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Fantasy Werewolves of the Pack((DISCONTINUED.))

"Why would you want to find a Lone wolf? They are alone for a reason. They would probably tear us apart or at the least, wouldn't welcome our company." I said to her as I followed her into the cave.
The great black wolf caught a wiff of the two wolves he had smelled before passing out. Eventually curiosity won him over and he held back from following his "little rescuer" as he began to think of her. He turned in the direction he had heard them before passing out and started out. Still hiding in the trees he peered out between the brush to see two smaller wolves appear to be chatting. He couldn't make out what was going on but by the scent he knew they were shifters. "Damn. Looks like a different pack. Where the hell am I?" He thought to himself as they wandered into a cave. He took the opportunity to sneak a little closer and hide behind another brush. "They don't seem dangerous, almost naive even" He thought. He reached around and poked at his wound to see if it was alright. To his relief it seemed to have almost finished mending. Wouldn't want to have to run or fight like this again" he thinks to himself as he waits curiously
I began to feel uneasy. "Arianna, do you feel like we're being followed or watched, cause I'm beginning to feel that way." I kept looking around at our surroundings, but didn't see anything. Doesn't mean there isn't something or someone there though.
Arianna turned serious, turned into a human, and hid behind a tree. She turned human so no one would see her, and it wouldn't be work to stand. "Someones here?" She signaled Lyra to come over.
I turned human too and went over. "well, considering the fact that I thought I smelled someone nearby and I feel watched, The answer is yes." I whispered. "I don't see why we should hide though, that just annouces that we are scared and shifting into human form gives us away as what we are."
"Well they might be dangerous." Arianna smiled sarcastically. "And I really just want my cave. I'm waiting till they pass by. You can go over there."

"Lets find them first." Arianna suggested.
A huge black wolf stepped out from the brush a menacing look on his face. Ears back and fangs bared he began making his way towards the two girls. A low rumbling growl escaped his jaws as he made his way forward. "This should be fun" He thought to himself trying hard to keep up the act. He hadn't been around others in a long time. So he thought "why not scare them. I could use could use a good laugh" He made his way to the cave entrance and let out another growl this time louder and ending it in a feral snarl snapping his jaws shut for dramatic effect
Arianna looked over for the growl. She jumped from the roar. She went back into wolf form and got ready to attack if needed. "What do you want?"
I saw the wolf and my heart skipped a few beats before my instincts kicked in and I shifted back into wolf form and watched for an attack, staying by Arianna the whole time. I was ready to attack at any second.
"What do you want, where are you from, and why are you scaring people like that?" Arianna said looking into wolf's eyes.
He couldn't hold it anymore. He suddenly shifted human and doubled over laughing hysterically." S - s - sorry" he stammered in between uncontrollable bouts of laughter. "Wow it's been too long!!" He said out loud on his hands and knees pounding the ground laughing
I rolled my eyes. "Yep, he's officially lost his mind. Let that be a lesson to not isolate yourself from the world. it does stuff to your mind." I would have been laughing too if I wasn't a pack wolf because he looked hilarious laughing like he was. "Maybe we should leave before he composes himself..."
He regains his composure and quickly stands up. A serious look on his face he eyes the two wolves waiting for them to stop laughing. "Who are you? And where am I?" He asks
I was able to calm down rather quickly. "You are in Shinku pack territory and I am Lyra Shinku and my friend is Arianna. My parents are the pack alphas. Who are you?" I asked after answering his questions. "Also, whats with the scaring people? not that it isn't fun but why?"
He rolled his eyes "great. Pack territory" he says in a condescending tone. "I'm out of here. I don't need this anymore" he says shifting back to wolf form. "I wonder where that other one got off to? Oh well. She's pack too." He says to himself. He turns to the girls "As for scaring. You said it yourself. It's fun" He says before he runs off. Chuckling to himself knowing that curiosity would bring more excitement than straightforward answers.
"Hmm...maybe I should tell my parents about this... They won't be too happy though. I hate to be the bearer of bad news." *I turned to Arianna. "I'm going to tell my parents about this, see you later, ok?"
I ran off and told my parents of the wolf. They said that as long as he left without a problem we wouldn't act. After that I went off to find a quiet place to relax.
Once he realized that neither wolf followed he circled back and hid to watch them. He watched one girl go off then made his way back to the cave. "Where's your friend?" He asks shifting back to his human form
Softly the winds shifted through the trees as a burnt red furred wolf made his way to the border that separated Hari land from Shinku. He was about average in build, but had the cunning of a true alpha and the rogue charm to match. A recent and shrewd turn of events had just left him in charge of the Hari pack. Now he traveled, with pack in tow, to each of the other pack's lands to announce the death of the Hari pack's prior alphas and display his new status as leader. This was necessary because if any of the other packs doubted his claim as the heir to the Hari pack's land then his territory would be in jeopardy. So despite the fact that he knew that the Endo Wolves were visiting the Shinku pack today, he had decided the announcement was big enough to warrant a visit.

Lifting his muzzle to smell the air, Theo grinned. They would be at the Shinku camp soon. He looked back at his pack then. The strongest members were the only ones with him now as the rest of the pack, including a few betas, had stayed behind in order to watched over their own camp.

Each wolf in the Hari pack always displayed certain traits. One being that they all tended to have russet colored coats. Theo noticed this now especially because the sunlight that filtered through the leaves made him and his companions look as though they had pelts of soft fire or perhaps sparkling copper. He looked back at the trail they were heading down and sighed. There was no way they'd beable to go unnoticed into the camp like this, so might as well make a scene when they did arrive. It would be more fun that way.
After I had found a place to lay down for some peace another pack member came and told me that my parents wanted to see me. As it turns out though, they wanted me to "escort" the Hari pack to our camp, since they were supposedly on their way here already for an unknown reason. All we know currently is that they aen't planning to attack. They sent me off and I reached the arriving pack more quickly than I expected to. I stood tall and asked who their leader was, the old Alpha was not present.
As Theo had expected, his pack's presence had been noted, presumably by passing wolves from the Shinku pack. What he hadn't expected was for them to send an escort. He was already on his way to their camp so the unannounced visitation surprised him. The wolf before him was an alpha no doubt, for she stood tall and was quite lovely in appearance. Grinning eloquently, Theo stepped out from the group of Hari members he had come with. "You must be the Shinku's leader's daughter, right? I've heard about you from my father. He used to come up here every now and then...I'm Theo, the new alpha." He glanced around then at his pack members, then back to his 'escort'. "Would you mind taking me and the members of my pack that have come with me to your camp please? I have news to report."

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