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Wild Cards

Ebony nodded "yeah... they won't be born for a while though," she smiled.

KAi walked up to Broren "yeah?"

Shania hugged Rhea "you ok?"
Rhea smiled at Shania, "Yeah, Kai and Sage aren't telling us everything, and I want to know what it is.." She told Shania. "I know this is nothing new... but I feel like there is more to it.."

Raffer smiled, "There will be time yet." He said happily. Lucifer smiled and touched Ebony's tummy, "Yeah plenty."

Broren smiled, "I have a feeling you might curse my name in the future, but I promise you everything that happens henceforth is for the best."

Sage frowned, "What exactly did you do?"

"Ensure a future, with powerful allies and help. Humankind will need you after this war, and I hope to guide to you a future that is brightest." Broren said kindly.

"You're... not supposed to do that are you?" Sage asked quietly, sliding her hands in her pockets.

Broren cracked a smile, "Even I break the rules sometimes, though I try to make it count for something when I do." He said with some humor.

Sage smiled a bit in return to the joke, she felt the same way sometimes.
"Broren... I'm not sure if I should thank you or swing my axe at you to be honest, you are the first person I actually went out of my way to help, I feel a bit attached to you and your clan," Kai admitted to him "though what could humanity possibly get into in the short time we'll be away?"

Shania nodded "Guess we just have to trust those two," she told Rhea.

Ebony giggled softly "oh I bet they'll love you Raffer!"
"If you truly feel that way Kai... please continue help take care of Raffer and the tribe in the future. Raffer was given to me as an offering to convince me to be this tribe's Shaman, he was a rather large nameless baby. I raised him as my son, apprentice and successor, and he is still very young. I assure you the tribe will be alive and well when you come back, so let them help you and you vise versa." Broren actually reached his hands out and put them both on Kai and Sage's shoulder. Sage tried not to stiffen up pre usual reaction to caring touch. "You two will do well in the future. Stay close."

Rhea nodded a bit absentmindedly at Shania's words while watching Broren talk to Kai and Sage.

Raffer beamed at Ebony and Lucifer, "You think so? I can't wait!"
Ebony nodded and giggled.

Shania smiled "you know after all this we can retire," she chuckled "and live in peace with a dog.. I kind of want a puppy..."

Kai nodded "you aren't going to be here when we get back are you? never mind don't answer that I hate goodbyes as it is, take care Broren and I'll help your son as best I can in the future and I'm sure he will be a great help to us,"
Rhea smiled, "What kind of dog do you want?" She asked happily.

"Take care Kai, I appreciate everything you have done for my tribe, that is why I do this for you now." Broren got from where he was sitting and walked away to his tent.

Sage let out a long sigh and gently put an arm around Kai, mostly to be comforting to him. One of her own rare caring gestures.
Kai looked up at him "I'll see you again one day Broren," he said though it sounded like a promise he made to himself. "take care," he appriciated Sage's confort and he gave her a crooked smile.

"something big and fluffy," Shania chuckled
Rhea made an excited face, "A Chow!" She said suddenly, the fluffiest dog breed she could think of.

Sage offered him a small smile of her own before patting him on the back, "Come on, we have a king to help crown." She told him.
"that we do" he laughed softly. Kai looked at Broren and gave a soft bow before turning to head back to the group.

Shania laughed "a big brown one," she said happy for Rheas enthusiasm.
Broren gave Kai a smile and wave to him and Sage before they turned and left.

"Ready to go guys?" Sage asked, it was almost time to meet Tannis.

Lucifer nodded. Raffer gave a large smile, "I will see all of you in the future. A happy day for me it will be. Good luck in the demon world and be careful." He said nodding to them.

"Thank you Raffer for your help." Rhea said running up to hug Raffer. She really liked him. Raffer smiled and hugged Rhea back. When they let go Raffer waved the guardians good bye, several of the demons around the area cheered at the guardians giving words of encouragement, though anyone who did not speak demon did not understand.
"see you when the wars over," Shania said and smiled "lets go get my teacher crowned King of demons so I can brag,"

Kai rolled his eyes "you are shameless," he said and dodged a rock laughing.

Ebony giggled and hugged Lucifer "I may be staying out of the fight but I'll be there with you," she told him.

Rose flew into the air and smiled "YES! LETS GO BEAT BAD GUY BUTT!"
Sage shook her head at Rose's enthusiasm, but it made her smile. Lucifer smiled, "Yeah, ill be back I promise." he told her happily. Though after everyone gathered into the van and drove to the city, Tannis was already waiting for them. He looked rather proud and patient, he also seem to be enjoying the human sun like normal. Though it was cold, Tannis did not seem bothered by it.
Shania smiled "Enjoying your last days as a normal demon master?" she asked him walking up to him and hugging the big cat.

Rose smiled "King Tannis!" she cheered her enthusiasm still at a peak.
Tannis laughed, "Possibly, life has been busy, though I hope to never have to stop enjoying the little things. All of you are going?" He asked his apprentice, sweeping his gaze over the group.

"Yep, we are all at your service." Sage said sliding her hands into her pockets. Rhea nodded in agreement.
Ebony nodded "though I won't be much help," she said.

"we all raise our spirits to you in battle," Shania said with a smile.

"Yes our spirits and our power," Kai chuckled.
Tannis smiled, "I am glad to see all of your spirits are high... the battle will hopefully take place in a few days, perhaps a week, but you will be brushed through a few crash courses of war before hand... Lucifer and Rose won't need to go through them, but I will need you guys to quickly train... Shania you will be with me when you are not training with others... I have much I need to teach you before hand."

Sage sighed, that meant she was going to get trapped with Dasuke and he was going to make her work...
Shania bowed "Of course I still have much to learn," she said softly.

Kai rolled his eyes "war is war we will be fine don't worry we will all train and bulk up a bit,"

Ebony looked at Tannis "will I train as well... I'd like to of course,"
"That is up to you and your Mate and your family Ebony. Remember do what you want, in the end it is your choice." Tannis told her, though he did open a portal and motion for everyone to walk through.

When they did get through, they were in a rather lavish hall of an older castle. "This is the current base for my own operations... There is a main castle in a city many miles away from here that will be ready for those who claim the throne. But no candidate stays there till the honor is decided."

Though after a few moment a women with white tiger ears and a tail approached, as well as a man with black wings, though they looked nothing like Rose's. They were more angler and rough instead of angelic. Momo jumped and ran for them, 'Mama! Raver!' She yelled, jumping into her mothers arms. "Momo my sweet..." She said in return, petting her daughter's hair.

Sage jutted Kai in the side, his good deeds were piling up on him.
Kai rubbed his head and sighed he was well aware he was being a goody goody recently.

"Nice... to big though." Shania said missing her little house.

Ebony looked at Lucifer if he didn't want her to train she wouldn't. Though when she saw the castle she gasped in wonder.

Rose smiled and saw dasuke the second she spotted him she glomped her dad.
As soon as Tannis was spotted, several other demon began to speak with him, question and statements. Tannis raised a bow and most of the demons quietly down, "I will send someone for you guardians later... until then, please relax... I need to attend to think, I will see you later tonight." He said, "Excuse me... Dasuke, Lady Mia please help them." He asked his friend before walking away with the horde of demons needing his attention.

Sage leaned closer to Kai, "I am going to die... Dasuke is going to train me till I die..." She told him in a low whisper.

'You use your name again mama?' Momo asked. Mia smiled, "Yes, I recently picked my name up again... mostly because I started to serve in the courts again.."

Rhea was a bit in awe, the castle was very large, she wanted to explore every bit of it.

Lucifer smiled and rubbed Ebony's back as she looked around.
Shania looked at her "Pleased to meet Momo's mother," she said with a bow.

"Ah indeed it is an honor," Kai said and bowed as well since he was the one to save Momo he felt pleasantry's were needed he looked at Sage "Dasuke won't kill you I'm sure.

Ebony looked back to Lucifer and smile "I wonder if Mokii is here!? we have to tell her about the babies.
Lucifer smiled, "We will, but we will later, I am sure Mom and Dad are somewhere... With the war happening I am sure even my mother will fight, even though she has been free from the war thus far." He told Ebony.

Mia seem to walk up to Kai eyeing him, "You are very tall for a human... Its nice to meet all of you, and I thank you all for saving my daughter... and helping bring this war finally to its end..." She said calmly. "Momo tells me the main rescuer was you, taller blue haired boy who can't stop touching her new friends mate."

Sage coughed and started to laugh loudly.
"Hey I'm a good boy," Kai said throwing his hands up in surrender with a crocked grin.

Rose pounced Sage "daddy's gonna train us both!" she said happily.

Shania rolled her eyes "Kai is harmless hit him with a shoe if he gets out of line... works wonders,"

"I should fight... " Ebony said "every one else is fighting hard,"
"No. I don't want you to fight." He told her quietly holding her closer to him.

Rhea smiled at everyone interacting with each other. She wanted to go wounder, see and find things.

Sage caught Rose and smiled at her, "Yes yes.." She said, she was not looking forward to training.

Mia grinned at Kai, "A good boy huh?" The Tigress demon seemed to circle Kai looking him over closely, "You look like a sceemer to me." She said, Raver was laughing a bit as he watched his mother look over Momo's savor.
She held onto him aswell though she suddenly felt rather useless.

Dasuke smiled at Rhea "library is in the west wind go right," he told her as he walked to her.

Rose was happy "daddy might teach me about musical power too! I might be a big help!"

"Only when I can't get away with it," Kai said with a smile.

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