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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}

Kyle figured out Brittney a little more. She had told him a few times that she was never wanted a relationship, but deep down that's all the girl wanted. She wanted someone to treat her right and be by her side. He figured that's what all girls wanted. Someone to just be there for them. He had to laugh at her comment about him being a golden boy. "So you want to play your life out like high school? With labels and listening to what other people think or say?" He asked her. That was one thing he really didn't care much about. Yeah him and Casey were dating, but they started dating a long time ago, long before kids knew what labels were.

People told him that him and Casey had to be together because they were popular. Kyle never understood it, but he noticed all the talking and comments went to Casey's head. She now thinks that she runs the school or is the most wanted girl by other guys.

He liked Brittney a lot and wondered if she let the comments effect her too. Yeah she got into some trouble... But he thought those were the kind of kids that just stood up for being themselves. He noticed that ever since they started talking half of the time Brittney put herself down. He thought she was amazing and wondered why she would do something like that to herself.

He let out a small sigh as he got off the bed and went to go get his shirt. He put on his shirt and heard his phone go off. He pulled out his phone and saw there were a few text messages. All from Casey, mostly asking where he was. He placed his phone back in his pocket before heading back into Brittney's bedroom. "I would love to be with you.... I just want to make sure that you want to be with me too." He told her as he stood in front of her and taking her hands into his.




Ebony pulled up to school late. Her motorbike rolled into the schools parking lot, it's engine silent as it crept into a space. Switching it off she pulled the keys out the ignition and climbed off, she seemed to be moving stiffly and when she pulled her helmet off her eye and jaw line where swollen and the visibal bruising was shoddily covered by makeup.

Sighing she took sun glasses out of her pocket and placed them on her face, to hide the majority of the damage, then Ebony adjusted the strap of her bag and shoved her hand into her pockets.

Slowly she trudged into school as if doing the walk of shame due to the fact she was late.



Saraya (Raya) Cortez


Saraya yawned as she stumbled through the hallway, drinking her Caramel Macchiato. She had gotten around 2 hours of sleep due to her being awake all night texting Alex. Fortunately for her, she had woke up and left in time for her to make a quick trip to Starbucks and order a Caramel Macchiato. I guess you could call what she had, an 'addiction' to coffee. Saraya adored coffee and always ordered the same thing every single morning from Starbucks - that being a Caramel Macchiato. She had no idea where Alex was since she was quite late because of her trip to Starbucks. Saraya had been trying to make her way to her first lesson - Maths - but had been wandering the halls for the past 5 minutes now because she was so tired. She was somewhat beginning to properly wake up because of her coffee. As she fiddled with her hair using her other hand she let out another yawn, rubbing her eyes she accidentally bumped into someone; spilling a bit of her coffee on to the ground. "For fuck sake.." Saraya mumbled to herself. "Watch where you're going next time, just be glad you didn't make me spill all of my coffee." She snapped as she looked up at the person. "Oh Ebony, it's you. Sorry for getting angry, not had the chance to get into a good mood this morning." Saraya smirked a bit as she rubbed her eyes again. She blinked and began to notice the injuries Ebony had on her face. Her face changed from a smirk to a face of shock. "Oh my god, wha-, what happened to you?" Saraya stuttered out as she kept blinking to make sure what she was seeing was real. @JustCallMeAimee



She glanced down at the coffee that splashed over her shoes, she sighed, "it's fine." She mumbled fidgeting slightly before forcing her self to look at the girl infront of her. Suddenly thankful for the sun glasses the covered her now watering, she bit her lip to keep it from trembling before coughing as if clearing her throat. In fact she was trying to swallow the tightness in her throat.

"N-nothing happened." Ebony stumbled over her forced out words, looking away from her. Her reaction was almost as if she was embarrassed by something that wasn't her fault. By something she didn't deserve to have happen to her and now all she would do is avoid eye contact with Saraya. She didn't like how the taller girl looked down on her, she didn't like the sympathy in her eyes.


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Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.4256bc4973b65f287f288ea5ebaaee2c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.4256bc4973b65f287f288ea5ebaaee2c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany looked at him shyly "I want to try. Let's try..." she had saw him check his phone, and knew who it was on the other end. "But I don't want to be the second girlfriend" she bit her lip. She basically just asked him to break up with Casey... what the fuck was she thinking? She let go of his hand and moved hers up his arm and rested it on his bicep "that sounds bad... But I can handle sleeping with a guy with a girlfriend, bease it's not a reoccurring thing but if we're going to try this being together, it feels wrong if you have another girlfriend." She said quietly, avoiding looking at the boy in front of her.




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Austin and Andy chose to stay home for the weekends seeing as how Austin just moved in.

Andy wasn't one for partying anyways, I mean she went with the cheerleading girls because they were her friends, and it was pretty fun, dancing and drinking.

That's besides the point cause right now Andys trying to wake up Austin so they can go to school. She was already dressed with her makeup on ready to go but Austin lay under his covers snoring. "Austin...We are late you should wake up…" the girls quiet voice managed to wake up the annoying punk, as her cousin rolled out of his bed onto the floor she made her way to the kitchen to make coffee for the two.

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Austin had woken up to his cousin shaking his shoulder. The girls voice usually wasn't much over a whisper so it wasn't helping too much. As he rolled over to get her to stop he hadn't realized how close he was to the edge and he just fell off with a thud.

'Might as well get up' he thought to himself as he stood up and stretched. He quickly showered and towel dried his hair, pulling on his usual black attire and debating about using some eyeliner, for today he picked no.

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He jumped down the stairs and grabbed the coffee mug from his cousin as they both walked to the car. The drive was short and once they arrived the both jumped out of the car into the school splitting thier separate ways, Andy to her locker, Austin to his.



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Kyle nodded to her. He wanted to try with her... But what if she ran off soon after he broke up with Casey? She said she could do the who seeing a guy with a girlfriend thing.... And that's what worried him. He liked Brittney a lot, but was she worth the trouble?

Kyle nodded. "I will break up with Casey.... But you have to do something for me.... I want you to show me that you are in this just as much as I am." Kyle told her. He locked eyes with her. He needed to make sure.


(Just so everyone knows I have three other characters wandering around the school)


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Andy had gotten her books from her locker, closing it quietly. She then began her walk down the hall, hoping to find one of her friends; she was always more comfortable around people she was close to. As the quiet girl walked she thought about the weekend and how hectic it already is since Austin moved in.

The quiet girl was so deep in thought she didn't see the boy (Coal) in front of her and she walked right into him bumping him semi roughly.




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Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.7782f4a0d82717afc8cab17d4dd46897.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108599" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.7782f4a0d82717afc8cab17d4dd46897.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany looked at him for a moment then nodded "you just... have to be a bit patient with me." She said quietly "I'll do my best okay?" She set her hands on his chest and stood on her toes to press a kiss to his lips "okay... so what about that pizza. Or should we actually go to school... or you could go talk to Casey." She shrugged "I could be there with you when you do it though, I mean. The breakup is kind of because of me" she liked the idea of them breaking up, she knew hey had problems, but she didn't like that it was because of her. She wouldn't tell him that though "who knows. I might even tell you my secret" see shrugged looking at him. If they were dating, she would have a place to stay whenever she needed it. The idea made the girl actually pretty happy.




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Kyle shook his head a bit. "Let me worry about Casey." He told her. "I'd rather tell her alone. Try and break it to her easy... That's the least I can do for her." Kyle dug around in his pockets to kind his keys. "I'm already missing some classes... So I really don't mind if I miss the day." He shrugged. He really didn't care what they did after this. They could go do something, or even head back to school. Either one he was fine with. He was a pretty laid back kind of guy anyways.


After leaving Sara in the hallways speechless Coal placed his ear buds in to listen to some music before class. His eyes were set on his phone until he was pushed back roughly. He took a step back pulled the ear buds from his ears. He was about to yell at the person when he noticed it was Andy. The girl looked a little lost, this left Coal to think that she had yet to find Casey to follow her. "So I'm guessing that without Casey around you are just another lost cause?" Coal asked. His words were bitter as he looked to his phone to stop the music he had been playing.

He knew he was being rude but after this morning he felt like he had every right to.

@Dannygirl900 @Rocket

Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.120fbcbaf652c47eb8bf7329c448e4e5.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108608" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.120fbcbaf652c47eb8bf7329c448e4e5.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany nodded "So if we're not going to school let's go get food" she winked and took his hand going out to his truck, after they were completely dressed. The girl climbed into the passenger seat and smiled watching him get in. "Soooo the diner has my favorite pizza. I like the pepperoni one with the mushrooms and green peppers" she grinned at him. "What pizza do you like" since she basically ended the serious talk she was back to her bubbly, flirty self. She made sure to scoot to the middle seat and buckled herself in. "Oh! Can't forget extra cheese" she laughed a little bit and looked at him with a bright smile.




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Andys' cheeks turned red as she glanced down. "S-sorry… I was just stuck in thought..." she quietly spoke out then under her breath she mumbled "jerk."

The girl had seen Coal around a bit but hadn't said anything to him, she doesn't say much much to anyone. The girl then adjusted her backpack trying to straighten her posture. While what he said was true she wouldn't admit that. "I-I'm gonna head to class.... Maybe y-you should do that same" the girl had a slight bite to her shy voice as she turned to walk down the hall to her class.




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As he drove Kyle thought about what kind of pizza he liked. He really wasn't picky when it came to pizza. He just liked it. Kyle was never a really big picky eater either. So he just shrugged, "Anything is good for me." he stated. He recalled the meal he had with Brittney and Sara at the dinner on Friday. Sara was pretty chill too. "Hey.. Have you talked to Sara lately?" he asked. "Maybe she wan't to ditch school too?"

Kyle liked his time with Brittney but he also liked to hang out in groups too... Especially when eating.


Coal gave her a dull expression but a small smirk came to the coroner of his lips when he heard her say jerk under her breath. He could tell she was thinking about his words, about truth to one's self.

"Sure, you go to class like a good little follower." Coal rolled his eyes. He turned to his phone and shook his head as he walked past her. He really didn't want to waist him time on some air head who followed Casey around like a lost puppy. He was even curious as to why he even stopped in the first place. Coal paused as he looked through his messages. He paused when he noticed that he hadn't spoken to Brittney since Friday. He wondered if he should say something to her, maybe her being mad at him was a good thing.

@Dannygirl900 @Rocket
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(Sorry for the late reply, I was having a nap

xD )​



She glanced down at the coffee that splashed over her shoes, she sighed, "it's fine." She mumbled fidgeting slightly before forcing her self to look at the girl infront of her. Suddenly thankful for the sun glasses the covered her now watering, she bit her lip to keep it from trembling before coughing as if clearing her throat. In fact she was trying to swallow the tightness in her throat.

"N-nothing happened." Ebony stumbled over her forced out words, looking away from her. Her reaction was almost as if she was embarrassed by something that wasn't her fault. By something she didn't deserve to have happen to her and now all she would do is avoid eye contact with Saraya.

Saraya (Raya) Cortez


Saraya was still in a state of shock as she ran a finger down Ebony's swollen jaw. "You're telling me nothing caused this swollen jaw, or these bruises? Did a ghost do this to you? It's obvious someone did this to you Ebony, why are you afraid to tell me? I told you in the taxi on Friday that if you ever wanted to talk about something - I'd be willing to listen." She said forming a warming smile. 'Who would do such a thing to a girl like Ebony? She seems really nice and I don't understand why she'd get attacked like this.' Saraya thought to herself as she glanced at the floor, sighing under her breath. The thought that it could be her father didn't cross her mind, after all, she thought he seemed like a nice man after hearing that he wanted to check up on his daughter. She glanced at the spilt coffee, "Guess I'm going to have to fetch some paper towels to clean that up." Saraya mumbled as she gave a slight smirk. @JustCallMeAimee

Alex Trey


Alex had been sitting in his English class, the morning had been boring considering Saraya hadn't been in; he only really spoke to her. Alex could somehow function on 2 hours of sleep unlike his best friend Saraya. He could kind of guess she had taken a trip to Starbucks, he did know how much she adored coffee after all. He would sometimes buy it for Saraya if she was really cranky. Despite her attitude, she would always somehow manage to be nice to Alex. She just hated it whenever her or Alex were seriously rude to each other. Just like most best friends, they obviously teased each other and did the occasional prank but they never intended to hurt the other one. Ever since Saraya had joined the school, Alex had been friends with her; their friendship growing as the years went on. He loved her English accent and she loved his American one. Alex was the only one to know about Saraya being a lesbian besides her parents. It honestly made both of them feel sad that Saraya couldn't have feelings for Alex, instead she always tried to get him into relationships but he just wasn't interested in any of the girls she had set him up with. Alex snapped out of his thoughts when he saw the teacher walk in and start writing a couple notes on the board. Not long after he noticed somebody else walk in - a girl by the name of Andy. Alex always thought it was slightly strange that her name was Andy. It was a boy's name after all. @Rocket

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Andy glanced around her English class, this is one of the classes that none of her cheerleader friends were in so she always dreaded it social wise, besides that it was her favourite. She bit her lip as she looked for a seat, as she was looking she noticed a couple of the jock guys were trying to get her to sit with them. In any other class she would've; but she wasn't really in the mood for pervy jokes and party who-screwed-who yet, not without some of the girls around.

The teacher scolded the girl lightly for being late but then told her to sit down picking her seat for her, next to a boy... Alex maybe? Yea, that sounded about right. She walked to the desk and sat down giving the boy next to her a shy smile and getting out her notebook directing her attention to the board.




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Mariam said:

Samantha was late for School, She was having family drama, She ran inside school and went to her first class which was English. She sat next to Alex, He was One of those Rebel kids or whatnot. "Hey" She whispered "What are we doing?" She continued. @iChaotic
One or more paragraphs. Needs to consist of five sentences or more please.



She pulled back when the girl touched her injuries and pushed her sun glasses up her nose wincing slightly, "I'm...sorry."

She mumbled looking away and blinking away tears, "my dads...kicked me out." Ebony whispered under her breath. She took her sun glasses off and wiped her eyes, the black eye prominent on her face, "he's said we're moving again, because I have friends." She wiped her eyes again avoiding eye contact with Saraya, "I said I didn't want to go so he...he kicked me out." She dropped her hands by her side and let the tears roll down her cheeks because there was no use in trying to hide them again. She cried silently and kept apologising to the taller girl.

She sniffed and wiped her eyes, moving the makeup around and showing how dark the nursing on her face actually was, how the hollow of her cheek was black on the left side and the way it molded into those on her jaw, and how jet black eye was close to being swollen shut. "I'm sorry."


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Samantha Walked into the School, She was running late. She arrived to her first class, Which was English. When Samantha walked in to her surprise she seen Andy, Her Teammate squad. She waved at Andy Smiling, The teacher glared at her and Samantha laughed and took a seat behind Andy.

Samantha took out her book from her bag and noticed Alex, The Best friend of Saraya. The Rebels or what ever, Samantha gave him a smile. @iChaotic @Rocket
Mariam said:

Samantha Walked into the School, She was running late. She arrived to her first class, Which was English. When Samantha walked in to her surprise she seen Andy, Her Teammate squad. She waved at Andy Smiling, The teacher glared at her and Samantha laughed and took a seat behind Andy.

Samantha took out her book from her bag and noticed Alex, The Best friend of Saraya. The Rebels or what ever, Samantha gave him a smile. @iChaotic @Rocket
You basically just did what you did last time but put a space between the top "Paragraph" and the bottom "Paragraph". 5 sentences or longer.

Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"No no, you have no reason to be sorry." Saraya quietly said, placing her coffee on the floor next to them; Saraya hugged Ebony and placed a hand on the back of her head. "Shh, it's alright. Don't cry." Saraya muttered as she tried to comfort the girl. "I can't believe your dad did that to you.. Just because you had friends. He sounded like such a nice man when I heard you speak to him on Friday." She sighed, continuing to keep her arms wrapped around Ebony. "You can stay at mine, I'll be happy if you did. Don't mind Aaron, I'm sure he'll be okay with it when I explain the situation after school." Saraya mentioned in a comforting tone. Luckily most students had already settled in their classes so there was really no one to see what was going on. Saraya couldn't stop thinking about the fact Ebony's dad had done this to her. 'What kind of dad does this to their child? What was wrong with Ebony having friends? No man should be allowed to have children if this was how they were going to treat them.. How long has this been going on for?' She thought to herself as the questions kept racing across her mind. Saraya knew that it'd be best not to ask her about how long it had been going on for, she didn't want to upset Ebony even more than she already was. @JustCallMeAimee

Alex Trey


Alex gave Andy a smile and a small wave in return as she sat down. He had hoped she actually knew his name. Alex wasn't known by a lot of the students due to him being so quiet, it wasn't to do with confidence issues; Alex just was more of an introvert and couldn't be bothered talking half the time. He didn't really have anything important to say half the time, most of his thoughts were to do with Saraya. He leaned over to Andy, "So, did you go to that party Friday night? I heard it was pretty crazy, my best friend Raya went." Alex whispered to her, trying to start a conversation. Even though he was introverted, he was told by Saraya and his parents to try and talk to more people. Alex didn't like this idea because he wanted to keep the friendship strong with Saraya and didn't want others getting in the way. But then again, Saraya had just made a new a friend on Friday but still decided to come over to his house when she could have easily stayed at the party. Andy was a pretty attractive girl however, Alex had to admit. @Rocket
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(Changed appearance of Aaron)

Aaron Cortez


Surprisingly, Aaron had actually woke up rather early this morning; he had to wake up Saraya unfortunately since his parents had already gone to work. But of course, he hadn't bothered going to his first lesson. Aaron had been wandering the halls in hopes he'd bump into Brittany, Coal or his sister. He hadn't spoke to Coal or Brittany since Friday, he'd just been sat in his room playing games because his sister had been at her friend's house. Aaron still couldn't get it around his head that Brittany had tried making out with him, even after he had planned to put her friend through a wall. She had most likely gone off with some other asshole and stayed at his house though. Coal on the other hand, he had no idea what had happened to him. Banging on the lockers, Aaron turned around only to walk into somebody, coincidentally it was Coal. "Hey Coal, what happened to you and Britt at the party? I was forced to interact with other pitiful students considering I was left alone, and I had no one to speak with over the weekend. So thanks for that." Aaron scowled. @NovaNovass



It didn't take Ebony long to calm down. She didn't wrap her own arms around Saraya instead just rested her head against her shoulder and cried until she just couldn't anymore. Pulling back she wiped her eyes again, "I'm sorry, I hardly know you." She mumbled into her hands, "and I'm lumbering you with my shit."

Ebiny dropped her hands by her side and looked up at her with big green bloodshot eyes. She sighed shakily and apologised again.

"I can't stay with you...it wouldn't be right." She mumbled under her breath and looked away again, "and it wouldn't be fair on your brother...or parents."




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Andy smiled over at the boy as he asked her a question. "Oh" she laughed lightly "I-I didn't go, I was busy with my cousin moving in." She shrugged lightly "isn't really my scene a-anyways" the cheerleader was kinda suprised he talked to her, not that she wasn't glad he did. "You're Alex right?" The girl cocked her head to the side questioningly "I-I'm Andy" the girl assumed he knew who she was; most people did. Still, she preferred introducing herself when she got the courage to talk.




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Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"No it's alright. I want to help you, I hate seeing innocent people like you in so much pain; physically and mentally."Saraya sighed as she picked her coffee back up and took a quick sip. "I'm sure Aaron will be okay with it. I know he may seem like an arrogant, unsophisticated asshole. But he can be really sweet to me, and rather sympathetic in situations such as yours. When we were younger he always stuck up for me when I was made fun of for my style." Saraya smiled. "And I'm also sure my mum and dad will be ok with it, they've always been fine when Alex has slept over at mine before. If you don't want me explaining what's happened to you, to them two, I won't do it." Saraya said as she gave another warming smile to Ebony. Saraya rummaged through her bag, trying to find a packet of tissues. Pulling them out from the bottom of her bag she held them out in front of the girl. "Here, take them. You need them more than I do." She said jokingly, trying to brighten the mood. @JustCallMeAimee

Alex Trey


"Uh yea, Alex, that's right." He said as he smiled slightly. Alex was actually relieved that she knew his name, it always felt awkward for him when people didn't know who he was and always asked for his name. "You're one of the cheerleaders, right? I've seen some of your performances at the games and they were really good.. Not like I enjoy sports but whatever." Alex said nervously. He couldn't believe he was actually making conversation with somebody other than Saraya, and this girl was rather attractive as well. Just being recognised was hard for Alex to believe, he hadn't even spoke to this girl before and was pretty sure Saraya hadn't either. "Um, do you know my friend Raya? Wears a lot of eyeliner, black hair - sometimes dyed, quite pale as well." He asked inquisitively. @Rocket
Coal felt like a human magnet at this point. This was the second person to bump into him today. When he looked he didn't feel so upset this time. The first girl was just a joke. Coal gave Aaron a soft smile, "Yeah, sorry about that." he stated as he shoved his hands in his pocket. He looked around before turning back to the taller troublemaker. "Well Britt got all kinds of drunk and ran off." Coal held back the part where she told him about her secret. "And I actually had a very busy weekend...." There wasn't really a lot to tell. "And I think Britt's really mad at me....." His words trailed off a bit as he pulled out his phone to see if he got any messages.

He let his shoulders drop and let out a breath of air as he placed his phone back away. "So what did you do all weekend?" He knew it was a stupid question as the other explained that he was mad no one contacted him over the weekend. But he felt it best to try and act normal around one of his so called friends.


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