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Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

Aurora looked up at the sound of an opening door, her cheeks turning a tiny bit pink as she looked at the man in front of her. She could feel the heat coming off of him in waves, and it mixed with the cold. She could feel her heart tugging at him, and it felt weird. She had wanted to talk to him earlier, but hadn't gotten the chance. She pursed her lips softly, slowly getting up off the floor. She could see the flames licking in his eyes, and as she walked closer her ice began to hiss, trying hard to move against the heat. "Hi." She said softly, rubbing her arm sheepishly.
Fade remained nearby, watching the pair, wary of the Phoenix but decided that he was no threat to their resident ice elemental. His tail was curved upward slightly as he sat up, holding that authoritative look about him but still easy going and puppy-like.

He had heard the grumbles coming from Aurora's stomach as she had told him she was fine and even though she said she wasn't hungry he would retrieve her something to eat during the passing period.

But until then he would just wait and keep an eye on them, making sure nothing undesirable happened. He could tell Aurora seemed drawn to the fire elemental, which he found quite odd but interesting all the same.
Densin smiled and let his heat die a bit to make the ice girl more comfortable. "Hello there madam." He said with a warm smiled that semmed to match him well. "I'm Densin by the way and I'm a Phoniex that's why I controll fire. I'm also a young one at that my powers don't always obey me." Densin smiled and rubbed the back of his head. He was happy to meet an ice controller well she was around Densins own tempature dropped and he could controll his power better. "And who is that werewolf puppy friend of youres I've always liked wolves and such."
could I RP?

I have powers as well and would enjoy RPing with ya'll

Name: Fae


powers: Summoning the dead and fire

bio: Born to absive parents and raised on the streets. Shy most of the time but does enjoy making friends. She is often bullied but whoops anyone who tries butt with her magic. She wears mostly black and covers her face with her hood
(You know it would help if you answered with at least a paragraph and looked to see what time of the day it is atm)

The BELL rang for lunch to end disappointing several people who didn't want to go back to class. Mia wasn't one of these people, she didn't really care about what time of the day it was. It was all just time passing for her who had lived so many years of her afterlife. People filed sadly into the halls before heading off to their next classes just ready for the day to be over. Mia blended in with the crowd, or at least as much as she could and walked amongst them to where her class was.
(sorry about that xD )

Fae's stomach growled. She was low on cash and couldn't spare any for lunch. She groaned as she weaved through the crowd to Bio.
Aurora smiled lightly at the phoenix, her ice drawing back ever so slightly. She could feel his head die down as well, and her ice began to shrink faster. She fidgited with the hem of her shirt lightly before looking up at him. "I'm Aurora." She said timidly, tucking a lock of long blue hair behind her ear and adjusting her hat over her long ears. "I'm a Ice Elf." She said softly, pointing to the now hidden ears. "And that's Fade, he likes to guard me, I guess." She said, looking at him.
"Well it's my pleasure to meet you and you're wolf friend." He said kindly, then he heard the bell ringing it seems class is about to start. "May I walk you there me lady." Densins speech was considered strange by most but he usually spoke like a gentleman from the rennisance his favorite years of life. Even after his did a full ritual regeneration the slang stuck. He held out his hand to walk her there.
Aurora's cheeks blushed, first turning red, then frosting over so they where blue. She nodded softly, laughing a bit to herself when he called her a lady. Most people though she was weird, especially because of her ears. He was one of the few who seemed more focused on her than her ears. She slowly stretched out a porcelain hand, sliding it into his.
Name: Raven Blade

Age: 17 (Senior)

Sexual orientation: Straight.

Marital status: Single and looking.

Species: Human

Power/Talent: Skilled with daggers and and a fire demon which means that she can control fire by using her personalized lighter or any fire that happened to be around her.

Personality: Raven can get really self conscious and depressed at time, but others she'll be super rebellious. Raven has depression, anxiety and others.. (Find out more). She secretly has always wanted a little bit of romance in her life, at least somebody to care about her and listen to her when she talks. If Raven sees somebody getting hurt or bullied, she would have no problem taking care of the problem..

Appearance: Raven has bright, emerald eyes, along with shoulder length hair she dyes a lot. She's about 5,2 and normally wears band tees, band merch, hoodies, and dark clothing..

Short bio: Raven was always bullied for her sense in "fashion" and "weird" powers. None of her family had any magic abilities, so she was the only one. That was the thing she was most harassed for.. Her parents had died in a fire when she was 14, which she always believed to be her fault, even though it couldn't have been.. Raven has always been looking for somebody to listen to her and take care of her..<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13581d1c_greeneyedemogirl.jpg.d87511f7e36351d88b3bdea483c390fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38677" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13581d1c_greeneyedemogirl.jpg.d87511f7e36351d88b3bdea483c390fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Densin smiled, when they touched his heat semmed to clash with her cold and it was a strange feeling but a good one. He walked with her to class enjoying the moment, when they got to class he took a seat next to hers and pulled out his notes and homework waiting for the teacher to collect them. He looked at Aura quicly. "You did you're homework right if not you can have mine."
Aurora walked down the hall, and he insisted on holding her hand. It felt oddly calming to have extra heat coming though his hand. She could feel the stares on her and him and she tugged down her beanie, pulling her bangs over her eyes. She could feel frost on her other hand and she stuck it in her pocket, hiding in from view. As they reached class she slipped her hand out of his, sitting down quietly. She pursed her lips, pulling out her work and showing him before continuing to gather her materials.
Densin went back to paying attention to the class taking notes of everything in some old looking notebook bound by leather that semmed slightly burnt. Some of the pages in the book semmed burnt or missing, Densin didn't know why he didn't replace it he just guessed that he must have used to love it before his ritual regen. That was when the teacher pulled a pop quiz, Densin hated things like this they stressed him out and when he was stressed his powers went out of hand. He was hoping the ice energy pulsing from Aurora would keep his flames at bay.

( would anyone be interested in joining my in hell. https://www.rpnation.com/threads/school-of-hades.86149/#post-2447493 )
Aurora let a small sigh pass though her lips at the thought of a pop quiz, showing a bored expression. Minutes within receiving the test she had finished and promptly stood from her seat, towering over many of the people as she passed them, sliding her paper onto the teachers desk and walking back to her's, sitting down in her chair. She rested one hand on a closed fist, and raised the pointer finger on her other hand. She blew onto it, super cooling it before she started to draw ice snowflakes on her desk.
Mia barely listened to the history teacher. Everything they taught these was terribly wrong. Though everyone had laughed at her when she told them the truth. That just made her resent everyone more. Teenagers these days were incredibly self absorbed and selfish. She had once lived in a time where teenagers didn't care about social status and fought and cared for their loved ones instead.

"Uh...Mia?" The teacher spoke to her but pronounced her name Mea earning a death glare. "Where's your presentation?" Presentation? Mia thought and everyone turned to stare at her.

"Oh what are you all staring at?" She growled standing up. The teacher didn't say anything being a bit scared of her. Mia was technically older than everyone in the room.

"Alright what's this presentation on?" She asked moving to the front.

"The uh history of elves and spriggans (Dark elves for those of you who don't know)" Yeah some things they taught were a bit different than normal high schools. It was a supernatural high school anyway. Mia grinned 'Alright, I know this'

Accepted @RaveEnding
Raven sighed and glanced up at the teacher, clicking her lighter open and closed. She bit her lip and created a small ball of fire in her palm, using it to warm her up in the cold room. She glanced around at the people in the room, her green eyes piercing the girl standing in the front. Raven leaned back in her chair, which happened to be in the back. As she listened to the teacher, Raven glanced to her side, which she found an empty seat which was supposed to have a partner in it.. Of course, no one wanted to be her partner, so she was left to her self which wasn't too bad for her. Raven clicked open her lighter again, staring menacingly at one of the stereotypical "popular" girls in the front, who was staring just as menacingly at Raven, which was hard to do. Raven looked away, scowling up at her. She crossed her arms and leaned back on her chair, smirking at the girl in the front and nodded, giving a small chuckle.

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