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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}

Saraya (Raya) Cortez


Saraya shook Ebony's hand, "Nice to meet you Ebony." Saraya gave her another smile. "When we get back to school, I'd be glad if you hang out with me and my best friend Alex; and I'm sure he'd be glad as well. He's not here at the party because he's ill." @JustCallMeAimee

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_nopwljtLzG1tujahi_500.gif.a4aa27793b44428a8c4f0bdce9e73df3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107444" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_nopwljtLzG1tujahi_500.gif.a4aa27793b44428a8c4f0bdce9e73df3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Well..." She said feeling a bit ashamed at what she about being a slut, "Sorry. I tend to over react." Marilyn shrugged and checked the time then looked back up at him, "I originally wanted to just sit outside here for a few minutes... Then I noticed someone who looked like he needed to be chatted with... Instead of just staring lonesomely into his cup." @AmRosey

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Bridgit-New-Photo-Shoots-bridgit-mendler-35740313-245-300.png.fc914dbafba424efc1b8c6e1e60a7907.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Bridgit-New-Photo-Shoots-bridgit-mendler-35740313-245-300.png.fc914dbafba424efc1b8c6e1e60a7907.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Naomi looked down at her cup then back up at Coal, "Shit... Completely forgot..." Naomi said and sighed, "Maybe I'll just leave my car here and take a cab or something." She shrugged and quickly looked down at her watch then watched as he smirked. (Couldn't really think of anything else to type at the moment... Sadly...) @NovaNovass



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Ebony wasn't really one for making friends but she went along with it anyway, "yeah sure, sounds like a plan." She added before finishing her drink, "any of your friends here tonight, or is it just your brother?" She asked Raya. Suddenly her phone rang, if was w sharp noise through the music and their conversation. She grimaced and pulled her phone out of her back pocket.'
father' was printed on the caller ID, awkwardly she looked up at the girl infront of her and forced a smile "wait here, I'll be back in a moment."

With that she hit the screen with her thumb and answered, "Salut père." Walking away from the girl she found the nearest exit and slipped outside.


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Lil' Gay Thug Pug


Lilith smiled as the boy retrieved a bottle and held it out to her, her small hands taking the bottle from his. She looked up at Dion and smiled small, twisting the cap off the bottle, nodding at his question. Lilith was honestly in love with alcohol, but not yet close to an alcoholic. She liked the tingling sensation of the liquid when it hits her tongue, the burn she feels when it runs down her throat. Felt like heaven. "I'm Lilith." She spoke, quietly.


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Coal laughed a little under his breath. "No need for a cab. I can take you home." He smiled. "Besides... I helped with your alcohol intake. It's the least I can do." Coal had a valid point. He did help with her drinking... And would probably continue the give her more drinks or encourage her to drink more.

Coal looked back over to Terry and Cassandra. "How about you guys? Are you guys good?" he asked. He knew the night was still young and it was a weekend night, so people would be living it up. Plus he had a driver that would do just about anything for him.... Well his parents did pay the guy very well... So he had to put up with Coal's antics.

Kyle and Casey of course showed up to the party late as usual. Late was the new on-time for the popular group. Kyle parked his car and the two entered the house together. Casey of course wearing the latest fashion, looking like she just walked off a runway and Kyle in a very casual but classy look. The two have been dating ever since middle school when their popularity started to become known. So they also knew each other very well. Casey would run off to find her click, and Kyle would head to the liquor table to get drinks for him and his girl. There he would meet up with other guys from the football team or other sports teams from the school. All seeming to have a good time.

After meeting up with her followers (That's what she thought of her friends) Casey immediately scanned the room for those she would never admit to as threats. Stomp out the bugs before they infect the school. She noticed Britt and Aaron on the dance floor. The trouble makers were always at the parties. Britt was already drunk, giving Casey the advantage to bringing the troublesome girl down. She purged her lips and narrowed her eyes when she noticed the three troublemakers were missing one of the members.

Her eyes scanned again and found the third member in the kitchen talking to some girls in the senior class. She smirked when she noticed one of the schools lower classmates was apart of the conversation. Yet another easy target for the night.

Sara had been at the party all night. She wasn't a loner or anything, but she liked who she hung out with and never really ventured out to mingle with others. Tonight was no exception. She was hanging out in the back yard where her and some of her rocker friends hung out most of the time. A chill kind of atmosphere was what they liked while drinking and having a good time.

Sara did make her way into the house at some point to get another drink when she smirked at Kyle at the liquor table. "Getting her majesty a drink young prince?" she asked.

Kyle looked up from the drinks to find Sara and a mocking look on her face. Kyle had no issues with Sara and not many problems with the little nicknames she gave to people.

Sara looked around the room and took note of all those hanging out inside. Most of which who had reputations at the school and then some new faces that were rarely seen at gatherings like this.

Kyle shook his head softly. "Her highness does like to drink." Kyle joked back.

He received a small laugh from the Rock Star. "I bet." Sara rose her brows quickly as she took a sip from her new drink. "Maybe you can get her drunk enough to where she isn't a pain in the ass tonight." More of a request then a question from the rocker as she slipped away from the table leaving her unfinished drink.

Sara was indeed quick to join others on the dance floor as she liked to party when tipsy. Her latest drink gave her that liquid courage to do so.

Kyle rolled his eyes as Sara made her statement and was quick to leave. He got his and Casey's drinks and soon was at his girlfriend's side. "Here you go." Kyle smiled. Casey forced a large and fake smile back as she took her drink. The self centered queen expected nothing less from the football star. Her eyes darted back to the party around them.


Although Terry indeed tried a drink, he didn't think he could possibly get drunk from a sip that he threw up. It's not like he drove anyways.

Terry held two thumbs up in Coal's direction.

I took the bus here, and my mom told me to give her a shout when I wanted to be picked up." Terry loved his mom dearly, but the woman had no idea as to when to stop mothering him. "I didn't plan on staying for long," he looked around "I don't exactly know anyone here." He laughed nervously again. Terry wished he could be more like Coal, the guy seemed so chill, so awesome. The way he talked reminded Terry of a dark brooding detective from one of those cop shows. Coal also seemed to not be as socially challenged as he was. I wonder if I should take notes on him... Maybe he could teach my the awesome ways of being a bad-ass! Terry believed this would be a great idea, even though most of his ideas never go to plan unless they involve a fixed answer, like math, or science! Terry loved a good science equation. How hard could it be? He started by adjusting his posture to match Coal's.




Ebony spoke harshly down the phone in fluent french. "Non père." she hissed at her father gritting her teeth in angst. She glanced at the party goers every so often before inhaling sharply and interrupting her father on the other end of the phone "vas te faire encule." she grunted at him before handing up and putting her phone and silent. Standing still for a long moment until she calmed the nerves that had crept up through out their conversation she turned away from the outside world and pushed open the door to go inside. On her way back to the drinks table, and to the company she's left there @iChaotic, managed to stumble in to a group of people who seemed to be happily chatting, "sorry." she glanced around the group before moving to get bast them her ginger hair frizzing slightly due to the cold outside.

@NovaNovass @HunterCameron @QueenOfDisaster
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Dino looked on intrigued as the girl drank the drink. For someone so small, she could drink but shook his head. "Pleasure to meet you Lilith." He held out his hand for a hand shake. He actually wondered if she would get drunk with all the drinking she was doing. "You shouldn't drink too, don't want to get drunk now do you?" He questioned. Maybe he should had brough another bottle for himself but he didn't want to get so drunk that he had to call his brother. When he though about that, it made him frown, he didn't like his father so he shook his head, not really wanting to get drink anymore. "So you from around here?" He questioned not really knowing what to ask her. @TuffBbg

Brittany Storm


Brittany smiled at Aaron "Oh, I already know you can do that. Don't worry" When Raya left she stopped dancing "Wutcha wanna do since you don't wanna dance" she giggled and looked around. She wanted to drink more, but she was also pretty drunk "We're at a party, there are sooo many possibilities to do stuff" She grinned a bit "III want to drink more." she took his hand to go to the kitchen and took a Palm Bay out of the fridge. She wanted to drink but something that wasn't straight rum "So what do ya wanna do" she smiled, opening the can, then taking a sip.

Green Avery


Green smiled at the girl and nodded. It was definitely a fun party. Especially since she was here. When the girl crossed her legs he froze a bit. She doesn't realize how attractive she is, and when the skirt of her dress rode up because she crossed her legs, he had turn look away and take a few deep breaths "So you're happy I brought you here? You met a few new people" he said, looking up at the girls face, and managing to keep his eyes off her body "I'm glad you came" he grinned a bit.

@iChaotic @QueenOfDisaster
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Lil' Gay Thug Pug


Lilith wiped her lips and smiled to herself, looking up at the boy and smiling more. Smiling was something she didn't mind doing, but didn't really enjoy so much of. She doesn't like lying, and what the smile was saying was that she was fine, peachy, as great as she could be, and that was a big lie. Lilith shrugged and played with the end of her braid, swirling the bottle around and watching the liquid swish from side to side. "From Little Italy, New York." The girl grabbed Dion's hand and led him onto the lawn, taking a seat on the freshly cut grass and facing him.




"Sounds like you've got me all figured out already." Chase said, looking back at the girl and sharing a grin. He let his wrists sit onto his knees before hearing the full-blown music burst through his ear drums. However, the scene of a couple making out from in front of a bush soon captured his attention. Their clammy hands were desperately grabbing each other's face, and it was almost a sickening sight to the eyes. "Man, do you ever just wish that you could un-see things? Chase raised a brow before taking another swig of the bottle.



Dino day down next to her, taking out a bottle from his sweater. He decided to take his Sweater off and looking at the tattoos on his arms. "So what grade are you?" He hadn't met her before on school, so he didn't know at all. He swiped his hai, covered his eyes. "Sorry, I'm not one talk except online, since I'm a big gamer." He took a swig from his drink. He only drank certain types of drinks, vodka was used to calm nerves and beer was used just to feel good. @TuffBbg
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_nu4deu9sGC1qlt39u_500.gif.b0630e0263616817553c7787cb373873.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_nu4deu9sGC1qlt39u_500.gif.b0630e0263616817553c7787cb373873.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Well, I didn't really completely experience the whole 'party' feel yet..." She grinned in a cheesy way, "But I am enjoying so far."

She genuinely smiled at Green when Green said he was glad that she came, "I'm glad I came to... This is like my first party and its awesome!" She said and stood up.

Charlotte took his hand and gestured him to get up. Charlotte was feeling a bit more confident right now and liked it, "You want to dance?" She asked him and tilted her head. Her eyes looking back to their handed together and his eyes, waiting for a response. @Dannygirl900

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_nopwljtLzG1tujahi_500.gif.d3968215a169617c93c601e2957fac5e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_nopwljtLzG1tujahi_500.gif.d3968215a169617c93c601e2957fac5e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Guess I did figure you out." She grinned and crossed her arms, feeling a tiny bit cold.

Marilyn also watched as the two people were making out and she nodded her head quickly, "Yeah, I would love to un see things, especially this... Need to get a god damn room." @AmRosey



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Lil' Gay Thug Pug


Lilith took a long drink from the bottle and wiped her lips once again, placing the bottle beside her on the grass. She looked at Dion's tattoos and moved closer, showing a sign of interest in them. She touched one lightly and grabbed his arm, looking at it closer and smiling. Lilith had always wanted a tattoo, but she didn't really enjoy needles quite well. She looked back at Dion and sat with her legs folded over and under each other. "Sophomore."


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Cassandra was not feeling well at all. She was drunker than she had ever been before. The room was spinning, and she was very anxious. She hadn't seen Rose in a couple of hours, and she was starting to panic. She started wandering around aimlessly through the party, bumping into people, stumbling. "Rose?, Rose?" she repeatedly called out, looking for her sister in the crowd. @anyone​


"Junior soon to be senior." He actually inspected his tattoos trying to remember what they meant, he actually didn't remember them well. "Each of the tattoos represent the different aspect of life I go to and the one on my left was someone name who die." Tha was easiest answer he could come up with. To him the skeleton woman meant death, the flower meant love and the name was someone 'he' lost. He actually smiled when he remember when he got them, even when his mom was against it. She only knew the rose was there but not the last two. "Death,love and former special someone by him." He whispered to himself. He took another long swig of the beer before throwing it to the trash bins outside. "Anyone you know here on the party?" @TuffBbg

Lil' Gay Thug Pug


Lilith listened as he explained one of his tattoos, smiling when she remembered her puppy, Cosmo. Although he was deceased, it was nice to think about the fun they had together being best friends. She shook her head to his question, not knowing anyone here. All she was doing before this was skating around, hoping to find a party she could get something to drink from. Only came for the alcohol. Lilith took a long drink from her bottle, it being half empty by the time she was done drinking. She coughed lightly, the burning sensation growing on her throat. She loved it.




Dino tapped her back so that she would stop coughing and choke. "Careful there, you're lucky the drink hasn't taken effect yet." He was a heavyweight when it came to drinker so he could handle many beers, but he didn't know anything about Lilith. "Remember, it's Dino not Dion, that's what you should call me if we see each other at school, don't really respond to Dion at all except with the mother." Dion wasn't a name he liked to be called except by his mother. "Don't ask where it came from, blame my drunk Father." He said the word 'Father' with some hate since it was his fault that his mother was still sick at the hospital . He took his hand back once she stopped coughing. @TuffBbg

Lil' Gay Thug Pug


Lilith began picking on some grass, nodding and listening to what Dino was saying. Such a funny name he'd wanna be called, but fun. There wasn't really anything fun about her name, maybe except for the nickname her brother gave to her, but that was about it. Lilith's twitched, causing her to rub it lightly. She looked at Dino with curiosity when he said 'father' with a hateful tone. She was going to ask why he disliked his father but figured the conversation should be left at ease while it lasted. "You're nice."




"I guess, the others don't really think so." He knew that was correct because he got yelled by some girl just for laughing and another guy glared at him. It was really hard making friends, only game it was easy but real life was hard as hell. "Kinda nice being called that." He held out a piece of mint candy toward her. "If someone ask why you came, well just say that you came with me." He didn't mind being one to help others. She was interesting, but eh, whatever, she was interesting to talk to and a heavyweight like him. @TuffBbg

Lil' Gay Thug Pug


Lilith took the mint candy from his hand and popped it into her mouth, still pulling the grass out from the ground, nodding. She didn't believe other people didn't think Dino was nice, or at least he seemed to be. But what about more of him? There had to be some part of him that others didn't consider nice. She shrugged and sneezed lightly, the smell of grass somehow getting to her. "Where's your house?"




Dino blinked when she asked that. She was asking where his house was at? Wait what. "About 30 minutes away from here." He really didn't know what else to say. No one before had ever asked him that so he only knew to tell her how long the drive was. "But that's on my car." He mentally slapped himself. "Why?" He asked tilting his head curiously at her. But one thing he was sure, he wouldn't be driving the car until he was sober enough. Drinking while driving was bad, everyone knew that and he took those exact word to heart. @TuffBbg
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It didn't take Ebony long to get back to the drinks table. Looking up at Saraya she apologised, "sorry about that, it was my...dad checking up on me." She moved to pour herself another drink.


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Lil' Gay Thug Pug


Lilith shrugged and moved closer to Dino, her stomach twisting a bit into a sign of nausea. She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed softly, watching as a drunk couple stumbled out of the house, giggling. Lilith laughed lightly, taking another drink and looking at the bottle. So long since she's had alcohol. Years is what it felt like, possibly what it was. She hummed softly to her favorite song when it popped into mind, chewing on her lip.


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Blinking, Dino turned to Lilith with a questioning look before shaking his head and shrugging it off. Who was he to stop her from using his shoulder so that she would vomit? No one. He listened as she hummed a song but he couldn't quite catch the bear of the song. "You okay?" He asked worried she wasn't feeling good. He knew sooner or later he was gonna feel like her but maybe it would wait until tomorrow. He rubbed her back, so that she could feel better. @TuffBbg

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