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Fantasy Werewolves of the Pack((DISCONTINUED.))

Arianna shifted back into a wolf and caught up. "Maybe someone else has been attacked here. Doesn't mean its from my pack." She saw the blood. "Wow. Gory. Seen worse though." She remembered for a second. "Or maybe it was."
Wolfsbane" He mentions. "No self respecting wolf would attack another with it. I'm guessing you guys have a hunter problem and for some reason you're not yet aware" He says suddenly stopping in his tracks. He smells the air. And perks his ears as he hears a new voice in the distance "You hear that right? Sound familiar?" He asks taking another sniff. "Doesn't smell like you though"
Feather stopped singing as a bullet soared past her. She yowled and turned to see a hunter, aiming his gun at her. She dodged the second, third and fourth bullet, reaching the hunter before he could fire another. She toppled him over, his gun slipping out of his hands. She turned human as she pinned him to the ground, hissing. Feather let her nails grow into claws and scratched his face. He screamed in agony but threw her off. She growled as she stood up, bleeding from her arm. The hunter picked up his gun and aimed at her. She froze in place as he fired, but due to the blood oozing into his eyes, he missed her heart. The bullet shot into her shoulder and she shrieked in pain. She fell to the ground, clutching her shoulder.
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Arianna hears the voice also. "A little too familiar." She started to walk closer. "You know what it is." She still looked at the far distance.
"Singi-" He started to say but the gunshot in the air cut him off. He snarled and started racing to where he heard the noise. He arrived to see a girl in the snow bleeding, unconscious but he could still hear her ragged breathing. And a man clearing blood from his eyes with one hand and holding a rifle with the other. Without missing a beat he kept running and leapt at the man, snarling, paws extended. Knocked to the ground, half blinded and seemingly unarmed the man cried out in surprise. The great black wolf bit down on his arm when he tried to go for the gun. He saw the glint of steel as a knife came up from under him. Narrowly missing his shoulder as he jumped off the man. He wrinkled his nose smelling the wolfsbane coating on the blade and began to growl as he paced around the man
Feather's eyes shot open and she turned into her wolf form. Using her incredible speed, she jumped at the man, ignoring the black wolf pacing around him. Before the hunter had time to stab her underbelly, she bit down on his throat, his body going limp. She backed away from him and lashed her tail, her green eyes shining in the light. Her white pelt blended in with the snow but she stood her ground. Feather now looked up at the black wolf and smiled. "Thanks.." She said, the words rolling off of her tongue like honey. A small, silver bird soared down from a tree and sat down on Feather's shoulder, chirping. It sang the melody of Feather's song and she smiled. "Thank you, you really think so?.... Mhm.... Really?" She talked to the bird, pausing to let it chirp an answer. @andujarprime
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Arianna jumped at the sound of the gunshot and stepped back. "A hunter!" She yelled. She walked ran to her new wolf friend and waited for a signal if she should attack or not. She was not one to jump into a fight right away.
VictoriaBaby said:
Arianna jumped at the sound of the gunshot and stepped back. "A hunter!" She yelled. She walked ran to her new wolf friend and waited for a signal if she should attack or not. She was not one to jump into a fight right away.
((I already killed the hunter..))
SilverNova said:
Seeing Lyra's parents approach the Hari wolves, Theo straightened up, putting on a mask of formal etiquette. "I hope you don't mind my intrusion, but I thought it would only be polite to inform you that the former alphas of the Hari pack have...uhm...passed away from a most tragic circumstance," he paused. The hesitation was deliberate, but a little too long to be genuine. Eventually he started back up again, "They were found dead near our camp. Since I was their only pup, I am now the leader of the Hari pack and all the land that comes with it. I wish you'll understand." His words were strung with a tone of sadness, till he looked towards Lyra and inquired her parents, "I guess that means I'll have to find a mate soon as well, since packs are meant to be ruled by a pair." Sighing then, Theo glanced back at his pack again. They had held their tongues, but their appearance still gave it away that something was clearly bothering them.
I could tell that something was going on. Of course I couldn't prove anything but I could feel it. My parents on the other hand were too busy thinking about the fact that the former alphas of the Hari pack are gone to notice that this was odd. My mother perked up when Theo mentioned needing a mate and looked at me. My father did too. I wished at that moment that I could disappear, fade into nothing because I knew what they were thinking.
"Well." My father said turning back to Theo. "All young wolves are looking for mates now. Even Lyra has yet to find a mate." My mother nodded and I just looked in another direction to avoid this situation. I didn't even want to think about it.
The black wolf heard the sudden rush of movement and sniffed the air. Small trace of blood. Different from the hunter on the floor, he took off into the woods leaving the other two wolves and the bird behind. Leaping and bounding between trees and over brushes to catch up to the dark figure he saw ahead of him
Theo acknowledged the Shinku leader's words with a curt gesture of the head and was about to respond till the distinct sound of a gun shot rang through the air above the cold forests. Abruptly, the red alpha froze. With diligence he shifted into his human form. If the hunter found wolves then chances were he would begin shooting at them. However, the werewolves could blend in and act as if everything was normal in their human veils. Theo spoke suddenly to his pack then. "Turn human. Do it now," he ordered. The command came out so freely, showing that the alpha was obviously used to giving out orders and not tolerating anyone who went against him. As to be expected, none of the pack members he had brought with him questioned the instruction. In a instant they stood before the Shinku pack as humans. Theo appeared wearing leather garments and a ring of daggers at his belt. The others among his pack wore similar garments, though each had a distinctly different style to their appearance.

Theo looked to the other alphas as he stood above them and calmly advised, "It appears there are hunters in the woods. We should probably stay human for a bit. Just in case they happen to cross our path..."

His pale orange eyes shifted to look at Lyra as he at last responded to her parent's comment on her absence of a partner. "Hmm, perhaps you'd like to spend a few days with me, Lyra? We could get to know each other...Besides it might be fun since me and my pack are traveling to each of the other pack's territories to alert them of the change in leadership within the Hari pack....Although, I suppose we only need to travel to the Moya's territory since I'm sure your parents will inform the Endo alphas of what I have told them."
I jumped from the trees and landed a few feet away from an alpha and walked casually past him and his Werewolves and kept walking.
Feather turned into her human form as she heard the ringing of another gun shot. She rushed through the woods at incredible speeds until she scented the Shinku camp. She also detected another scent, unfamiliar to her. She climbed into a tree and jumped from branch to branch until she saw the camp. She looked down to see Theo of the Hari pack. Feather blushed slightly as she looked at him, but shrunk away a bit, staying hidden. A twig snapped as she was about to climb down from the tree and her eyes went wide. @SilverNova
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I heard the twig snap, but i jumped in a tree and wondered what did that and just ran through the trees

I heard a twig snap and backflipped into a tree and ran through the trees.
He kept bounding through trees. He saw the figure jump up but he couldn't stop himself. He was moving to fast to change directions so he just kept going to circle around. He passed several other wolves next to some humans. "That's peculiar" he thought to himself as he ran past them and hit a broken tree running up its length. He jumped up and shifted human mid air grabbing onto a hanging branch and swinging around to stand atop it looking at the man a few trees away from him with a vicious scowl. This human smelled familiar. Could he have been with the others that attacked him the night before?
SilverNova said:
Theo acknowledged the Shinku leader's words with a curt gesture of the head and was about to respond till the distinct sound of a gun shot rang through the air above the cold forests. Abruptly, the red alpha froze. With diligence he shifted into his human form. If the hunter found wolves then chances were he would begin shooting at them. However, the werewolves could blend in and act as if everything was normal in their human veils. Theo spoke suddenly to his pack then. "Turn human. Do it now," he ordered. The command came out so freely, showing that the alpha was obviously used to giving out orders and not tolerating anyone who went against him. As to be expected, none of the pack members he had brought with him questioned the instruction. In a instant they stood before the Shinku pack as humans. Theo appeared wearing leather garments and a ring of daggers at his belt. The others among his pack wore similar garments, though each had a distinctly different style to their appearance.
Theo looked to the other alphas as he stood above them and calmly advised, "It appears there are hunters in the woods. We should probably stay human for a bit. Just in case they happen to cross our path..."

His pale orange eyes shifted to look at Lyra as he at last responded to her parent's comment on her absence of a partner. "Hmm, perhaps you'd like to spend a few days with me, Lyra? We could get to know each other...Besides it might be fun since me and my pack are traveling to each of the other pack's territories to alert them of the change in leadership within the Hari pack....Although, I suppose we only need to travel to the Moya's territory since I'm sure your parents will inform the Endo alphas of what I have told them."
I changed into my human form. My parents and other pack members nearby did as well. Before I could say a word to Theo, my mother announced that me spending a few days with Theo would be great. My father agreed. They also said that they would indeed inform the Endo Alphas of the former Hari leaders' deaths.
I jumped and landed in front of them and said. "I believe its a set up, don't trust him, the other leaders are alive i'd imagine, he wants your daughter"
At the sound of a twig snap in the trees overhead, Theo immediately looked up and took notice of the wolf that had just jumped down and accused him setting up a trap. He could scent that there were other werewolves nearby also, presumably hiding within the trees as well. With a scoff, Theo turned back to Lyra's parents, replying to them, "Thank you. I promise to take good care of your daughter". Then pointedly glaring at this strange new wolf before him, he growled, "And who exactly do you think you are to fault me like this? You don't look like you're apart of this pack or any others really. Are you a loner?" Behind him, another Hari member straightened up and coughed into her hand. "Theo, we really ought to be going..." she said softly. She was a muscular lady and most likely was a woman of power within the pack, but even she seemed somehow intimated by Theo's tangible temper towards this new person that had appeared from the tree branches.
SilverNova said:
At the sound of a twig snap in the trees overhead, Theo immediately looked up and took notice of the wolf that had just jumped down and accused him setting up a trap. He could scent that there were other werewolves nearby also, presumably hiding within the trees as well. With a scoff, Theo turned back to Lyra's parents, replying to them, "Thank you. I promise to take good care of your daughter". Then pointedly glaring at this strange new wolf before him, he growled, "And who exactly do you think you are to fault me like this? You don't look like you're apart of this pack or any others really. Are you a loner?" Behind him, another Hari member straightened up and coughed into her hand. "Theo, we really ought to be going..." she said softly. She was a muscular lady and most likely was a woman of power within the pack, but even she seemed somehow intimated by Theo's tangible temper towards this new person that had appeared from the tree branches.
"I'm not a werewolf, i am an Assassin, i learned to trust my instincts and they all said it was a trap, you just want her *nods to the girl that is going with them* and i believe you want control" i told him
His eyebrows raised then furrowed as he snarled at the word assassin. He was curious to find out who attacked him the night before, and why. But now he was even more curious to see what would happen next. Someone was going to have some answers at some point he figured.
Surprise lit up Theo's face. He ran his left hand through his handsomely disheveled hair as he contemplated the assassin's words. "Interesting," he grumbled, "your just a normal human then? I would have expected that your type would have been surprised, even scared by seeing two pack fulls worth of werewolves. My guess is that you've met our kind before?" Theo addressed his concerns then, "I have no plans to hurt Lyra and as for wanting control, I am already alpha of my own pack. What more could I ever hope to control? It was always my dream to lead the Hari pack, but inciting wars to win more control would only squander that dream." Although, once the alpha had finished talking, a odd look of bemusement coated his expression.

The Hari woman who had spoke out just second ago shifted into a fighting stance. As she did the other three betas beside her mimicked her actions. She asked Theo then, "Should we take care of him, sir? Humans aren't supposed to know of our existence." Theo frowned at this, but put up a hand, silencing her as he waited for the assassin's reply.

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