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Fantasy Willowwood Conduits

Marvin nodded slowly moving and wiping his hand off on his pants where Ivory had touched it as he set the other bottles beside her stuff. “Perfect amount.” He chuckled as he gently patted Ivory on the shoulder in response to her thanks and went to work doing the next apples. “And yeah. Lying to protect yourself and others is entirely different. Just like promises and commitments. But still, there’s a level there that some people still should never cross.” He shrugged and finished the apples he had waiting for Chester to make some more. Stretching out with a yawn.
Ivory ever so slightly furrowed her eyebrows glancing after him with a puzzled look.
"Only some people?" Chester asked wiggling his eyebrows at him as he grabbed an apple tossing it, catching it and stabbing another skewer through an apple causing apple juice to spray on the counter. Ivory let out a sigh at the mess that was being made in response her eyes tracing the splatters of sprinkles, caramel and juice on the counters. She grabbed the makeup stuff she had brought out and a water heading back down the stairs with the hellhound trotting after her running past and over to Shade sniffing at him curiously.
“There’s some people you expect that from. Not that they should.” He chuckled and watched Ivory leave with narrowed eyes. Then moving to work on the rest of the apples with Chester. His lips curved in a smile.

Shade stepped back surprised at first by the dog before letting out a huge awe and wrapping the dog in a hug. “Hey puppy!!” He squealed softly. Practically melting into the dog’s fur giggling happily. Looking up as Ivory came in and letting go walking over to her with a huge smile. “Thanks so much! You're an awesome person.”
Chester raised an eyebrow at his narrowed gaze questioningly before shrugging it off hitting him with his tail.
"True, true, there are some people that are just snakes, no sense of honor or loyalty ya know?" He dipped the skewered apple in the caramel before passing it back over moving to finish the remaining three.

Ivory let out a soft laugh watching his affection to the hellhound.
"Looks like Vanilla likes you." She commented as the dog licked at his cheek. She crossed over offering out the water bottle and makeup supplies.
"Also it's nothing really, just being a good host." She smiled bashfully waving off the compliment.
“I hate those kinds of people…” He grumbled as he took the next apple and dipped it. Observing the mess they had created with a thoughtful look.

Shade gave her a huge grin as he took the make up supplies, thanking her and went back to petting the dog. “Animals are the sweetest! Plus they have great instincts and intentions for people!”
"They are the worst kind of people aren't they?" Chester agreed playfully juggling the apples around before catching them setting them down to skewed and glancing over to him.
"Say, watcha thinking?" He asked noticing the thoughtful look in regards to the the mess.

Ivory let out a soft laugh
"Not quite sure about the instincts thing for Vanilla she's just a big harmless softie." The dog let out a yawn causing a slight puff of fire to come out of her mouth.
"...Maybe not harmless."
Vanilla wagged her tail contently leaning into Shade.
“I’m thinking instead of being a dick tonight I’ll help clean the mess.” He shrugged a little bit. Moving the sprinkle bowl and swiping the extras into the bowl again with his hand.

Shade smiled and hugged her close. “Well she’s a good girl that’s for sure.” He cooed to the dog. Then moving and glancing at Ivory. “Where’s a mirror I can use to apply this please?” He smiled softly at her.
Chester paused letting his gaze rove over the mess he had made of the kitchen.
"Oh....yeah Ivory would probably appreciate that." He said with a slight laugh before once more dipping the apples in the caramel sauce and passing them over.
"Anyway once we're done with that and get these in the fridge you wanna head out? The night is still young."

Ivory quietly giggled scratching behind Vanilla's ears.
"Yes she is, and oh! Here I brought a handmirror since that works best for details, but I can show you where our bathroom is since that will have better lighting and a bigger mirror if you like." She offered stepping back and gesturing toward the staircase in the back of the shop.
“Definitely. But we gotta finish this first.” He smiled and went to sprinkling the rest. Humming happily to himself.

“Yes please! Thank you Miss Ivory!” He smiled and pet the dog as he went to follow where she pointed. Taking the mirror and looking into it. Tilting his head a little before facing her again.
Chester spun away wiggling his tail as he turned on the faucet grabbing a rag and soap to clean as Eel finished the last few.
"Of course, of course, we need a treat for when we get back and all." He agreed applying soap to the wet rag.

She smiled waving him upstairs with Vanilla trotting just behind her. The dog stopped crossing over to Eel in the kitchen as Ivory lead Shade down the hallway and towards the bathroom.
"You know how to use them correct?" She asked.
“Duh! And after this, we can go snatch up kids' candy and then find a couple of parties to crash!” Eel grinned setting the last on the trays and moving to put them up for later. Seeing Vanilla and reaching down to pet the hellhound.

Shade eagerly kept up with her and nodded gently. “I got it! Thank you! Where do you want me to put these when I'm done?” He asked as he stepped into the restroom and peeked around curiously.
"Fuck yeah, do you know where the rich neighborhoods are? They always have the most crushable parties." Chester commented wiping down the counters with the rag. Vanilla sat at his feet licking at his hands in an attempt to get any left over caramel or sprinkles from there.

"You can just leave it on the counter, I'll handle getting everything cleaned up and all after you three head out." she said flicking on the light for him and stepping out.
"I'll see what I can do for cat ears while you do your makeup." She assured heading back towards the living room. It was a relatively small bathroom, with a circular shower in the corner tucked away from the toilet and sink. It looked like it had been painted within the year a nice lilac on the upper half with white wood paneling below. There was a rectangular medicine cabinet type mirror above the sink with well enough lighting so he could see what he was doing.
“Ooh yes!!” He smiled and let the dog do what she wanted. Grinning wide. “We should crash all the rich kid places.” He chuckled out as he moved and helped clean up the mess. Passing what extra he could to the dog for her to enjoy. Well aware she probably shouldn't have a lot of it.

Shade beamed and went right to work being cautious to not poke himself. “Okay thanks Miss Ivory!!” He called as she left.
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Ivory waved off the thanks frowning as she noticed Eel feeding her dog the caramel and sprinkles.
"Oh, please don't give her that, it's not good for her. Here I have dog treats if you want to feed her." She said crossing over to the kitchen and opening up one of the cabinets pulling out a large container of dog biscuits and setting it on the counter beside him. Chester rolled his eyes taking a treat from the container and trying it himself making a face.
"Ewww, I'm sure she prefers the caramel and sprinkles much more. And yeah, they always have the coolest ones, we'll just need to figure out how to slip you and Shade in."
“Oh, no worries about that. I can just call my sister…. Erm… you know or break in. I've never been known to enter the right way anyway.” He ignored Ivory’s concern for the dog and cleaned up the last of the mess before putting the treats right back where they came from. Stooping down and petting Vanilla behind her ears with a smile. “Good girl.” He cooed softly before getting up. “Where is Shade anyways?”
Ivory let out a soft sigh crossing over to the living area and going through a basket full of blankets before pulling out a fuzzy black one and carrying it over to her work table.
"He's in the bathroom working on some black cat makeup." She replied opening up a drawer and pulling out a pair of scissors.
Chester yawned tossing the rag back into the sink.
"Perfect! Oooh or he could just do that shadow thing."
“Actually the shadow thing is a way better idea!” Eel grinned and tilted his head curious as to what Ivory was up to. Eventually, he approached her and sat on the ground on the other side of the coffee table to watch her. His golden eyes watching her more so than what she was doing for a moment. Looking away as Shade came out from the bathroom with eyeliner framing his eyes and a drawn cat nose and whiskers on his face. Looking downright proud of himself as he walked over.
Chester grinned sticking his tongue out shaking his head before crossing over to Shade with a grin.
"I do have those on occasion, cool look by the way."
Ivory glanced over at the golden eyed man questioningly but didn't say anything moving to grab a hot glue gun from one of the kitchen drawers, some pieces of scrap cardboard from beside her recycling and a pair of clips from the bathroom.
"Shade that looks amazing!" She complimented giving the makeup adorned man a complimentary smile as she got to work cutting of a strip from the black blanket.
“Thanks! It's a little bit different than doing my sister’s but I got it pretty even.” He grinned wrinkling his nose a little bit as he grinned.
Eel didn't seem as impressed with Shade’s handiwork and continued to watch Ivory. “Want…. Help with that?” He offered kinda hesitantly to her. Getting up and already moving around to be able to help her out better.

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