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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}


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Andy giggled lightly, the boy seemed a little nervous talking to her a switch in positions for the girl. "Y-yea, thanks" she whispered quietly, this boy was actually pretty cute and seemed to be pretty nice. "Um... L-let me think... I-I've never talked to her before b-but I know who you mean, she s-seems nice" the girl cursed herself for her annoying stutter and whispery voice but the boy didn't seem too bothered by it which made her ease up a little.




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Brittany Storm


Brittany grinned a bit nodded "Sure, I'll send her a text" the girl took out her phone and looked at Kyles contact photo for a second, smiled, then moved to Sara's contact.

"Hey! Ditch with Kyle and I and meet us at the diner for pizza!"

When they arrived she hopped out and waited in front of the truck for him, a smile on her lips. All weekend she had been a bit upset, so she had smoked a lot. Even that morning she had had two... But she hadn't even thought of smoking when Kyle had been with her. She liked that thought a lot. "Come come" she took his hand and led him inside. She took the same booth she had sat in on Friday night. She liked this one. When the waitress came around she ordered the pizza she loved and poked Kyle's ankle with her foot "I neeeed Sara to hurry because I'm really hungry" she laughed a bit.


Alex Trey


Alex noticed the stutter but didn't care about it; he thought it was kind of cute. "She is, she's really nice. Probably only decent girl in this school.." Alex mumbled. "Oh, uh, I- I'm not saying you're ugly or a bad person.. Just not, um, spoke with you before." Alex stammered. His face began turning a bit red but placed his hand over the cheek that was facing the girl in hopes she wouldn't see. It was kinda clear Alex wasn't the best at this small talk or conversation business, after all, he only ever properly spoke to one person. Sure he spoke with his parents but mainly just stayed in his room playing games or going on the laptop. "So, um, Andy I think. Do you like playing games, or using the internet?" Alex asked. She seemed more of the athletic type of person but Saraya's brother - Aaron - played games and he was very athletic; so Alex didn't doubt she did. @Rocket

Aaron Cortez


"Oh nothing, besides playing games and waiting to be contacted by some form of human life." Aaron growled. "Saraya was at one of her friend's houses so I ended up sitting in my room and playing 'Black Ops 3', do you know how annoying that game is? All these 12 year olds who haven't even started puberty yet; telling me they fucked my mum. And those people who already have every camo on every gun and are master prestige - like do they actually go outside?" Aaron ranted. He did enjoy playing games, mostly the mainstream ones such as Call Of Duty, FIFA, GTA. Whilst his sister was a gamer who played almost every game, mostly RPGs. They sometimes got into arguments about which games were better but neither of them won due to their stubbornness. @NovaNovass
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Sara had gotten Brittney's message very quickly, she smiled and didn't even to bather texting back as she made her way back to her car. She rolled her eyes at the thought that Britt and Kyle were skipping school. Well Britt was no surprise, but Kyle on the other hand... She figured there had to be a reason for the star football player to skip.

It didn't take her long to get to the diner. She wondered how many other people skipped school today. When she found the two she headed their way. "I really really really hope that you guys already ordered some pizza. She stated dropping her bag in the booth followed by herself.

Kyle slowly nodded.

"Yes" Sara said in a very quiet breath as she raised her hands above her head as if cheering.


Coal blinked and had to take a step back from Aaron's ranting on about video games. He sounded like his sister when she complained... But this wasn't a cute little gamer girl yelling and screaming, this was a very tall and very strong guy who seemed more then upset about the situation. "Yeah... I heard about kids like that online..."

Coal played some games when he was board at home, but never got into them like this... Or got upset about them. "It's only a game." Coal pointed out as he slowly nodded.

@iChaotic @Dannygirl900
iChaotic said:

Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"No it's alright. I want to help you, I hate seeing innocent people like you in so much pain; physically and mentally."Saraya sighed as she picked her coffee back up and took a quick sip. "I'm sure Aaron will be okay with it. I know he may seem like an arrogant, unsophisticated asshole. But he can be really sweet to me, and rather sympathetic in situations such as yours. When we were younger he always stuck up for me when I was made fun of for my style." Saraya smiled. "And I'm also sure my mum and dad will be ok with it, they've always been fine when Alex has slept over at mine before. If you don't want me explaining what's happened to you, to them two, I won't do it." Saraya said as she gave another warming smile to Ebony. Saraya rummaged through her bag, trying to find a packet of tissues. Pulling them out from the bottom of her bag she held them out in front of the girl. "Here, take them. You need them more than I do." She said jokingly, trying to brighten the mood. @JustCallMeAimee

Alex Trey


"Uh yea, Alex, that's right." He said as he smiled slightly. Alex was actually relieved that she knew his name, it always felt awkward for him when people didn't know who he was and always asked for his name. "You're one of the cheerleaders, right? I've seen some of your performances at the games and they were really good.. Not like I enjoy sports but whatever." Alex said nervously. He couldn't believe he was actually making conversation with somebody other than Saraya, and this girl was rather attractive as well. Just being recognised was hard for Alex to believe, he hadn't even spoke to this girl before and was pretty sure Saraya hadn't either. "Um, do you know my friend Raya? Wears a lot of eyeliner, black hair - sometimes dyed, quite pale as well." He asked inquisitively. @Rocket



She stared at the tissues in her hand and considered what she was saying before taking them from her. She swallowed, "don't-don't tell them." She said quietly looking back up at her.

She forced a smile and a half hearted laugh, before wiping her face with a tissue. "Thank you." She mumbled under his breath before looking away awkwardly, still feeling as though she's causing trouble.

She no longer wanted to go to class and just wanted to go sleep somewhere, her face had hurt so much the previous night that she'd stayed up with an ice pack pressed to it. As of that would fix the damage he'd done. She sighed softly and glanced up the hall way, "what lesson do you have?" She asked.

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Andy Reeves

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.57d44f9fd279a7e8c7199531bf6c3c1b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.57d44f9fd279a7e8c7199531bf6c3c1b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The boys stammering caused a quiet laugh to come through the girls lips. How had she never brought herself talk to him before? He was really cute and really sweet, in her opinion. "D-don't worry about it I get it" the girl had a small smile gain on her lips when she saw him reach to cover his. He didn't seem to be too shy, just not used to conversation. "Well... I-I use the Internet f-for social media" she laughed at herself quietly tucking some of her hair behind her ear. "I've played a d-decent amount of video g-games with my cousin." The girl shrugged lightly, she wasn't too bad at them ethier thanks to spending her childhood with her cousin and his friends.




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Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.9f1b72dea7cdc5ccaca4488e17d786e3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108771" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.9f1b72dea7cdc5ccaca4488e17d786e3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany grinned when Sara did her little cheer thing then leaned back "you were quick to get here so it might be a little bit" she warned then laughed a bit. The girl leaned against the window and put her legs up on Kyles lap "how was the little time you were at school" she teased, leaning her elbow on the table. She wasn't about to bring up that her and Kyle had sex. She wasn't that close to Sara yet... But she couldn't keep "that" smile off her face. Soon the pizza arrived and Brittany sat up a little straighter, quickly swiping a piece. "Ohmygoodness" she almost moaned at how good the pizza tasted.




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Aaron Cortez


"Only a game, that's exactly what the immature little kids say after they purposefully annoy you." Aaron snapped. "Anyway, I'm ranting about the stupid community. Not the game itself." Aaron sighed. He began scolding himself under his breath, he just found hated how he got angry so easily. It was a horrible cycle, he couldn't control his anger so he got angry at that and therefore, he gets even more angry and so on. Aaron huffed and suddenly punched a locker; in hopes it would release all of his anger. Letting out another sigh he turned to look back at Coal. "I'm sorry about that.. I guess you're right, so, what do you have now?" Aaron asked trying to change the topic. @NovaNovass

Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"I have maths, ugh I hate it so much. I hate the teacher and it's just sooo boring." Saraya whined. Honestly, it was the only lesson she actually hated. Every other one she actually enjoyed, plus her maths teacher always gave her dirty looks and commented on her style. Saraya really didn't understand why her teacher had this hate for her, and Saraya gladly returned the hate back at her. "I'll be happy to skip maths if you want to get an ice pack, or go to the bathroom to clean your face up." Saraya said with a smile. She did really want to help Ebony, this was a situation Saraya had never been put into before and she wanted to try her hardest to help. Growing up with people who loved her as much as Aaron and Alex did, she wanted to copy what they did and be as good as a person as she could be; obviously not copy Aaron's anger but copy how he treated her. Though she did still have her bitchy, rude side to her.

Alex Trey


"I use the Internet for a lot of things: that includes going on a Netflix marathon with Raya, listening to music on YouTube, looking at Tumblr and other random websites." Alex said with a smirk. "So, what games do you like? Both me and Raya love RPGs, our favourites are the Mass Effect series, Dragon Age series, Fallout series, Elder Scrolls series and I guess we like a few of the Final Fantasy's." Alex was also a geek, like his friend. This was also part of the reason why the liked each other so much; both of them could geek out in front of the other without the worry of being judged for what they liked. The fact that people get judged for such small things made Alex upset - he always thought it was ridiculous that it happened. He didn't care what people liked or what they were like, if they respect him then he will respect them. @Rocket
iChaotic said:

Aaron Cortez


"Only a game, that's exactly what the immature little kids say after they purposefully annoy you." Aaron snapped. "Anyway, I'm ranting about the stupid community. Not the game itself." Aaron sighed. He began scolding himself under his breath, he just found hated how he got angry so easily. It was a horrible cycle, he couldn't control his anger so he got angry at that and therefore, he gets even more angry and so on. Aaron huffed and suddenly punched a locker; in hopes it would release all of his anger. Letting out another sigh he turned to look back at Coal. "I'm sorry about that.. I guess you're right, so, what do you have now?" Aaron asked trying to change the topic. @iChaotic[/center]


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.3eb0d9f5671f285baef1683c1bfdb4f3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108799" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.3eb0d9f5671f285baef1683c1bfdb4f3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Andy giggled lightly as he listed through all the games and websites he liked, he seemed quite excited about talking about them. She was also quite thankful that the teacher had left them to do questions so she could talk to him without getting yelled at. "Well I l-like Fallout a lot, Final F-fantasy 7 and I-I'm in the middle of Mass Effect t-two..." She glanced down into her lap "I-I like indie games m-more" she hadn't talked to anyone about anything like this in awhile, she hasn't talked to anyone besides the cheerleaders and family period. Even if she helped her cousin with his 'buisness' she stayed quiet so she was over joyed to be talking to someone somewhat calmly. "Hey, i-if you want, y-you can come over after school and I-I can beat you in Mario Kart? M-maybe you could invite Ra-Raya" she smiled lightly at the boy tapping her pencil off the desk, she was taking a leap of faith here, she knew Austin would be there but she wasn't really bothered.




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Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"Are you sure? I'm happy to walk with you to your next class with you, what do you have?" Saraya said softly. She couldn't bare seeing Ebony in such a state and felt incredibly worried that leaving her alone would be bad idea. What would the other kids think of Ebony when she walks into the class with a bunch of injuries, this school wasn't the most pleasant in Saraya's opinion."You don't need to stay in your class, just tell the teacher that you're not feeling well." Saraya would do anything to get out of her stupid maths class, and more importantly, would do anything to help a friend. She honestly couldn't get her head around the fact Ebony's dad had done this. A man that was meant to love and protect her, but instead viciously attacks her like an animal. @JustCallMeAimee

Alex Trey


"Oh yeah I'd love to!" Alex said rather loudly. The teacher gave him a dirty look and Alex quickly put his head down and pretended to take notes. "But be warned, I used to be a master at Mario kart when I was 13." Alex chuckled in a hushed voice. He really couldn't believe this was happening. Interaction with another person, and they actually responded with positivity instead of just completely ignoring him. "I'll make sure to ask Raya about it after class. I'm sure she'd love to as well, she also loves talking to new people." Alex said with a smile. "Want to grab something to eat with me and Raya at lunch today? Or will you be hanging out with your friends?" @Rocket



Ebony quickly shook her head and looked away, "I'll be fine...promise, I think I'll be okay on my own." She said quietly and put her sun glasses back on laughing under her breath, "if they ask I'll just say I was in a fight with some kid I know." She shrugged looking back up at Saraya, "I promis I'll be okay." Sge managed a smile, "thank you, for helping me as much as you have...it really means a lot but they are somethings...I should do alone."



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