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Wild Cards

"Shania went to go find a room to train in I bet, Dasuke pointed Rhea to a library Ebony and Luci went to find his family to tell them the news we are here," Kai laughed.

Ebony blushed deeply and hugged lucifer. "I ... kinda want a boy too though," she said
"Boys can come later!" Sillia said with a humph. Lucy smiled and hugged Ebony.

"Is she fighting in the war?" Levi asked suddenly.

Lucy shook his head, "No I won't let her.."

"You won't let her? She can do whatever the hell she wants." Sillia told Lucifer.

"I blame Dasuke for my lack of notice..." Sage said with a smile, though she started to sneak up on Rose who was on the bed to see if she could surprise her with something.
"i... don't really want to sit it out... this is a war for peace so our children can grow happily... "Ebony said rubbing her belly softly "but I don't want to put them in amger either... an Luci did say no," she got timid again.

Rose was smiling cuddling the pillow softly "ah blame Dasuke for your lack of notice,"
"Then don't sit out, Lucifer can hush." Sillia said.

Lucifer's dad put his hands up, "Hold on. I think Lucifer as a good point."

Levi nodded, but then both men shut up when Mokii looked their direction. "I say, as Sillia says. Ebony you're e not 6-9 months pregnant... I say you are perfectly capable to still fight. It is your choice in the end, because it is your body. Your mate, friends and your family have their concerns, but it is your choice. Lucifer will support you not matter, though he may not be happy about it." Mokii said, helping pick Ebony and Lucifer up off the ground.

Sage smiled, "Worried about your test Kai?" Sage asked him before gently pinching Rose's butt.
"not really," he said but laughed as Rose yelpped and squirmed out of the way.

"That hurt," Rose whined.

Ebony began to tear up "... I....I don't want him to not be happy," she said softly.
"Aww Ebony don't cry!" Mokii said and hugged the girl to her, "All of you men out now! Shoo! Even you Lucy." Lucifer wined, he wanted to hold his mate, he didn't want to make her so upset... but command of his mother Lucy got kicked out with the rest of the men.

Sillia pulled Ebony up with Mokii and they all sat down on the bed together, "Little Ebony, don't let Lucy bully you. Its ok to upset your mate, they will always love you no mater what you know that right?" Mokii cood to her. Sillia nodded in her drunken stupor.

Sage smiled a bit evil at Rose, "Sorry love, I was trying to be gentle... Kai you are pretending to be way to relaxed." Not that Sage had any right to talk. She looked to Kai a moment and notice sand pouring from his pockets, "Why do you have sand in your pocket?"

"That's the pocket i put the clay thing in," Kai said absentmindedly.

Rose rubbed her butt and pouted cutely.

Ebony rubbed her eyes "but... but I don't want to upset Luci," she said "I just... I don't want to be useless either," she was great full to Mokkii and Sillia it was easier to talk without Luci right behind her.
Sage narrowed her eyes, "Did you break it?" She asked him. Though Sage did make a motion to Rose like she was going to grope her butt for a third time.

Sillia crossed her arms, "Lucy gets upset of stupid things, hes like his father, the two of them are over grown children, though at least they are not giant sulking @ss holes like Levi."

Mokii laughed quietly and pet Ebony's hair, "You need to be strong, even against your mate. Remember he will always love you, no matter what. Sometimes you guys will fight, you won't always agree, but that is ok. It is always ok to have you own independence."
Ebony looked at Moki and nodded "I... I know I can help win the war I'm not as strong as the others or as brave but I can still help," she stared with big brown doe eyes at Mokii "you... you think I can too right?"

"I didn't feel it break," Kai said and touched the sand.

Rose hid behind KAi.
Sage narrowed her eye's a bit, "Hmm... I wonder if it is supposed to do that..." She asked, before pulling Rose to her after the Arch Angel tried to escape.

Mokii smiled at Ebony, "I've not see you do wrong. Sure you've made a mistake, but never had it been out of bad intentions. You are a king soul Ebony, and we are proud to have you here." He told the girl.

Sillia hugged Ebony from behind as she was facing Mokii and started to caress her tummy, "Nothing bad can come out of this tummy here!"
Rose pouted "sage." she whined.

Kai shrugged "maybe a bit late to go ask," he said simply.

Ebony giggled as Silla's pets tickled a bit "I want to fight, I want to help all my friends and family," she said decided "but... I don't want to tell Luci,"
"Hmm suppose so... Yes Birdy?" Sage asked. She probably thought Rose might be a bit embarrassed as she molested her in front of Kai, but she thought it was funny how Kai was not even commenting on it.

"Now that I would advise against. Hiding it from Lucy won't make it better." Mokii advised.

Sillia looked over Ebony's shoulder, "You have to tell him off... Say, 'down lucy, my decision is final'"
"He is just worried about us... all three of us, but thats what's realy good about my power I'm range I don't have to be on the front lines," Ebony said "I still and scared I don't want to fight... I have nightmares when he isn't with me at night... and if he was mad at me... "

Rose squirmed a bit in Sage's arms.

"You are so not doing it right," Kai commented "you start with the chest more to grab,"
"I was working up to the chest actually, you have to take your time Kai.. I think you should be taking lessens from me." Sage said with a smirk. "But She have a very cute behind, very firm." Sage said grabbing another one of Rose's cheeks.

"I know hun... he'll be a little unhappy, but truly he won't be any different.. I won't endorse lying to my son, so if you do I suggest you lie to me too. You'll figure things out my dear." Mokii told Ebony softly.
"oh no I won't lie... I don't look forward to his reaction is all," Ebony said "but I guess theres no avoiding it. Thank you," Ebony told them both.

"I like to go down," Kai shrugged

Rose whimpered and wiggled "Sage!"
"Yes my birdy?" Sage asked, she pulled Rose closer to her and slide her hands under her side, "Tell me what you want." She told her.

Mokii smiled, "Do you want to tell him while me and Sillia are here?" She asked Ebony quietly.

"Yeah, we'll put him in his place." Sillia said, patting her arms.
Rose shuddered softly "kai is watching," she whimpered softly and wiggled a bit.

Kai smirked he was actually finding this amusing.

Ebony thought for a moment. "please?" she asked
"We won't actually put him in his place, but we will support you. You're the one that needs to learn to stand up to him." Mokii said, though Sillia stuck her tongue out at Mokii.

Sage smirked, "Is he?" Sage asked quietly, though she gently bit Rose's ear. She knew the girl was going to cry in a little bit, though that will be when she takes her back to her room to calm Rose done like she always did.
Rose tried to pull away but not hurt Sage in the process.

Kai smirked Sage made him look tame when it came to this it seemed Rose looked almost at tears and Sage was still going at her.

Ebony nodded "I... we've just never disagreed before,"
"Ok ok, Come here, I am just playing with you again." Sage said pulling the girl to her and laying her head on her chest. Though Sage was grinning, she really did have a sick sense of pleasure from making birdy mad, but she got mad so easily.

Mokii smiled and gently pet Ebony again, "There will be times when you will, and that is ok. Its always OK to Disagree, it is then that you must come to a compromise and talk things out."
"you are horrible," Rose said holding onto her.

"not as bad as she used to be," Kai commented.

Ebony nodded and wiped her face off.
"Oh yes, I was horrible then." Sage said with a chuckle. "Way worse then I am now."

Mokii smiled and gently kissed Ebony and the head, "There there, we'll call Lucy in now, Sillia go ahead and get them."

Sillia jumped up and ran to the door, opening it up, Lucy was still standing there, though the twins were gone. Lucy immediately came into the room, "Ebony.. are you ok?" He asked her.
Ebony nodded though she was looking at her hands "I ... I've decided I want to fight," she said softly and waited for him to get mad at her closing her eyes tight.

Rose sniffled "you couldn't have been,"

"Oh yes she could have," Kai laughed
"Kais right, Rose you read my records, I break hearts wherever I walk. If I was not as docile as I am now, I would have mated with you Rose the moment you said you wanted to, and then left you." Sage told the girl, though she did gently pet the girls hair.

Lucifer shook his head, "Ebony no... you can't fight.. I want you to be safe, please don't say that." He sounded more desperate than mad. Mokii gently rubbed Ebony's back to encourage her.
"I'll stay in the back like always... I rarely ever got hurt," Ebony said "I'll pick off attackers from a long distance and I'll be careful." she snuk a small peek at him.

Rose looked at her "but you love me... right?" Rose asked.

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