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"Yeah, although I've never been too good at Video games." She told the girl besides her. "Or sports for that matter," she laughed thinking of her inability to kick a ball, "I suppose I'm more of your arty type instead of your sporty type. What do you do?"


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Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"I'm not really a fan of art. I love videogames though - I am a bit of a geek I must admit. I love roleplaying games; getting to create your own character, making your own decisions, even romancing other characters. It's great!" Saraya squealed with delight. The taxi driver looked at her as she squealed. "Sorry." Saraya said and smirked as he turned back around. @JustCallMeAimee



"Sounds fun." She said watching the girl before looking out of the car window. She sighed leaning on her palm, "so, this friend of yours.." She mumbled, "sure he won't mind?" She asked.



Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"Of course he won't, he said he's looking forward to it." She said with another smile. Saraya still felt like something was off; she couldn't help but keep noticing how the girl seemed really unenthusiastic and didn't want to talk. "Is there seriously something up? Please tell me if there is.. Do you not want to talk to me? Or is there something personal you don't want people to know or that's bugging you?" Saraya replied, trying to sound empathetic. @JustCallMeAimee



Ebony laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of her neck, she looked back at the girl, "sorry I'm just..." She paused, "nervous is all." She managed to smile at the girl through her lie.



Brittany Storm


Brittany studied him, watching him talk "I've only been actual buddies with him for a little while. I have noticed he is... closed off from the world. He doesn't tell me anything, I don't tell him anything. I try to stay out of drama, and not to mention he picks me up when I'm completely wasted" she shrugged "I've noticed he doesn't smoke, or drink even though he is a little bit like me... Do you think something might have... Happened to him in the past? Something he can't tell anything?" she moved her leg off his lap, but stayed close to him... Why had he been looking at her like she was the only girl in the world? The girl bit her lip feeling bad a little bit. She didn't want to give him any hopes for anything... She only used guys because she liked sex, and she knew they did too. Also because she had way too much baggage, that not even she could handle.

@NovaNovass @QueenOfDisaster

Kyle shrugged. "That's pretty much the reason why I asked you." Kyle let his shoulders drop as he looked back to the steering wheel. He rubbed the back of his head and let out a soft sigh. "Every time I try to talk to him... All we do is fight." Kyle looked over to her, "So he pretty much treats everyone the same." Kyle frowned a little before pulling out his phone. "It's actually starting to get late. I'm sure Casey is looking for me." He looked back to Brittney and a little smile appeared in the corner of his lips.

"Do you even want to go back to the party?" Kyle really didn't want to go back himself. To be honest he was actually enjoying Brittney's company.

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Brittany Storm


Brittany frowned a bit seeing how upset the topic made him "hey hey, don't be sad!" she smiled and nudged him before she moved back to the passenger seat "We can do whatever you want" then teasingly added "Wherever you want" the girl laughed a little and shrugged "I don't feel like getting my hair pulled out when we get back, I think there is an unfair advantage for Casey considering I'm piss drunk" she laughed again and shook her head "But yeah, we could go back. I could talk to Coal if you want" she handed the boy her phone, for him to text her. She took his phone as well, adding a little selfie as a contact photo and a little beer emoji beside her name. "Alright! Let's get going!"


Kyle was a little speechless at first when she took his phone. But he smiled when he saw what she was doing. He did the same with her phone. He added in his number in and made a selfie for her phone. Kyle handed back her phone and took his. Something about Brittney made his world a little more brighter. "I would like it if you could try talking to him." He pulled out his keys and went to start up his truck. "And I would really like to get to know you more too." He smiled at her.

He started up his truck and headed back to the party. It didn't take them long to get back. It was late so there really wasn't much traffic.

Coal and Casey

The whole time that Kyle was gone, these two had stayed literally in one place. Most of the time they were quiet, but their bantering would punch through the air when they got tiered of the silence.

"Were you born on a highway? Cus that's where most accidents happen." Casey

"One day I hope you choke on all the shit you talk." Coal

Still both kept their little verbal war calm. You put these two in a room together and this is what would happen. All they would do is exchange insults with one another.

"You know what this is getting lame." Casey stated as she pulled out her phone. "I'm calling Kyle." She added.

Coal smirked, "I forgot he has your number, 1-800-BIOTCH" Coal finally turned to look at her. He could see her face almost turning red.

"Why don't you just go kill yourself?" She stated harshly. She had yet to even call Kyle.

Coal shrugged with a dull look on his face. "If I really wanted to kill myself, I would climb up your ego and jump to your IQ level."

"Isn't it dangerous to use one's entire vocabulary in a single sentence?" Casey.

Coal gritted his teeth as he narrowed his eyes. "Maybe you should eat some of your makeup so you can be pretty on the inside."

You could tell Casey was getting angry. She gripped her phone and before she knew it she was storming away.

"We'll play again sometime." Coal called out to her as she left. She looked around the party as fast as she could. She didn't see Kyle anywhere so she headed for the front of the house.


Brittany Storm


Brittany smiled a little at him, knowing it would be difficult for him to get to know her since nobody really knew her. But she didn't say anything about that. When they got back to the party, she slipped her phone in her pocket and clumsily climbed out of his truck, but froze when she saw Casey standing in the front yard "Uh oh, bitch alert." She mumbled to herself and began walking up the front side walk, rolling her eyes she stepped past Casey to go inside to talk to Coal.

Eventually she found the boy and grinned "Well there you are! I went to get me some smokeseses" the girl laughed a bit and looked around "This is getting boring. I need a place to crash." which was a code for, I don't want to go home tonight. "Yo can we talk about something quick? And to make it fair, I'll tell you something about myself" she grabbed his hand and led him outside, she saw Casey again but snuck to the side of the house, leaning against the fence. "So, do you have a secret or something? It's been killing me as to why a guy who looks like he should be bad, and doing crazy things, isn't doing crazy things." she bit her lip. If she hadn't been drunk she would have approached the topic more carefully, and she knew Coal knew that.


Kyle noticed Casey at the front door to the house and was quick to look over his shoulder. He was about to warn Brittney, but she was already gone. 'She's like a ninja..' he thought. He turned back around only to see Casey storming his way. "Hey what's wrong?" he asked her when he noticed the pissed off look on her face.

"We are leaving." Casey barked at him. Kyle wasn't sure what to say but when he looked up back at the house he saw Brittney heading through the door.

He smiled a little knowing that she was at least somewhere safe.


Coal had a bright smirk on his face when Brittney showed back up. "Hey." Coal nodded after she told him where she had been. "Yeah I think it is getting late." He replied when she mentioned a place to crash. But the conversation moved really fast for Coal. He blinked when she asked him about himself. And his brows rose when she mentioned telling him something in return. He would have thought more on the subject but she was quick to grab his hand and lead him away from the party.

He too had noticed Casey in the front yard heading for Kyle's truck. The fact that she was now screaming put a smile back to his face. Once on the side of the house Coal turned to Brittney. Her question really took him off guard. He was quiet for a moment.. Maybe too quiet.

"How drunk are you?" he asked as he finally spoke up. "Or did you see jesus while you were high?" He added. But by the looks of her Coal had a feeling like Brittney was sobering up.


Brittany Storm


Brittany shook her head "I was drunk but Aaron made me stop drinking." She stepped closer to him, so make sure he wouldn't bolt "Now, answer my question. I'll tell you a secret too." this topic was actually making her nervous. She never told anyone about herself, when people brought the subject up she would brush them off and get drunk later that night. "I can tell you my secret first, but only if you really promise to tell me yours. Like, why do you go missing from school, why do the teachers have it out for you, or why do you not drink and smoke like every normal teenager would try?" she bit her lip. Think about what he might answer with, made her nervous. What if his secret was far worse than hers, and he didn't want to tell her because hers wasn't good enough? The girl crossed her arms nervously, rubbing her sweaty hands on her sleeves "Just, I need to know, so I know I'm not hanging out with a hardcore drug addict, and so that I have a place to crash when I need to."

Coal knew Brittney well enough to know when to take the girl seriously. Now was one of those times. "Why do you want to know anyways?" Coal asked as he looked her over. Her moving into his space to keep him from just bailing on the conversation made him uncomfortable. Hell the questions alone made him a bit angered. "I've known you for sometime now.... And not once have you ever really been interested in my personal life." Coal got a curious look on his face. "Who put you up to this?" he asked. His words and tone of voice was calm... Maybe too calm.


Brittany Storm


Brittany tilted her head a bit and narrowed her eyes. He was actually getting upset with her. "Hey now, you've never gotten angry with me. Don't do it now" she shook her head, running a hand through her messy hair "I don't talk to anyone but you and Aaron, and I mostly just ramble on drunk. How could you possibly even think someone put me up to this. Wanna see something then?" Then quickly grabbed her phone and pulled up a message her mom had sent her earlier before she got to the party.

Eric is coming over tonight, don't come home.
Where am I supposed 2 go then?
IDK, ask a friend or something.

When she was sure he read it, she put the phone back into her pocket and shook her head "So yeah, that's my mom for you. It gets worse most times." She shook her head "I don't tell anyone about what happens at home because I don't want them knowing the baggage I carry. So I need somewhere to stay, I always ask you but you say no. Hell, I sleep on the fucking park bench sometimes" she said a little angry now and shook her head. All she wanted to do was walk away... Why was she even doing this for Kyle? "I don't even bother asking Aaron because I know he'll say no. But you're also nicer than him. So why the hell do you say no" she said, her usual calm tone, getting a little angrier. "Whatever. Forget it." the girl shook her head and turned to walk away.

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Coal was getting upset with her... But he had to calm himself down. When he saw her text message he frowned a little. He felt bad that he kept saying no to her crashing at his house, but now a lot of things made sense about her. Why she probably got into drugs and drinking. Coal rubbed the back of his neck as he thought for a moment. But before he knew it she was about to run off. He reached out and grabbed her wrist. If she wouldn't let him leave earlier...

"Fine..." Coal grumbled. Still holding onto her wrist Coal lead her out form the side of the house. He headed to where all the cars were parked and went up to a new black Mercedes Benz. He opened the back door behind the passenger side and finally let go of her wrist.

He didn't say anything but he gave her a look. As if saying that she didn't have a choice.

The man in the car jumped when the door was open. He fumbled a bit with his reading nook but soon caught himself. He looked to the back seat seeing Coal and his friend Brittney. He knew Coal didn't want people at his house but he would sometimes give people rides.

"Look... You are a good friend and all... But there are somethings I just can't tell you." Coal told her. "I will let you crash at my house when you need it..." He wasn't that cruel as to leave her sleeping on the streets. But he was afraid of them actually becoming friends.
Bram was keeping on drinking a few more shot before stopping at 6. He really wasn't feeling that well to continue with the drinks. He stretched a bit and tried to find anyone that he could find but no one was there until he saw Kyle, a guy that he plays any sports with, leaving and he raised his eyebrow. Maybe he was getting chewed out by his girlfriend but right now he didn't give a damn. He took a small bag of chips that he found and walked outside a little bit. "Well no one that I know Is here in the party while Kyle left." He told himself.

Bram really didn't want to stay here that long but his rep could be ruin. He passed his hand through his hair while leaning on th e wall outside. @anyone
Sara looked to Bram and smirked a little. She was like the watcher of the night at this point. Both Kyle and Casey had just left, and she watched as Coal dragged Brittney away too. Now she was watching Bram, another jock at their school. She smiled at him. "You could always meet new people." Sara smiled to the jock. She took a hit off her cigarette and exhaled slowly. "Or you can get drunk and stupid before the sun comes up." She added with a shrug.




Alexander pulled up in his dad's car, a weird mix of both angry and fearful of the consequences. Rose owes me big for this he thought to himself. He looked out of his car, the party dwindling, a few stragglers on the porch smoking and talking. He saw Rose and Cassandra walk up to him, well more of Rose carrying Cassandra on her shoulder. Rose opened the backseat, threw Casandra in, and got in the front. "What happened to her?" Alexander asked anxiously, then looked back, "And what the hell is she wearing?"



"Okay, so Cassandra decided to experiment with alcohol, the result is what you see behind you." Rose explained, trying to calm Alexander down. "And someone spilled something on her drink, so I asked the host if I could borrow some clothes." she added, lying to cover her ass. She looked back at the party, before turning back to Alexander. "Let's get back home before we're all in trouble."



Cassandra sat up slowly, realizing she was in the back seat of her dad's car. "Where am I?" she said sleepily, yawning and stretching. Rose turned back to her, "We're going home." she said bluntly. Cassandra nodded, perfectly fine with that, and fell back asleep as Alexander drove off into the night heading back to their house before they were busted.​
Bram looked at the girl before smiling at her. "Maybe but I wouldn't want to you know, do something that I wouldn't want to do." That actually true. He didn't want to get so drunk and sleep some girl he didn't know. He wasn't that type of person. "I'm not gonna get drunk and sleep with some random girl, I have my own morals to maintain." The others could go screw themselves for all cared, he wouldn't do something he doesn't feel like doing. "I rather just feel the breeze hit my face." He actually loved when that happened. The wind was serene and peaceful, he always felt free when it hit his face. @NovaNovass
Sara couldn't help but laugh. "Some knight in shining armor you turned out to be." She took another hit off of her smoke. "But I wasn't suggesting for you to sleep with some random girl. I only made the notion that parties are meant to meet new people..." Sara shook her head a bit. "Not to sleep with a whole party." She still couldn't hold back her laugh. It wasn't a big one, more so a little chuckle.

She took one last hit before putting out her smoke. She walked past Bram and started to head to the cars. She stopped and looked back to him. "I would stay... But the company misjudged me." She shrugged before turning back towards the cars.

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Brittany Storm


Brittany raised an eyebrow as he led her to a random car "What? No! Fuck that. Fuck you" she shut the door and shook her head before she gave him a little shove as she took off running down the sidewalk. When she knew she reached a fair distance from the house party she pulled out her phone, looking both ways down the road. She felt tears build up in her eyes as she looked down at her phone to text Kyle, but why would she want to... So instead she slipped her phone back into her pocket as she made her way to the 24hr diner. Inside, she sat down in a booth that was in the far corner. She never cried yet for some reason she had tears in her eyes. Once more, she looked at Kyle's contact number before she sent a quick text that simply said "See why you two fight." 'He' referring to Coal, then shut her phone off.

Bram looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Need a ride?" He asked. He wasn't one to judge others so what she said kinda made him feel bad. "I'm not really one who judges, I see you someone who is cool." He said the last word truthfully. He never judge other and never will. "And I actually just made an assumption of what usually happens at paties, so my apologies if I'm not a heavyweight when it comes to drinking." The max if shots he could do was 6 and that made him slightly drunk but he stopped himself whenever he wanted to drink more. "The one who I know more has left and I don't have anything else to do." He hated not being active or not having anything to do. It was super boring to him @NovaNovass



Even though Alexander drove like a grandma, the motion of the car made Cassandra's stomach roll like a globe. "Guys, I feel no bueno." she said, still a little drunk. She knew she couldn't vomit in dad's car. "Cass, do not up chuck back there, we will literally be skinned alive!" Alexander yelled to her. Cassandra burped a few times and started groaning.



Taking charge, Rose pointed to Alexander's left. "Pull into that diner, I'll take her to the bathroom." Before Alexander could protest, Rose grabbed the wheel and the car spun wildly into the parking lot. Jumping out, she ran to the back door, nearly yanked Cassandra's arm out, and raced her into the bathroom.



Following behind, Alexander stood by the counter, a waitress telling him he needed to pay for something. He ordered a coffee, black. He took a seat at the bar, directly in eye sight of some girl crying as she texted in a booth. He tried not to stare, but the rest of the diner was a ghost town, and he had no idea how long the girls would be. @Dannygirl900

Coal's driver had stepped out of the car right before Brittney shut the door. He looked over when hearing the door slam. (By the way his name is Scott Brice, he goes by his last name. Just thought I would mention that seeing as I haven't named him yet.) Brice looked up and moved around the car as Brittney shoved Coal into it. The girl ran off seeming upset but his attention was on Coal.

Coal gritted his teeth when Britt exploded on him. He was about to run after her but felt his feet lift off the ground and a set of arms wrap around him. "Don't do this Brice." Coal argued as Brice held Coal tightly. He opened the back seat of the car and shoved Coal inside. He quickly shut the door after the teen was in. Coal reached for the door and tried to open it. He gave up quickly and licked his lips as he remembered the child locks. This made him a bit more angered.

Brice got into the driver seat letting out a breath after shutting the door. The car was silent.

The two sat their for a moment before Brice reached down and took a bottle of water from the cup holders. He held it back to Coal who took it from the man's hand. Brice then reached across to the glove compartment and looked through a bunch of bottles of pills. Finding the right one he held it back to Coal.

Still they had yet to speak as Coal took the bottle.

Brice caught his breath before starting up the car. His eyes looked to the rear-view mirror and watched as Coal took a pill from the bottle. He reached out his hand and Coal gave him back the pills. "Big night?" Brice asked as he placed the pills back.

Coal still stayed quiet.

Brice put the car in gear seeing as he wouldn't get much from Coal. He frowned as he drove. His mind wondered about the girl. He had seen Coal hang out with her a few times, but he also knew Coal's habits.

(Will post for Sara in a few minutes. Phone call. lol)

Sara turned back around as she continued to walk. "Maybe I'm not the one that needs a ride." She held up her keys before turning back around. Sara was a very straight forward kind of girl. A lot of people already judged her because of the way she looked, and she really didn't need some drunk jock doing the same. Especially after she went out of her way to be nice and say hi.

She was about to get into her car when she noticed the small unknown scene with Britt and Coal. She watched as the girl ran down the street and Coal was taken away. She wasn't sure as what to do... But something told her to follow Britt. The two never really talked at school, and anyone who got close to Coal somehow got hurt.

She got into her old 1973 chevy nova and drove off in search for Brittney. It was indeed a small town so finding the girl heading into a small 24/7 cafe was like stepping out of your front door.

Sara got out of her car and headed inside. She noticed a few others from the party but they looked occupied. She searched around and was quick to find Britt. A small light smile crossed her lips as she walked over to the booth she was sitting in. She took a seat right across from her. "Long night?" she asked.

Before she could get another word in a waitress came by. "Can I get you anything?" The woman asked.

Sara glanced over to Britt before ordering some coffee and a meal. "Extra bacon please." Sara looked over to Britt. The girl seemed upset about something. "Make that two." Sara ordered for Britt. She wasn't even sure if Britt was hungry, but Sara hated eating alone... And there really was nothing but junk food and booze at the party.

@Dannygirl900 @simkimchild @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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