed past. His smile coming back after a moment. “I guess so… I didn’t see any alcohol at the snack bar… maybe someone else brought some.” He mused.
Eel seemed to be passing on little rumors. The drunk man beside him swaying to the music very slightly out of rhythm. “Pretty sure her ass cheated… don’t get me wrong she was pretty but not worth all that… you deserve better.” He ducked out of the way before the man could connect a fist to him and the drunk guy went sprawling into the crowd causing a few shrieks and knocking into some other people.
Chester paused glancing back at the punch bowl.
"Think it's maybe in the punch? That's a thing people do right to make it sweeter?" He asked slowing down slightly so the shorter man could keep up before turning his attention back to what Eel was up to. He let out a slight snicker at the rumor being spread taking a step back to let him carry on, maybe even participate himself before the man went flying. His eyes widened as he quickly moved in to Eel's side gesturing that Shade should probably take a step back.
"Damn man...all my friend here was trying to do was help you, and you try to pay him back with a punch you can't even throw right?" He mocked shooting Eel a wink as he ever so discretely dug the heel of his boot into his leg as he moved over to his friend.
Shade gasped slightly and moved back as the other people moved out of the way now chanting for a fight since most of them were drunk and clearly not entertained enough for their liking. The man hissed in pain as Eel smirked. “You’re so blinded by lust dude.” He crossed his arms. The man scoots around and throws out a leg to shove Chester off. His eyes are a little more focused than before. Shade had moved by now through the crowd not able to watch. His blue eyes focusing on the door where he planned on sitting outside to wait for Eel and Chester to be done.
Chester quickly regained his balance with a dramatic spin and step back into the crowd at the man's attempt to shove him off. He sent a little wink at Eel as if to say he's got this before taking his hat off his head.
"Alright folks place your bets for this performance, who's going to win, the charming and electric dementor, or the poor betrayed lover." He announced shaking his hat around as if to present it as the betting pool. He took a moment to gesture Shade away.
It looked like there was already one or two people out on the porch either to stay away from the fight or smoke.
Eel flexed his fingers and tilted his head. The man stumbles to stand brushing off. Narrowing his eyes and gritting his teeth. The crowd started betting instantly a few people throwing some money in the hat that Chester had presented.

Shade hurried down the steps and walked over to settle on a bench. Taking a breath as he sat out in the chilly autumn air. Watching his breath plaster a puffy cloud.
"Allright ladies, gents, and cool others, our second opponent is up. Let's make some noise. This is your last chance to place your bets the show is about to begin." He shot Eel a wink as he made his way around the circle stepping back into his old role projecting his voice around the room. He'd of course help out if he needed it, he had full confidence in his friend's ability to utterly take the guy out.

A woman with blonde hair with pink streaks in it dressed as a zombie with careful painted green spots and stitches sat on the other end of the bench. Her brown, bloodshot eyes glanced over to him before taking a hit from her vape.
"Oh god...is there a fight going on in there?" She asked jutting her head at the house.
Eel rolled his shoulders and positioned himself accordingly. Smirking as the man tried to launch at him. He sidestepped and kicked out his leg making the man careen forward. Snatching him by the back of his shirt and dangling him there. Bringing up his leg and connected with the man’s ribs. The man letting out a grunt. Eel dropping him to the ground where he hit with a thump.

Shade nodded awkwardly as he observed her. “I like your costume…” He muttered after a minute. “My friends started it so I'm waiting for them out here… I don't really like violence.” He whispered out more so to himself.
"And ooooh that looks like it could hurt, how disappointing, will our wounded lover get back up again or is the scrap over just like that." Chester commented shooting Eel a grin and thumbs up as he shook his hat.
"Alright folks let's not beat a man while he's down eh, let's hear a 'hell yeah' if you think the poor chap should give it another whirl."

"Bummer, that kills the vibe." She muttered taking another hit of her vape before holding it out to him as if offering it to him.
"And thank you, my...well I didn't do it myself. I like your costume as well, did you make the ears yourself? And I gotta say...might be in the wrong area if you want to avoid violence, this isn't the safest part of town."
“Hell yeah!!!” A bunch of people cheered out. Eel stepped back a moment letting the guy gain back his breath and wits. Looking over his shoulder as sirens could be heard. Golden eyes flitting over to a woman who had called the cops. “Damnit… a Karen...” He grumbled in a whisper to Chester.

“Oh! No a friend of mine did. And I came with my friends because they said they could keep an eye out.” He smiled gently. Glancing at the vape curiously. Holding out a hand to take it gently. His head was slightly tilted and his other hand drummed on his thighs.
Chester glanced over at the woman and then back outside.
"Fuck, alright folks and for the second round we have the pink haired dude and and the lady with the baseball bat. Let's give them a cheer." He declared grabbing Eel's arm and starting to back out towards the back entrance so they could get away before the police came.
"Shade went out on the porch, let's skedaddle. " He whispered to his friend pulling his hat back on his head.

She let out a little laugh.
"Starting a fight isn't necessarily the best way to do that." She commented letting him take the vape before straightening up at the sound of sirens.
"Ah shit...sounds like the police are on their way." She said quickly getting off the bench.
"You and your friends should head out, pretty sure Hank is on patrol in this area and he won't hesitate to lock them up foe the night." She warned.
Eel ducked and weaved through the crowd. Nodding along to Chester’s voice as he shoved a few people out of the way and went charging out the back door. “Hurry up… we need to get him and move on to the next place.” He called out to Chester. Whipping around the corner and launching himself over the backyard fence. Rolling into the landing and hurrying his way up front.

Shade bit at his lip and got up as well. “Right. Thank you. Uhm… oh right here.” He went to return the vape to her before spotting Chester and Eel.
Chester quickly followed after, not turning incorporeal so he wouldn't lose the cash he had stored in his hat. He leaped over the fence landing gracefully on his feet and continued running towards the porch waving at Shade once he was in sight ignoring the woman he was with.
"Right come on dude lets blow this pop stand. The nights still young and you do not want to spend it in a Jail cell."
The woman glanced back at them as she grabbed the vape shoving it into her purse while simultaneously pulling out her phone to call someone.
"Sounds like your friends are either to go. And hey if you get caught, ask to speak to officer Hank Mayn, tell him Eva Sterling can vouche for you." She said shooting him a smile before darting of herself.
Shade waved to her tilting his head. Moving forward to join Eel and Chester. Eel watched the woman close before slinging an arm around Shade. Looking him up and down before letting go and hurrying on ahead. “Come on, we need to skedaddle!” He smirked and was already heading to the next party. Shade shuffles a moment before picking up the pace. “We wouldn't have to if you…” He quieted as Eel glanced back at him.
Chester took of his hat pulling out the money he collected and offering it over to Eel as he ran.
"Awesome fight by the way man, too bad the heat had to show up." He complimented glancing at Shade to make sure that he was able to keep up.
"And I know where you were going with that, and you know if you're not comfortable with this we can stop back at the shop. Ivory won't be leaving for another 30 minutes or so." He offered, despite the words his tone was genuine enough.
Eel grinned and thanked him as he took the cash and paused to catch Shade by the shoulder and use his bag to hold the money. The boy looked a tad nervous before shrugging. “It's fine… we can keep going I guess.” He muttered as Eel glanced up at him again. The assassin using the back of his hand to nudge his shoulder. “You don't have to Peps…” He assured firmly. Shade glancing everywhere but the two before nodding shyly. “If… if you need me you can call right?” He muttered out. Eel nodded with a dismissive wave. “We won’t need you. Oh… and don't go talking to any strangers… I mean it.” He growled out as the young man nodded briskly and knelt down to touch the nearest shadow vanishing from sight.
"Bye dude! And we'll be just dandy don't worry your head over it." Chester waved before pulling his hat back on as he disappeared.
"Forgot he could do that...also you know you technically met me by talking to strangers." He pointed out after he left as he glanced around to make sure that nobody had seen the use of powers. His tail bat his friend playfully as he straightened out the rim of his hat. His red eyes darting around the area to figure which way to go next once he was certain that they hadn't been noticed at all, and more importantly that there weren't any police around.
Eel bit his tongue and rolled his eyes. “I know the difference between a dangerous person and someone who I can trust. Shade on the other hand trusts anyone blindly.” He grumbled out as he tracked on. The lamps flickered to life in the dark. “Shade isn't knowledgable about the dangers of these types of people.”
Chester quickly trailed after him trusting that he knew where to go next.
"Yeah, that's no offense kind of idiotic, like seriously every single person? Also I think most people would consider me as a dangerous person." He teased his friend glancing at the lights before back at him.
"This area is oddly empty." He pointed out waving his hand under one of the lights.
“Oooh creepy. Also, Shade is pretty sheltered.” Eel shrugged and tapped his chin in thought. “Either way he shouldn't be taking things from people he doesn't know.” He moved and stepped up to the next house which was a party place. Eyeing the guy at the front who was clearly acting as a bouncer. Tsking as he slunk around the house and found an open window. Moving forward and lifting it open higher. Climbing up in the window and slipping inside just behind the snack table in this party.
"Let me guess dear old Ink?" Chester asked stopping behind him to eye the house and bouncer with a little scoff, before turning incorporeal. He followed after him just floating inside and turning corporal beside him once he deemed it safe and sound. He quickly snatched up a piece of cake from the table taking a bite out of it before turning towards his golden eyed companion.
"That explains why it was so quiet, let me guess we're in the rich person area now?" He asked offering a bite of cake to him.
"Looks like there's a lot of lettuce here anyway. " He observed glancing around
Eel glanced over at him and grabbed a slice of cake for himself politely declining to share with Chester. “Yeah, Ink.” He shrugged and looked around the area. There were a decent amount of people in costumes but most of them wore fancy party dresses and suits. “Yeah, it's rich kid alley.” He hummed. The cogs in his head turned trying to figure out what Chester meant by lots of lettuce. Slightly shaking his head after a moment and smirking. “Now the real fun can begin since we don't have to baby sit.”
Chester shrugged taking another bite of his cake not really bothered that he declined.
"Perfect, perfect, so what's the plan? We probably only have so long before they realize we're not on the guest list." He pointed out stepping away from the snack table so the two weren't just off by themselves.
"Any idea who owns this place by the way?" He asked in a whisper to Eel as he looked around discretely pocketing some of the silverware as he walked by the table.
“Some mayor… well the mayor. Her kids are always throwing parties. Most of them are my age. So clearly they're spoiled brats but whatever.” He moved along through the crowd nodding in greeting to a few people who nodded back. Eel making himself look like he belonged there. “Only reason they would notice is if the kids spot us. And they’re probably with their little friend groups doing their own thing.”
Chester glanced at him furrowing his brow.
"...No offense but you don't look much younger then I did when I died...are their kids that old?" He asked glancing at the people around them with a skeptical scoff, clearly not impressed. Making less effort to try and fit in then Eel.
"And let's try to avoid them then eh?" He said with a grin as he followed after.
"Plus, isn't being mayor not that big of a deal nowadays? Plus I know some people have theories about it being like a puppet position anyway. "

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