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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}

Bram smirked when she left, he really disliked people like her but he had to act nice or else his reputation would be ruin. That reaction was really amusing, he really loved when he spoke his mind, didn't even care what they though of it. "Easy peasy." He said to himself as he watched the car disappear from sight. He slowly walked to his car with his hand on his pockets. He didn't like drinking because he didn't want his sister to take after him. He wasn't a lightweight, being a heavyweight but acting like one was easy. It was true that he hated judging others, but he disliked the words she said. "Some Knight in shining armor?" This wasn't some pathetic fairytail, he wasn't some stupid knight, he is a sport lover. Taking out his face, he looked through the multiple numbers he had before coming into Kyle number. Pressing the call button, he placed it on his ear waiting for him to answer. (Didn't expect that did you? xD ) @NovaNovass
Kyle answered his phone. "Hello?" He asked. But after that all you could hear was Casey complaining in the background. "I mean seriously, how can the school still let him in? He's insensitive, a delinquent, I heard he doesn't even do any of the school work and only takes the tests." Casey threw her hands up in the air as she continued to rant. Kyle only slowly nodded to her as he drove.


(sorry so short. Casey can be a handful. lol.)
Bram blinked when he answered. What the hell was going on? Who the hell was a delinquent? Not him, that was for sure. "Uhh is this a bad time to call?" He asked completely confused now. Was that Casey? That girl was annoying as hell, yet he always had the decensy to smile at her when she hanged out with Kyle. "Tell Cas to calm down, she needs to breathe or else some accident might happen." He warned kyle, he didn't care what happened to Casey but Kyle was his friend and one of the best player next too him that could rival him in sports. @NovaNovass
Kyle nodded slowly as if Bram could see him. "Yeah I'm almost to her house... If you want we can meet up at the diner on street in ten minutes or so?" he had to whisper into his phone. But Casey started to sound even madder.

"I'll show that punk a password!" she yelled.

"Look we're here." Kyle stated to Casey. He turned back to his phone quickly. "Hey I got to go. Just meet me at the diner." e said before hanging up the phone.

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Brittany Storm


Brittany frowned a bit when Sara came up to her and shrugged "Yeah. I hate drama" she wiped away some tears, and noticed a guy looking at her. She couldn't even bring herself to say anything to him. Usually the normal Britt would get up and go flirt, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. So she looked down at her hands which were resting on the table "Is it fair that I told Coal one of my biggest secrets, for an explanation in return?He just, blew me off" she could hear the disgust in her voice, but she didn't all that care. When Sara ordered food she sat there, and the waitress poured some coffee. Because of how small Brittany was, she could easily pull her knees to her chest, and have them resting against the table "God, I haven't told anyone that." she said, taking a sip of the coffee just straight.

@NovaNovass @simkimchild
Bram facepalmed himself. Why the hell did Kyle let that girl control him? He was popular yet Casey always ordered him around, that on school people called him her puppy. He got into his car and turned on the engine blasting the music to his favorite song "The nobodies by Marilyn Manson." That was his favorite song, it always made him laugh when he heard the song. He drove to the diner he always hanged out with the soccer players. His eye twitched when he saw the punk girl car but he parked it behind her car anyways. "Son of bitch, why do I have such bad luck sometimes." He yelled out in frustration. @NovaNovass


Alexander sat drinking his coffee waiting for the girls to come back from the bathroom. Another girl came into the diner and sat with the sad girl, who kept looking at Alexander. He didn't want to go over there and interrupt what looked like a serious conversation. Then, one of the popular guys walked into the diner, when Alexander saw him his heart started racing for some reason, he tried not to stare @NovaNovass @Dannygirl900 @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Sara frowned at Brittney's words. "What happen exactly?" she asked. Sara sounded a bit worried. Brittney was a tough girl and for to even cry was usual. "Did he say something?" She added onto her question. Sara let her mind slip back to what she saw when she was leaving. She really only saw the part where Brittney went off running, and then Coal's so called driver taking Coal away. The driver seemed like a bouncer in her mind... But she was sure Coal was fine, Brittney on the other hand.

"Why don't you tell em what happen as we eat." Sara smiled brightly. "My treat." She added as the waitress came back with two coffees, some creamer and sugar. Sara loaded her coffee with sugar seeing as she loved it sweet. Then with a nice mixture of creamer she finally took a sip from the cup.

@Dannygirl900 @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @simkimchild

(Kyle still has Casey on his hands so I'll wait a few posts before bringing him back in. Also I need to head off to bed.
Bram sat down at the corner of the diner with a frown on his face as he looked up at the ceiling. He wasn't one to like smoking but he felt like he needed one. When the waitress came he ordered some flavored tea and a sandwich. He always drank tea when he felt as if he was in a bad mood. As he waited, he looked up at the ceiling humming to himself while thinking of what sport he should play next. "Soccer would be good but football is more interesting at times or maybe just try out for the track and field?" So many club he could join yet he didn't know which one he wanted to tryout for. The more he though about it, the more he forgot why he was mad before looking at his phone and checking the time. "Not late enough." He said to himself (that's fine) @NovaNovass

Brittany Storm


Brittany shook her head quickly when the girl asked her to talk about it "No, I can't." She looked down at her little mug "I just can't she said quietly and avoided looking at Sara "You don't understand because I've never told anybody, not until tonight and look how that went." she set the cup down. She felt a small headache coming on so she took some Advil out of her bag, taking two. After she put them away she hesitated for a moment before she turned her phone back on... Kind of hoping Kyle had texted her back. He hadn't. So she turned it back off and put it in her bag "How was the party for you then?" It was amazing how Brittany went from energetic and drunk to sad with a small hangover. She shouldn't have trusted Coal. She didn't regret saying "Fuck you".


Sara understood where the girl was coming from. "I didn't mean that you had to tell me the secret... Just more of what had happen between you and Coal." She shrugged. But she smiled a little at Brittney's other question. "The party was ok for me. A lot of new faces, mostly ones from school but not really party goers." She took another sip from her mug as she let herself relax a bit.

"But I have to sit on the same subject." She picked up the spoon next to her mug and swirled it around in the liquid. She tapped the spoon on the side of the mug before placing it back down. "Coal really is a dick." She added with a little laugh towards Brittney. "He was never really nice to me either." She looked around the diner and noticed two others. One was sitting at the bar counter. He was there when Sara had gotten there, and the other was Bram... She shook hear head a bit when she noticed him. Narrowing her eyes slightly she pushed the jock from her mind.

She looked back to Brittney. "Other then that.... The party was ok."


It took Kyle a while to get Casey to calm down. She was livid by Coal's insults. And the more Kyle listened the more angered Casey had gotten. Finally he was able to say good night to the queen and then rush off to the diner to meet up with Bram.

Before entering the diner he had checked his phone noticing the text from Brittney. He frowned as he started to respond while walking in. He paused and was about to hit send when he spotted Brittney with Sara. He felt bad when he noticed how upset Brittney looked.

His eyes flashed around the room and spotted Bram. He held up his hand to the other showing one finger and mouthing the words. 'One second'. With that Kyle made his way over to the table where Sara and Brittney were. He slowed down his walk when he got closer as if he didn't want to scare them off. He gestured to his phone, "I got your text." He kept his eyes on Brittney.

He looked to Sara and Brittney now. "Mind if I sit?" he asked. Sara gave a nonchalant shrug and a soft smile. Kyle took a seat next to Brittney in the booth.

@Dannygirl900 @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @simkimchild

Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.d4cdbc507cbb8fc7bcc908c472037fbe.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108350" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.d4cdbc507cbb8fc7bcc908c472037fbe.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany looked at him when he sat beside her then rested her head on his shoulder for a moment before she sat up straight "yeah, uhm. So I tried talking to him, for a secret in exchange for a secret. I told him mine and for a moment it looked like he'd tell me his but he took me to his fucking choufer and asked me to get in as well as saying 'there are some things I just can't tell you' so I said 'fuck you' and ran off." She was angry again and she didn't want to be. "Did he do that to you?" She looked at Kyle, taking his hand under the table. Why the hell did she do that.




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Kyle gave her hand a small squeeze as he looked to her. He felt bad that he asked her to do this. "No... Coal doesn't even really let me talk to him anymore. If our conversations lean towards me asking questions... Normally Coal just starts throwing punches." Kyle let her pretty much do what she wanted when it came to taking is hand or resting her head on his shoulder.

Sara watched the two, she was quick to pick up on their little connection. But for the topic to be about Coal Black only made her shrug. "Seems about right." She stated as their food came. Sara went right for the bacon as she continued to talk. "One of my dad's actually is a receptionist at a law-firm closer to the city. It really wouldn't surprise me that Coal wont talk about his home life." She took a bite form her bacon followed by a sip from her coffee. "Did you know that the Black family has seven attorneys? All in which are from LA and New York, specializing in privacy laws and acts." Sara shrugged. "His families files, history, medical, dental.... Any information on them is locked up like the Rockefeller's."

Kyle looked up to Sara with a puzzling look on his face. "They never really had that kind of protection before." Kyle almost questioned.

Sara shrugged, "They hired the attorneys sometime while we were in middle school."


Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.927c2c8a20799478431cd1af8a772049.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108360" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.927c2c8a20799478431cd1af8a772049.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The girl looked at Sara a little confused. The couldn't really put the things together since she was only a little buzzed, tired and sad. She had no energy to. She shook her head a bit "so I could potentially get in trouble for asking him his secret?" She sighed "gosh darn it. I'm too pretty for jail" she joked lightly, trying to push past the sad. "Okay, so obviously he's had his secret since we were kids. I've kind of always knew something was up about him, but I never really cared to know until now" she shrugged eating a piece of bacon. She was hungry, really hungry buy she just didn't want to eat. "God he's weird." She frowned a bit, trying to relax in her seat as she kept her fingers laced through Kyles.




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Sara shrugged, "No... Asking wouldn't do much. But if he told you something that was under protection.... And you told others... Then you would have some problems." Sara nodded. She moved onto the rest of her meal as she blankly ignored the little attraction that was clear between both Brittney and Kyle. It wasn't like she was going to jump up and tell the world about it. No, she knew Kyle was a decent guy and Brittney seemed trouble sometimes, but in her book the girl was cool too. So if they liked one another... She wouldn't be the one to tell them to stop.

Kyle still felt bad about asking Brittney to talk to Coal for him. The more information he got from the topic the more he wondered what was up. He signaled the waitress and ordered pretty much the same thing as Sara and Brittney. With the food in front of them he was getting hungry too.

"So what should we do now?" Kyle asked. Kyle's hand stayed right where it was in Brittney's hand. It was like he refused to move it unless she moved hers first.

Sara shrugged. "Well talking to him isn't helping. Turns out he's a dick..... Surprise." She said lightly on the surprise. "The next best thing.... " Sara's smirk desperately wanted to turn into a grin. "We could spy on him?" She loved spy movies and tv shows that solved mysteries. Bones was her favorite show. "We can all crash at my house and try and pull together what information we can find." You could tell Sara wasn't in this because Coal hurt her... REally should could care less if Coal yelled at her or called her names... She was in this for the mystery and puzzle.


Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.867aec8ca5e5b9f9a13261919271ac2f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108370" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.867aec8ca5e5b9f9a13261919271ac2f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany couldn't help her little eye roll "well he offered to let me crash at his place sometimes" she stated. It wouldn't be hard spying on him then? She bit her lip. Just telling them that could reveal a bit about herself. She couldn't tell them more "I mean, it could be easy that way" she shrugged acting like her words didn't affect her. The girl watched as Kyle ordered his food, but looked at her own plate before he could see her looking at him. She ate another piece of bacon then sipped her coffee. She knew she was attracted to him. But she didn't do relationships, she couldnt bring herself to get close enough to people to be in a relationship with them. And why would he want to like her either, she was fucked up, and he had a girlfriend already. She looked out the window for a moment then smiled a little at Sara and Kyle.




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JustCallMeAimee said:



Ebony laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of her neck, she looked back at the girl, "sorry I'm just..." She paused, "nervous is all." She managed to smile at the girl through her lie.


Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"Well.. alright." Saraya said as she put her hand on Ebony's knee, "If there's anything you want to talk about; I'm willing to listen." Saraya added as she gave the girl a soft smile. "Anyway, this is where we get out." The taxi pulled up outside of a rather modern looking house, with white walls and a porch. Giving the taxi driver some money she stepped out and walked to the other side of the vehicle and opened the door. Gesturing for Ebony to get out. @JustCallMeAimee



Almost feeling guilty Ebiny climbed out of the car after her. Standing she looked up at the house infront of them, "thanks." She said and nodded at Saraya opening the door for her.

She felt awkward. She didn't know what to do at other people's homes...


Both Sara and Kyle froze. Sara dropping her fork in mid air and Kyle turning quickly to look Brittney in the eyes. Both looked absolutely shocked. "He did what?" Kyle asked. Kyle and Sara glanced to one another before turning back to Brittney. "He invited you to his mini mansion?" Sara asked. Everyone knew Coal's parents were rich and that his house was indeed a mini mansion, but no one has ever been invited to his house. The most they could do is stand outside the gates and look at it from afar.

Kyle cleared his throat a bit as he calmed himself down from the shock. Even when they were kids.... He got close to being invited over... But never was because they started fighting before he was.

Sara blinked and slowly picked up her fork. "You..... You must be really, really special if he invites you over..." Sara paused once more. "Are you sleeping with him?" She sounded almost excited about her theory about Britt and Coal. "Is that why he invited you over?" she asked.

Kyle frowned at the thought of Britt with Coal. But kept his words to himself. He was hoping that that wasn't the case.


Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.f1bf435b42beeb709da88c1120e4d00e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108387" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.f1bf435b42beeb709da88c1120e4d00e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany narrow her eyes a bit, not from anger but confusion "No. We aren't sleeping together." She shook her head, a bit confused as to why Sara might say that "We're friends, and sometimes... sometimes I need a place to stay" she said simply, not going into detail. "That's why Coal was trying to get me to get into the car. I think he was willing to take me to his house, but I took off because I was pissed that he wouldn't tell me his secret after I told him mine" she shrugged. She knew Coal and his family were pretty rich, but she didn't understand what Sara and Kyles reaction meant. For some reason she was tense. She couldn't even think about sleeping with Coal. He wasn't her type. But then again, neither was Kyle.




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Sara tilted her head with the bit of information Britt had given her. They had only thought that the two were sleeping together because Coal never invited anyone over to his house. She didn't really think much on the matter about Britt sometimes not having a place to stay. She only figured that maybe her parents were gone for some nights like her two dads. They would sometimes have to work in another state and be gone for a few days so she would have to stay at a friend's house.

"So I'm guessing that your parents sometimes take business trips too huh?" she asked.

Kyle moved from the subject quickly when his food arrived. Still keeping one hand hooked to Britt's hand he used his other to start eating. "So the next time Coal invites you over you can maybe peek about and see what she can find." Kyle suggested.

Sara nodded. "Unless the offer still stands tonight?" Sara shrugged.

After a few bites from his food Kyle started placing some ideas together in his mind. Britt didn't seem like the type to have parents that would work out of town or go on business trips. Coal didn't either, but everyone knew his parents were rich. But no one really knew anything about Britt and her home life. Why would she need a place to stay sometimes if she had a home?


Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.16557208e90b14de8dd2ed94403e0d22.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.16557208e90b14de8dd2ed94403e0d22.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The girl watched as the two tried piecing things together, that she knew they wouldn't figure it out. So she sat silently, thinking of what she might do "okay. Fine. I'll text him." Despite her being ultimately pissed she still needed somewhere to stay. Shyly, she let go of Kyles hand, obviously not wanting to, and took out her phone. She let her fingers hover over the screen before she went to Coals name and sent a quick text "Alright. I surrender. At the diner. Come get me" she sent it and placed her phone face down "you might have to go sit with your friend" she gave him a small smile and nudged his legs with her as a sign to go. She also tapped the back of her phone as a sign to text her then rested her elbow on the table and her chin on her hand.




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Kyle nodded to Britt a little down when she let go of his hand. But he didn't argue with her. She was doing him a giant favor and he could tell she wasn't happy with it. Coal was a tough case, he should know seeing as he had been fighting with him for almost ten years now. Kyle picked up hit plate and headed over to Bram's table. He would defiantly text her and make sure things were going ok. Sara pulled out her wallet and placed some money on the table to pay for the meals.

She then reached out and handed Britt her phone. "You can text me too if you want?" She smiled. Sara was actually happy to feel like she had made some cool new friends tonight. She knew them from school but never got to meet them on this level.

She blinked when she heard Britt's pone go off. "Is it him?" she asked as a text popped up on the screen.

"Be there shortly...." Was all Coal had texted to Brittney.

Bram raised his eyebrow when Kyle came to the table he was sitting at. He took a sip of his tea before looking at. "Any problem Ky?" He asked. If there was problem and he could help out eventhough it was against his code sometimes, he would do it. "What exactly happened to her?" If that sounded offensive he would apologize but whatever. @NovaNovass

Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.c54b895ddef1993fef0c145559387dd8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108406" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.c54b895ddef1993fef0c145559387dd8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany put her number into the girls phone and sent a text to herself before she stood. She heard her phone ding then checked it "yeah. It was him" she bit her lip then went to the door after leaving a few dollars on the table. Before the left the diner she gave Kyles shoulder a little squeeze then walked outside. The girl stood in the parking lot with her bag draped over her shoulder, and shoved her hands into her pockets. It was a little cold out, so she hoped he would be there soon. She didn't want to risk him seeing Kyle inside.




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