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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}

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"Me here..." She tilted her head, thinking about it... Naomi doesn't really know why she does come to these things... Just sort of goes along with it.

"Well, for one thing sure... My little sis Charlotte wanted to come here tonight because her friend Green was going to be there." Naomi shrugged, "And I was the only one in the house at the moment who could drive." She leaned against the counter, "And me... I'm not sure. Just sort of like coming to these things and having a good time with a bunch of people that in a normal setting I wouldn't really talk to..." Naomi began to tap her foot to the music, "What about you? What brings you here tonight?Coal... Right? @NovaNovass



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Coal smiled at the sound of his own name. "Yeah... Coal." He stated before biting his bottom lip. He took in a breath as he thought about his reasons for being at the party. Most of it was because Britt normally gets drunk and she needs good people around her during those moments. Aaron was another. He had a short temper but he always had Coal's back in a fight.

"Friends." Coal shrugged as he didn't even want to think about the third reason. "Plus my parents are never really home and this is just a way for me to get out of an empty house." Coal nodded. "Another reason why I don't mind spending their money." Coal had to add that in as it gave him a hint of confidence and another excuse to be right in how he lived his life.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mv2gswojg41sbyoswo1_500.gif.f2b468745e3ee1de0b696d44940a4819.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mv2gswojg41sbyoswo1_500.gif.f2b468745e3ee1de0b696d44940a4819.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marilyn's dad dropped her off at the party, "Don't tell your mother alright? She'll be pissed."

She smirked at her father and nodded, "I know I know, she'd be pissed if I'd go to a party like this... Doesn't trust me one bit."

Her dad laughed and nodded in agreement, "I trust you at least, be safe alright?" With that Marilyn hugged her father and walked out to the front yard.

She watched as couple were making out and listened to the sound of crappy music in the background.

Marilyn sighed as she walked to the front porch and sat down.

She felt the breeze hit her neck and she smiled.

Marilyn turned her head to a boy that was sitting next to her and she tucked some hair behind her ear, "What you drinking?" @AmRosey

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mgm4j0jfpH1qg72i6o1_500.gif.464deace7918ea2ba0936667fc8f98fd.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mgm4j0jfpH1qg72i6o1_500.gif.464deace7918ea2ba0936667fc8f98fd.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Right." She smirked at him and then took a sip of her drink one more time, "So, who are these 'friends' of yours?" Naomi asked, trying to make conversation before noticing her drink is finished, "I'm going to get something else, want anything?" Naomi asked. She didn't want to be stereotypical or anything but he seemed like the type of person to drink and even just at a social gathering it seemed odd not for him to drink.




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Coal gave her a cheesy smile when she asked about his friends. "Britt..." He pointed to Britt. "The drunk girl over there and that big guy is Aaron.... They be my partners in crime." Coal sounded cocky when mentioning his friends. But the cockiness went away quick when she asked if he wanted anything.

With a quick catch of himself he shook his head slowly. "I'll let you get drunk so I can make out with you later and remember it." And there is was.... Another one of Coal's walls. To end the conversation before she asked questions about why he doesn't drink, or to make her just laugh and shrug it off. Coal wondered which way she would turn.

But if he could... He would already be beyond Britt's level. He would have been so wasted that he wouldn't even care what was going on around him.... Envy was indeed a bitch.


A smirk placed itself onto his lips as he listened to the girl beside him's interest in what he was drinking. He honestly didn't know himself, but all he did know was that his older brother said not to give it to anyone else - not that Chace would give it to anyone else anyways, but it was a warning. It was obvious that Jay didn't want to be responsible for some drunken idiot to get ran over tonight. And Chace could handle his liquor anyway, so the worry was cut short. "If I told you that. My brother would have to kill me." The boy snatched a glance at the girl before resting his arms onto his thighs.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/fKadS83d_400x400.png.e6108c1725d5509644e7095c5003eea9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/fKadS83d_400x400.png.e6108c1725d5509644e7095c5003eea9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Naomi raised an eyebrow at his comment about making out with her. She shook her head with a light laugh, "I'm actually a pretty responsible drunk... Though you can try." She winked at him before going to get another drink for herself, vodka... Of course... She loves vodka.

Once getting her drink, Naomi walked back over to Coal and grinned, "Partners in crime, huh? Thats nice to have. See you can't be that mean." She giggled and poking his arm playfully. @NovaNovass

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mwn55iKNXE1qii19yo1_250.gif.05dcba05fd54c095fd53c90b57373511.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107273" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mwn55iKNXE1qii19yo1_250.gif.05dcba05fd54c095fd53c90b57373511.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Alright then." She gave the boy a lopsided grin and averted her eyes from him and thought for a moment about what to say next, "Well, your brother must be a pretty smart guy." She commented and licked the bottom part of her lip as she crossed her arms, "Would he mind if I asked you your name?" @AmRosey



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"You could say that." Chase shrugged before taking a swig from the glass bottle. The sweet sensation dripped into the boy's mouth, resulting with him taking a swallow and leaving behind a bittersweet taste. "Hey, I'm supposed to be asking you that question." Turning his body to the attention of the stranger, Chase left the bottle at the step. "Would you mind if I asked
you of you're name, Ms. Curious George?"




As the drinks started flowing, Rose's need for a ciggy soon came. She knew Cassandra would freak if she saw her smoking, so she needed to give her sister the slip. "Hey, isn't that guy in your math class?" Rose said, pointing to the guy talking to the girl on the porch outside. Cassandra turned and froze. "Yeah, Chase Dawson." she answered, still staring. "You should go talk to him!" Rose encouraged, giving her sister a friendly push towards him. Rose turned around and weaved through the crowd to the front door. Exiting the house and sitting on the front steps, she lit up her menthol cigarette, relaxing and enjoying her buzz. @anyone



Cassandra walked forward a few steps when Rose pushed her towards Chase. She stood and stared, dumbfounded. Cassandra had a bit of a crush on Chase, he sat in front of her in math class, but they never had a conversation, and she was convinced he didn't know she existed. He was talking to a pretty girl, and she didn't have the confidence to just walk over there, so Cassandra stood there and gulped down the rest of her drink.​

@AmRosey @QueenOfDisaster
After Naomi walked away Coal let out a held in sigh. He couldn't let himself or others get attached. He let his eyes drift over to Britt and Aaron. He already failed a bit with them. He saw what happen with his family and he knew it was going to hurt them still long after he was gone. His doctors had already told him that they were shocked that he lived past fourteen. There was no telling when something could go wrong.

He looked to his feet and wondered if he should really be talking to Naomi like he was. Getting to know her seemed harmless at the moment, but even the smallest things could have a big impact.

He smiled her way when he noticed her come back over. The smell of vodka pinched at his nose. He laughed a bit under his breath when she said he wasn't all that mean.

"Oh.... Well maybe it's because you just meet me and haven't gotten on my bad side yet." Coal smirked. "I can be rude, mean, evil... I can even be a biter." He joked. He looked Naomi over a bit, "I'm sure you have a mean side to you too.... You just don't let out as much as others." Coal picked up his soda and took a sip before putting it down. He Then pulled himself up so he could sit on the counter. All this standing around made him tiered.
"Awesome." She says nodding slightly. She didn't know exactly what to say she was not a very social person what so ever. She pulled out her phone to see if there is any more texts but there was nothing. She put it back in her pocket. "So..." She was never good at conversations.



He chuckles to himself shaking his head. "I'm not really one for much talking, but what's your name?" He asked her while scratched his head. He wasn't the best when it came to talking but he wanted so as not get bore on the party. @ScarlettRose16
"Me either, I'm Izzy" she says looking up slightly to see him under her thick eyelashes. She really not knowing what to exactly do. She didn't want to be bored and yet she was. She tosses her empty soda can into the trash that was nearby and actually made it in. "What's your name?" She asks



"Dion but call me Dino." He held out his hand out to her. "One soon to be graduate, what about you?" He hadn't met her at school before so he wanted to ask first. He took out a quarter and started flipping it thru his fingers. @ScarlettRose16
Joseph made his way to the house in his old muscle car. He looked around for Isabella. Joseph entered the house as and found Izzy, "Hey Izzy." he looked at the guy as he stuck his hand out, "Hi, I'm Joseph. Izzy's friend." he chuckled as he knew it sounded stupid, "So what have you guys been up to then?" he tried to spark a conversation.

She sees Joseph enter and she turns towards him."We have just been talking" she says. 'Seriously I look completely different and he still doesn't really notice' she says internally sighing. She was tempted to just go take the makeup off since it was bothering her but she just kept a smile on her face. "So where have you been?" She asks curiously.



He watched as the both of them talked feeling out of place. He looked at Joseph talking with Izzy, whike chuckling. "Pleasure to meet you Joseph." He was more out of place than at school before turned around. "I'll be leaving you two alone now." He turned around and started walking away. @Sexy McGee

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mrzaw9ppvx1sbiblso1_500.gif.449d1e0767d44ab2b8bb4b09de2c7d7e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107287" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mrzaw9ppvx1sbiblso1_500.gif.449d1e0767d44ab2b8bb4b09de2c7d7e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I suppose I could tell you my name." Charlotte grinned at what he called her.

He was pretty attractive she had to admit but she barely knew him.

"Well, the name is Marilyn... You know like the actress... Singer... Whatever..." She shrugged and looked up at the sky... "Now Mr..." Marilyn couldn't really think of anything to say, "Just... Whats your name." She smiled and tilted her head, her hair swaying to her shoulder. @AmRosey

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mee1dzrXya1qg72i6o1_500.gif.7aefcbed801e6a7886f95031487d64a2.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107288" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mee1dzrXya1qg72i6o1_500.gif.7aefcbed801e6a7886f95031487d64a2.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Naomi nodded and played with your hair, "Yeah..." She nodded, "I suppose I can have a bad side. Everyone has a bad side..."

Naomi looked around at the people, "She could have a bad side..." Naomi pointed at a random a few random people, "They could all have a bad side." @NovaNovass



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Joseph Teaver

Joseph shrugged, "I haven't been doing much really. Well apart from the 'fights'." he tried to keep his voice low. He looked at Dino as he walked away, "What's up with him?" he knew he felt left out, but he didn't say anything. If he wanted to leave, that was
completely his choice.

Coal laughed and rolled his eyes at her. "So if all of that could have a bad side... You think all of this.." He gestured to himself, "Could have a good side?" he questioned. "tsk, tsk, tsk." Coal shook his head slowly. "Nothing good comes from this." Coal motioned once more to himself. He felt like he was saying half truth and half a lie to her. But played it off like he was just joking around.

He looked to her cup and pointed at it, "I think we need to get you more drunk." He laughed as he took her cup and held it away from her. He was flirting.... This was not good. He should really just be an ass and dump her drink on her. Make her think he really was mean.... Like he was that bad guy that just messes with people just for fun.

Coal kept his eyes on her as he watched to see what she would do.



As she sat on the steps, exhaling smoke, a tatted up guy pulled up to the party in his car. As he got out, Rose eyed him up and down, Well he looks like a bad decision, Rose thought playfully to herself. Smiling as he walked by, Rose quickly finished her cigarette and headed into the party after him. She waited for an opportunity to talk to him, until he started talking to a girl. Shit Rose thought to herself. She walked up to the girl and bumped into her. "Oh God, I'm so sorry!" she said apologetically. "I'm not usually this clumsy" Rose said. "I'm Rose, and you two are?" @Sexy McGee



Cassandra continued to stare at Chase and the girl talking to him. This is stupid, what am I even doing here? Cassandra thought, snapping out of her trance. The drink she just knocked back gave her some clarity. This is a party, I should be trying to have fun Cassandra thought to herself. She looked around the room, everybody looked like they were talking to someone, or knew someone, except for one guy over there. Who is that? She thought to herself. Even Rose is talking to people, she said to herself, noting Rose talking to that guy and girl over there. She felt out of her comfort zone. She went and grabbed another drink, hoping someone would talk to her.​



He standed beside some girl as he ordered 2 shots of vodka. "Want one?" He offered to her when he was given it. He felt out of place in the party but needed to have some fun or else his mom would tell to stop visiting her and make some friends. He really didn't feel like talkin go anyone but he needed to talk with someone at least. @simkimchild

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mfg8fwrZdY1qj5zmso1_1280.gif.b6c9c80842392e9a53178264d341534a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107299" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_mfg8fwrZdY1qj5zmso1_1280.gif.b6c9c80842392e9a53178264d341534a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Naomi laughed at him as he took her drink away from her, "Is it because you want to kiss me?" She teased and tried to take back her drink, "If you want to get me more drunk you should at least try and pour me some more." She winked.

Was he flirting? She wasn't sure but he sure was being playful, and she liked that. @NovaNovass



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"I don't know just met him." She says simply. She smiled at him. "Notice anything different?" She asks figuring she could be a little bit confident since she was typically so reserved and quiet. She was happy he showed up, she finally had someone to talk to. She adjusted her hair slightly. She felt completely fake, this wasn't her at all. She just kept a smile on her face.

@Sexy McGee​



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Coal laughed as he nodded, "So like the whole bottle... Just bring that back?" he asked. "Cus it seems to me that you have a problem...You're not drunk enough for me to make out with." Coal shook his head lightly. Yeah he was flirting. He motioned towards the other room where all the drinks were and mouthed back to her, 'I'll just get you a bottle.'

Coal made his way to the alcohol table and looked about it. He could easily pick up any of the bottle and tell you what it was... He had been wanting to drink for a long time. He looked them over, ciroc, greygoose... He knew those were the best. As he fiddled around with the vodka and mixers he couldn't help but notice a girl standing across from him. She looked lonely.

"Cassandra right?" he asked as he continued to mix Naomi's drink. "I didn't think you came to these things." Coal paused and looked around the room. Actually there were a lot of new faces now that he thought about it. Well not all so new. He knew them all from school, but never really saw them at parties. He would normally run into the jocks, cheerleaders, troublemakers and sometimes stoners. But the quiet groups never really did show up at these things.

He poured some of the drink into another cup and held it out to her. "Try this." He more so stated then asked. He knew he was good at mixing drinks. His house maid liked to drink on her days off and after much convincing she would let Coal mix her drinks. If he ever has a chance in life he actually wouldn't mind dabbling into bar tending. "That's ciroc red berry with cranberry and a dash of lemon." He smirked.



"You don't know who you are?" Rose said with attitude. What a bitch Rose thought to herself. She's obviously lying, so whatever Rose thought to herself, walking away. She wasn't about to knock a girl out just to talk to some guy. Annoyed, she got herself another drink. Looking around at all the people, This party sucks Rose thought to herself. She played with hair standing by the drinks.​




"Uh, sure!" Cassandra said, taking up the guy's offer for a drink. Finally someone to talk to! Now I just need to say something Cassandra instructed herself. "So, parties, huh?" Cassandra said, trying to be casual. What was that? she said, chastising herself. Then, another guy walked up to her and said hi. How does this guy know me? Cassandra wondered, she didn't usually hang with this crowd. "I'm actually here with my sister." Cassandra responded to his question, looking around for her as she said that. He made her a drink and she tried it. "This is delicious!" she said excitedly


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