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Wild Cards

Kai waved to the group as they headed off. Then he looked at Mia "only a few questions?" he asked softly.

Rose pouted "you need to eat too!" she told Sage and hence began to drag her and Dasuke with her to the dinning room. Dasuke laughing lightly.
"What? No no no... I want to watch Kai!" Sage said a bit desperately, though Sage was really not much stronger then Rose, she whined while her soon to be mate dragged her away.

Mia paid no attention if the group stayed or not, "Yes, a few. I am usually a very good judge of character, you can see a lot in people if you know what you are looking for. Thats why I brought no hesitation at nominating Tannis for king and leader."
"Tannis will do well," Kai nodded "And i am not a good person Mia, just a warning,"

Rose stopped "ok grab a plate then come back maybe you can see the good part while you eat," she said.
Sage pouted, she didn't want to eat other people's food. She was going to starve in the demon world.

"Kai... There is a thin line between bad and good." Mia said seriously as she walked around Kai. "Did you know I was the one who killed my husband?" Mia admitted when no one else was in the area, even Sage had been dragged away. "I am not proud of what I did and I hate myself for it, but it was my duty. By definition Kai, I am not a good person." Mia started to flexed her wrists, "If you tell Momo, i'll nix you." Mia said after a few second.
"Momo doesn't need to know everything," Kai replied calmly this was what he was good at staying calm and getting out of tough situations he was a survivor but not the straight forward type like Shania.

Rose hugged Sage "daddy can't cook but uncle Soki is great at it!"

"His names Sokichiro... we all call him Soki some call him Chiry," Dasuke was cut off

"Some call me an old man who works people to death," in front of them was an older demon he had lond white hair and he leaned on a stick he also had a monkey tail and it curled around the stick for added stability.
"No she doesn't and she still doesn't. Kai I see in you someone who does protect the weak, you have a strong sense of duty it seems... but I need to know how strong it is... even when you break for the death of those closest to you." Mia said, she ran her hand over the top of her hand and light gathers making a flat thin light spread out to about a foot out. She then ran a finger over the edge of the light, drawing blood over her finger to show the this light was concentrated, sharp and dangerous. Mia had a glint in her eyes that was very different from earlier.

Sage glanced over to see and older man, "You look like you've near done that to yourself sir." Sage joked with a grin.
Kai's eyes narrowed as he watched but he never backed away nor did he show signs of fear or nervousness. "I won't break death happens I can't stop it, others close to me have died and as you see I am still fine,"

"I am just old girl," he commented "I can teach you to cook... demon food Rose says you are a very picky eater," Soki looked her over "you also look well like a male... though your face s still soft."
"I like to keep them guessing, and learning to cook is among my specialties." Sage said laughing a bit, "My name is Sage, occasional called Death. Nice to meet you."

"You won't break? Bold promise." Mia said quietly, "Tell me Kai, has your opinion of me changed already? Do you think I am a good person?" Mia asked, her own eyes narrowed, she motioned for Kai to get ready, and warned him she was going to attack by holding up her bladed hand.
"I had little opinion of you before now why should I have more now?" he asked his shadows flared in response and went around his body like armor. "Is evil not in all of us after all?" so much for questioning he thought to himself.

"Nice to meet you death, though I hope youll not really reap my soul I got a few more good years in me," Soki held out an aged hand.
"No... not in all of us... I've seen people with not an ounce of evil in them." Mia said though she did jump at Kai, she felt the blade hit the shadows and sliced through it like butter, "Make them more solid..." Mia started, though she made a slice at Kai.

Sage took his hand and shook it, "You look like you've escaped your fair share of them, so I don't think I will make much a difference."
Kai jumped away "haven't got the hang of solidification yet," he commented not wanting to use his weapon he kept evading "and honestly even the good ones have evil wants and desires."

Soki smiled "ah only a few, come I'll show you our kitchens..." he said with a smile after shaking her hand.
Mia stopped chasing him after a moment, "What is your goal in life Kai? What are you fighting for you your small human life?" She asked, though she jumped at him again swinging. She had every intent in harming him at this point. She had a feeling he could handle it.

"Please do." Sage said with a smile.
Kai had to put his arm up to protect his neck in a strike the blade slicing his arm. "My goal? Kill my father take over the underworld and shut down a lot of undercity wars save a few childhoods stop a few wars you know everyones base goal,"

he nodded and walked off with Sage though he had a noticeable limp in his right leg.
Mia actually kicked Kai with some force after she had sliced him, "And how... determined are you to achieve this? Why do you want to achieve this?" She asked him. She had actually kicked him to put some distance between her and him so he could regain some footing.
He growled "because I might be a jack@ss but he is mindless the destruction he causes hurts everyone even children... even his own children, I will kill him," he had to regain a bit of his power controling shadows took alot of work.
"So for selfish reason, he caused you great hurt?" Mia asked, though she started to approach him again, she pressed a hand to the blade and it changed from a white color to a blue tinted color. "You care of these strangers her hurt? People you don't even know? People you could kill without a second thought possibly?"
"Not really, but when it is someone who can't fight back I care then," Kai actually went at her head on "because though who cannot fight need someone to help too!"
Mia smiled when Kai started to attack her, about time the kid retaliated. She could tell she was getting under his skin. If Mia's new blade touched Kai, that part of him would instantly feel a chill and start to freeze. though she paused when he started to charge her, she wanted to see him attack her. "Why haven't you killed your father? You posses more strength than any human, yet you've still not stuck this man down? If hes so horrible, why?" Mia asked.
"Because when we face off it will be even match an honorable fair fight!" he said and aimed a punch for her stomach he was not holding back either.
Mia growled and took the punched just so she could judge his strength. It hurt, she would give him that. He was strong... she appreciated that. Mia kicked him again, sending him across the clearing once more. "Honor. I let go of that years ago." Mia mumbled. "Honor is a curtsy, something you earn. Not something you automatically give. You give a man, who to your description ruins millions of lives... an honorable match for his life? Take out your weapon." She commanded. Mia took a moment to run a hand through her brown hair and to touch the ears on her head.
Kai glared "I refuse," he said simply and he ran a hand along his blood "I can't harden shadows... alone," he pulled a sword away the shadows had fused to the blood making a strong dagger "I won't give you the honor of my blade since you just now said honor should be earned,"
Mia's lips turned into a smile, "Fantastic..." Though the blood will only help with Mia's current choice of blade. Mia charge into Kai, moving to test her blade against his, she was either going to slice through it, or slam into it like a normal blade. "You don't hold your values high. Just because I see hornor one way, you change it to match my play, but you put your own value aside? If you were sticking to your own values... would not I automatically get an honorable fight? Or do you always sink down low?"
"Depends, If i am fighting a snake I make sure my venom is just as potent," he said and put his power behind his blade. "I don't waist effort on those who would not waist it on me... Father is different I want to kill him on my terms... he is still mt father,"
"You are deep, I appreciate that." She said, thought when the blades connected Mia grit her teeth and tried to slice through Kai's shadow again, Kai would feel a small chill running down the blade. "Tell me Kai... how far will you go... to complete your goal? How deep does your duty go?"
"I'm not afraid to die for it!" he pressed against her though he felt the chill. He was trying to force her back so her own blade would hit her.

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