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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}

Coal couldn't really say anything as for Naomi seeing as her drunkenness had taken full effect. But what he couldn't stand at all was Kyle. Telling these two not to fight was like trying to tell the sun not to rise and fall. Coal gritted his teeth before he turned around and decided to head back inside. He'd rather be board then be around Kyle at the moment.

Sara watched as Coal walked back into the house a little more then pissed. She leaned her head to one side feeling like she had stopped a storm before it had started. Her eyes feel to Kyle who seemed a bit down instead of mad.

Kyle took his seat next to a random girl. He let out a large sigh before running his hands through his hair.


Saraya (Raya) Cortez


As Saraya looked at her Instagram she saw pictures of different people at the party; looking like they were having fun. 'I wish Alex was here.' Saraya thought as she sighed under her breath. As Ebony began speaking, Saraya took notice of the French accent and recognised a couple of words such as 'hello', 'home', and 'goodbye'. Had no idea what 'tu m'emmerdes' meant however. As Ebony hung up, Saraya turned to look back at her. "Didn't know your family was French, why don't you speak English to each other?" She asked curiously, hoping to get to know some more things about Ebony. @JustCallMeAimee

Aaron Cortez


"What's the point in putting effort in if I don't have feelings for them?" Aaron asked in a monotone voice. 'For someone who doesn't fall for anyone, she sure is trying hard to get me to make out with her.' @Dannygirl900

Brittany Storm


Brittany smirked a bit "Because it's fun. But, apperantly you can't let loose for once. Oh well!" she moved him aside and hopped down from the counter "Party pooper" she stuck out her tongue and weaved through the crowed. Eventually she got outside, and dug into her bag to look for her cigarettes. When she found them, she placed one between her lips and lit it up. She'd been craving one, but she hated smoking around her friends. The girl leaned against the house and took a long drag from it. How would she get home, she was waaay too drunk to leave the place by herself. Maybe she could crash upstairs somewhere.

Green Avery


Green grinned a bit and kissed her once more before pulling away "Alright, do you wanna go home or stay here?" he smiled a bit and kept his arms around her waist, waiting for her decision "I could walk you home, it's late and I don't want you getting into a vehicle with anyone" he said, his tone genuinely concerned. He'd never actually cared about someone like he cared about her... He kept his worries on his home life and everything that happens with him.

@iChaotic @QueenOfDisaster



Ebony looked at the girl and managed a smile, "my dads French." She said putting her phone into her pocket, "he was just checking if I was coming home." She shrugged softly, "but if he's got guests, like I mentioned before, I'd rather stay somewhere else, just cause i don't want to get back late and wake them all up." She glanced around when she heard a horn beep and saw a yellow and black taxi.

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Lil' Gay Thug Pug


Lilith grabbed her bottle again, turning around on Dino's lap so she could lay back. She listened while studying his face, bringing the bottle to her lips and taking a long swig. Lilith took out a cigar and inspected it, putting it on her bottom lip and searching his pockets for herself. When she couldn't find a lighter, she took the cigar from her lips and groaned. She drank from the bottle more, the liquid burning her throat even more as she pulled away from the bottle. Lilith looked at Dino and smiled sweetly, for some odd reason?





Where the hell is he? Rose thought to herself. She was getting tense. Cassandra was still sleeping on the bench, but Rose was worried that her foster parents would notice that they haven't come home yet, and she'd be busted. Anxious, she reached in her bag for her cigarettes, only to find them empty. Shit, she cursed under her breath. Then, as if for irony's sake, a girl stepped out onto the porch and lit up a smoke. Rose, desperate, walked up to her and asked, "Hey you got an extra one I can bum?" @Dannygirl900
Sara had already been smoking a cigarette and leaning up against the house when Brittany came up next to her. Sara smirked a little as she looked over at the troublemaker. "Rough night?" Sara asked. By the look in the girl's eyes, Sara could tell Brittany was already drunk. She took a hit off her smoke before readjusting her back against the wall. Her eyes left the other girl and drifted out to the front lawn. It seemed like the party would be over soon. Mostly because a lot of people were making their way out to the front yard. Some making out, some throwing up... And others just drunk.


Dino watched as she searched for the lighter and took it out from his sweater pockets. "For coincidence, I always keep it here." He always made sure to switch the place where he kept the lighter, so that no one would ever take it from him. "Here." He handed the lighter to her as Dino actually decided to see something for himself and took the bottle away from her, wanting to see her reation. Maybe it would be amusing or not, he just wanted see it.


Lil' Gay Nugget


Lilith gasped as Dino took the bottle from her as she took the lighter from his hand. She looked at him, then the bottle, then him again as she just sat there. She didn't really know what to do and was a bit too buzzed to think about what she would do. Lilith turned around on his lap to face him, looking at him dead in the eye, or at least trying to. Not wanting to say anything, she leaned forward and kissed Dino's neck while whispering into his ear, "Give me the bottle, please."



Dino eyes widened when she did that. What the hell just happened? He was literally freaking out inside his mind. He was literally trying to comprehend what the hell was happening. His gears aka his brain wasn't working well at all right now. He just gave her the bottle without saying anything else. He would had stood up and left the party and her. He blinked before returning back to his normal self. "Sorry about that, I just wanted to see your reaction." He would had stuttered but wanted to keep himself calm while screaming at himself in his head.


Myrin Endo

Marin's fingers stopped mid-tap on the wood beside her seeing a figure sit down beside her. Did she know him? Was he drunk? What was he doing? All these questions circling around her head, lifting her head slightly to take a peek at the stranger next to her.
Maybe one of the band kids friends. She thought deciding to ask him if he needed a ride, she was only assuming he was one of the band kids friends. "So did the tell you I'd give you a ride home..." When she looked at him again she could tell he defiantly could not be associated with any of the music geeks. Her cheeks going red, hiding her face in her hands. I just did that... Why did you not check you idiot! She cursed to herself, to afraid to look back up at him. She just made a fool of herself and she knew it. She continued to tap her fingers on the wood, repeating the same keys over and over. "Sorry... I thought you were someone else." Myrin's voice was soft as she spoke, obvious with her embarrassment. This is the exact reason why she never came to these things. She always ended up making a fool of herself.

Kyle looked over to Marin a little two quick, so he had to double look when she started to talk to him. He shook his head with a large hint of confusion. "No..... Why would I need a ride?" He asked curiously... "And who do you mean by they?" he asked. Kyle looked her over and couldn't really say if he knew her. He had lived in this town his whole life, but his circle or click of friends pretty much stayed the same over the years. Hell out of all the people he did know... The one person that knew him the longest was the one person he got into fights with.

"Are you drunk?" he asked Marin.


Myrin looked up at Kyle her cheeks turning red as she shook her head. "No. Sorry I thought you were someone else. I'm the designated driver and I though one of my friends told you I give you a ride. Sorry." Her voice was quiet, to embaressed to speak any louder. God this is the reason I should have gone home. She thought to herself, gripping the keys in her hand as she sight. SHe couldn't leave even if she wanted, she still had to wait on the others to enjoy the night and ask to be taken home.


Brittany Storm


Brittany grinned at the girl who asked for a smoke and nodded, but when she looked in the pack there were no more "Shiet! I need to get more. Sorry!" she giggled a bit and looked at the girl who asked her if it was a rough night "Welllll missy, I am really drunk" she laughed a bit, running her free hand through her hair "I realllly wanted to make out with this one friend I have but he wasn't into it so I left him inside" she giggled and looked at the girl. "You're pretty hot, wanna make out!" she giggled and stepped closer to Sara. Brittany wasn't bisexual or homosexual, but she was wild when she was drunk.

@NovaNovass @simkimchild
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Coal and Casey

Coal found himself standing near the liquor table looking out at the sea of people. He casually took a sip from his soda when he noticed a presents now standing next to him.

Casey took a sip from her new drink. Normally Kyle would always get her drinks for her, but he was no where to be found. So the queen bee had to get one herself.

"I didn't really expect you to be here tonight." Coal kept his eyes on the crowd, but the two knew he was talking to Casey.

"Seriously... Why would I pass up a great chance to throw my awesome life into a bunch of people's faces?" Casey too kept her eyes on the crowded room. She took a small sip from her cup waiting for Coal to shoot something back her way.

The two seemed ever so casual with their little talk.

"You call it awesome.... Most people call it failure... " Coal.

"You're the failure... I heard the school tried to kick you out again." Casey.

"I call it a win seeing as I'm still not kicked out." Coal.

"I call you a virus, seeing as infect everything that you touch." Casey.

"If all vagina's had pass words your's would be 1,2,3,4." Coal.

"Dick." Casey.

"Slut." Coal.

The two not once looked to one another as they kept their eyes on the sea of people. Anyone near the two of course would have over heard their conversation but could also fell the heat between them. These two never got along and would always make rude or snob comments to one another. They had been doing this for so long that the scene around their words died down to merely just words with no over reactions towards one another.

Sara and Kyle

Sara laughed a little at Brittany's request. "I think you're barking up the wrong tree there sweetheart." Sara shook off her laugh and smiled to the drunk troublemaker. But when she looked to Britt after taking a hit off her smoke she noticed Kyle was looking over at them. Sara smirked a little. "Do we have something on our faces?" She asked him.

Kyle was already talking to a girl sitting next to him, but his attention was on Britt. Kyle turned to the girl next to him. "I'll be right back." He told the girl.

Kyle got up and headed over to the two girls. "I just over heard that you guys were out of cigarettes." he mentioned. But who knew if that was the real reason as to why he was taking an interest in talking with the two.

Sara nodded."I bummed this one off you and Brittany here is out." Sara glanced to Brittany and then back to Kyle. "Why don't you two go get more? Meet back here when you're done?" Sara asked.

Kyle nodded as he looked to Brittany. "I can give you a ride if you need it." he told her.

@Aio @Dannygirl900

Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.4de765ba374ecce3006019aa821e5310.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108120" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.4de765ba374ecce3006019aa821e5310.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany smiled and rolled her eyes when Sara said she was barking up the wrong tree. When Kyle offered to take her to tge store quickly, she finished off her smoke and put it out on the damp grass "sure! Why not" she smiled at Kyle. Obviously he wanted something if he had been looking at her, but Brittany was too drunk to car.

The girl followed him to his truck and wobbly climbed into he passenger side "okay! Soooo let's go! I need them" she giggled a bit. She could feel herself sobering up only a little bit, but that's because Aaron wouldn't let her drink more...

After she paid for her smokes she climbed into the truck again and looked at him "alright. You look like you have something on your mind" she grinned a bit and leaned back in the seat. She didn't really talk to the kid much considering his girlfriend was a bit of a bitch and Brittany usually stayed away from drama, but he was nice. Nicer than Casey. "I may be drunk but drunks are good listeners if you need to talk" the girl hiccuped and covered it up with a small giggle.




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The ride to the store was ever so quiet besides some music playing at a low volume on the radio. It wasn't until Brittany got back in the truck when the conversation started. She was blunt and seemed to notice that Kyle had something on his mind. It wasn't just something, it was something he had on his mind for years now.

Kyle let out a soft sigh as the two sat in the truck in the parking-lot. He wasn't even sure how to ask or where to start with his questions. Finally gaining up his words he went for it. "Do you wanna make out?" His words were wrong. He was going to ask about Coal but something else seemed to hit his thoughts. The tension in the truck was probably the reason... Or the fact that things with him and Casey haven't been going so well.

There was a lot on the quarterback's mind and he really didn't know how to deal with everything at the moment. So when the words popped out, Kyle was a little shocked at himself. He looked over to Brittany and meet her eyes for a moment. "But if you don't want to.... I..." He stopped himself. He honestly said the wrong thing.... And couldn't take it back.


Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.84bc6a1a45c267c9781c5f726581cab8.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.84bc6a1a45c267c9781c5f726581cab8.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany raised an eyebrow and looked at him for a moment, he was dating Casey wasn't he? The girl shrugged "finally someone wants to!" She giggled and bit and scooted over to him "I've tried making out with Aaron and he got bored then Sara and she refused" she giggled and shook her head "are you sure you want to?" The girl could see in his eyes that that wasn't what he wanted to ask, but her drunk brain chose to ignore it "okay! So you start" she smiled, setting her hand on his arm. Brittany wasn't the one being awkward in their situation.




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Kyle felt a little weird but didn't really consider much as he moved closer over to Brittany. He placed a hand on the side of her face as he leaned in for a kiss. He only paused for a second, but in his mind it felt a lot longer. His eyes had only glanced over her features. He really didn't notice how pretty Brittney was... Maybe it was because he was so close... And if you over look the hint of alcohol, you could smell her perfume.

Kyle finally leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. All other thoughts about what he wanted to talk about with her floated away as he continued to kiss her. His other hand slipped to her waist as if making sure to keep her close.

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Brittany Storm

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.76374e53d78f7c0a82bdfbe9f4851dd6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108136" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/000492ae2450868db3aeab277a874712.gif.76374e53d78f7c0a82bdfbe9f4851dd6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brittany rested her hand on his neck, her thumb brushing his jawline. When the boy pulled her closer she slipped her arm around his neck and draped her leg over his. Eventually she pulled her lips away from his, breathing lightly "oh wow. Okay." she smiled a bit and looked at him. She'd never kissed someone who was as good as it as he was, so it was a pleasant surprise. Plus he wasn't drunk so that helped.

She went back to kissing and after a little bit she pulled away "so what's really on your mind then. Other than wanting to kiss me" she could feel the alcohol effects wearing off already, and the high from the drugs. So the bold that came with a buzz was pushing through. "I know you have something else on your mind, I'm not blind" she grinned.




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Kyle was shocked to by the way Brittney kissed. When she paused for a second, he couldn't help but smile at her words. Her voice was like poison that just gave him a new addiction. He had started to kiss her harder as his hand on the side of her face rushed to the back of her neck.... Things were just only starting when she pulled away once more. Kyle had already lost himself in the kiss and didn't even see the red sign till she pulled away.

His breath was a little heavy as he looked her in the eyes.

He licked his lips a bit when she asked him what he had wanted to talk about. His mind drew a blank for a moment as he was still focused on their kiss. He leaned back a little as his thoughts started to come back.

"Coal...." Kyle breathed. Kyle couldn't take his eyes off her.... He had never felt something like that before... Especially not with Casey.

Kyle gulped a little as Coal was a big topic for him and he never really had anyone to talk to about it.

"Coal and I used to be good friends... But around the age of eight... Coal and I got into our first fight.... But I have a feeling like... " Kyle couldn't really explain what he was thinking. He knew they had an argument but it wasn't even over something big.. It was over something so small. "I'm not sure what really happened, or why he got so mad.. But, I have a feeling like there's something more to the whole thing." Kyle looked down at his hands for a moment, then out the window before turning back to Brittany. "Maybe he might have said something to someone else... I'm not sure." Kyle felt as if he should have never said anything. Like this was something he should have kept to himself.


Saraya (Raya) Cortez


Looking at the taxi she spoke again, "Guess it's time to go." Saraya said, giving Ebony a smile. She poured her drink on the ground as she walked down the steps. "Your dad sounds like a nice guy - checking up on his daughter." She said as she looked behind her and gave Ebony another polite smile. @JustCallMeAimee
Bram parked his car outside where the party was happening. Why was here at the party? Because he was invited and he loved annoying his parents when he told them where he was at. He saw many people outside the house some drunk, others making out, while the rest where passed out. He walked inside the house and saw the same as outside. He rubbed his forehead, he dreally didn't know whom of his friends where inside the party.

Bram went to where the drinks were at and drunk one of the shots they held out for him. He wasn't one for drinking but the most he drank was one shot. He didn't even like drugs or cigarettes but not joining on the drinking was bad when at a party.



She managed to smile at her and nodded following her to the taxi, "yeah, he's alright." She said reaching for the car door and holding it open for her. Once Saraya got into the taxi she climbed in next to her and smaller the door closed.



Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"Thanks." Saraya said as she sat down and fastened her seat belt. "We'd like to go to 8 White Wood - not too far from here." Saraya said to the taxi driver with a smile. As the taxi set off she turned to Ebony, "So what do you do in your spare time? Videogames, watching Netflix, sports. That kind of stuff." @JustCallMeAimee

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