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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}


Joseph Teaver

"It is a fun party!" he stated as he laughed with her, "Yeah. Most of us go to school there." he paused, "I'm sure you'll fit in. You're a pretty girl." his mouth turned a smile bright as the sun. Now it sounded like he was flirting. He didn't mean to sound flirtatious, it just came out. "Where did you live before you came here?" he tried to spark a conversation.




Rose smiled as she continued drinking her drink. "Well, I've lived pretty much everywhere honestly, I was a foster child. I just moved in with my new foster family here a few months ago. I actually came here with my sister." Rose said. She smiled flirtatiously at Joseph's comment. "Oh, I'm sure I'll find my place in this town somewhere." she said, being cute. The girl from earlier came back again, in a different outfit. "Two outfits for one party, huh? How stylish." she said snarky. @Sexy McGee @ScarlettRose16



"Well, I guess you could call me a nerd." Cassandra said, laughing. "I don't like comic books, but I love books in general. Lord of the Rings is my favorite, I love reading those, I own all the movies too!" Cassandra said, getting excited just talking about it. @NovaNovass


Lil' Gay Thug Pug

Lilith watched as someone stumbled out of the house, taking a step back and catching a whiff of the alcohol on him. She smirked and walked in front of the boy and looked up at him blankly, playing with the end of her braid, a habit. "Hey.. can you do me a favor?" She asked sweetly, looking down at her white Vans and blushing lightly. Why the hell blush? He hasn't said a damn thing to you yet. Lilith rolled her eyes at herself and sighed quietly under her breath.


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"If I'm interrupting I can leave." She says just keeping a smile on her face not really wanting to hear her best friend flirt with another girl. She just kind of stood there awkwardly debating whether she should just go home or not. "No I just hate that other outfit I was in so I changed." She says simply not exactly being rude or anything. She just didn't feel the most welcomed in this situation.

@Sexy McGee @simkimchild
"You can stay Izzy." again, a smile took over Joseph's mouth. Joseph could tell she was jealous. But he didn't mean to flirt with her, it just rolled out of his mouth. "Yeah . . . That outfit looked pretty uncomfortable." in reality, Joseph had no idea. She actually looked pretty hot in the clothes she was wearing right now.

@simkimchild @ScarlettRose16



"Don't be so dramatic, of course you can stay, we're just talking!" Rose replied casually. "I was just telling Joseph that I just moved here only a few months ago." Rose recapped, eyeing Joseph up and down. "I haven't made a lot of friends yet. In fact, why don't I get your guys' numbers so we can hang out again sometime?" Rose proposed, trying to be friendly​


Terry nearly hugged the girl who actually laughed at his joke, he wasn't too sure about the guy.

I mean, I wouldn't call myself a nerd, I would say more of a smart guy who knows a bunch of stuff that isn't exactly important." It sounded better in his head. "Comic books are underrated! They have such complexity that most people wouldn't believe it-" Terry realized he was totally nerding all over the place and quickly changed the pace. "I mean... yeah, comic books are cool and stuff." He flushed red and scratched the back of his head. He didn't know what to think about them. The pretty girl was totally smart, and she was easy to talk to. The dude was super cool like, definitely someone who he would want to be friends with.

Terry decided then and there that he had to impress them. Too bad he wasn't exactly the most impressive dude.
I don't think showing them my complete Pokemon card set would do well here... Maybe he would just listen in and try to see what everyone's interests were, if he was lucky someone would bring up chess, or quantum mechanics, or what one would need in order to create a conscious robot that could shoot lasers and other miraculous things.
"You have no idea." She says with a small smile. She always felt comfortable around Joseph. "Yeah...sure." She says being friendly to the girl. "That would be fun" she says. Looking to Joseph, she looks back at the other girl. "So what do you guys want to do?" She asks curiously not really feeling threatened by the girl in any way.

@Sexy McGee @simkimchild
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Coal nodded slowly, "So the elf kind of nerd?" Coal shrugged. A party was a party. "So you like books, what else do you like?" he asked as he glanced at the others. He noticed the red head had gone quiet for a moment and Naomi seemed to do the same. But he couldn't help but laugh a little when it came to the new comer. "Comic books are a form of story telling through illustration. My little sister loves them." Coal nodded a bit. "When I was a kid my dad used to get me them thinking that I would get into comics and such... But my sister ended taking them and liking them more." Coal shrugged.

If his sister was here, she would have gotten the joke and would have already took control over the conversation. She was the one into comic con and cosplay. Yeah Coal knew what it all was. Mia loved anime, comics, music, books, she was an all around story teller in Coal's mind.

Coal realized that he shared more then what he wanted to share with other people. There wasn't much going back from there. He took another sip from his soda, "So what's your name?" he asked the new comer. "I'm Coal.. That's Naomi and Cassandra." Coal nodded to the girls.



"Cool!" Rose said happily as she put her number in both their phones. "Now we can text each other whenever we want! Super cool!" Rose said, feeling accomplished. She finished off her drink and put the cup down. "Well, I'm going to go have a cigarette, you guys are welcome to join me if you smoke too." @Sexy McGee @ScarlettRose16



"I don't really read comic books, but my brother is into them." Cassandra added, trying to include herself in the conversation. Speaking of her brother reminded her of Rose, who she still had no idea where she was. She did a scan around the room as the boy continued talking, hoping to see her. "Hey, have you seen a shorter girl with long blonde hair, wearing bell bottom jeans, has a bag on her shoulder?" Cassandra asked, hoping someone had seen her recently. @HunterCameron @NovaNovass @QueenOfDisaster


Dino stare at the girl who spoke to him with a raised eyebrow, actually wondering what she wanted to. He nodded at her not really caring what she told her, it was either do it or not. "Sure, I don't mind." He told her while taking his hood off and brushing his hair aside so that he could see the girl well. He didn't cut his for certain reason but he always had trouble seeing. He mentally slapped himself when he realized that maybe she though he was drunk drunk not sober drunk, before he blinked to himself. He blinked while mentally scratching his head, he kinda forgot what his mom told on how to differentiate between those two class. "What is it you that would need?" He added as he continue to stare at her, hoping that she wouldn't feel weirded out. @TuffBbg


He was a little disappointed that Coal himself wasn't into comics, but hey, the guy was still talking to him, that was a good sign. Terry had totally forgot that introducing yourself was kind of a need to do thing.

"I'm Terry! Well actually my name is Theodore, but Terry is easier for people to remember, or at least I would hope..." He bantered on a bit, "Wow you guys have cool names! Did you know that the name Naomi is a feminine Jewish name of Hebrew origin. In Hebrew, it means "pleasantness"." He paused, maybe they should know how I know that. "I did a bible study, in the Old Testament Naomi is the name of the mother-in-law of Ruth. After the death of her husband, Naomi took the name Mara-" Terry immediately stopped the tangent he was on. "I apologize, I get carried away with things easily! Just tell me to shut up or something if you get annoyed." He laughed nervously and pushed his glasses up. He was about to apologize again when Cassandra asked about another girl. Terry merely shook his head, and noted on her worry filled expression.
"I don't smoke." She says with a small smile. She turned to Joseph hesitantly. "You can go...if you want to." She says truthfully. She wasn't necessarily fond of the smell of smoke. She looks over to the time knowing she had o be back by midnight.

@Sexy McGee @simkimchild


Lil' Gay Thug Pug

Lilith blushed even hard, letting go of her hair and leaning up onto her tip-toes, since she was a bit to short and the music was pretty loud. She whispered, "Vodka. Go back inside and get a bottle for me." She pulled back and rubbed her nose gently, sneezing lightly and looking back up at the boy. Random. You may be confused on this, but Lilith identified as a lesbian, but occasionally she leaned towards guys. No, she absolutely loves girls, but was just confused. The best of both worlds seemed nice, but one other world was a bit better.


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"Marilyn... Wow, your parents must've of really wanted a superstar. But did you deliver?" Chase gave the girl a quick wink before he turned his attention back around to the empty street before him. The cool, smokey air brushed past the boy's muscular arms as he pushed his tongue against the outline of his mouth. "Chase. The Greek-sex God you can call me, but I prefer Chase." After a few more seconds had passed by, the brunette raised his eyebrows with curiosity. "So, I'm guessing you like to waste your party-time for some smoking, hot guy, right? Why, though?" He asked, still not looking at Marilyn.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_lwxjdbyUmt1r2710x.gif.a458914ad93a4d993cd17d69bc0efdd5.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107420" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_lwxjdbyUmt1r2710x.gif.a458914ad93a4d993cd17d69bc0efdd5.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marilyn laughed a bit at his comment about the "sex god" thing. He seemed to be pretty cocky, she noticed, but thats was fine, just a party conversation.

"Wow... You think because suddenly you think you're 'hot'... I would be talking to you? Wow..." She she rolled her eyes at him, "Just was trying to make conversation, does that suddenly make me a slut or something?" @AmRosey



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The boy held his hands up into a defensive manner before edging away from the girl. "Whoa, hey. I've seen some sluts in my time, and you are not one." said Chase, as he scratched the nape of his neck, his eyes apologetic. "What I meant was... Why are you sitting out here with me when there's a perfectly good party going on inside?" Chase asked.

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Dino shook his head as he heard the request. "Sounds like a plan he told her." As he went back inside and got one bottle, taking it back to her. This was a party so he exactly didn't know why she asked him. Maybe she was shy or maybe she wasn't, he didn't know, he just didn't know. As he held the bottle out to her when he came back. "You sure you can handle the alcohol?" He questioned her. He didn't know if she was junior or a senior on high school but he shrugged it off. "I'm Dion, but call me Dino." He held out his free hand toward her while still holding the bottle of the other one. @TuffBbg


The party way loud when she arrived, late, she walked up and slipped inside. She'd obviously been in a bad situation but she'd hidden it well, walking through the mass of partying people she moved to get a drink.

The emotions she gave off without realising where hostile and cold, it didn't ruin the atmosphere but it didn't help either. She poured her self a Vodka and Coke.

Coal laughed a little, "You just described almost every girl here that has blond hair." Coal shrugged. "Best bet is to wander around if you want to find her." Coal looked back to Terry, "Clam down. Everyone has something they really like and just want to run off with." Coal could tell that Terry wasn't exactly the social type. A little weird or odd, but he knew these kind of people were honest and trust worthy. His sister was a lot more social then Terry, but then again she was a girl and into fashion.

"That's cool that you know that stuff." Coal took another sip from his drink and glanced over to Naomi. She seemed a little quiet in the conversation. He glanced at her drink with a small smirk, "I really hope you're not driving." He let the smirk linger.

@QueenOfDisaster @HunterCameron @simkimchild
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Aaron Cortez


"Big teddy bear, hm? Well this big teddy bear can put any guy at this party through a table." He didn't like it when someone teased him, he wanted everyone to see him as the tough guy who was protective over his sister and no one would mess with him or Saraya. "Hey Raya, there's some ginger girl over there. Perhaps you could try talking to her." He said, pointing over to a girl holding some Vodka. "I'll be fine, someone needs to keep watch on this drunken mess anyway." Aaron smirked.

Saraya (Raya) Cortez


Saraya looked over to the girl, 'Well I guess it's someone to talk to..' She looked back at Aaron, "Well if you're sure Aaron. Don't do anything stupid whilst I'm gone; I may not be there to stop you." She grinned. Saraya starting pushing past some of the other students, for a girl she was somewhat tall - obviously no where near as tall as her brother. But still above average height. "Hiya, have you just turned up?" Saraya said to the girl as she came up to her. @JustCallMeAimee




She glanced up at the girl in a side long manner and nodded, "yeah," she shrugged softly and took a large gulp from drink.

"I'm guessing you didn't come here alone?" She asked the taller girl although she didn't look up at her and instead placed her drink back down on the table. "You don't seem like the type to do that," she returned her gaze back to the girl for a brief moment.

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Saraya (Raya) Cortez


"Nope, I came here with my brother - Aaron." Saraya pointed across the room, "It's that guy there, really tall, muscular, wearing a red t-shirt." She looked back at the girl, "I don't know if I've seen you before at school before, what's your name? Mine is Saraya but everyone calls me Raya." Giving the ginger girl a warming smile. @JustCallMeAimee



"Ebony Blanc." She offered the girl her hand and managed a smile in return, "I've only been here a few weeks, "I don't socialise much." She shrugged. She sipped her drink again and smiked again.

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