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Wild Cards

"I feel like a stampede of mantacors... have been rampaging through me," Kai laughed "but I am alive,"

Shania was drained her eyes held black rings and she had almost nodded off on Lucifer's shoulder once already. "Trainings good, I'm sure I can still kick all your butts," she said with a grin.

Rose smiled "Daddy has taught me alot," she smiled proud she was tiered too but her energy was still showing off hyperness.

"Mokii and Sillia taught me alot of I am so happy they decided to help me out," Ebony said hugging onto Lucifer she had noticed a slight baby bump starting to form but it was too small to notice through her baggy clothing yet.
"Oh yes Daddy dearest if very helpful." Sage said laughing a bit. Lucifer was squished between two women, though the happy demon did not seem to mind.

Rhea smiled at it as well, Shania might sleep well tonight. "Kai... what power does Mia have?" Rhea asked suddenly, "I know you just started training with her, but I hear a lot of things about her." Rhea asked quietly.

Sage also leaned on Rose a bit after a few moments of debating or not.
Rose smiled happily as Sage leaned on her she wanted to burst with exitment and happiness.

"She has the power to tick people off... she is really good at that," Kai said "I tried to kill her once,"

Shania chuckled "Yue ticked me off once and I went at him with all I had... and he still came back to spar more, poor thing must be a masochist,"
Sage couldn't help but laugh loudly, "No Shania, I think you are a masochist. out of all of us here, you I swear." Sage move to grope Rose again, "I think birdy is too~" Sage mused.

Rhea blushed a bit a covered her eyes. Lucifer covered Ebony's eyes.
Rose gasped "SAge!" she squeaked "you... you are so mean," she said and as he dad taught her she rammed her elbow into her attackers stomach and she was sniffling already.

"Sage!" Shania sat up afraid Rose had really hurt the other girl.

Kai sat a bit straighter as well.

(it didn't post! xD )
Sage laughed loudly though she held her side, "Not the first time that's happened to me." Sage said though she rolled over off of Rose. "Ow.." Sage was still laughing despite how much it hurt.

Rhea was just as alarmed as the rest of them, but she was not going to approach Sage yet, wanting to see Rose's reaction.
"you... you... I should have listed to Momo and mounted you!" she was upset that Sage had the nerve and when they finnaly had time together.

Shania shrugge "sorry death you did have it coming," she said an laned back on Lucifer. "So Luce how is your training going," she asked
Lucifer smile at Shania, "It has been going well... I have weapons now, and I am learning armed combat. Though both my father and Levi used the short sword, I got both their weapons and plan on learning to dual wield them." He told Shania happily.

Sage laughed, "Is that so birdy?" She said with a grin, though she pulled Rose close to her again, "That really hurt you know." Sage murmured to the girl's ear. "So about this... mounting?"

Rhea sighed and shook her head and sat back down, Sage was fine, she probably got what she deserved. Poor Rose, how that girl found it in her to stay with Sage was a miracle in itself.
Shania smiled "well I bet you will be amazing Luce,"

Ebony smiled "I know he will," she told Shania and squeezed him.

Kai smiled at Sage still "you are incurable," he chuckled.

Rose pouted "Momo said I should be dominant and take what I want... and I want you,"
"Mmm I sure am," Sage said to Kai, though she kissed Rose's neck gently, "Soon birdy, very soon. But trust me when I say, you will not be the dominate one. That is a promise." She told her little demon.

"Of course we all will! We are going to win this war no problem, and then we will all go home and continue to clean up the human world for a while. We'll have healthy babies and out family will live happily together." Lucifer said nuzzling Ebony.

Rhea smiled, she had come to a decision of the last few days, though she looked to announce it, "I am going to test out of school. I decided I don't want to continue to stay in highschool... I want to go straight to college."
"Your choice," Shania said "but what will you go to college for?"

Kai raised an eyebrow "so you want to leave us all behind in school how mean,"

Rose nuzzled Sage "I could," she said.
"I want to be a doctor... like my brother, but I want to be in urgent care. I think its my calling... it is what I am best at.. and maybe I can truly save many lives if I do. Sorry Kai, but I think you guys would live without me in highschool... well as long as Shania doesn't punch more foot ball players." Rhea said smiling happily.

Sage smirked, and lifted Rose's up by the chin and look at her, "Is that you challenging me? I won't ever let you top me bridy."
"You won't have a choice," Rose said and kissed her lightly.

"Urgent care... you'll be on call alot," Shania said she had not liked all this time of distance she was sure she'd not like more of it. "You'll do well," she said to cover her own selfish wants.

Ebony hugged Lucifer tighter she didn't like the thought of Rhea being gone alot either but it was Rhea's life.
Rhea smiled sadly seeing Shania make a face in her thoughts and got up and moved couches to sit next to her, "Thank you Shania, for your support... I really want this." She told her quietly, moving to hug the girl tight.

Lucifer hugged Ebony back and had on hand gently on her stomach.

Sage sighed and looked away from Rose after the kiss. She wanted to take the girl right now, all this talk is honestly getting Sage a bit hot. She was not sure if Rose was actually perceptive or not for those kinds of things, but Sage did have a light blush with how cute Rose was being right now.
Rose watched Sage and noted the blush and smiled a small victory for her.

Shania hugged Rhea "I am here for you... you'll be a good doctor Rhea,"

Eabony smiled as she let him rub her belly lightly the little ones growing in her made her extremely happy just to think about.
Rhea smiled at Shania, "I will be... and its thanks to everyone here especially you and Kai, that I know I can.. I am going to try my best."

"After this.. everyone will stay together right?" Lucifer asked, he remembered Ebony telling him a dream that everyone kind of split after the war was over, he did not want that.

"I'm not going anywhere." Sage announced with a shrug, "Don't really have anywhere else to go." She mumbled.
"I... all I have is this team," Shania said "I rely on you guys,"

"Hell I'll build us a huge house after I kill my dad and take over," Kai said "I like you guys too much to loose you all."

Rose hugged Sage "I go where sage goes,"
Sage smiled and gently laid a hand on Rose's head, "Sounds great Kai." Sage said happily.

Rhea smiled, "We'll always have each other. So everyone be careful tomorrow.. I am counting on you guys to be safe."

"We'll be safe... I have too much to come back to die." Lucifer said happily.
Ebony held Lucifers hand on her stomach "I'll need you all to help raise these two... if they are anything like Luci they'll be a wonderful handful."

Shania held Rhea and nodded "we will all come back victorious and go home as champions," she smiled.

Rose purred softly and smiled.
Sage smiled, "We'll I think we should all leave on this note.. get some rest... Good night everyone, and see you all in the morning." Sage said, getting up and stretching some.

Rhea looked to Shania, "Can I... sleep with you tonight?" She asked the girl. She wanted the comfort, she missed her brother dearly.

"Bed time?" Lucifer asked when Sage and Rhea seemed to get ready to leave for it.
"Looks like it." Shania said and smiled at Rhea "of course you can," she told the girl.

Ebony hugged Luci "maybe we can snuggle a bit before we go to sleep," she told him.

Rose pouted "I want to sleep with you Sage!"

"actually if you have room I'd like to sleep with you too," Kai laughed.
Sage smiled at Kai, she actually thought the same thing, "Yeah Kai, you're more than welcome, and of course you're sleeping with me birdy." Sage said with a laugh while they moved to leave the room.

Rhea smiled at Shania and squeezed her hand before they also took off to their room.

Lucifer smiled and hugged Ebony tighter, "And while we sleep and in the morning when we wake up we'll snuggle too." He told her happily.
Ebony giggled and hugged her mate "when we get home... will you marry me? the human type of becoming my mate?" She looked a bit odd as she blushed "I don't have rings or anything,"

Shania picked Rhea up with a smile "lets go to bed,"

Rose smiled and squeezed Sage Kai chuckled and stood "lets get some rest,"
Lucifer blushed some, "Yes.. whatever you want, I will human marry you, and demon marry you and go to the highest of mountains to bless us... I want to be bonded to you as many ways as possible." Lucifer said happily.

Rhea giggled when Shania picked her up, "Shania!" She said a bit out of surprised, but she did wrap her arms around the girl.

When Sage had gotten to the room she laid down in an exasperated sigh, it was so nice to have a break from training. She easily pulled Rose to her chest, the normal way her and the girl slept together now, she almost couldn't sleep without the extra weight on her chest.
Ebony blushed and squeezed her mate happily "I love you," she kissed him passionately.

Shania smiled an carried Rhea towards her room "I do believe you deserve to be carried ans cuddled tonight,"

Kai snuggled in behind Sage and smiled "night you two," he said with a small yawn.

"Night Kai night Sage," Rose said happily.

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