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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Chester floated after him staying just a moment to glance down at the chaos below before floating through the floor boards enjoying the chaos. After a moment he made his way over to the dumbwaiter just as Eel came out of it. The air that he occupied was always hotter then the air around him, he was relying on that for him to be able to determine his presence. He floated after his friend and once he was out of the house turned corporal shooting him a grin.
"Dude did you see their faces?!"
“Priceless!! Totally doing that shit again this Christmas!” He cackled as he hurried off heading his way towards the forest. “How much you wanna bet that someone caught it on camera?” He snickered as he pulled down his hood and ruffled his hair to tame it slightly.
"Ah dratz I might not be able to join you then, you'll have to record it for me." He grinned punching his shoulder as he hurried after him.
"And I don't have money to bet with but if I did I would bet all of it." He smirked running along side him into the woods.
"Let's just hope that your friend Ink doesn't see it eh?" He grinned purposefully reaching over to ruffle up his.
Eel blew out a breath and shrugged. Slowing down to a walk as he kept going. “And what’s he gonna do? Ground me? Unfortunately for him, I’m not a damned pushover like his brother.” He rolled his eyes. Pausing as he heard some voices up ahead. “Ah, it's Rose and Emote. I didn't know they had work tonight…” He grumbled out saltily as two men came walking their way. “Eel? Whatcha doin out here all… whose that?” The taller of the two was covered in freckles. Wearing a thick hoodie and shades. Even though it was really dark out. His dark brown hair completely untamed. The man beside him had a mask on and stepped back a little the moment he spotted Chester. His lighter brown hair had an undercut to it that was growing out.
Once they had come into view, Eel had made a face. "None of your business honestly. Why are you two out here is the better question."
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Chester nodded solemnly at his words.
"Touché, touché very true." He agreed before noticing the two others and tilting lips into a mischievous smirk as they approached elbowing Eel lightly.
"Name's Chester, just your friendly neighborhood ghost." He introduced himself in response to their question taking off his hat and dipping into a dramatic sideways bow. He quickly stepped out of it and raised an eyebrow at the shorter man's aversion before glancing over at Eel as he tugged his hat back on.
"My friend here does have a point." He agreed eyeing the two with a slight glare, trusting that if Eel didn't seem to like them he wouldn't either.
“Oh. I'm Emote and this is Rose.” The freckled man greeted in return. Holding out a hand to shake with Chester donning a smile of his own. “And boss lady decided that working on a holiday was good torture for failing at relaying information. Not that it was our fault. The kid panicked and honestly haven't seen him since.” Emote shrugged as his partner was shadowing just behind him. Eel crossed his arms scoffing. “No, you let the kid go… not that we needed more people for me to dislike. So I guess good job on that part for having hearts.”
Chester shook his hand flashing him a grin being careful to not scratch him with his claws before letting his hand go, hovering near his friend watching the conversation between them with his red eyes.
"What kid?" He asked raising an eyebrow glancing at the three others curiously as his tail flicked around ever so slightly as he crossed his arms.
"Sucks that you have to work today of all days though."
“Someone Receiver had planned on recruiting. Either he got scooped up by another key holder or someone killed him.” Eel explained before the other two could speak up. Rose shuffling uncomfortably. “We really shouldn’t…” He quieted as Emote shrugged. “The guy said he’s a ghost. Who does he plan on telling? Everett’s?”
Chester snorted out a laugh
"Fuck no, I enjoy my freedom thank you very much. Plus Eel is my buddy, I'm not gonna do shit against him, and my bond wants to avoid keyholders anyway." He shrugged glancing over at Rose appraising.
"I could figure out if he was dead or not you know." He offered after a moment lookin over at Eel to see if he thought it was a good idea or not.
Rose bumped Emote’s shoulder twice and then slipped off away from them. His partner glancing over and giving a wave. Eel clicking his tongue a little. “That should be fine. Plus since you’re only corporal tonight we can have some fun searching.” Eel put an emphasis on Chester only being corporal that night. Perhaps to bring some attention off Ivory.
Emote shook his head gently. “No need to ruin your nights. It’s better to just assume he’s dead for his safety.” He grinned and stuck his hands in his pockets.
Chester smirked stretching out lazily
"Nah its fine, we were just planning on terrorizing random teens anyways might as well do something more concrete." He pointed out completely missing Eel's emphasis on his corporality for the night, much less any reason for it crossing his mind.
" 'Sides if the kid is a ghost that means he can be corporal tonight too, ooooh! We could turn it into a competition." He pointed out his rail whisking back and forth behind him as he turned towards Emote pausing realizing Rose had slipped off.
"If you and your friend are up for it that is." He smirked with a challenge.
Emote grinned. “I don't mind a little competition! Though I'd be doing it alone. Rose is headed back to his place for the night. People overwhelm him easily.” Emote moved and lightly bumped Eel’s shoulder. “You up for it?” He asked as he pushed up his shades and rubbed at one of what seemed to be completely empty sockets. “What sort of question is that? Fuck yeah of course I am!” He snipped out shoving a hand in Emote’s face smirking in amusement.
"Perfect, let's say competition goes until sunrise, first person to figure out what happened to the kid wins. City and Forest are both within the limits...and no Conduit help. Also gnarly eyes my guy. " he grinned dancing around the two before suddenly coming to a stop peering at the two other men for a moment.
"Think you can be a team by yourself or like do you have another friend that might join?" He asked Emote realizing that would mean there's only three of them and one person would be left without a partner.
“Conduit?” Emote arched an eyebrow curiously. He was cut off as Eel let his face loose and he careened forward. Catching his balance after a moment. “Also yeah I can work solo. I do it all the time.” He smiled.
Chester waved off the question snorting at the the man's stumble.
"If you don't know it then you don't need to worry about it." He replied as he waited for him to regain his balance. He clapped his hands together once he did before adjusting his hat.
"Perfect, then let's say we get this party started then eh?" He grinned shoulder bumping Eel playfully as his tail swung back and forth playfully.
Eel grinned and gave a crappy two-fingered salute to Emote. “Good luck Green.” He teased as he bumped Chester’s shoulder and went to hurry on his way. Emote shaking his head slightly before giving a departing wave to Chester and making a break for it to get the head start.
Chester waved back hurrying after Eel sticking his tongue out at Emote.
"You're gonna need it!" He added on with a call as Emote went off before turning back to Eel flashing him a grin as he darted ahead before flipping around so he could face him and walk backwards.
"So what's our game plan here, and what does the kid look like anyway?" He asked glancing upwards to try and determine the time by the sky as he brought his arms up to stretch out above his head.
“I'm pretty sure it's Emmanuel Stewart. Kid’s yay high and probably has messy black curls.” He measured about to just below his armpit and paused a moment focusing on Chester. “So… do all ghosts have the ability to turn corporal tonight?” He asked. Stripping out of his costume and tying it around his waist as he went to keep going. His question was innocent enough. His gaze on the other hand seemed wary of what the answer may be.
"Pretty much yeah, with the exception of major haunts since they're bond to the place they inhabit. Why?" He asked taking note of the boys description so he could keep an eye out for him as he glanced over to Eel with a hint of curiosity taking note of the warmness in his gaze.
"What do we do if we find him and he's alive by the way?" He questioned doing a cartwheel for the funnsies before straightening back up.
“Erm… kill him? Or we could just take a photo to prove we found him and leave him.” Eel shrugged. “I could care less either way. If he’s a ghost we should probably get him to red. He’s probably under fifteen.” He stuck his hands in his pockets avoiding Chester’s gaze on him. “I was just curious… most ghosts aren't allowed to meddle in the livings affairs right?” He went on as he kept walking.
"Technically it's a gray area, plus there's only about 1,500 Conduits being split amongst over 200 countries, and close to 8 billion people so it's a little difficult to enforce. Like minor haunts that are attached to houses, while they're not supposed to inflict harm upon the residents it's not like they're forced to not exist in their own home ya know? Kind of also depends on the Conduit. Type C ghosts are over all an exception considering we need to be bonded to a living person to do anything at all. Although there are vengeful spirits that take advantage of nights like to night. Hence why Red already had plans." He pointed out following after him and scrunching up his forehead.
"And yeah, she'd make sure he gets put into a good home." He agreed
Eel sighed softly. “Right. Of course.” He shrugged and kept going. “That's a lot of ghost seer people. Not that it helps keep track of the enormous amount of ghosts at any given time.” He bumped Chester’s shoulder and pointed out a young boy the was huddling under a tree. “There. I think we win.” He grinned wide.
"That's not even like .0001 percent of the population you know? I forget however many zeroes it was but it was more then three. And like six per country or something. " He pointed out before grinning spotting the boy as Eel pointed him out.
" Well that was quick! Take a photo or something." He gestured animatedly his tail batting his friend in excitement as he moved to greet the boy and determine whether or not he was alive or dead
“Only six? Geez maybe not as many as I was thinking then.” He shrugged. Eel pulled out his phone and took a picture. Looking around to make sure the boy was alone. The kid whipped around as he heard someone approach. His brown eyes widened as he curled up quickly as if he’d disappeared. Holding his breath as if that would make things better. The closer Chester got he could make out the boy’s really dark veins that were visible. And his elbows were both skinned.
"Kinda has to do with general population of each country you know? Like there's probably closer to 16 in the U.S that the Council know of ya know?" He said before tilting his head realizing the boy had seen them and skipped over crouching down to his level.
"Sup kid, by any chance are you dead?" He asked resting his arms on his legs and giving him a crooked grin and wiggle of his eyebrows to not come off as too terrifying.

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