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Wild Cards

Mia smiled at Kai, "Concentrate harder." She told him, pushing him to put more power in it. She could tell he had already used a lot of his energy, "Concentrate where the blades meet, don't let mine cut you shadows." She said under her breath, she slide the blade a bit to start a chip in the shadow, ice began to grow in crystals.
"Easy for you to say," Kai said he pored power into his weapon but he wasn't made for endurance he was beginning to grow very tiered but he didn't let on he just kept pushing her back as much as he could, .
"So is your words about your goal." Mia said to Kai, her eye's meeting with Kai's. It was a challenge, she wanted him to push her back.
"well you know what they say the right way is only the easyway if you half @ss it!" he pushed harder against her useing all his physical power as well as his new strength though he was still loosing energy fast.
Mia pushed back, trying to keep this boy at bay, but he did start to push her back, though the ice helped crack the shadows more. After a long moment she let the blade disappear, dodging to the side of his shadowblade and then sending her knee into his stomach.
He took her blow just like he normaly did Shania's but when he went to attack his blade was gone he couldn't hold his shadows anymore "I... need to work on that," he coughed out.
Mia stood next to him, "congratulation... I find you very worthy of my time. However... I am offended I am not worthy of your blade. Until then consider me nothing more than a stranger who you crossed blades with. You should go get medical help for your arm."
"Honestly... I'm not fond of useing my blade at all... much less against comrades... I only wanted to use it once," he held his arm "Rhea can patch this up easy enough," he said "Oh and I don't cross blades with strangers... gets messy,"
Mia shook her head, "Are you trying to tell me in a very roundabout way you respect me?" She asked, placing a hand on her hips. Her tail swerved from side to side.
"I showed you a trick I've never used in battle because I was saving it does that make it a yes?" Kai asked with a chuckle.
Mia shook her head and sat down on the ground, "That trick is a good one, I was surprised, but with my power you won't need it, because your shadows will tripple, though granted you need to learn to control this... and you might not master this before you actually get shipped off to battle. Then Kai I accept you as my student." Mia said pressing a hand to his heart and he felt a slight tug and a new flow of energy enter him.
"A bond... my power." Mia suddenly no longer sounded like the warrior that was challenging earlier, but a softer soul who had taken care of Momo and Raver. "Energy is around you, but the one inside you is the most powerful... I can teach you how to pull the energy of an element.. though you won't possess the element itself. Look to your heart when you need me, I will answer you."
"Go on then." Mia said standing watching Kai leave to go elsewhere. But a bit of worry if she made the right choice crossed her mind. He looked so broken already, would he really stay stable?
Rhea had still set to reappear from the library. The girl loses herself when she wants something and can forget to take care of herself and even sleep sometimes. just how she was when she had something she wanted to do, and the resources to do it.

Sage looked up from the table when Kai wandered up, she slammed her hand on the table, "Damnit! See look I knew I was going to miss you getting your ass kicked!" Sage said completely upset.

Yues looked mildly confused that the blue haired boy that had sat down with them earlier was upset about missing the action of her comrade being hurt, though he had been noting that the humans here were just flat out odd. Lucifer was a bit wide eye'd "You took your test Kai? Did you pass?"

Momo jumped up from the table and went to go hug Kai, 'yeah did you pass?' She asked excited.
"Yes I passed," Kai laughed. "And no I didn't get my butt kicked,"

Rose giggled and Shania snickered. Thouh she looked at his arm "Come here let me look it over till we can get Rhea to look at it," Kai sauntered to Shania.,
Momo jumped to Raver, 'See I told you he would pass, hes a stubrin guy.' Momo said happily.

Sage laughed and sat down, "Demon food it not that bad.. diffrent, I will learn to cook some it while we are here for this little while."

Lucifer smiled, "Good job Kai." He would say more about Mia, but her children was there and he would not want to offend. Mia was still a huge mystery in the courts.

Sillia was even more so intoxicated, "Ooh did the cutey sycophant get a paper ccut?" She asked in a slurred voice.
"Ah... it got drunker," Kai said softly "Lady Sillia perhaps you'd like to lay down?" he said with a charming smile.

Shania rolled her eyes and she took off a shoe and threw it at him hitting him sharply on the back of his head "how indecent trying to seduce the Succubus into bed,"

"I was not ouch that hurt," Kai said as they were at a rather close distance.
Yues burst out laughing when he watched the shoe go, the demon thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen.

Sillia pouted a bit, "Shania no fun, pretty boy i bet would be very tasty, I mean look how smooth his skin is!" Sillia said making a drunk admiration. Mokii smiled a bit irritated, "Sillia, contain yourself please."

Sage smirked, "I think you are picking a battle you might not win Kai." Sage said amused.
"I was trying to be polite!" KAi exclaimed .

"And now you see the importance of the fear of shoes," Shania told Yue as she watched him laugh.
Sage chuckled a bit more and shook her head, it was going to be a very long few however long they were staying here...

Over the next week, Rhea spent a good amount of time with demon doctors, learning things that could possibly help save demon lives. It was harder because humans all had the same general anatomy, while there was demon of all shorts. Rhea was not actually going to be anywhere near the front lines, mostly there to help when one of the guardians got hurt, but she will help medical attention for other demons.

Shania on the other hand's training was sporadic and random unlike everyone else who had a set time to train. Whenever Tannis had the time, he called Shania to him to train her. He was always needed by someone and constantly working hard for the sake of his soon to be people, trying to keep up airs and moral. He taught Shania as much as he could in the short times he would get a hold of her, like how to to use a funnel of fire, to summon it where ever she wanted, but to be careful where she summoned it. He taught her a few quick defensive maneuvers for her rather brash head on ability that could save her life. Tannis was not that hard of a teacher, though he would push Shania to do her best. He knew he could count on her to always do her best because her pride would not let him down. When Shania was not training with Tannis, Yues would get her to train with him, Lucifer also wanted to train with her when his father and Levi weren't drilling him.

Mia on the other hand, trained Kai hard and left little room for relaxing. She would constantly push him way past 'tired'. Though Kai also trained with Raver every other day, Momo never present for training. Mia often made Kai fight with Raver, the man older then Kai by a few years, but relatively the same strength. The Raven beast kin was nothing like his mother. The only trait that he seemed to carry was a determination. On the days Kai and Raver were not training together, Mia would have Kai meditate and try to gather energy. She would drill him almost constantly, again pushing him hard. Honestly she would try to actually get Kai to lose his temper and get angry or frustrated, usually gave him an extra burst of energy. The skill Mia had to teach was hard to master at first, but once he was able to pull energy it was easy sailing from there... though she was almost positive he was not going to be able to do it before the battle.

Ebony trained as well, Mokii and Sillia took care of training with her. Mokii trained Ebony in the more proper use of her powers, such as the extent of her new strength, Mokii was actually a lady to fear while mostly demonstrating her own strength, it was impressive to say the least. She also showed Ebony how to better preserve her energy and use it in more precise ways. She taught Ebony how to use the wind and energy to launch her arrows further. Mokii also suggested that Ebony try and talk to the wind, a little like how Dasuke and Rose talks to plants. The wind can't really speak, but it would sure help Ebony in times of need. Sillia touted Ebony how to use her wind to trip of flying foes, teaching her up drafts that can help run them into obstacles or potentially dangerous situations.

Lucifer did not spend a lot of time with Ebony. He mostly saw her at night before they went to sleep, though he knew his mother and Sillia would take care of her. He spent a lot of his time with Levi and his father, other times with Shania when he could spare for a sparring partner. Lucifer also learned some very useful techniques, and improved a lot on pire and older techniques. Also lucifer had two magical short blades passed down to him from his father and Levi. They were matching blades and both used to be their own. He was slow and fumbling with new weapons, but for the most part picked it up a bit quickly.

Sage on the other hand, worked with Dasuke and Rose. She showed more promise when she worked alone and not under her teachers critical eye, honestly pretending to be a bad student. when she thought Dasuke wasn't looking, she would train hard with the plants and go over whatever she had learned that day. Why she trained better alone she was not sure, but she also trained well when she was competing with someone else.

There were a few times when the guardians were together and Levi had to give them a small crash course on a few demon war tactics. Things to avoid in war and a few words in demon that they may need to know to seek help. By the end of the week, that night Tannis had given order for all to relax before the war to start in the morning, allowing everyone to relax and stay and full strength, especially since the humans would be in a weaker state during the day.
Rhea found help alot ith Dasuke who's knowlage of medicines was a great deal more then impressive he had even had her make a few batches on her own though he supplied her well he taught her to read the warnings on the medicines in demon so she'd know who could not take what. Rose helpped as well but she taught the basic picking of the leaves and such and was often busy as Dasuke had her training harder then Sage much harder half the time she was too tiered to move past dinner time. Dasuke pit Sage against obsticals challenging her to do her best he even gave her a few trick such as seeding where she could actuallt throw a seed and steal a foes energy in times of need it had a drawback to where it drew attention to her but he knew her evasive skill would help aleviate most of that threat. He also taught her what plants could be used as a sheild and how she could safely move her electisity through plants and make a web to trap people. He left her alone to train alot as he was often busy drilling his daughter or helpping Tannis.

Shania trained hard pushing herself often beyond her limits she would be so tiered she could barely lift a weapon and still be sparing or practicing. She had tried to learn the defencive moves but it was harder for her then her brash offence.

Kai however was beginning to really despise Mia he had done his best to remain calm but little rest and hard training made him snap once or twice he went at her to kill one of the times his temper a tad bit chaotic and deadly.

Ebony trained as hard as everyone would let her. It was bad for the children to push herself was often what was told to her. However she had greatly improved under her teachers. She did miss her time with her mate though.
Mokii found a lounge room for the guardians all to be able to spend their night off with each other since most had not really seen each other all week long, she thought it would be good for the group to stay with each other the night before they departed to war. Rhea was in the room reading a book quietly, she had not been seen without one since arriving to the demon world. Sage had plucked the book from her hands and shut it.

"H-hey!" Rhea said a bit upset.

"We are here to rest and be with each other, anti-socialness will not be tolerated." Sage stated simply with a smile, she placed the book down on the table and Rhea pouted.

Lucifer smiled, "Has everyone's training been going well?" Lucifer asked.

"Oh yes, very well, I am surprised i've not died yet." Sage mused going to go sit down on a couch. There were four couches around one small coffee table.

"I've learned much... I know the jist of reading and writing demon including several new medical techniques." Rhea mused.

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