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Wild Cards

"Demons like to talk when there is something interesting happening. You learn not to take anything from real value. They say you have an army of demons after you beck and call, they all follow you out of fear that you will beat them until they are put into submission." Yues said with a smirk.
Yues blinked, "I can't tell if you are joking or not. If you beat up all your demons by headbutting them, I think you might be insane." he said smirking after he made the joke. "Knocked your head on to many times."
"nah I use shoes," she said "worked on Kai for a while thought I'd try on demons," she smiled. "no i'm really just a human girl,"
"Shoes?" Yues said with a laugh, "Shoes are what you use to keep you whole demon army in place?" He said laughing loudly, "Want to catch a bit to eat? I would love to hear more about your demon arm and you human world. I've never been myself."
"About keeping a demon army? Or about the human world?" He asked with a grin, though one of his arms motioned for her to follow him.
"both," she smiled though she wondered if he really thought she had a full army of demons afraid of her shoes. Shania followed him still grinning it was a good thought though.
Rhea had spend most of the day in the library writing and practicing demon. She had brought with her several pens and empty notebooks, along with all her other notes she had ever taken so that she could take notes freely. After she wrote down words in demon, she knew it was very rough and more or less not making any sense, but her reading was already getting better. Even after night came, Rhea lit a candle and continued to study the language, mostly unaware of the time moving.

As night fell, Sage would wake up several times to check the time, looking through the window in the room, though if she thought Kai was asleep she would move closer to him with her fiancee in her arms. She was thankful for Kai. Though she did finally wake and notice that it was getting darker, she pushed Rose of the bed, and Kai off her, "Ok, nap time over... its time to wake up." Sage said, though she noticed as the sun went down, her strength increased. She rubbed her eyes trying to get the sleep out.

Lucifer eventually meet up with Shania in the mess hall, of course he was still sulking a bit, but for the most part was cheered up. Mokii and Sillia were still musing happily over Lucy's baby, and Mokii invited Shania and her new friend to come eat with them. Mokii love Shania and wish to adopt her in the family as well, but she often felt Tannis had a stronger claim on the girl.
Kai grumbled when Sage woke him up "I was in the middle of sound dreamless sleep," he said and sat p rubbing his eyes. Rose yelpped when she was dumped in the floor then pouted at Sage.

Shania told Yue about the demon hunting and the human world. Though she was not too keen on talking about her life before the train wreak.

Ebony was enjoying the time with women and talking about the babies futures even possible names though it was still very early she would draw back into her shell every now and again as she saw Lucifer moping,
Sage smiled at Rose's pout and leaned off the edge of the bed to give her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Me too. Nothing like sleeping with the two best heaters around. I haven't slept that good in a while." Sage said happily.
"Now now Rose, what did I say about sharing me with Kai." Sage said laughing as Rose hugged her, She felt like Rose was pulling her off the bed. "And Kai you are too tall to be a teddy bear... though you do have more hair then me."
"I think I've seen Caterpillar with more hair then you." Kai chuckled and hopped up "ok I guess I'll go track down my teacher? or will she... ohh the door," he said as someone knocked he opened it up to reveal Dasuke

"you all up and ready?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes daddy," Rose said happily still hugging Sage tightly.
"You make me sound bald...." Sage said slightly offended as Rose finally pulled her off the bed and on top of Rose with a thud. "Rose... we have to go, can you let go of me?" Sage said with a chuckle.
Kai and Dasuke both laughed. "Come on Rose time for training," Dasuke said with a smile.

Rose hopped up and glomped Dasuke "lets go!!!"
Sage sat up and started to brush herself off, "Training. Great. Totally ready." Sage mumbled as she walked with Dasuke. "So are we training after I watch Kai get kicked... or before? or during?" Sage asked as they started to make their way to what she assumed would be training grounds...
"If he and Mia say you can watch then you can." Dasuke said "if not we will get right to training I will attack you this time Sage," he warned her.

Kai shrugged "well lets go"
"Oh good. I like it better when I can dodge..." Sage mumbled under her breath. "I'm going to die tonight." Sage mumbled to Kai this time. When they had arrived Mia was standing next to Raver, Momo was on the side lines, though she she saw Kai and Rose, she ran to go greet them, 'Kai! Rose! Sage!' Momo said happily, though she jumped Rose. Though she looked at Dasuke, the man couldn't hear her.
Dasuke smiled "you look lovely Lady Momo are you here to watch the training?" he knew about her power.

Kai chuckled and smiled at Sage before going to his teacher "well good evening,"

Rose giggled as her and momo fell back
Momo looked up to Dasuke when he spoke to her and she stood up and brushed herself off before curtsying to Dasuke and offering him her hand.

Raver looked up at Kai and Mia turned around to look at him, "Ah Kai, Good evening to you too." Mia peaked over to see Momo with Dasuke before smiling softly and looking back to Kai. "Your shadows and very interesting and I actually want to see you use them again, they will be a very helpful ally with my own power. However, thats if you pass my test."
"I am... still as brash and unrefined as yesterday my lady ask me to stand still again i might fail right then and there," Kai laughed.

Dasuke bowed lightly before taking her hand. "thank you,"
'Thank you for raising a beautiful daughter and thank you Lord for taking care of my family.' Momo thanked Dasuke. Sage smiled lightly at Momo and Dasuke, though she did bend down to pick Rose up off the ground.

"No I won't ask you to stand still. Kai meet my son, Raver, he is older than Momo, but not by much." Mia said and motioned to the man standing next to her. Raver nodded to Kai, "Thank you, for saving my sister." Raver told Kai.
"How could I not?" Kai asked "I am heartless cruel and a total jerk but I can't let people beat on the weak," he huffed up.

Rose hugged Sage and smiled "love you," she smiled brightly.
Raver smiled, beating on the weak was not his or his mother's foreta either. "Ok Kai... I want to talk to you... I need you to answer me several questions... Raver you and Momo go eat." Mia said, shooing her Son away. Raver nodded before walking to go retive her sister.

"You too birdy." Sage said gently petting the girls hair and she hugged onto Sage.

'Good luck Kai!' Momo cheered Kai on before leaving with her brother.

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