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Wild Cards

Lucifer smiled at Shania and held her tight. "I love you too big sis." Lucifer said affectionately.

The week end by pretty normally if it wasn't for the fact they were all heading out to war. It took a lot of hard convincing on Rhea's part to get her brother to even let her go. He was so worried for her. Lucifer tried to do his best to ease his sick mate's discomfort and they had still yet to talk to her parents, though he promised to do so after they come home from the demon world.

Sage on the other hand told Kai she was coming to his house to drop her cat of with Kat before they gathered everyone up to take to Broren, just as Sage and Kai had promised a few weeks before. Sage placed her mask on before she rolled herself up to Kai's house. She had Smores in her hands mostly because he did not move much when she took him places... he was such a lazy cat. Sage wandered around the halls a bit, lost like usual looking for Kat, Smores in arms.
Kat was on Kai's roof dressed as always rather cat like "DEATH!" he jumped off the roof and laughed "good morning oh is this happy handsome fella Smores?" he cooed to the cat.

Kai sighed Kat would be kat. This week had went to fast for him and he was ready to get the war over with.

Ebony and Lusifer stayed at Ebony's alot so she could see her family more before going out to war with Lucifer and the others, Shania had actually sugested it.
"Hello Kat. I present to you the man in my life. Kai obviously can't fill that category." She handed Kat Smores so he could pet him, she was pretty sure everyone associated with her job knew and thought she was a man. So she took the liberty of spreading rumors that her and Kai were lovers. It was believable too since she was move under Kai personally and ger and Kai are now almost always together. Sage had done that weeks ago though.
"I am so not that feminine," Kais mumbled "you seemed to like when I had you pinned and your neighbors were sending up threats."

"Oh he is just a doll!" Kat rubbed his face against Smores "Oh you will love the kittens! Death he is darling! If you die can I have him!?"
Laughing Sage shook her head, "You and Bridy both keep making my neighbors mad..." Sage smiled at Kat, not that he could actually see the smile, "Honestly... I am a bit afraid he'll sit on your kittens and accidentally kill him... he likes to sit on people, so sleep on your side if you don't want him on top of you." Smores gave Kat a lazy look, but will probably cry later when he realize Sage will be gone longer than a day.
"Aw I will cuddle the poor thing,' he hugged the fat cat "he is to cute not to, just like I bet his master is," Kat smiled at Sage brightly as always.

Kai rolled his eyes "sure thing Kat, oh yeah Death comes back and the cat is even slightly ruffled... you may want to run... fast, Death likes that thing more then us humans,"

Kat hugged the cat to him "I love cats! I'd never ever let this poor fella get ruffled."
Sage gave Kat a thumbs up and laughed, "Of course I am cute, though I like to be handsome more than cute.... Kai is right though, that cat is my baby. Treat him well, I am trusting you with him Kat." Sage said with a sigh. Sage walked over and took Smores for a moment to squeeze the cat and give it back to Kat. "Ok, I am ready to go get ready to leave." She told Kai.
"Ok Kat a direct order you are to keep order as best you can till our return if I do not return you will wait for death or someone calling themselves a guardian do you understand?" Kai asked.

Kat saluted Kai "gotcha boss man me and this fella can handle it over here," he chuckled.
Sage shook her head and then waved at Kat bye before walking with Kai to his garage to get the car. She opened the car door and got into the passenger seat, "This sucks.... I actually have a horrible feeling leaving that cat..."
Sage laughed, "What would I do with a cat in the demon world? Besides i'll be back to get him in a few weeks at best. At least I hope I won't die." Sage said taking off her mask after they had left his house.
"I'll die before I'll let you so we'll be fine because I don't plan on dieing," Kai chuckled "though we could be gon for 10 years and Kat will follow his orders kids a nut job,"
"Tell me how you manage to get a hold of him now? Did he just... join your underground out of the blue? He can't be much older then us, and kids our age are not common." Sage said running a brush through her hair, the mask always messed it up.
"His story is actually pretty sad Death I'm not sure you want to know it, but he's been in the underground since he was eleven." Kai said
"Sounds sad, well you know me, I don't pry too often." Sage said with a shrug, "I don't even ask you questions... I don't ask you about your dad, your mom, nothing. Though I've had this question in my mind the last few days that I've kind of been itching to ask." Sage said finally leaning back in the seat.
"Sure Kai, you can tell me about Kat. I just want to know what is so special to you about that joker card, I mean... is there a story behind it?" She asked him.
Kai looked at her and laughed "It's owner saved my life I was eight I think, first solo job," he mused "I was infiltrating a gambling den disguised as a little boy... imagination not dads strong suit, but I found our culprit problem is he found me to the operative police I didn't know about was a man named Ace he kept this card with him as well as good luck well he tried to get me away from the bad guy unknown to him I was just as bad, when he got to me he was shot a mortal wound he had no chance to live, he sat and talked trying to keep me calm he told me to take care of his lucky card so I did it's never failed me either,"
"I love how your stories always have that heart warming happy ending." Sage said with a chuckle. Then stretched, "My curiosity is sedated. You can tell me about Kat too if you want."
"Ah Kat well he was the son of a very powerful gang lord and his mistress. His dad got mad at him one day and ... killed his kitten Kat got a gun and that night killed his parents and my fathers men who were sent to do the job took the kid, Dad then decided he'd make a good friend for me and since Kat has been with me in the underworld, I trust him to a point but I do know he is a bit off in the head so I don't trust him with my life if any feline is involved."
Sage chuckled, "I wouldn't say... sad was the right word for the description of his life story, but instead creepy. Kat is a good kid though, I like him well enough."
"His dad abused him pretty badly the kitten was his only friend," Kai said "I like the kid too but like I said he's off in the head,"
"You're off in the head too you know, though I have a small quark as well, not near as strange though. I have a feeling I would break easier though." Sage wondered where that thought even came from. "Not that I am that easy to break."

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