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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}



Rose walked out with Joseph, grabbing her pack of smokes and lucky lighter out of her bag. She walked on the front porch steps, standing over some drunk girl and a goth looking guy. She lit up her cigarette and handed one to Joseph, with a wink. She exhaled, looking around. "So, what do you like to do for fun?" she asked Joseph with a smile.

@Sexy McGee @QueenOfDisaster @NovaNovass @sprouhtt



She nodded as he walked out with the the other girl. She just returned to leaning against the wall, her arms crossed and looking at the ground. She wasn't depressed just bored. She just started thinking. 'Yup probably am never going to get him' she says. He never tried to flirt with her, never complimented her, never really looked at her more than a friend. She just shrugged it off for now. She could get a drink take her mind off of it for a while. The thing is there was nothing tackier than a girl getting sad and then drunk off of her ass. She pulled out her phone just going through it not really wanting to think anymore. She knew he probably flirted with other girls, it was just more real when she was right there. She was making to big of deal out of it. She's learned not to get her hopes up and yet she still did.

@Sexy McGee (mentioned)​
Coal nodded to her. He stated to walk backwards a bit so he could see her face to face. "I normally don't see you around at these kind of things." he mentioned to her. He gave her a curious look, "I would have never pegged you as the party type." Coal looked her over. With her kind of outfit.... He didn't think anyone would think she liked parties. Especially ones with alcohol and drugs. Not to mention... Her father was a doctor....

Coal paused in step, 'her dad was a doctor... She could get drunk all she wanted and he could just give her an IV or something.' he thought to himself. Coal was quick to join back at her side as they neared the porch when Naomi was. He noticed two new faces were standing by Naomi.
"My mom thought I should go out and hang with kids by age," Valentina said as she let out a small sigh and heard the music increasing each time she walked towards the house of the party. Valentina sa a girl standing there and one who looked drunk,'damn it's not even 10 oclock and people are already getting wasted,' Valentina said to herself. "Maybe there's more to me that meets the eye," Valentina said since he already thought that she didn't like parties or having a good time. Was she really that goody two shoes to the people at her school? It's only been a few weeks since she came to this town. @NovaNovass
Coal nodded to her words as they reached the steps. With all the new people around joining the parties, coal noticed a small trend. A lot of the new faces seemed to have only come to the party because of their parents or even siblings. But it wasn't the fact that her parents wanted her to come to the party that caught his attention more. It was her last bit of words. There was more to her then meets the eye. Her father was his doctor.... He had a strong feeling that she knew about him.

"I bet."

His words sounded more like a warning in some way as he motioned to the stairs and to the rest of the party. "Enjoy the party Val..." Coal sounded a bit cold towards her now. He stood in front of the drunken Naomi but kept his eyes on her. He couldn't watch her every second of every day, or even at a party... He felt like that would be creepy. He did however felt like he got his message across in some way. Weather she knew or had no clue.

Coal removed his attention from her and ended up taking his seat back next t Naomi. He smiled as he gave her a bump with his shoulder. "You stopped singing." He laughed a little. He would continue on with his night as if he hadn't seen Val at all..... But he would have her in the back of his mind if anything about him got out.

Just like the Dino kid.... She would be on his watch list.

A van pulled up to the house and parked in front. When the doors opened it was like it unleashed a flood of music geeks into the home. Myrin was the last to step out pulling her coat over her tightly as she shut the doors of the car and made sure they had taken the keys out of the ignition. What most did not know was that Music Geeks could party, drawn to booze and drugs like flies. Myrin could only assume it was because they had so much pressure placed on them for their grades and music. Tonight Myrin was designated driver, like she always was if she decided to come. Tonight she was guilt-tripped into coming, her friends saying that they needed to relax and had no one to help them home.

"Myrin don't forget to be a social butterfly." A clarinet girl joked which made Myrin only roll her eyes and nod, waving her away before the girl disappeared into the house.

She leaned against the car and sighed looking up at the house. This was honestly the last place she wanted to be, lying to her parents saying she was having a late night study date with some friends. She wouldn't deny the party did look fun but she knew she would just be an awkward mess if she decided to join. Myrin saw a few people gathered on the porch but it seemed most of the action was inside. Pulling out her phone she checked the time and sighed. She could be practicing, why on earth did she let them persuade her to come.

no slide
Myrin's Outfit
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/72605fc5efd186f74fde9c400ce9d572.jpg.b400370e5f1912d00b2b3da368dc3660.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/72605fc5efd186f74fde9c400ce9d572.jpg.b400370e5f1912d00b2b3da368dc3660.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Once Bradley got his smoke, he walked over to the kitchen table where a group of people were taking shots. He snatched one of the shots out of someones hands, taking it. He loved the sensation of the burn in his throat. It made him feel alive. Bradley exhaled the smoke, smirking to himself. He wasn't going to lie, there was a lot of pretty attractive girls here but they were too drunk for him. Bradley stopped in the living room, taking a seat on the empty coach as he looked around him. He really just wanted to smoke some wee right now. @Anyone


Riley scoffed at the sight of two girls laying on the ground drunk. ''Tragic'' She muttered bitterly. As she stepped over them, she continued making her way around the party. She knew some faces here, but no one who was very interesting strikes her. Every boy she spoke to, just kept touching her which she hated. Riley brushed her long, black hair out of her face. She made her way to the kitchen, looking around at all the people. @Anyone


Ralph wasn't much of a drinker. He kinda was already a ball of energy without drink anyway, he didn't really need it. Ralph didn't like to smoke either. He wasn't so against drinking though. Clara finally made her way from the guy dancing against her. She grabbed hold of a beer bottle, sipping on her and pulling a face at the taste of it. 'Ew'She muttered. @Anyone



Ebony suddenly felt a little awkward and nervous that this girl would want to spend more time with her. "Yeah sure," Ebony shrugged and looked up at her, "so long as I'm not causing trouble." She scratched her cheek looking away to watch people come in and out of the kitchen. She watched Bradley leave and Riley enter, people at parties seamed to come across extremely differently to her, some looked down right disgusted and others enjoyed them selves.


(I'm back, hey)

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As the music played Sara couldn't help herself. Her feet moved and her lips sang as she danced on the dance floor. She actually loved parties. She loved music, she loved the feeling of being free. As a high school student things could get crazy or even overwhelming. But it was times like these she loved to accept those moments and then let them go.

She made her way over to the table with all the drinks and was quick to pour herself a new cup. She laughed as she caught her breath. "Oh god that's so much fun." She said out loud. She didn't care who answered her, or even if they didn't. She was having too much fun. She took a large sip from her cup and finally caught her breath. She waved her hand in front of her face as if trying to cool her skin off. "So what's going on over here?" she asked as she looked around the table.

Aaron Cortez


"Firstly, I think you should lay off the alcohol." Aaron said as he took the can off her. "Secondly, I'd rather go home; but I know you won't let me do that and I don't want to disturb Raya when she's talking to someone." Aaron said as he smiled at his sister. "Where did Coal go anyway? Not seen him after what happened with Jade." @Dannygirl900

Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"Why would you be causing any trouble? I'm the one offering to go with you - not you asking me if I want to go with you.. Besides, you seem a decent girl. One of the only ones at the party. The other girls are just concerned about looking perfect and hooking up with guys. I maybe slightly popular but I'd much rather sit inside and go on a Netflix marathon." Saraya smirked. 'Should I tell her I'm a lesbian? I don't see the harm in doing it; she seems trustworthy enough.. But I don't know what she thinks of homosexuals. And people may overhear me, it's not like everyone here is super nice and accepting.' Saraya thought to herself as she sighed under her breath. @JustCallMeAimee



Ebony looked up at the taller girl and shoved her hands into her pockets, "okay then, if you're sure." She said looking away, "you should...really go talk to your brother first though, make sure he knows."



Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"Well I guess that would be a good idea." Saraya turned around and proceeded to push past the other students again, walking up to Aaron she smiled cheerfully, "Hey Aaron, I won't be coming home with you; I'm going staying with Ebony for the night. Just tell mum and dad I'm at a friends." Before he could say anything she gave him a quick hug, "Thanks Aaron, you're the best." Saraya said grinning as she walked off back to Ebony. @JustCallMeAimee

Aaron Cortez


"Uh yea su-" He was cut off when his sister hugged him and walked off. "No problem Raya.." Aaron said giving a slight wave as she walked off. 'Ugh, she knows I feel awkward when she hugs me.' Aaron smirked a bit as he watched his sister. 'Well that's Raya for you.' Aaron thought to himself.



Finishing her cigarette, Rose went back into the party to grab a drink. Haven't seen Cassandra in a while, hope she's finally having some fun Rose thought to herself. She walked into the living room, noting a heavy scent of weed. Damn, I bet someone here wants to smoke with me Rose thought to herself smoking. She sat on the couch, noting the guy sitting next to her reeked of it. "Hey, wanna split a joint in the bathroom?" Rose whispered to him, slyly pulling out a joint from her bag so only he could see. @irl000
When Valentina was done talking to Coal she walked up the stairs of the front porch and she moved past a couple who were making out near the front door, Valentina put her head down as she walked in. The scent of smoke, and alcohol was in the air. Valentina walked around slowly watching a group of people dance to the beat with red cups filled with alcohol. Valentina wanted to make sure that she wouldn't get drunk tonight since she had a reputation of somewhat to uphold at her new school. Valentina saw a guy sitting on the empty car, he looked completely out of it and a bit intimidating for her but she wasn't going to let that get in her way of having a good time. Valentina was going to approach him when she saw a girl walk up to him and took the seat next to the guy, Valentina slowly turned her back to him and walked in the opposite direction. Valentina went upstairs and she walked down the hallways. Valentina was trying to find the bathroom but she had accidentally walked in on someone making out again. Valentina finally found the bathroom and she walked in and closed the door behind her. Valentina walked to the sink and looked at herself in the mirror,"What the hell are you doing here, you know exactly nobody." She muttered to herself as she let out a disappointing sigh.

( @irl000 Bradley - mentioned)

(@simkimchild Rose - mentioned)

irl000 said:


Once Bradley got his smoke, he walked over to the kitchen table where a group of people were taking shots. He snatched one of the shots out of someones hands, taking it. He loved the sensation of the burn in his throat. It made him feel alive. Bradley exhaled the smoke, smirking to himself. He wasn't going to lie, there was a lot of pretty attractive girls here but they were too drunk for him. Bradley stopped in the living room, taking a seat on the empty coach as he looked around him. He really just wanted to smoke some wee right now. @Anyone


Riley scoffed at the sight of two girls laying on the ground drunk. ''Tragic'' She muttered bitterly. As she stepped over them, she continued making her way around the party. She knew some faces here, but no one who was very interesting strikes her. Every boy she spoke to, just kept touching her which she hated. Riley brushed her long, black hair out of her face. She made her way to the kitchen, looking around at all the people. @Anyone


Ralph wasn't much of a drinker. He kinda was already a ball of energy without drink anyway, he didn't really need it. Ralph didn't like to smoke either. He wasn't so against drinking though. Clara finally made her way from the guy dancing against her. She grabbed hold of a beer bottle, sipping on her and pulling a face at the taste of it. 'Ew'She muttered. @Anyone



Cassandra woke up in a bathtub covered in vomit. She had no idea where she was. There was all this noise, but it was muted. She rubbed her eyes, very groggily, and tried to stand up. She slipped as she stood, falling out of the bathtub, taking out the shower curtain, and crashing on a couple making out and a girl standing in front of the mirror. @sprouhtt
Valentina gasped when she heard there was a person in the bathroom and when she looked it was a girl who was covered in vomit,"Oh god, are you okay?" Valentina asked as she stepped away from the girl a bit since she smelled like vomit. @simkimchild



Trying to stand up, tangled in a tacky shower curtain and vomit, she wobbled and swayed. A girl was standing there trying to talk to her, but her words were jumbled and half-making sense. "I,Ise need, ah, where is, err, rose, dah, ewwww." she managed to stammer, starting to wipe off the vomit with her hands. @sprouhtt


Bradley was snapped out of reality for a second until he heard a female voice. Bradley had a habit of day dreaming randomly. He spotted a short haired girl from the corner of his eye disappearing. ''Um sure..'' Bradley said, not really focusing much on the question. As he stood up, glancing back down at her, ''Are we going or?'' He questioned her. Bradley ran his fingers through his hair in confusion at that girl. She seemed a bit off but so did most people here. Bradley began making his way up the stairs and the smell of vomit hit him instantly. Bradley pulled a face of disgust, gagging slightly at the sight. He was used to the smell of vomit but it still hit him every time. ''Rose, right?'' He questioned the girl from downstairs. He knew of her. Of course, everyone did. ''Does she belong to you? ''Bradley questioned, pointing over the the girl on the bath tub. @simkidchild @sprouhtt
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When she returned the girl looked up at Saraya and managed another smile, "that was quick." She put her glass down, "when do you want to go?" She asked. Leaning against the table to scanned the room again. She looked awkward and almost jittery, sighing she looked back at the taller girl.


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Smiling, Rose followed Bradley upstairs to the bathroom, excited to smoke. The smell of vomit was all around the upstairs. She stopped when Bradley did, seeing her foster sister a drunken mess of vomit and shower curtain. "Shit, Cassandra!" Rose yelled, immediately running over to her to help her up. She grabbed some paper towels running them under water to help clean her up. "What the hell happened to you?"​




"agh,er,friggin,eff,ehh" was all Cassandra could muster. She leaned on Rose as Rose took off the shower curtain, throwing it lazily into the vomit filled bath. Rose tried to wipe off her clothes of the vomit, but the stains were still there. "Shit," Rose exclaimed. Next thing Cassandra knew, she was being stripped naked and thrown in the shower while Rose pushed everyone out of the bathroom and began frantically scrubbing her clothes in the sink.​

Brittany Storm


Brittany made a pouty lip when he took away the can "but Aaroonnnn" she giggled a bit and watched as Raya asked him to sleep over at the red heads, then left "Soooo we're alone now! I have nooo clue where Coal is" she ran her fingers through her hair "I have an idea!" she giggled, a mischievous grin on her lips "wanna make out a lil bit" she teased and leaned against the fridge. If he wasn't gonna let her drink then they should at least do something, that doesn't involve him ditching her to go somewhere else.

Green Avery


Green smiled up at Charlotte and pulled her a little closer "Well, I suck at dancing. But I guess for you I could" he winked and stood up. The boy kept her hand in his, leading her over to where some people were dancing. It was a faster paced sexier song, so he slipped his arm around her waist and bought her close. He was glad he had a buzz, or he wouldn't be doing this. "So how do you wanna do this" he laughed a bit and began dancing with her. He was awkward at first, but then eventually got used to the rhythm.


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