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Wild Cards

Rhea giggles, "You deserve more than me... you have worked really hard... but I would love cuddles." Rhea said happily.

Lucifer smiled and kissed Ebony back just as passionately before breaking the kiss and whispering to her, "Can I mate you tonight?" He asked her.

Sage waited for Rose to fall asleep before she spoke to Kai quietly, "Are you scared?"
Kai chuckled "Terrified but I am not too worried we'll all make it... I'm more afraid of what shania would do to me if I died,"

Ebony nodded "please," she said softly.

Shania kissed Rhea "I love you Rhea, you are all I want and need," she smiled.
Sage chuckled as well, "You should be more worried about me." She said quietly. Though she was terrified as well, for everyone. She was tired of losing people, and she has not lost near as much as Kai and Shania.

Lucifer did not need anything more than that before he leaned down and kissed Ebony once more, shutting the door behind him.

Rhea smiled and kissed Shania back slowly before smiling at her, "I love you too Shania." She said in return, before cuddling to her.
Shania held Rhea to her protectively.

Kai chuckled "yes death I am indeed worried about the sher butt kicking you'd do if I died so I just won't die,"

Ebony kissed her mate as they began the night off with a bit of passion.
"Good plan.." Sage mumbled before she fell asleep.

When the morning came it looked pretty dark and Sage hated it. There were clouds in the sky and it made Sage more nervous than she already was, though to most she looked as calm as ever. She felt the plants tremble, whispers of what was to come. She did not realize how large the army was... but Tannis had an amazing army. Tannis himself was wearing armor, though very little. He would lead his army, of course he had sent a carrior ahead of his army with a message to Eurynome. They marched a good ways away from a castle until they had stopped outside a large clearing.

"This is turning more and more into a bad movie.." Sage said watching as everything unfolded before her. Rhea was not with them, infact they were not even in the front lines. Tannis had his strongest warriors in the front lines with him, he knew in war that was a risky move, but he was trying to keep casualties low.

Lucifer was with Sage, Kai and Shania, his mate however was in the very front at the moment. Tannis planned to have the archers shoot a volley before he gave the order to charge. When they charged, his army would move past the archers and into the fray to meet their army, while the arched remained where they were trying their best to shoot down others.

Rhea was even further back on the field, so far back she did not see anything. There were many demons around her that were meant for medical support, she only made silent prays that everyone will be ok.

Tannis turned to address his army, he spoke loudly and proudly, "I thank you all today for standing by me as we ready ourselves to fight for a cause of peace. I have sent ahead a messenger with the request to fight each other in a one on one battle for the crown to avoid needless bloodshed.... if he accepts rest easy to know you won't have to fight today... but if not, I am glad to fight for and with you. Let the sunshine on our backs today.." Tannis said, though it was pretty amazing that there was a slight clearing of the skies and a bit of sunlight shone through it as if approving his words before disappearing again. Tannis was not sure if that was sheer luck, or something a bit more.
Shania looked calm if not a bit exited and that fact freaked Kai out a bit. He looked as always the picture of a spoilt rich boy. Hir makeup done nice as ever and he wore fine clothing of black and red that was lose enough for him to easily move in. He looked at his joker card and sighed hoping his luck wasn't up yet.

Ebony didn't like being in the front but she was here to fight and she had trained hard, she was sure she could help Tannis win.

Rose was on the ground she wouldn't take into the air till the battle started she looked to her father who was in his true demon form and in his blood red armor he looked like the story book avenging arch angel dangerous and beautiful his rose was in his hand his flute by his side his wings ruffled and his posture ready. He would not let Tannis down.
Tannis had Dasuke on his right side, the demon his closest ally. He stood mostly in silence with his friend, he listened as most moved nervously behind him. It was not long till he watched an army appear in the view of the horizon. Eurynome was not leading them. In fact Tannis was not sure where the demon was. Most knew Eurynome was a very large Minotaur, hard to miss in the middle of a army. Not long after the appearance of the demon army, his carrior flew back to him from the furthest back of the army. Eurynome must be back there... When the smaller demon had arrive he landed in front of Tannis and bowed, "Eurynome had refused the dual."

"Thank you, fall back into your ranks." Tannis told the demon as he flew off back to where he was placed. Tannis seem to think things over for a moment, "Looks like bloodshed can not be avoided and Eurynome had choosen to hid behind his army. I will have to go find him and try and end this quickly." Tannis told Dasuke.
"Shall I cover you my lord?" Dasuke smiled at Tannis the man showed no fear even though he'd be lieing if he said he was not he raised his Rose to where the petals grazed his face softly. "I will gladly clear you a path, I am here for you. I will die for you as well," though he honestly hoped he'd survive.

Ebony transformed her bow and got ready as always when her emotions were high the wind around her acted up a bit not enough to effect the other archers but it ruffled her hair. She watched the approaching army.

Shania drew her blade and took a deep steadying breath out of everyone here she was easily the most bloodthirsty of the group she wanted to start fighting already, she wanted to end the war and take her family home.

"You ready Death?" Kai asked "this is a lot bigger then any of the underground battles,"
"Yes... We will move with the army... I want us to stay tight, I don't wish to spread too thin or things could turn bad quickly." Tannis told Dasuke. "If I am to break away, I need you to keep things close." He told Dasuke, Though he motioned with a paw the archers to draw their bows.

Lucifer looked nervous, his eyes on Ebony and the army approaching them slowly.

Sage smirked at Kai, "As ready as any underground skirmish." Sage held out her fist to Kai, "Stay safe. See you at the end of this." She told him.
"Yes and I will still look amazing see i needed to dress up for the victory celebration," Kai laughed though he was seriously a bit under ready.

EBony drew her bow and took aim at a larger demons left eye. She would take out the small ones when the army gets in front of her.

Shania looked to Lucifer "she'll be fine shes a strong woman we will be in front of her soon," Shania assured him.

Dasuke nodded "I understand even if I have to tear out the heart of every foe," he said and flexed his wrist and swung down his rose becoming a whip. Rose fidgeted and flexed her wings.
Tannis chuckled a bit, "Ready." He commanded the bows. "Fire." He said, he watched as several hundreds 0f arrows came out of his peripheral vision and into the mass of army come to them. Mia came to step in front a few of the archers, she was in her tiger form. Tannis had wanted her to do one of her abilities she said she had, to take out a very large number of the other side. Mia jumped into the air and took flight before gathering a large amount of energy around her parted jaw. She let loss the energy and it flew to the other side in a small stream of light. The light streaked across a large part of the arm in a horizontal line. There was a three second delay before everywhere the light had landed on the other side exploded, dirty and ground breaking under the explosion. Mia landed on the ground and her wings sagged a bit on her back and she took a few breaths to regain a bit of energy.

After the explosion, Tannis was about to signal the move of the troops, but was stopped when there was a sudden flash above everyone and a large fireball began to fall around the middle of his army. Some demon had just retaliated with a powerful ability much like Mia had just released onto the other side.
Dasuke pulled his flute and began to try and weaken the attack he knew he could not stop it completely but he could try. His music pulled he energy away from the fire ball however such a spell left him open to attacks and he didn't have alot of time.

Ebony Shot a winged demon that went after Mia she left the fire ball to the others. She was in the front of the war and she was going to fight for her life and her children's.

Shania threw a shield of fire around as large a group as she could the whole defence thing still not her strongest thing.

Kai transformed his weapon and went up to the front he was not about to leave Ebony without a fighter with her.
Tannis roared loudly, pushing his troops to take the front line quickly. Dasuke's efforts to stop the metairie was helping, several other demons had thrown up abilities to stop the massive flaming rock. Most started to rush forward to most part the archers to clash with Eurynome's army. Tannis made a quick decision and him himself flew up to meet the metriorie and push it off its path into his army.

Lucifer sprung into action much like Kai did, though Sage sprung a different direction and that was to Dasuke. Mia had transformed back into her human form and formed her light blade, and charged into the fray of the army. Sillia was in the air fighting as well, she stayed close to little ones like Rose and other smaller demon. The armies clashing was large and screaming and bloodshed was heard from everywhere. It was amazing how fast things seem to be going, yet so slow. As of now, things were looking good for Tannis army, the archers and Mia's blast putting them in an amazing start.
Shania went straight into the fray she was not going to stand by and be protected by the older demons.

Ebony let the fighters pass her though she went to trying to pick off flying enemies Rose good at Arial fighting was in her element she went at enemies wit metal feathers and her nails.

Kai spun his axe and swiped at a few demons he aimed mostly to incapacitate rather ten kill only to give himself an edge if he missed a kill shot he left himself too open.

Dasuke stopped playing when the attack was no longer a threat and a demon came at him his clawed hand ripped through its throat spraying blood Dasuke looked to see his student happy to see her safe we took not of the army's formation.
Sage knew she probably did not have to worry for Dasuke's sake, but she was glad she came his direction nonetheless, her scythe was out and ready as she moved more into the fray. She had lost sight of everyone after she had went after Dasuke. She tried to take out large numbers at one time, though he seemed easy enough to avoid the larger numbers that attacked her.

Lucifer had not started to use his new weapons yet, he was still fighting with his claws. He also stayed well placed on the ground, not wanting to take to the air. He was more specialized in such combat.

Tannis was still in the air, hovering over to take a good look at the battle field. With a large breath the demon flew higher into the air before he surrounded himself in flames and dived from the sky into the middle of the opposing army.

Rhea heard the fighting start from the large campsite she was at. She let out another silent prayer that no one got too hurt.
Dasuke fought on the ground aswell explaining why he rarely showed his wings in battle they were little more then a liability. He kept his enemies at distance afraid of his whip ant the thorns on it.

Shania as alwas rushed her opponents like Tannis she surrounded herself in flames to do it in this fight.

Ebony yelpped when a demn fell from the air and landed beside her recognizing it as a friend and alive she started to drag him to a safe place. Stopping only o shoot an incoming enemy Kai saw what she was doing but when he went to help he got swarmed he swung his axe and tried to cut through the masses, but his misswung once and got a dagger in his right leg.

Rose dove into the opposing forces making the plants grow against them and attacking them with her sharp feathers an archer hit her right shoulder with an arrow but only grazed it as she turned to dodge.
Most of the army could not get even close to Dasuke, though it was not long till the army backed away and Dasuke could see a women who wore black leather pants and a black leather jacket. Her hair was short and hugged her face. She had dark almost black eye's as well. Around her shoulders was a dark blue cloak. She stooped in front Dasuke before raising a hand to the sky and a large flash rushed over the clouds, signaling a lightning bolt coming down from the sky to strike him.

Sage was actually doing rather fair, her strikes were true and her dodging was right. She had gotten scratched a few times but remained untouched. She was not sure how long she was going to have to keep fighting, but she hope it ended soon.

Lucifer tried to stay close to Shania, not wanting to stray to far from someone he worked too well together with.

As Tannis fought in the mass of demons, he looked frantically for Eurynome, he needed that demon dead as soon as he can. Where was the coward?

Rhea was already starting to get injured demons as the demons made specifically to retrieve the injured started to fly them into the camp. Rhea started to work immediately, wrapping injuries and applying medicines.
Ebony was able to get the demon out of the fighting "it's ok," she told him "help will come soon," she couldn't tell if he was awake she tried to talk in demon but her knowledge was still limited so she just told him he was safe.

Kai signaled to a demon to pick up the injured one Ebony had saved. The crow beast kin demon was in rough shape but Ebony was trying to stop the bleeding of his wounds. She saw Kai signaling a carrier to transport the demon to the medical tent and she was grateful.

Dasuke quickly shielded himself with his wings the lightning coursed through him and he grit his teeth his wings took the most damage and because of that he could still fight as soon as the attack was done he lunged at the woman claws out.

Shania saw Lucifer and she stopped pressing through giving him time to catch up she likes fighting with him she could make sure he was safe and she had backup.

Rose Head the lightning and looked in time to see her father get struck she began to fly to help but a large orc grabbed her leg an slammed her into the ground.
The women moved easily avoiding Dasuke, she flew into the air, she needed no wings. She levitated easily enough. She spread her arms next and started to make a ring of fire, then grabbed it and pulled on the fire, straightening it out into a whip much like Dasuke's.

Sage looked to see the same thing as Rose, but she let Dasuke handle it, she needed to save Rose after she was grounded. Quickly Sage cut down a few demons in front of herself before jumping onto the back of the Orc and slicing her blade through its throat.

Lucifer finally took out his new weapons and joined Shania, slicing through demons around him at every corner. He was not sure where Ebony was, but he sure hopped she was safe.
Dasuke growled but took out his flute switching to defensive he played a few notes and his image blurred and multiplied.

Rose pushed up off the ground and tried to shake herself off she was caught by surprise completely.

Ebony smiled and thanked the demon as he took their comrade away she got back into the fight shooting her arrows still trying to ground the winged foes.

"You ok Luce?" Shania asked him flinging blood off her blade. So far she had been lucky to avoid getting more then a few scratches.

Kai tore the dagger out og his leg before continuing his fight though he still stayed close to Ebony.

Another demon went at Sage it's body like a scorpion its head and torso human.

Sage went wide eye'd and rolled to avoid the demon, Slicing it tail before picking up Rose and calling the plants to shield them while Rose got back to recover.

The women looked slightly pissed when Dasuke went on the defensive, quickly she pulled the fire back into a ring and surrounded herself, then pushed out the circle of fire to catched the man.

Lucifer nodded and went after another enemy without hesitation. He had been trained to fight this war all his life. He was almost afraid for it to be over for a long time, but now he had more for after the war, and he needed it to be over for his future. It was in a moment of through that Lucifer had gotten a blade to the side, thoguh it hurt, it barely stun him a moment before he jumped back into action.

Tannis continued to fight fiercely, though he was more or less surrounded, he watched as his friend seem to engage a fire user and he sent out a small hope he does not die. Though Tannis was the one in for the surprised when two horns pierced his unarmored sides and knocked the demon several paces across many other demons. Tannis rolled several feet away before he got up enough to see Eurynome in complete battle armor and a battle axe ready to fight.
Dasuke's illusions broke but Dasuke himself was in the he slashed at her with his rose whip.

Rose recovered quickly and growled at the scorpion demon she putted a throwing knife from her side and looked at Sage making sure she was ok.

Shania saw Lucifer get hurt and she hissed slicing though demons at a quicker pace. Her more hurried and rushed style left an opening and a sword hilt smacked th back of her head dazing her lightly.

Kai used his shadows to hide the archer she was invaluable as she took out aerial and ground opponents easily Kai looked inside himself he needed to use more of his power but he was uncertain the enemy was swarming them.
The women held her hand up to cover herself, the fire spinning to protect her, but fizzled out when she got hit anyway. She immediately dropped from the sky, loss of concentration disturbing her magic.

When Rose and Sage made a brief eye contact, Sage put the shield of plants down before she went to attack the Scorpion demon, lopping its tail off in one of her swings, though she mispredicted the swing and caught the end of the attack anyway.

Lucifer jumped to Shania's defense immediately trying to protect her, slashing at who ever had hit her in the first place.

Kai could probably see a ways away that Raver was laying on the ground, he looked like he was dead. Mia was next to him, though she was still fighting with a speed, agility and strength that seemed almost unnatural. She was crying though, her Son dying and her not being able to do anything about it. Nothing touched by Mia came out unhurt, yet nothing was touching her. Her skill was impressive to say the least.

Tannis picked himself up and with much determination started to face off against Eurynome. Most demons began to spread away from them, giving the two room to fight, the battle between the two leaders finally beginning.
"D*mn it," Kai took off into the battle dodging attacks making his way towards his teacher and her son. Kai showed a bit of promise in his speed and his pole arm helped keep people at bay till he got to Ravers side. His medical training for missions kicked in and hel looked for the worse source of injury knowing Mia had the fighting covered.

Ebony saw Kai take off and she knew his shadows wouldn;t stay over her forever so she retreated a bit after she caused a strong updraft to make the enemies trip up in the ai she tried not to make her allies trip up though.

Shania recovered the demon that hit her was not too awful powerful and Lucifer was able to cut her down easily. Shania impaled an attacking centaur and avoided a direct kick but a hoof still graved her non dominant shoulder.

Rose jumped at the scorpion demon and slit its throat but not before it got her in the side with one of its daggers. Ignoring her injury she went straight to Sage.

Dasuke took his opening and thrust his whip at her trying to cut her with its dangerous thorns.
Raver looked like he was bleeding from a stab on his back, it was deep and had gone straight through him. He was still breathing though, there were some demons around picking up badly injured demons and taking them to the smaller camp.

Lucifer took notice Shania was started to get hurt more often, as was he. All they could do was fight it out. they were getting tired, and on top of that is was only midday, they humans did not have their full strength.

Sage pushed Rose when the girl got to her, "In the air birdy, don't stay on the ground." She told her, she did not want her to be where she was more vulnerable.

The women took the blow from the whip, but she also grabbed hold of it, the thorns digging into her hand. She pulled the whip hard before she started to pulse flames onto the rose whip. She landed on the ground with a thud after a few moment and she seem to be a bit dazed, the spell getting interrupted again, though she kept a firm hold on the whip.

Tannis charged Eurynome claws out tackling the demon with some force. Eurynome grabbed hold of Tannis and took a large fist full of his main, using it to twist the demon down onto the ground. Tannis summoned a large spiral of flame around them, burning Eurynome, but the demon held on to Tannis. After the flames sputtered out, Eurynome lifted up his Axe and brought it down onto Tannis's side.

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