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Fantasy Werewolves of the Pack((DISCONTINUED.))

I nodded, I had a good idea what kind of news this was too. "This way." I replied turning to lead them to the camp. I hoped I was wrong but my gut told me that I was right. I led them silently back to camp.
Theo smiled lightly as the alpha accepted his offer to take them to the camp. Trotting to catch up to her, he asked, "By the way what may I call you by?". As he followed her, the rest of his pack trailed behind him, wary of her presence no doubt. There was only four wolves Theo had brought with him, but each one was burly in appearance and some of the best fighters the Hari pack had to offer. One of them murmered as they headed farther into Shinku territory, " This was a bad idea...They would have found out eventually and typically it's forbidden to enter another pack's territory without permission..." The only response the wolf got was a harsh and silencing glare from Theo, who promptly turned back to face the alpha female afterwards.
"My name is Lyra." I said aware that the wolves behind me were watching me warily. I tried my best to ignore it and pay more attention to other things.
"Lyra, huh? That's very pretty." Theo decided, more to himself than to anyone else. He could practically hear the sound of the busy Shinku camp up ahead now. They were getting close. The other wolves with him stiffened instinctively. Laughing, Theo responded to Lyra, "This camp smells quite different from our own. I suppose that's cause our packs are so contrasting." He noted how her fur was white and creamy versus how most of the Hari wolves were crimson furred, then chuckled. "There are plenty of varieties in packs, no? Back home we tend to blend in, but that's certainly not the case here."
"Feather... We have to go back!" A voice called to her. Feather stalked through the snow, her belly fur just barely touching the ground. "It's fine!" She called back as the voice approached her. It was three wolves from Moya, her friends. "Your dad will kill us.." One of them said. Feather shook her head. "No he won't.. He might kill me, but not you.."

She bounded off and climbed a tree, hiding. They tried to follow her but soon lost her. "Let's just go back, Alpha Rorey will send some of the more experienced betas to hunt her.." They agreed and rushed off, following the scent markers. Feather sighed and hopped out of the tree, waving her tail. She bounded off in the other direction and came up to a frozen lake.

Feather grinned and clambered onto the ice. She easily balanced with her long tail and she had done this many times before. Finally, I was growing tired of Rosepetal's constant nagging about finding a mate fore me... She thought as she danced around on the ice.
Arianna looked at the wolf. "She went to her parents." She still didn't feel this wolf was all that safe. "Where are you going?" She rolled her eyes. "If where ever you go is interesting i'll come. I like adventures. And I can attack if you are any dangerous." She thought about what she said. She started to walk her way. She looked back. "Fine. I'll come."
Feather spun around in circles and made poses on the ice. Out of nowhere, she started singing. "So free, like a butterfly.." She sang, her voice smooth as honey, the words rolling of her tongue like pure magic. "Every move is magic, you know.. Oh.."
SilverNova said:
"Lyra, huh? That's very pretty." Theo decided, more to himself than to anyone else. He could practically hear the sound of the busy Shinku camp up ahead now. They were getting close. The other wolves with him stiffened instinctively. Laughing, Theo responded to Lyra, "This camp smells quite different from our own. I suppose that's cause our packs are so contrasting." He noted how her fur was white and creamy versus how most of the Hari wolves were crimson furred, then chuckled. "There are plenty of varieties in packs, no? Back home we tend to blend in, but that's certainly not the case here."
"yeah, prepare to be stared at from the second you arrive to the moment you leave." I said, already dreading having all those eyes on me. At least they'll be staring at the others too, not just me. That thought gave me some comfort as I led the wolves into camp.
He smiles as he stands up and begins walking back towards the water. "So your friends an alpha huh? Must be fun wandering around in her shadow." He teases as he reaches the spot where he had passed out the night before "How many of you wandered off from your pack? I was following someone before I ran into you, she didn't smell like you guys though, so I don't think she was with you."
The russet wolf laughed as Lyra pointed out that his pack would soon be the point of interest among the camp. "Well I do suppose you're right, but what I have to say is well worth it." He smiled then, but it wasn't the friendly smile he had first given her, this one held something else in it. His eyes betrayed that there was a darker secret in him, something that wouldn't be safe to mess with. The same wolf from the Hari pack that had spoken out earlier suddenly broke in saying, "Wow, this place is pretty nice looking". Theo looked up at the comment and took in the Shinku camp. They had arrived. "I'll wait here. If you could fetch your parents that would be wonderful," he told her.
Something about Theo frightened me, it shook me to my core. I managed to stay calm though and reply. "I'll be right back." I went and found my parents quickly.
*watching all thats happening *


[QUOTE="Jonathan Heart]*watching all thats happening *

Interesting. Looks i got a target.
Theo nodded towards the alpha's reply and watched lazily as she darted off to retrieve her parents. Alone, he turned to face the group of wolves that had come with him. "You know the drill. This will be quick and formal. We don't want them getting curious about what truly happened, now do we?" He asked them. From the display of slight fear plastered on their faces it was obvious they had reasons to not trust all of their alpha's motives. Theo approved of the looks they gave him, knowing that they would stay silent whilst he explained things to the Shinku leaders.

It wouldn't take long before Lyra returned, so Theo waited patiently, absorbing his surroundings as he did.
I came back with my parents beside me, They asked Theo for his news and waited patiently for his answer. I sat quietly and waited to be dismissed by my parents, wishing that I could be anywhere but here.
*thinks* that guy might be planning a betrayal, i sense it.. *whispers in the girls mind* he might be planning something ,look alive
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Seeing Lyra's parents approach the Hari wolves, Theo straightened up, putting on a mask of formal etiquette. "I hope you don't mind my intrusion, but I thought it would only be polite to inform you that the former alphas of the Hari pack have...uhm...passed away from a most tragic circumstance," he paused. The hesitation was deliberate, but a little too long to be genuine. Eventually he started back up again, "They were found dead near our camp. Since I was their only pup, I am now the leader of the Hari pack and all the land that comes with it. I wish you'll understand." His words were strung with a tone of sadness, till he looked towards Lyra and inquired her parents, "I guess that means I'll have to find a mate soon as well, since packs are meant to be ruled by a pair." Sighing then, Theo glanced back at his pack again. They had held their tongues, but their appearance still gave it away that something was clearly bothering them.
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"I wasn't out here last night." Arianna stopped walking. "I was elsewhere." She squinted. "And some from our pack might have been out. Last night I wasn't feeling that adventurous." She thought for a second and spoke. "Why would you need to know?"
Because this was me from last night "he says kneeling down to the blood stained snow. "And earlier today another wolf stitched me up. I don't think she was from your pack. But I could be wrong." He gets up and starts walking towards where he last left the mysterious wolf and starts following the trail. "Has anyone else been attacked here? Or was that just my bad luck?" He asks with a concerned expression on his face. He shifts back into a wolf to follow the tracks better.

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