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Wild Cards

Sage smirked a bit before pushing his hand off her head, she detested getting pat, "Well someone had to stay sane."
Sage jumped out of the car, honestly a bit in a bad mood because of saying goodbye to her cat. She decided next time she'll take him to the demon world like Kai suggested. "Oh Kai.." Sage said pausing by the door before she opened it, "Are we going to tell them the truth... or just say Broren needs to see us?" Sage asked. They were going to take the group to see Broren and then leave to the demon world. But Sage and Kai have still yet to tell the group the greater depths of the situation with the demon and humans working together. They knew a little between Kai and Sage freaking out when Venn blackmailed Sage, but no one asked for more because they all accepted Kai's job as something they could not dig deeper into.
"We do what we do best and we lie," Kai stated "they are worried enough as is," he looked at Sage "You look like you want to zap a few things,"
"Hmm well leave it to me then." She said, not really commenting on the Zapping comment. Opening the door Sage put on her usual smile, "Good Morning everyone, whos ready to go to the demon world?" Sage asked.

Rhea was sitting on the couch, she had a backpack ready with all her notes she had ever taken and several human medications and medical books. She figured clothing would be provided to them, and medical supplies would be easy to come by.

Lucifer was ready, but being his normal self laying on the floor.
Ebony was with him she had a few things with her mostly just things to study so she wouldn't get bored.

Shania didn't pack anything but a change of cloths just incase it was needed. "Yeah," she said softy.

Rose glomped Sage "lets go lets go!"
Sage smiled and gently pet the top of Rose's head, "Well Broren caught wind of us going to the demon world for war. He wants to give us a blessing in hopes that it will help us."

Rhea smiled, "That is very kind of him." Rhea adjusted the sword Shania had given her next to her, she planed on taking the sword with her as well.

Lucifer looked up, "Shamans aren't supposed to do things like that... help people's future. Its harmful to them.."

Sage didn't know that, "Well Broren is doing it, so I really don't suggest turning down do you?"

Lucifer thought for a moment, "No I suppose not."
"Harmful how?" Kai asked Lucifer despite himself he did actually like the Shaman.

Shania was curious now too her dagger was hidden in her pants leg and se was filing with it as she listened.
"I don't really know the details about that kind of stuff..." Lucifer said, a little apologetic.

Momo sat up from the couch, 'I know a little.'

Sage wondered if that is why Raffer looked so torn when Broren mentioned changing the future and helping them. Rhea smiled at the girl, "Can you tell us what little you know?" She asked her.

Momo nodded, 'Yes, since Kai wants to know. Shamans are really unknown forces, they see things we don't and they have the power to move and perform the impossible... but with great power can come great consequences.' Momo said, holding a finger up as if to make a point, 'They say if the Shamans are there to see the energies of nature not control it, they are only a messenger. Shamans who do against nature tend to turn rough and dangerous, you can tell because horrible disasters happen around those Shamans, mostly nature trying to kill them for being out of line... that is just rumor though.'

Sage mulled it over, but she remember Broren said his life was saved and extended several years.
Kai tensed "thank you Momo," he said softly "so we all ready?" he asked.

Shania raised an eyebrow "I suppose so... Sage drive Kai doesn't look stable,"

"I am so stable!" Kai said and held his keys tightly.
"Kai is fine, he's just thinking too hard." Sage walked to him and pushed him gently out the door before whispering to him, "They are just rumors." She hissed, "Ask him if you have to, but keep cool."

Rhea picked up her backpack and hopped into the car, she was watching Sage and Kai. At this point, she knew something was up, and she wanted to know.
Kai sighed "yeah I guess... I just worry about the guy," he said. "lets be off sooner we leave the sooner we get home again,"

Shania nodded "sounds good to me lets go win a war,"
The drive to Broen was long and for Sage a bit tense because Kai was making her tense. The guy had a way of rubbing off on her lately as things got progressively worse. It was usually Rose's unconcern about everything that made her doubt her doubts and worries. It was the strangest process, though she was not really enjoying discovering it.

When they arrive to the farm, several hundred goblins were standing around something, it was almost as if the whole tribe was out and circled around something, though Broren towered over at the goblins. the ogre was walking around, though he wasn't speaking. The Goblins were all chattering excitedly about a ceremonie, though it was not long till it changed to them all yielding the guardians were there, some opened a pathway for the whole lot to move into the circle of goblins.

"This... is new.." Sage said.

Rhea was a bit wide eyed and impressed, so many goblins.
Rose skipped around "hi everyone!" she said happily.

Ebony stayed close to Lucifer holding his and as they walked she wondered if this is good for her babies.

KAi looked at Broren and tried to examine anything odd. Though Shania was tense at being surrounded it wasn't a felling she care for.
A lot of the Goblins greeted Rose in return, a few of them cheered happily.

Broren was busy, when they got to the center, there was a large magic circle drawn out by sand, Sage recognized it to be something similar to the spell Raffer casted when they were trying to pull Rhea and Shania's souls back into their world. Lucifer held on to Ebony, though he was very well at ease.

Rhea greeted Raffer, though she gently touched Shania's arm to help calm her.

Raffer meet them, "Guardians, please careful not to knock the sands on the ground, come with me, to the middle, we will start shortly." He said. Raffer looked thoughtful like always.
"This is safe and will have no ill effects?" KAi asked Broren watching him.

Ebony was calmed b y Lucifers calm though she held her tummy as they walked.

Shania smiled at Rhea "I'll be ok," she said
Broren turned to Kai when he spoke to him, he was purring sands in other places, the placed down a jar and gave Kai a smile, "This is for the future and it will give every effect that is needed."

Sage knew a bad truth twisted to sound good when she heard one. Maybe Momo was right.

"Now guardians I leave you with a parting gift... Kai if you could take this with you when you cross to the demon world." He said, he motioned to Raffer, who handed Kai a large bead on a string. It was very colorful, and looked like it was made from clay.

Rhea looked at it more closely and so did Momo, it was pretty in its own way, though the clay look made it seem old.
"Alright I will," Kai said though he wanted nothing more then demand the future and what was with all the twisted truths lately.

Shania looked at it she thought it was pretty but what was it's significance?
Rhea was beyond suspicious now, she wanted to know what was going on. Things where not added up. Why were they doing something dangerous to other people?

Sage twisted in a bit, glancing at Kai. She was not so sure she wanted to go through with this anymore.

Though before she said anything Broren had stepped out of the circle with Raffer and slammed the top of his staff into the sand sign. The ground immediately lit up and shook, the sands took flight as if the wind kicked them up, and spun around the group. Rhea had closed her eyes so not to get sand in her face. Sage tried to keep her eyes open to watch, though it was not hard to do. Lucifer hugged Ebony to him in defence.

Moments later the sand gathered in Broren's hand and made a clay ball similar to the one in Kai's hand. The Shamon looked a bit weak, but everything was still now.

"Wow..." Rhea said quietly a bit wide eye'd.

"It is done now. All will be well, though the fight will be long." Broren said quietly.
"We are good with long fighs" Kai said after the sand stopped moving.

"Agreed but Broren do you know how long?" Shania asked .

Ebony hid her face in Lucifer when the sand started an she stayed like that.
Broren took the sands and pressed them to his chest and the clay seem to mold to his body then disappear, as if he just absorbed it. "Not exactly no. Tannis will be crowned however. You will all live, though be careful, the future can change. As I told Kai and Death, follow your hearts." Broren said sitting down.

The goblin demons all started to cheer, and Raffer started to round them up, telling them all to get back to work. Lucifer however smiled, "That is good news to my ears..."

Rhea tilted her head to the side, she wished she could heal demons... though she can't heal exhaustion.
Kai bowed to Broren "thank you again," he said though he still wanted to know more.

Shania folowed Kai's bow to be polite. "it is good news," she admitted

Ebony smiled and nuzzled Lucifer softly.
"I would like to speak to Rhea for a small moment..." Broren said.

Raffer smiled at Rhea though he walked past her to come talk to the Guardians, Rhea slunk over to Broren and approached the large demon. He then started to speak to her quietly.

Sage was curious but Raffer spoke loudly, and she knew he was doing it on purpose. "Congratulations all of you to the two demon children you will have. They will be a handful."

Lucifer smiled happily, "I hope so... I am excited for them."
Ebony blushed an smiled ''thank you Broren," she said softly.

Shania chuckle "if they are like Luce they wll be more then a handful."
Raffer smiled at Ebony, "You're welcome. I wish to see them when I see you next. When you have the time to spare of course." The demon said happily, "I love children."

Rhea walked back over to the group a bit deep in thought after Broren has spoken to her, though looked fine for the most part, and normal.

Broren looked up from where he was, though he was sure Kai wanted to come ask questions, so he motioned for him to come over. Sage went as well, it felt like it was directed to her as well.

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