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Wild Cards

"I don't want you fighting at all... I want you here and safe!" Lucifer insisted. Mokii would step in in a moment, but she was wanting Ebony to tell Lucifer no. Sillia gave Ebony a thumbs up from behind Lucifer, though Lucifer looked a bit upset.

"I do now yes, that's partially why we haven't mated yet. Even though through all my jokes, never had I touched a person inappropriately when they been unwilling." Sage said cooing Rose.
"No...I ... I mean it's gonna be ok," Ebony said timidly.

"So you won't mate because you love me? you humans ... make no sense," Rose sniffled lightly
Sage laughed, "Kai do you know how to explain it better?" Sage asked.

"Ok? But what if something happens! What if one of their long range fighters get you? What if your target especially because you are human and a demon hunter?" Luifer said, he was sounding a bit more desperate now.
"Luci we have fought before... it's not like this is my first battle," Ebony said "we fought Fredrick and Hiro... I got hurt by Hiro and learned how to avoid that, I got captured by a demon and...and in his lap i killed him before he could hurt me," she was getting a bit more confident.

"Yes, she respects you enough to want to make it special," Kai said and Rose instantly cheered up and kissed Sage.
"But this isn't just on single powerful enemy... there will be people like Levi, Dasuke and others of equal power to them... several of them!" Lucifer was running out of fight, Mokii could tell.

"Mmm, I guess that is a well enough way to put it..." Sage said laughing a bit.
Rose hugged Sage and purred "I love you so much!"

"Luci, I won't be alone either, you make it sound like I wont have any help?" Ebony said "you Rose Shania everyone will be there too do you really think some big scary bad demons gonna single me out over Shania?"
Lucifer paused a moment, out of everyone, Shania was more likely to get singled out the most... the demon didn't say anything for a while, "Ebony please..." he begged.

Mokii gently patted Ebony's back.
"if you try to convince me to not fight do the same for the others," Ebony said "they will be on the front lines whre it is the most dangerous and Kai and Sahnia attract damage, I... I'm not changing my mind, I love you and because of that I want to help I want to make everything better."
Lucifer looked rather defeated at this, Ebony sounded like she had made up her mind. "Your mate has spoken Lucifer." Mokii said, gently rubbing Ebony's back. Lucifer whine a bit, "I don't want Ebony to get hurt... I don't want the babies to get hurt.."
Mokii picked up Ebony so she stood on her own and gently pushed her to Lucifer. "You can and you will protect them, with our help, and your friends help, and especially with Lucy's help."

Luifer wrapped his arms around Ebony protectively, though he looked pretty upset.
Ebony held onto him tightly not brave enough to look up at him she could only think of her weakness as why he idn't want her to figt but Shania and the others he ha no problems she was pregnant but nobody but them knew that.
Mokii smiled, "Of course that is ok. Come on lets go. Lucy stop putting, your mate needs food."

Lucifer nodded and gently hugged Ebony before leading her to go find food. He wondered where Shania had gone... He knew if would be impossible to convince her not to fight, especially since Tannis himself have asked for her help...
Shania had found where some demons were training and she was examining their movements from the sidelines.

Ebony smiled softly and followed them a bit exited to eat demon food.
Sage actually had fallen asleep with Kai next to her and birdy laying on her. though she was not sure if they two were still there when she woke up with a bit of a jump. She was not she why, possibly nerves, or a dream she no longer remembers. She sat up with a bit of a jolt and looked around. What time was it?

A lot of demons stopped to look at Shania most the time. but she couldn't really understand what they were saying. It wasn't till a demon had approached her to the side had spoke to her. He had four arms, dusty blond hair. Thought he looked pretty scrawny. "So.. what you just going to stand here for the other demons to talk about human?" He asked with a grin.
Shania blinked "just watching, you are all alot different then me, I'll learn demon... eventually, for now I am only here to help my teacher be crowned, I'm Shania better know as the warrior," she held out a hand to shake the other demons.

Rose was as always in a dead sleep on her Kai however woke up "you ok death?" he asked rubbing his eyes.
The demon nodded and took her hand with one of his hand, "You get use to it quickly. My name is Yuetrenus. Though most just call my Yu...Or Tren. But thats depending on how lazy a demon is feeling. So your the rumored future kings human? I'll admit you look a lot less scary then they say."

Sage had a sideway glance to Kai, "Uh... Yeah." She said a bit confused, "I don't remember. Never do anyway." She said, "Is it time to go yet?" She asked yawning. Sage was not sure if she had nightmares ever or not, but she did know she never remembers if she wakes up like this.
"Stay resting we'll need it when training come Dasuke is going to get us when it's time," Kai said and lazily hugged both Sage and Rose.

"I am stronger then I look," Shania said "though I may have been overestimated due to my charge head on nature. If anyone is willing to spar I'll show you though I can't use my weapon against you,"
"You have that test later tonight.." Sage reminded him though she did relax a bit and resituated Rose on her.

Yue's laughed and shook his hands, "Tannis has ordered for training to not happen with real weapons in less necessary to keep before war training related accidents to a minimum." He said, though he patted his side with to of this other sides, He had four crescent like blades to his sides. "But I wouldnt mind, we can go find a substitute."
"Or we can simply do hand to hand," Shania shrugged "not my best but not my worst either," she had trained an awful lot with Lucifer and sh had picked up a bit of skill in hand to hand "I only have two though... so you might have a chance to beet me,"

Kai nodded "yeah," he said softly and hugged the girls softly
Yue grind, "I can use two if you want." He said, and he wrapped his two lower arms behind his back as if to make a point.
"That would make it not fun I'd win to easy," Shania chuckled her confidence bordered arrogance though she was just playing around.
"You think You would win?" Yues said, he made a mocking offended face, "You make me want to try dear lady Shania."

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