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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}


Brice pulled up in the parking lot and spotted the girl quickly. He glanced to Coal who was now in the passenger seat playing on his phone. "Are you sure about this?" Brice asked. Coal let out a rough sigh. "Just do it... My mom doesn't pay you to ask questions over my decisions." He stated without looking away from his phone.

Brice had been watching over Coal ever since he was a child. He used to drive for his mother and father, but after they found out about his condition Brice was placed as a caretaker for Coal. As he grew up Brice noticed the changes in Coal. The kid never felt sorry for himself or what he had been dealt with... But he did notice that Coal was angry about it.

Brice pulled up to the dinner and got out of the car. From there he opened the back door to the car for her.


Sara watched as Brittney left and was soon picked up by Coal and his driver. She would finish what she could before leaving the dinner. She hated eating alone, plus it was getting late, her dads might worry if she didn't get back home soon.


Kyle on the other hand sat with his friend Bram. He kept his eyes on Brittney but tried to not make it seem like he was. But when Bram started to ask questions Kyle gave him a sour look. He really didn't like others butting into this sort of thing. Brittney was already doing a lot for him and he didn't need rumors to go around school about this. Especially if Casey went to the same school. "She had a bad night." Was all he said as he turned to his meal and continued to eat. He saw the car pull up and noticed Coal's driver. He glanced over to Sara and saw that she was watching too.

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Bram sighed before going back to his sandwich. He ate a few pieces of it before looking at him. "I'm sorry for asking questions, kinda having a bad night." He rubbed his forehead, he really hated sometimes telling the truth. "I was having issues at home before I came to a party than something happens and Yadda yadda I'm here now." He said to him while taking another bite. "Are you maybe worried about school? Fuck that, we can just playing any sports and forget that I was ever here." He held out his fist to him. @NovaNovass



Almost feeling guilty Ebiny climbed out of the car after her. Standing she looked up at the house infront of them, "thanks." She said and nodded at Saraya opening the door for her.

She felt awkward. She didn't know what to do at other people's homes...


Saraya (Raya) Cortez


After closing the door behind Ebony she gave her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, you'll have fun here." She turned around and walked up to Alex's house, giving a quick knock and ringing the doorbell. It was a bit late to be shouting at his window, but Saraya was sure he'd have heard them. After a minute or two she saw him coming downstairs, through the window. Alex opened the door she gave him a hug, "Hiya Alex!"

Alex Trey


Upon hearing the doorbell, Alex got up and quickly brushed his hair; it was in a mess due to him not even bothering to do anything today. He was incredibly happy to see Saraya - she was his best friend after all. They knew everything about each other and told each other every bit of gossip they knew. Walking down the stairs he opened his porch door, and then the front door. Before he could even speak Saraya threw herself into him and gave him a hug. "Hey Raya, glad to see you too." Alex chuckled, "And this is your new friend?" @JustCallMeAimee
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Ebiny looked up at him

Feeling slightly uneasy and awkward. She fidgeted a little, "um...hi?" Ebony felt the awkwardness though her voice and grimaced, practically face palming. She looked up at him and fidgeted a little more, "sorry if...I'm causing any trouble." She said scratching the back of her head before looking to Saraya for help. Realising she was probably on her own with this one she offered Alex her hand to shake and a...kind of smile and waited for him to shake, feeling all too formal about the way she was greeting him, "I'm Ebony." She said looking to at him with large green eyes, the wind from the cold night air tried to push her ginger mop of hair into her face, but she shook it back, dropping her hand by her side after they'd shaken hands.

Ebony looked behind him and at the house. It looked like a nice house, that nice people lived in. She wanted a house like that, but her father wasn't a nice person. So it wouldn't be possible. She smiled again, "nice place."


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Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.ae08511544b17483adb459fb27606817.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108425" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.ae08511544b17483adb459fb27606817.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany raised an eyebrow when the driver opened her door then climbed in. The rubbed her hands together for a moment then buckled her seat belt. She couldn't bring herself to say anything to him... she didn't know what to say in general. She leaned against the door and looked out the window, picking at her nails. As soon as they arrived to his place she jumped out if the car as quick as she could. The awkwardness was making her tense. What the hell was she doing there. The girl ran a had through her hair and looked over at Coal with with a small shy smile. She was there because she needed a place to stay for the night, and as bad as it sounds Kyle would have been her first choice, but she knew Casey would not be happy with that. "Thank you" she told him quietly. God she was craving a smoke.




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Kyle's mind literally was not paying attention at the moment. He watched as the car left with Brittney in it. He didn't really see any sign of Coal, but had a feeling the teen was either in the car or already at home. He looked away before taking another bite form his food only to see that Sara was leaving too. He rubbed his head a bit before turning back to his food. He stopped when Bram held out his fist to him. He blinked a bit in confusion as he had missed everything the other had said to him. "Sorry... I wasn't paying attention." He stated. He felt a little bad as this was a good friend of his. And tonight was so crazy that he had failed to be a good friend back.

"Look man... Tonight was hectic. Between Casey and some people from the party..." He let out a heavy sight.


Coal got out of the car when they reached his house.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/100987825-121017_EJ_stone_mansion_0014r.530x298.jpg.fb09f114d1cb874a9c3c4619cb084547.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/100987825-121017_EJ_stone_mansion_0014r.530x298.jpg.fb09f114d1cb874a9c3c4619cb084547.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
He continued to keep his eyes glued to his phone as Brice got out of the car with Coal's black bookbag. Brice headed to the front door and Coal was about to follow when he heard Brittney. He finally looked up form his phone. He didn't look to happy but he nodded slowly to her. "Come on." He almost whispered as he lead the way into the house. It was large and looked even bigger on the inside. Everything was surprisingly clean and not to mention bitch expensive.

Brice hung up his coat and placed Coal's bag by the door. Coal took off his hoodie and handed it to Brice who hung it up next to his.

"Mrs. Rose? We're home." Brice called out to the the very quiet home. "We have a guest so we will need a room made up." Brice added. Brice turned to Brittney and offered to take her bag and coat.

Coal continued into the house further where he veered right down the long white hallway. He headed into his kitchen where he placed his phone away and looked around. He tilted his head at a piece of paper on the counter. He looked it over and smirked a bit. The woman had gone out and wouldn't be back till morning. Coal had nothing against the woman, but she was always trying to make healthy and unfun things for meals. This only meant that there was pizza in the fridge.




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Brittany Storm


Brittany watched him walk to the kitchen then looked at the Brice guy with a frown "Can you just take my to where I'm sleeping?" She said, the obvious hurt in her tone. When she was in her room, she kept glancing around to see any sign of Coals past. There were a few pictures hanging on the wall, but not a whole lot until his teen years. She saw a door slightly open and peeked inside. She saw a few medical equipment.. But quickly went to the room that Brice had told her to go to. She didn't want to be caught snooping. Eventually she made it to the room, and sat down on the large bed. This place was, well, amazing. She had to basically pay her mom to live in her little house... This was way more extravagant. She didn't care for shutting the door all the way, so it was open a crack. Quickly, she took her jeans off then climbed into the bed with just her tank top on.

Brice nodded as he felt like he understood her situation. Coal hadn't said anything about what Brittney had said to him, but if Coal invited her over.... The reason must have been big. After showing her to one of the extra bed rooms he left her alone. He headed to the kitchen to find Coal already digging into the fridge. He pulled out a bottle of water and shut the fridge door turning to Brice.

Brice leaned on the counter of the center island and looked at Coal with a stern look. Coal opened the bottle of water as he gave Brice a dull look back. "Say anything and your fired." Coal pointed out before taking a sip from the water bottle. Coal left the the kitchen and headed into a large and roomy living room. He let himself fall onto the couch where he normally could be found. He reached out for the remote on the coffee table only for Brice to grab it before him.

"I just want to know if you're sure about this." Brice asked.

Coal looked at Brice as he thought, "I'm sure..." Coal said as he turned to the tv. Brice nodded slowly as he turned on the tv and handed the remote to Coal. Coal pretty much stayed on the couch till he passed out. Brice had made himself comfortable in a lazyboy chair in the same room.

Bram shook his head in amusement. He would had said something but really, Kyle really wasn't himself today. "Everybody has those days, I hope the new one gets better." He told him, talking about Brittany. "She sounds like a good person and you two cared about her, so it's all cool." He was jealous at that and didn't want to say those words, but Kyle was his only friend and he wouldn't want to ruin that friendship. "Don't worried about me telling Cas, the only thing I saw was you talking to me, your friend, and that's it." He told him, no way was he gonna tell Casey anything, he didn't even like her. @NovaNovass

----Monday 9:15 AM----

Brittany Storm


Saturday morning Brittany couldn't get out of Coals house fast enough. She even had to jump the fence because it was so early. Monday morning the girl woke up in her bed. Her mom hadn't been home since Saturday afternoon, which was normal for the woman, and she hadn't talked to Coal since Friday night. She'd probably be gone for a week or two. Despite not wanting to go to school, she cared about her grades so alas. She got up, showered, then got dressed in a simple pair of leggings and a cute shirt. She knew she'd be late for school, but she didn't care much. As she began making herself some breakfast she took out her phone, sending Kyle a message. Over the weekend they'd be constantly texting, unless he was with Casey. "Morning! Ditch for a few minutes and pick me up?" after the message was sent she finished up her cooking she sat at a little table in the dining room, eating her food fairly quickly.


Green Avery


Green woke up early Monday morning, and the first thing he did was send a text Charlotte "Good morning beautiful;) " Over the past weekend he had been with her almost the whole time. They were pretty much attached at the hip. The boy got ready for school, showering and getting dressed. When he arrived he went to his locker, then to the girls, leaning against it. He ran a hand through his slightly damp hair and talked to a few people in the hallway with a grin on his lips.


@iChaotic @Sexy McGee @RandomFoodGirl @TorontonianKidd7 @youngin @AriesKurisu

(Just time skippin to try and get everyone active again!)


Valentina R. Coretti


Valentina woke up on a Monday and it was the first day of school,"Ughh," she muttered under her covers when her mother knocked on her door to wake her up. Valentina threw the blanket off of her and she got up and headed towards the bathroom to shower and get dressed. She spent about ten minuets to choose an outfit to wear. It was always like this in the morning for her when it came to choosing what to wear but in the end she gave up and just picked out whatever she saw that she threw on the bed. She headed downstairs with her backpack on as well as her keys and phone in hand. "Well mom, off I go to have another fantastic year." She said sarcastically when she was terrified on the inside to meet knew people. Her father had been sleeping and didn't want to wake him since he had a long night at the hospital,"Don't speak in such a tone Val, you'll be fine." Valentina's mom said as she gave Valentina a small kiss on the cheek and Valentina smiled and grabbed one slice of toast that had peanut butter spread with diced banana's on top. "Tell dad I said bye," Valentina said as she waved goodbye. She ate the piece of toast before she went in the car and she got in and drove off to school.

When Valentina arrived to school about ten minuets later she got out of her car and took out her schedule for all of her classes. She walked inside and headed down the hallway to try and find her locker before the bell rang.

Dino was on the school staircase with a handheld game console. He really wanted school to be over but for fucking christ, it was the first day. He could had waited on his car but that would had been weird for him and he didn't really wanna go to the bleachers, someone had thrown some trash inside there so he couldn't stay there the whole day. Now the only option he had was attend every class and get some sleep as long as the teacher didn't wake him up.

Bram was in his car on his way to school with a frown on his face. Why the hell couldn't they had waited another week for school to start? He was in a foul mood thanks to his freaking mother waking him up around 6am so that he could get ready for school, he was awake so why the hell did they need to wake him. He parked on his usual parking spot once he arrived at the school and headed inside the school. He wondered when Kyle and the others would arrive, he hoped that soccer would be the first sport the could do or maybe just maybe they could finally make dodgeball into a school sport so that he could take out frustration on somebody. As he walked, the frown dropped and he did his usual fake smile that he did whenever he was at school.

Lil' Gay Thug Pug


Lilith stepped out onto her fuzzy black shower mat, grabbing her towel and wrapping it around her small frame. She hummed softly to the music playing in the background, walking out of her bathroom and into her room. She had been up for at least three hours, sleep paralysis putting her into a state of shock earlier in the morning, causing her to stay up in case the shadow decided to pay her a visit again.

Lilith grabbed some clothes from her drawer and laying them out on the bed, trying to pick what kind of outfit to wear. She decided to go lazy today and wear gray black joggers with a t-shirt, too anxious to find real clothing. She grabbed her phone, bag and math book before heading out the back door to find her brother, Blake, sitting and watching Netflix on the laptop. He can be such a stereotypical white girl sometimes..

Lilith pushed open the doors to the school, walking to her locker patiently down two halls, while other kids were acting like a bunch of mad bollocking animals. She put in the combination and grabbed her things for her first class, World History.

Dino was on the school staircase with a handheld game console. He really wanted school to be over but for fucking christ, it was the first day. He could had waited on his car but that would had been weird for him and he didn't really wanna go to the bleachers, someone had thrown some trash inside there so he couldn't stay there the whole day. Now the only option he had was attend every class and get some sleep as long as the teacher didn't wake him up.
Bram was in his car on his way to school with a frown on his face. Why the hell couldn't they had waited another week for school to start? He was in a foul mood thanks to his freaking mother waking him up around 6am so that he could get ready for school, he was awake so why the hell did they need to wake him. He parked on his usual parking spot once he arrived at the school and headed inside the school. He wondered when Kyle and the others would arrive, he hoped that soccer would be the first sport the could do or maybe just maybe they could finally make dodgeball into a school sport so that he could take out frustration on somebody. As he walked, the frown dropped and he did his usual fake smile that he did whenever he was at school.
Valentina found her locker moments later and when she put her gym clothes in it she turned her head to the side for a bit to look around and see the many faces. She saw one face that was different from the rest, he seemed pretty much your every day trouble maker but Valentina hated to judge someone just by their looks so she left the negative thought of that leave. He seemed like he was pretty annoyed with the school even though it was the first day back.
sprouhtt said:
Valentina found her locker moments later and when she put her gym clothes in it she turned her head to the side for a bit to look around and see the many faces. She saw one face that was different from the rest, he seemed pretty much your every day trouble maker but Valentina hated to judge someone just by their looks so she left the negative thought of that leave. He seemed like he was pretty annoyed with the school even though it was the first day back.
Bram went to his locker room that was 3 doors away from a girl that was staring at him. He quickly opened his locker and placed his book bag inside, only taking a binder and two pens. He looked over at the girl and smiled at her. "Sup? Haven't seen ya at school? Where ya at the party that happened before school started?" He asked her. Why was he being friendly anyways? He mentally rubbed his forehead butshruggef, he didn't know but he guessed that he should know others besides the sports maniacs like him. "Sorry for the many questions, kinda trying to forget the morning trouble."

(@TuffBbg did Dino get Lilith number?)

Through out the weekend Kyle and Brittney had been texting almost non stop. He could actually say that he was enjoying it for once. He didn't really ask how the night went at Coal's house as she didn't seem to bring it up. He figured it went bad. But when he got her new text he was more then happy to bail on school for a few hours. Maybe they could even go and get coffee before actually heading back to school.

Getting out of class was a snap for Kyle. He had good grades and was the star player of their football team. So if he missed a few hours teachers would over look it.


Sara's weekend went really slow after Friday night. She had one band practice and then spent Sunday with her dad's watching movies and playing board games. But her mind would tend to drift back to Brittney and what she had said about not having a place to stay sometimes. She loved to solve puzzles and to her this was just another puzzle at the time.

Come Monday things kind of felt like they had gone back to normal. The weekend party fling was already gone and it was back to real life. She had noticed Kyle leaving the school grounds soon after she parked her car. She gave it a little thought only to conclude that he might have forgotten something. Shrugging it off she headed for her first class.


When Brice woke up the next morning he came to find out that Brittney was already gone. His first instinct was to search the house to see if anything was missing but when he noticed the time it had to wait. Going over to the couch he woke up Coal. Coal was never a morning person plus the kid had a hard time waking up so this was normal. "Coal we have to get ready." He stated as he shook the teen awake.

Coal rolled over on his back and looked up to Brice, "What time is it?" he asked.

Brice forced a smile, "It's almost ten." he told him.

Coal let out a groan and rolled back over. "Tell the doctor to reschedule." Coal mumbled into a pillow he found.

Brice knew he couldn't do this. So he had to do what he could to get Coal to get ready. All Saturday Coal had spent at the hospital. It was his monthly testing day where he would go in and get retested and checked to see if his condition got worst at anytime through out the month. This started last year when Coal's heart started to fail randomly.

But now it was Monday morning and Coal found himself waiting in his doctors office. He was already tiered as hell seeing as he had to get up extra early this morning to go over his test results.

His main doctor had been his doctor for a long time. In the past few years Coal's doctor has been kind of collecting other doctors to help him on Coal's case.

Val's father being one of them. He would be Coal's surgeon for the operation if Coal could get a heart.

"Well we have some good news and some bad news." The Doctor stated. He looked at Coal from across the table while Brice waited outside of the room. "Which do you want first?" He asked Coal.

Coal bit his lip a bit, "Which one weighs more?" he asked.

The Doctor nodded knowing exactly what Coal meant. "The good news is that you are second on the list as of today." The Doctor could see the small glow in Coal's tiered eyes, but it slipped away when he said. "What's the bad news?"

The doctor folded his hands in front of him on his desk. This was probably the hardest part for a Doctor. "Coal... I have been your doctor for years now... The test we did on Saturday came back and the results..." The doctor paused as he looked Coal in the eyes. "Your heart has hit it's final stage..... This means you will have to be extra careful with your emotions. One wrong flair and your heart just might stop for good.... those chest pains you have been getting are only going to get worst along with the migraines and shortness of breath."

Coal's eyes slowly dropped to the floor as the man spoke. He felt as if his heart was breaking at this point. He looked back up and caught the Doctor's gaze. "How long?" he asked as his right hand fiddled with the bottom of his shirt.

You could tell this man had years of experience but still found it hard to break such news to a patient. "Three to four months..... I'm sorry Coal."

Coal gulped as he feel quiet. This really wasn't much time... They had told him once before that he was going to die around the age of fourteen... But he felt like this news could be more accurate.

The doctor stood up and handed Coal a folder. "To give you a better chance we are changing your medication... There's not much we can do at this point. Pain killers, things for headache and maybe an inhaler... Other then that you will have a higher dosage in what you already take. I want you to switch over as soon as possible and then come see me at the end of the week."

Coal took the papers and nodded slowly as he looked them over. He stood up quietly and left the Doctor's office slowly. He wasn't sure as to what to say to Brice or even his family. The world to him seemed a bit blank all of a sudden. His mouth felt dry and his hands felt sweaty for some reason.

"How'd it go?" Brice asked as he got up from where he was sitting. Coal said nothing to Brice and only handed him the folder of papers. "School starts in an hour... So while I'm at school you'll need to pick these up." Coal managed to say. His voice was calm but a bit shaky.

Brice took the folder and went to open it. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." He stated before looking at the papers in the folder.

"No... I want to..." Coal stated to head out of the hospital while Brice froze in his tracks as he read over the papers. He looked up to still see Coal in his sights. He frowned deeply before closing the folder and catching up with the teen.

Not before long Coal had finally made it to school. He headed to his locker keeping his head down a bit and not making eye contact with others. When he got to his locker he took his time figuring out if he really wanted to take his books... Or just head to class without them?
Bram went to his locker room that was 3 doors away from a girl that was staring at him. He quickly opened his locker and placed his book bag inside, only taking a binder and two pens. He looked over at the girl and smiled at her. "Sup? Haven't seen ya at school? Where ya at the party that happened before school started?" He asked her. Why was he being friendly anyways? He mentally rubbed his forehead butshruggef, he didn't know but he guessed that he should know others besides the sports maniacs like him. "Sorry for the many questions, kinda trying to forget the morning trouble."
(@TuffBbg did Dino get Lilith number?)
Valentina quickly looked away when he had seen that he was walking towards her,"Oh shit," She muttered under her breath she said to herself. "Hi," She said as she turned her head to him and gave a small smile.

Brittany Storm


When Brittany finished her food she put the plate in the sink, cleaned it, then went outside. Soon, she saw Kyle's vehicle pull up and climbed in. She had been so glad her mom wasn't home "So I already ate. We could, go in my house and watch a movie, or maybe go to the park but I don't think that's a safe bet, or we could do anything you want!" she smiled and scooted over to the middle seat. Now that she wasn't sad she was bold again. Being her usual flirty self, Brittany set her hand on his arm and grinned at him "I already have good enough grades, so lets just hang out today" A smirk touched her lips. She didn't want to say anything about her mom being gone for a while, so she made sure to steer clear of that topic "And now that we're actually face to face I might tell you what I saw at Coals house..."

sprouhtt said:
Valentina quickly looked away when he had seen that he was walking towards her,"Oh shit," She muttered under her breath she said to herself. "Hi," She said as she turned her head to him and gave a small smile.
Please make your post a little longer, 5 sentences or more.
sprouhtt said:
Valentina quickly looked away when he had seen that he was walking towards her,"Oh shit," She muttered under her breath she said to herself. "Hi," She said as she turned her head to him and gave a small smile.
Bram had to hold shut his mouth shut or else he would had laughed at her. "Sorry about that, trying to get to know the locker neighbor, ya know." He had heard her muttered something but quickly shook it off. "Names Bram, number 9 in the school soccer team and 65 on the football team." He held out his hand toward her. Normally he would do a fist bump instead of a hand shake but she was funny so yeah.

Dino checked his phone once he finished playing his video game. He decided to text Lilith to see if she was at school, asking her 'how she was doing?'. He went outside the school back door toward the soccer field and sat on their bleachers since the one at the football field was preccupied. @TuffBbg
Bram had to hold shut his mouth shut or else he would had laughed at her. "Sorry about that, trying to get to know the locker neighbor, ya know." He had heard her muttered something but quickly shook it off. "Names Bram, number 9 in the school soccer team and 65 on the football team." He held out his hand toward her. Normally he would do a fist bump instead of a hand shake but she was funny so yeah.
Dino checked his phone once he finished playing his video game. He decided to text Lilith to see if she was at school, asking her 'how she was doing?'. He went outside the school back door toward the soccer field and sat on their bleachers since the one at the football field was preccupied. @TuffBbg
Valentina saw that he did a small chuckle towards her and she was pretty confused as to what he found funny. She ran her hands through her hair but she left her bangs untouched, letting them fall just two inches above from her eyes. Valentina closed her locker when she was done and she turned her body to face him better. "What's so funny?" She asked him wanting to know. Valentina held onto the straps of her backpack and looked at the guy in the eyes,"My name is Valentina," she told him and shook his hand. Valentina's hands were a bit cold since they always got like this when she would be nervous.
Kyle smiled when Brittney got in his truck. He liked this, playing hookie from school with a girl he actually liked. He started to ponder over the many options they had. But his mind jolted back to her when he mentioned Coal's house. He had been waiting all weekend to hear and was actually really curious as to what it could be that Coal was hiding.

"What did you find?" he asked trying to stay calm. He placed his car in park and turned down the volume of the radio to zero. His focus was fully on her at this point.

sprouhtt said:
Valentina saw that he did a small chuckle towards her and she was pretty confused as to what he found funny. She ran her hands through her hair but she left her bangs untouched, letting them fall just two inches above from her eyes. Valentina closed her locker when she was done and she turned her body to face him better. "What's so funny?" She asked him wanting to know. Valentina held onto the straps of her backpack and looked at the guy in the eyes,"My name is Valentina," she told him and shook his hand. Valentina's hands were a bit cold since they always got like this when she would be nervous.
Bram chuckled again when she asked that. "I didn't think I was that ugly but seeing you turn away kinda made me question myself if I am, know what I mean?" He joked with her. He wasn't one to worried about those type of stuff but it was funny to see the reaction of others when told that. "So Valentina or Val or whatever you like to be called, you new here or have I gone blind not to notice you." Bram knew almost everyone at school, so when he met anyone he didn't know, he would say that to them. It would seem like he was flirting but he just asked that question out of curiosity. (Bram would sometimes be like that xD he just doesn't know he is flirting)

Brittany Storm


"Well, the whole way there Coal didn't talk to me except for when I said thanks to him letting me stay there. It was weird. He just walked away. The house is also HUGE like. A place Justin Bieber or some shit could afford. But anyway, the butler type person told me where my room was because I was so pissed that I didn't want to talk to anyone. There were pictures of his child hood, and maybe one or two which looked like him to be in a hospital or something... I don't know. But I passed a room and inside I caught a glimpse of medical equipment..." Brittany frowned a bit and twiddled her thumbs.

"I'm not completely sure, and I've been thinking about this all weekend... But I think either Coal, or a family member might be really sick or something" The girl bit her lip and avoided looking at him, but only for a moment, before she looked at him "It's just a theory. I don't know though" she assured and clapped her hands together, indicating that she wanted to change the subject "Oh! We could... Hm..." she stopped and thought for a moment "Lets go inside" she grinned and hopped out of the car, went to his side, and opened his door excitedly "Come come" she nodded and went to her door. At least they could play video games or something, and her house was on the opposite side of town from Caseys as well as the school. It was a safe bet.


Lil' Gay Thug Pug


Lilith chewed on her lip, her nose buried into the book she was reading as it got closer and closer to the breaking point. When suddenly her phone buzzed, causing her to jump and quickly take her phone out from her back pocket, slightly annoyed she was distracted from her book. She pulled out her phone to see Dino messaged her. Lilith quickly texted back 'fine, but craving some juice or something', in an effort to get back to her book.



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