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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers {Always Accepting}

Coal nodded to Cassandra, "Yeah... parties." he smirked. "The real party is in the kitchen." he pointed over his shoulder. He motioned for her to join him as he topped off Naomi's cup. "You should come hang out. New faces are rare around here." he added. He shrugged a little before turning and heading back to the kitchen. He glanced over his shoulder wondering if she would follow him.

He may not look it but he knew what it was like to feel like the only person in a crowded room. It sucked and he really didn't like it when others felt that way either.

Once back in the kitchen he smiled brightly to Naomi and handed her her drink. "I think you'll like this one." he smiled.

Brittany Storm


Brittany shrugged which caused her to wobble again "You get used to her attitude, well I did." she giggled a bit and looked at Raya "Who's Dino? Or what's his face?" she giggled, "And don't apologize for Aaron. I have a high tolerance for anger." she bit her lip. God, if she hadn't been drunk she wouldn't have admitted that. She felt her smile drop and shook her head "I wanna dance, and you're angry so you need to relax a bit and try to have fun. Come come" she took Aarons hand and tried to leave the large guy to where a few drunk people. Really, she wouldn't have done that, she just wanted to quickly diverge their attention to something else. "I have no idea why, but I'm really hyper" she smiled brightly.

Green Avery


Green smiled down at the girl and quickly finished his beer up, before he led her back inside so he could grab another. The house was pretty crowded but not too bad in the kitchen anymore, "I think we should stay outside, less crowded." He also didn't want her to be smelling the smoke of weed drifting around the house. Outside again, he could feel the little buzz the alcohol gave him, and he felt more... Confident. The boy took the girls hand, lacing his fingers through hers "You know, you're gorgeous right" he grinned a bit. He had said it quietly so only she could hear, and so his friends wouldn't make fun of them.





A little unsure of herself, Cassandra took up the guy's advice and walked into the kitchen drink in hand. She was feeling a little tipsy, but not too drunk yet. She sipped on the drink the guy made for her. "So you know me, but I don't know you." Cassandra pointed out boldly, feeling a little more confident with every sip. "So, what's your name, what's your story?" she asked. @NovaNovass

Aaron Cortez


Aaron sighed as he was dragged over to a group of people by Britt, after his little incident with Jade he couldn't be bothered doing anything. He stood there looking at his cup of vodka and swirled it round. Looking back at his sister he spoke up, "Raya I'm sorry about earlier.. I didn't mean to make a scene; but Jade is just such an arrogant twat. No one tries insulting me or messing with me." He didn't plan on speaking with anyone else besides Saraya or Britt so he just tried speaking with Saraya. It's not that Aaron wasn't confident, he just didn't like people from his school. "Shit I don't get it Raya. How did you even get a friendship like yours with Alex?"

Saraya (Raya) Cortez


Saraya sighed, "It's fine Aaron.. And I know, you kept telling me this. And I agree, Jade is arrogant but she's obviously not intimidated by you." Most students were intimated by Aaron due to his size. She looked at him and giggled, "If a muscular guy who was 6'3" threatened me I sure as hell would be terrified.. I guess it was a 'miracle' me and Alex became friends - he's such a great guy. He was the first person I spoke with when we came to America and we've just been best friends ever since." Saraya smiled, "It's a shame I can't have feelings for him though." She turned to look at Brittany, "Dino's some kid I spoke with earlier. He's got long black hair; kinda goes over his eyes." Saraya said with a smile, considering she couldn't see Dino anymore because of the crowd - she just had to stick with Aaron and Brittany. @Dannygirl900
Coal looked back over to Cassandra and smiled that she followed. "Coal." He said flatly. "Besides you're a senior... Anyone who is anyone knows about the senior class." Coal shrugged it off like it was nothing. To him it really was. Sometimes while when he would be home for days he would look through his year books. He figured most wouldn't even remember him, but he could remember them.

Coal let his attention sit back to Naomi. "I found you a drinking buddy at the liquor table." He smirked.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_mobzqgEN3G1qz4rgp.gif.63f39fa22b7df0e9a3a681067f4535fd.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_mobzqgEN3G1qz4rgp.gif.63f39fa22b7df0e9a3a681067f4535fd.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Charlotte looked up at Green, surprised at what he said, "Did you just call me gorgeous?" She grinned while slightly blushing.

She looked down on the ground and bit her lip. Charlotte saw that their fingers were laced together and she couldn't help but smile more, "You're just getting a bit drunk..." She said as she looked back up at him. @Dannygirl900

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_static_tumblr_inline_mnqftstbcg1qz4rgp.png.0ccd5b65ac82f79f71c5a07ab2c274d3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107314" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_static_tumblr_inline_mnqftstbcg1qz4rgp.png.0ccd5b65ac82f79f71c5a07ab2c274d3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Naomi grinned at Coal as she came back with a familiar girl, "Cassandra? Hey, its me... Naomi. We were in the same class last year." As she took her drink from Coal she replied with a, "Thank you."

"Well, you make friends fast." Naomi said and extended her hand to Cassandra. @NovaNovass @simkimchild

(With a friend, taking me a bit to reply back)



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Joseph had noticed she put on make up. He admitted she looked pretty cute, but if he said anything . . . he would've looked too "desperate". They were only friends, after all, "Yeah. You got make up on." now he just sounded like a jerk. What should he have said? If he said something he would desperate, if he didn't say anything he would look like an ass.

Coal smiled as if he just got a gold star on his homework... Not like he actually did his homework... But if he did. He pointed to both Cassandra and Naomi, "So you both are graduating this year?" he asked tilting his head a bit as he picked up his drink from earlier. He took his seat back on the counter near Naomi. "Let me know how it tastes." Coal smirked.

(That's fine. I'm trying to get more people involved so they don't feel left out of the rp.)



Cassandra smiled brightly. "Oh Naomi! I remember you!" Cassandra said happily as she shook her hand, remembering Naomi from school. Cassandra was happy that she knew someone else here too. Maybe this party wasn't so bad after all. She turned to Coal, "Yeah, I'm graduating. I've already been accepted to a few colleges so that's exciting." Cassandra announced, trying not to brag. "What year are you?" she asked politely to Coal.​

@QueenOfDisaster @NovaNovass
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Bretton sits outside on the steps of the house, texting his sister, who is god knows where. Juliette is never reliable, for all Bretton knows she could be committing suicide at that exact moment.

Part of Bretton wishes that his sister never moved in with him and his father, but at the same times, Bretton knows that his sister would have never survived out in France, she would of had a flip out and would be gone, just like that. So, Bretton doesn't regret opening his arms to his sister, but he does wish that she was more open with him.

Bretton sighs and slides his phone into his pocket and stands, he walks into the house and grabs a drink, he opens the can and takes a sip. He holds his can close to him, naturally not trusting anyone at the party.


Juliette sits in her truck, she glances at her phone as her brother, Bretton texts her, she had been pulling into the party when she changed her mind, now, here she sits, behind a red light, debating whether she wants to sit at a party, listening to music and ignoring the world, or sitting at home doing the same. She looks down at the message from Bretton, it claims that he is worried about her and that he wishes she would come to the party.

Juliette sighs and steps on the gas, she turns around and drives back to the party, her truck making a loud roaring sound as she does so.

Juliette parks and shuts off the engine, she grabs her hat and puts it on her head, she adjusts her shirt and looks in the mirror to check her makeup. Juliette sighs and gets out of her truck, she locks the doors and walks to the doors of the party nervously, she walks in and looks around, already anxious and nervous.



'I only have like skin tight clothes and black but whatever' she thinks to herself. "Yeah" now she just felt stupid. She rubbed the back of her head nervously. "I'm going to go change." She says starting to walk away. She surprising brought a change of clothes. Unless he said something she felt like one of those girls she never really wanted to be. She starts trying to make her way through the crowd but it wasn't going all of that well.

@Sexy McGee​
Coal shrugged, "Eleventh." To hear Cassandra talk about collage Coal felt his insides turn a bit. Why did he do this to himself. Ask about graduating and of course the hot nerd got accepted into four collages already. Coal looked to his drink before taking a sip. He looked over to Cassandra and then back to Naomi.

"So what collages? Do you know what you want to study?" He had to ask. He would have to put his own feelings aside for a few minutes as the girl did seem really excited about what she had accomplished.

Brittany Storm


Brittany listened to them as she danced a bit. When Raya brought something up about being afraid of the 6'3" muscular guy she put up her hand "well well I'm not scared of the 6'3" muscular guy" she giggled a bit. She really had no reason to be afraid of his temper. She had to deal with that stuff enough, and outside of her group of friends it was ten times worse "I just see him as a big teddy bear with a slight attitude. But not everyone can be happy" she spun a bit listening to the music "Just gotta see past attitude" she shrugged and swayed her hips. Despite being a little clumsy because of the alcohol and drugs, she was actually a really good dancer.

Green Avery


Green raised an eyebrow and shook his head "Nono. I'm buzzed. Not drunk. This is giving me more courage to say that" he laughed lightly and gave her hand a little squeeze. He wanted to kiss her so bad but he didn't want to scare her off "You are gorgeous though" he winked at the girl and dragged her over to where a few seats were, and sat down... He couldn't kiss her but, he pulled her down onto his lap and grinned up at her. He was trying to be good because he wasn't a good guy for her. "So how is your first party" he grinned. He wanted her to socialize and have fun, he was hoping that the odds were working out in her favor.

@iChaotic @QueenOfDisaster



Seeing that girl leave the guy, Rose knew this would be her only chance to talk to that guy alone. She walked over to him confidently, fixing her hair to show the nape of her neck. She walked up to him and asked, "So, your girlfriend mad at you now?" referring to the girl storming off.​

@Sexy McGee @ScarlettRose16



"I plan on majoring in Biology, or double major with chemistry." Cassandra said, beaming at her accomplishments. "I've been accepted to Brown, Lasell, BU, NYU, and Clemson." Cassandra listed. "I really don't know which school I want to go to yet." She looked around, still wondering where Rose was, getting a little worried. "How about you?" she asked, "Do you have plans for after high school?" @NovaNovass



After a couple minutes of leaning over the balcony, Terry finally felt back to normal, as normal as Terry can get. He straightened himself out, popped a mint into his mouth, and caught his breath. He really hoped no one noticed, that wasn't exactly the most graceful entry to a party. Terry fixed his glasses, and turned around. Come on Terry, it's a party, a simple high school party that may or may not deem me hopeless as a potential friend. No biggie. He entered the house once again, this time the kitchen was packed full. Almost too full for him to pass through safely. The only route he could see was one where he had to squeeze past a group of girls, that would be a feat for him. He walked a couple feet then raised his arms above his head and shimmied between the group, he felt he needed to explain his actions out loud.

"Pardon me! I'm just trying to pass through, my hands are up so I do not accidentally grope any of you lovely ladies! Don't mind me!" He got to the doorway and quickly moved out of sight from the kitchen. Real smooth Terry, ladies will definitely love you. He took a deep breath and looked around. There were various groups of people,Terry had to choose wisely. The girls over there are wearing way too much makeup, those guys play sports. His eye caught a small group of teens who looked like a bunch of misfits. Terry would have a small chance, but that was enough for him.

Terry took a confident step towards the group. How will I break the ice?... A JOKE. Yes, I know a lot of jokes! Terry mentally high-fived himself and placed himself directly in front of the group.

"What do you do with a sick chemist?" He talked loud enough so that they could all hopefully hear him, and answered his own question quickly. "If you can't helium, and you can't curium, then you might as well barium!" He grinned and looked at the group, waiting for a reaction.

@ NovaNovass @ QueenOfDesire

@ anyone else who is standing with them ^^




Overhearing the boy's joke, Cassandra burst out laughing, spitting out the drink that was in her mouth. "That was so funny!!" she said loudly, and a little slurred. She was drunk, but that was okay. Thankfully, she didn't spit any drink on anyone, so that was good.​

simkimchild said:



Seeing that girl leave the guy, Rose knew this would be her only chance to talk to that guy alone. She walked over to him confidently, fixing her hair to show the nape of her neck. She walked up to him and asked, "So, your girlfriend mad at you now?" referring to the girl storming off.​

@Sexy McGee @ScarlettRose16



"I plan on majoring in Biology, or double major with chemistry." Cassandra said, beaming at her accomplishments. "I've been accepted to Brown, Lasell, BU, NYU, and Clemson." Cassandra listed. "I really don't know which school I want to go to yet." She looked around, still wondering where Rose was, getting a little worried. "How about you?" she asked, "Do you have plans for after high school?" @NovaNovass


Joseph Teaver

Joseph looked at the girl, "Girlfriend?! No. We're just friends . . . She's not pissed. Izzy's just changing." that sounded awkward. "The name's Joseph." he smiled, "Your name is? . . ." Joseph was making a lot of new friends at this party. Well, it was a party, it was expected. Hopefully she won't run off like that other guy.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_naqvm1isJU1s482xg.gif.a1572c080bbd5265f727f1a158a72369.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107322" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_naqvm1isJU1s482xg.gif.a1572c080bbd5265f727f1a158a72369.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Charlotte was led to a seat and was quickly sat down on Green's lap. She wasn't very used to this Green... Of course she liked Green but Charlotte wasn't very use to being flirted on by boys, mostly because Green and Naomi made sure they all stayed away and she kept her "innocence" in shape.

Charlotte put an arm around his shoulders and smiled at him, "This party has been good so far." Charlotte nodded as she crossed her legs fashionably. @Dannygirl900

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/img-thing.jpeg.797cfdf1914a16e4f9db246f7183b1fc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107323" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/img-thing.jpeg.797cfdf1914a16e4f9db246f7183b1fc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Naomi smiled at the two as they were chatting, "Oh wow, NYU... I've applied there... Absolutely love the city life." She grinned.

Naomi was happy she got have a few people to talk to... It made her day. Usually Charlotte got all the attention. Unless Naomi was on stage being someone completely different. @simkimchild @NovaNovass



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Coal smirked when Cassandra mention the schools she could go to. He pointed to her a few times. "See, now... You're the person I need to be cheating on tests with." He laughed a little but he stopped when she asked him what he was going to do after school. He bit his lower lip as he kept his eyes locked on Cassandra. His eyes slipped away as he answered. "Probably fail at life." he stated before taking another sip from his drink.

He was trying to find a way on how to change the subject when a strange redish haired guy jumped into their conversation. The kid looked awkward and seemed to not fit in very well. Coal wasn't even sure what the kid was talking about when he came over. But it helped him in the long run. He scratched the back on his neck, "Normally we just say hello." Coal joked... mocked or joked... Who's to say what was what. But by Cassandra's reaction Coal could only smile afterwards. "You actually got that?" Coal asked.



Rose smiled. Perfect, single she thought to herself. Single guys were more fun to talk to. "Hi Joseph, I'm Rose." Rose said politely. She looked around, "Some party, huh?" she stated. "I just moved to this town, and already I think it's pretty fun." she said laughing. "So, do you go to school here?" @Sexy McGee



"Well, I hope you get accepted, it'd be nice to being going to school with someone from my hometown, that way I wouldn't feel so alone!" Cassandra said excitedly. She giggled playfully at Coal's joke, but furrowed her brow a bit when he mentioned failing at life. She was still laughing at the joke. "Totally! It's a chemistry joke! That's going to be my major!!" she said, geeking out a little. @QueenOfDisaster @NovaNovass @HunterCameron


He quickly drank his vodka shot, before ordering more. He wasn't really in the mood to get drunk but he kinda didn't have anything to do it drink. He finished the remaining shots before heading to walk outside. Even after all that drinking, he only felt tipsy but not drunk. @anyone
Coal shrugged aimlessly when they mentioned Chemistry. "Now I get it." He smiled at the three in front of him. "Now this is just spit balling... But I'm guessing you guys are all nerds. Comic books, video games, even that dress up gathering you guys have once a year... Comic con was it?" he asked looking around at them. Coal had nothing against comic books or even games. He sometimes liked to play black opps and he did like the villains in the comic book movies.

He shrugged before taking another sip. "I think I can roll with this."


He quickly drank his vodka shot, before ordering more. He wasn't really in the mood to get drunk but he kinda didn't have anything to do it drink. He finished the remaining shots before heading to walk outside. Even after all that drinking, he only felt tipsy but not drunk. @anyone
I said five sentences in at least one paragraph. That's three sentences. In the last RP you were making one liners. No one liners, this is casual not simple. I delete one liners so this is a warning.
Dannygirl900 said:
I said five sentences in at least one paragraph. That's three sentences. In the last RP you were making one liners. No one liners, this is casual not simple. I delete one liners so this is a warning.
Okay, thanks for the warning
She eventually found a bathroom and walked in and changed into simply leggings, a dark blue camisole, and a white cardigan." She throws her hair up into a messy bun. She took some make up off but left most of it on. She walked back out in of the bathroom with her clothes in her bag. She walks around attempting to find Joseph and she saw a girl with him. She figured she wouldn't interfere but she felt a jolt of jealousy spike through her. She puts her bag down near the door where people put most of their stuff. She decided to just walk over. "Hey what's up?" She says acknowledging the new girl.

@Sexy McGee @simkimchild

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