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Fantasy Welcome to the Pantheon (Always Open!)

[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi]"HOORAAYY!", they all shout again in unison.
Mania stops hopping with joy and looks back at Morgana. "You want blood? I don't know........I'm really ticklish. ", she says twirling one of her pigtails. "Besides...I don't put out on the first date."

"Ha, that's a lie.", one Maniae comments. "I don't remember us taking Persephone on a date...", another says quizzically. "Didn't we just have an orgy with Virian's Maenads?", another asks.

"Yeah, but that was after a battle. That's like basically a date, I think." a Maniae with a bandaged head answers.

"It's not a lie! Well, maybe a little. But, don't go around telling people I'm a harlot!" Mania threatens Morgana with her bat. "I'm a lady above all else." she says with her chin up.

"Please, if I did so that would not only ruin the image of you but of me as well. Spreading some kind of rumor is not my thing" Morgana said. "Besides, I am not willing to get on anybody's bad side. Its a rather foolish thing to do on my part" She added. "All that aside, what did you have in mind of where we might go or what we might speak of?"

Blitz said:
His eyes stopped glowing and his frown faded, shadow was mumbling unintelligible things as he fell asleep. his hands loosened , causing the container to tip out of his hands, falling over and spilling the few remaining pills.
Nacht got instantly concerned. He wasnt a god, he was a demi-god which means he wasnt immortal. Her ears on her hoodie flattened as she crept closer, moving the pill bottle out of the way. "Hey, dont fall asleep. Thats no fun" She said, trying to keep that grin of hers which was nearly impossible for her now. She was genuinely concerned.
"Let me guess...he snapped again." A clone said as it rested it's elbow on one of the opened boxes. "he'll be fine."

"La-laaa...laa-la" Shadow sang weakly ,The short song was out of tune , distorted. The clone starts flicking random pills he found on the floor , playing a game of paper football. One of the pills lands on the hat , sitting a-top the edge. "Scoorrrrrrrrrrrrr-" He yelled as he fell onto his back. He seems to collide with the floor and reappear upside-down on the ceiling."rrrrrrre!" he continues as if nothing happened.
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]"Please, if I did so that would not only ruin the image of you but of me as well. Spreading some kind of rumor is not my thing" Morgana said. "Besides, I am not willing to get on anybody's bad side. Its a rather foolish thing to do on my part" She added. "All that aside, what did you have in mind of where we might go or what we might speak of?"
Nacht got instantly concerned. He wasnt a god, he was a demi-god which means he wasnt immortal. Her ears on her hoodie flattened as she crept closer, moving the pill bottle out of the way. "Hey, dont fall asleep. Thats no fun" She said, trying to keep that grin of hers which was nearly impossible for her now. She was genuinely concerned.

"Lol, I dunno. Something fun, probably.", she said hooking her arm around Morgana and beginning to walk. "You smell kinda strange.." Mania comments as they walk, a legion of Maniae behind them blabbering incoherently. "Like iron..*sniff* and fear."

"What do you normally do for fun?"

(He'll be fine :P It's really hard to overdose on natural hallucinogens like Ibogaine. Especially on only a few over-the-counter grade tabs. He'd have to mix it with stuff like Xanax or a Barbital for it to do any real damage. He's prob on a bomb trip rite now)
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Blitz said:
"Let me guess...he snapped again." A clone said as it rested it's elbow on one of the opened boxes. "he'll be fine."
"La-laaa...laa-la" Shadow sang weakly ,The short song was out of tune , distorted. The clone starts flicking random pills he found on the floor , playing a game of paper football. One of the pills lands on the hat , sitting a-top the edge. "Scoorrrrrrrrrrrrr-" He yelled as he fell onto his back. He seems to collide with the floor and reappear upside-down on the ceiling."rrrrrrre!" he continues as if nothing happened.
"Are you sure?" She asked, tilting her head. She watched the clone, "So, everything is alright?"

[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi]"Lol, I dunno. Something fun, probably.", she said hooking her arm around Morgana and beginning to walk. "You smell kinda strange.." Mania comments as they walk, a legion of Maniae behind them blabbering incoherently. "Like iron..*sniff* and fear."
"What do you normally do for fun?"

(He'll be fine :P It's really hard to overdose on natural hallucinogens like Ibogaine. Especially on only a few over-the-counter grade tabs. He'd have to mix it with stuff like Xanax or a Barbital for it to do any real damage. He's prob on a bomb trip rite now)

(These big words and medicines, I have no idea what they mean but I'm going to pretend I do)

"Fun? Hmm, that I am unsure of. Fun is different to different people, your idea of fun and my idea would be completely different" She said. "So perhaps we just stick to what you think is fun"
"Why yes, we just need to get him home...Wait...does he even have a home?" He crossed his arms as he thought. "I'm guessing you don't know where his 'home' is..if he even has one ...nothing from my memory confirms this.." he said as he stood on the ceiling.
"Err I dont, but I do have a place up there" She pointed to the sky, meaning Olympus. "I'll just hang around the hallways or something like I always do until he gets all better" She suggested. Friends help friends out.
"Okay, well.." he looked around. "question , why is everything different?" His realization led to him falling face first into the floor , disappearing into more smoke.
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]"Are you sure?" She asked, tilting her head. She watched the clone, "So, everything is alright?"
(These big words and medicines, I have no idea what they mean but I'm going to pretend I do)

"Fun? Hmm, that I am unsure of. Fun is different to different people, your idea of fun and my idea would be completely different" She said. "So perhaps we just stick to what you think is fun"

Mania looked questioningly at Morgana. "If you say so....".

Mania socks Morgana across the face a maniacal grin across her face. "I love a good fight. I am patron to violent rage after all."

The Maniae form a ring around them, all all hyping them up.

(*drugs no kill, just make high* also
you just got stuck bruh)
(I know! he's not dying, also for I-(the name of the drug I used) Says it makes the person sleepy.

here is the drug:

Ibogaine is a psychoactive alkaloid, and its use is being explored for the treatment of drug addiction in the US. Ibogaine causes severe nausea, vertigo, sleeplessness, and visions that can be nightmarish, though it has been shown to block craving and withdrawal symptoms in people detoxing from heroin and other opioids.

and yes...that is copy-paste.
[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi]Mania looked questioningly at Morgana. "If you say so....".
Mania socks Morgana across the face a maniacal grin across her face. "I love a good fight. I am patron to violent rage after all."

The Maniae form a ring around them, all all hyping them up.

(*drugs no kill, just make high* also
you just got stuck bruh)

Morgana smiled, turning back toward Mania. "Alright" She stood like she normally would. "Fights are always ways to keep someone ready for anything"
Blitz said:
(I know! he's not dying, also for I-(the name of the drug I used) Says it makes the person sleepy.
here is the drug:

Ibogaine is a psychoactive alkaloid, and its use is being explored for the treatment of drug addiction in the US. Ibogaine causes severe nausea, vertigo, sleeplessness, and visions that can be nightmarish, though it has been shown to block craving and withdrawal symptoms in people detoxing from heroin and other opioids.

and yes...that is copy-paste.
(that's fancy talk for "it makes your trip balls so you don't want any more crack because you're too busy hiding from
It's kinda like when people used to use brompton cocktails, only instead of getting addicted to alcohol, cocaine and peyote juice to forget the pain of dying from a terminal disease, they mindfuck you into not wanting crank anymore. Ya kno, fight fire with fire. )
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif]Morgana smiled, turning back toward Mania. "Alright" She stood like she normally would. "Fights are always ways to keep someone ready for anything"

Mania does this

[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif](That gif be from the Possession)

(ye be right)
He looked up, hallucinations of the mannequins appear, walking forward as they twitch around. Their faces covered in blood, with yellow glowing eyes.
[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi]Mania does this
(ye be right)

(Honestly not a good horror movie. I like Hellraiser series)

Morgana wasnt really a fighter, she never was. But hey, whatever. She had vampiric speed to her, in Mania's face quickly and threw a punch.

Blitz said:
He looked up, hallucinations of the mannequins appear, walking forward as they twitch around. Their faces covered in blood, with yellow glowing eyes.
(Shadow is only seeing that right?)
(Oh dear haha)

"Well, how are we gonna get him back up there? I'm too weak" SHe thought to herself. Maybe one of his clones or something could help.
No other clones arrived.

Shadow fell onto his side, curling up into a ball and started sobbing, as in his mind, this spelled doom. He seems to be switching from laughter to sadness rapidly.
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif](Honestly not a good horror movie. I like Hellraiser series)
Morgana wasnt really a fighter, she never was. But hey, whatever. She had vampiric speed to her, in Mania's face quickly and threw a punch.

(Shadow is only seeing that right?)

(Hellraiser's amazing. You should watch Event Horizon if you haven't already and Demon Knight. or The Thing.)

Mania recoiled from the punch. "Ow. Shit, you're quick.", she said cupping her cheek in her hand. "I'll have to dock points for cheating."

"Or would you rather me use my powers?", Mania said telepathically to Morgana. "Whoa, you're murderous little minx, aren't ya?", she said as she perused Morgana's memories. "Uh, oh. Someone's got daddy issues...."

Mania closed in while she tried to mentally distract Morgana and went for a knee and a headbutt.
[QUOTE="Olivia Acerbi](Hellraiser's amazing. You should watch Event Horizon if you haven't already and Demon Knight. or The Thing.)
Mania recoiled from the punch. "Ow. Shit, you're quick.", she said cupping her cheek in her hand. "I'll have to dock points for cheating."

"Or would you rather me use my powers?", Mania said telepathically to Morgana. "Whoa, you're murderous little minx, aren't ya?", she said as she perused Morgana's memories. "Uh, oh. Someone's got daddy issues...."

Mania closed in while she tried to mentally distract Morgana and went for a knee and a headbutt.

(I have watched some of The Thing, but it was late and I kinda fell asleep)

Morgana didnt mind her memories being invaded, she really didnt need to hide anything. She moved her leg, missing the knee but her vision swam as the headbutt landed. She growled, shaking her head. "That hurt" She said to herself. She didnt attack, just waited.

Blitz said:
No other clones arrived.
Shadow fell onto his side, curling up into a ball and started sobbing, as in his mind, this spelled doom. He seems to be switching from laughter to sadness rapidly.
Nacht had no idea what to do, moving forward slowly and tilted her head. She plopped her hoodie's paw on his shoulder, keepng her claws in. She had no idea how to comfort people.
[QUOTE="RedTeam Grif](I have watched some of The Thing, but it was late and I kinda fell asleep)
Morgana didnt mind her memories being invaded, she really didnt need to hide anything. She moved her leg, missing the knee but her vision swam as the headbutt landed. She growled, shaking her head. "That hurt" She said to herself. She didnt attack, just waited.

Nacht had no idea what to do, moving forward slowly and tilted her head. She plopped her hoodie's paw on his shoulder, keepng her claws in. She had no idea how to comfort people.

"Hey, you wanna see something cool?", Mania asked in Morgana's mind. She induced a hallucination where Morgana was in a room completely surrounded in mirrors and a deep mist.

"Pretty cliche, huh?", Mania said appearing in one of the mirrors. "The old mirror room trip. Overused...but a classic."

She morphed to look just like Morgana but with facial hair and a tattoo across her forehead that said "C*nt". "But, I like to add my own personal touches here and there."

Knowing Morgana was going planning on waiting she sent attacked from behind while she distracted Morgana with the mirror. She swung her bat at Morgana's torso.
Once the bat impacted with Morgana's body, her whole body turned into bats. Two that Mania hit was on the ground, twitching and cheeping. Morgana reformed, looking at Mania and sent a high kick at her head. "Yea, funny" She said with a fangy smile.

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