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Fantasy Welcome to the Pantheon (Always Open!)

As Caius walked away from the room, it got silent. And when he passed a corner, there was a loud "RAWR!!!!!" As Nacht jumped out in front of him, claws out and grinning, showing her sharp teeth. @IronManatee
Nacht made a giggle sound, her claws sliding back into the jacket she wore. "Hehe, I get it" She said. "I've been bored allllll day! I still dont know how to conjure nightmares and NOBODY will play with me!" She said, crossing her arms. The reason probably is because she is rather insensitive to how others portray fear so if she scares someone too badly they wont hang around her anymre. @IronManatee
Hypnos smiled up at Thranduil, "I didn't think I would be awake this early either my Friend, but unfortunately this debate has roused me from my slumber. Let's all just remember that the Trojan War was fought over Helene and we don't need another on Olympus because we can't pick sides. Ultimately it's up to the king of the gods on what the final decision will be.
IronManatee said:
Caius silently followed the conversation between those two, which to him looked like two dogs snarling,growling and hissing at each other. He sighed. After M went away he gave Morgana a tired and desperate look. "Don't you two ever get tired of this?" Before even recieving an answer he stood up and walked through the corridors.
He arrived in front of Virians door. "Ugh, I hate to do this now, sorry for interrupting", he murmured to himself before knocking rapidly on the door. "Hello? Virian? Anyone there?", he called from the top of his lungs.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian ran over, poured some water from a pitcher and brought it back to Helena, along with the sushi he had made. "Here we go!"
As soon as he heard Caius, he gave Helena a forced smile. "Just a second. I need to get that."

Virian got up from his chair, and walked out of the room to open the door. "What the fuck do you want, Caius?"

Helena thanked him with a warm smile, when suddenly someone started knocking on the door. The person who stood outside was calling for someone, yet Helena did not recognize that voice. It must have belonged to someone she hadn't met yet.

Virian stood up and walked to the door, which made her quite curious, but from where she was sitting, she couldn't see but a few strands of the persons blonde hair.
Capricornus said:
Helena thanked him with a warm smile, when suddenly someone started knocking on the door. The person who stood outside was calling for someone, yet Helena did not recognize that voice. It must have belonged to someone she hadn't met yet.
Virian stood up and walked to the door, which made her quite curious, but from where she was sitting, she couldn't see but a few strands of the persons blonde hair.
Virian closed the door and walked back to the table. "Heh, sorry about that. You look really nice." The god said, looking dreamily at the way the candlelight glistened in her eyes and lit her face. He just hoped that she would be able to stay with him. "So, what do you like to do in your spare time?" Virian picked up a piece of sushi and put it in his mouth with his chopsticks.

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian closed the door and walked back to the table. "Heh, sorry about that. You look really nice." The god said, looking dreamily at the way the candlelight glistened in her eyes and lit her face. He just hoped that she would be able to stay with him. "So, what do you like to do in your spare time?" Virian picked up a piece of sushi and put it in his mouth with his chopsticks.

Helena smiled at his compliment. She quickly forgot about the person who just stood in front of the door and focused on Virian's question.

"Hmm... What I like to do in my spare time..." She pondered for a second before answering. "Well when I do actually manage to have some free time", she answered with a sarcastic laugh, while thinking about school, "I like to just relax, read a good book or listen to some music." She took a bite of the food and continued speaking. "So what about you? What do you enjoy doing during your spare time? Or is it like all the time 'spare time' for you?", she asked while chuckling.
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Capricornus said:
Helena smiled at his compliment. She quickly forgot about the person who just stood in front of the door and focused on Virian's question.
"Hmm... What I like to do in my spare time..." She pondered for a second before answering. "Well when I do actually manage to have some free time", she answered with a sarcastic laugh, while thinking about school, "I like to just relax, read a good book or listen to some music." She took a bite of the food and continued speaking. "So what about you? What do you enjoy doing during your spare time? Or is it like all the time 'spare time' for you?", she asked while chuckling.
Virian chuckled before answering. "To be honest, my 'hobby' was watching over you. I mean, my job is just drinking, having sex, and waking up with a hangover. And since you were one of the only people praying to me, prayers weren't a problem." He popped another piece of sushi into his mouth. "What do you want to do after we finish eating?"

Messor sighed, knowing that it was ultimately up to Yashnifus. He was the king after all. "Well," Messor said with lost of interest in his tone, "I'm heading back to my place to watch the scale intently for another three hours. Actually..." Messor turned to Metis, stretching out his hand. Messor continued, "Metis, have you seen the Scale before? A time god like yourself should get familiar with it, should I be absent when something big happens, as unlikely that may be."
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Caius jokingly patted her head, or well, the hood that covered her head. "Poor girl. If you really need someone to play with you so bad, I'll sacrifice myself.", he said with a laugh. He knew that the reason behind her current loneliness was most likely because of her insensitivity towards others. He knew and understood, so he felt pity for her. He rested his hand on her hood and sighed. "So what did you plan on doing?", he asked her, smirking.
With the final decision resting on Yashnifus Hypnos got up and stretched, " Now of you all will excuse me I have a child of mine I need to teach." Hypnos said referring to Nacht. He was so rarely awake he should probably take the time to check on her. So Hypnos left the group of gods (I assume they are in the throne room area) and went off to find Nacht.

@IronManatee @MightBeASithLord @RedTeamGif
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian chuckled before answering. "To be honest, my 'hobby' was watching over you. I mean, my job is just drinking, having sex, and waking up with a hangover. And since you were one of the only people praying to me, prayers weren't a problem." He popped another piece of sushi into his mouth. "What do you want to do after we finish eating?"

Helena was slightly surprised by his honest and direct answer, yet it didn't bother her. After all, he was the god of those domains.

"Oh well, to be honest, I haven't thought about what to do afterwards.", she admitted. She tried to think about something they could do, but couldn't come up with any ideas. "Maybe you can come up with anything? What do gods like you do when you're bored?", she asked, curious to find out more about a gods everyday life.
Capricornus said:
Helena was slightly surprised by his honest and direct answer, yet it didn't bother her. After all, he was the god of those domains.
"Oh well, to be honest, I haven't thought about what to do afterwards.", she admitted. She tried to think about something they could do, but couldn't come up with any ideas. "Maybe you can come up with anything? What do gods like you do when you're bored?", she asked, curious to find out more about a gods everyday life.
Virian laughed and raised an eyebrow. "Helena, I'm the god of sex. What do you think I do when I'm bored?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian laughed and raised an eyebrow. "Helena, I'm the god of sex. What do you think I do when I'm bored?"

Helena turned really red really quick. "O-oh wait, that's... that's right.", she stuttered, completely embarrassed.

"W-well... Isn't there a place here at mount Olympus that you might want to show me, a place that you enjoy being at, or so?", she shrugged.
Capricornus said:
Helena turned really red really quick. "O-oh wait, that's... that's right.", she stuttered, completely embarrassed.
"W-well... Isn't there a place here at mount Olympus that you might want to show me, a place that ye ou enjoy being at, or so?", she shrugged.
"Well, I could show you the game room, but I don't know if you like video games." Virian said, eating another piece of sushi.
MightBeASithLord said:
Messor sighed, knowing that it was ultimately up to Yashnifus. He was the king after all. "Well," Messor said with lost of interest in his tone, "I'm heading back to my place to watch the scale intently for another three hours. Actually..." Messor turned to Metis, stretching out his hand. Messor continued, "Metis, have you seen the Scale before? A time god like yourself should get familiar with it, should I be absent when something big happens, as unlikely that may be."
"I... may have seen it briefly in a vision," Metis admitted. "But not in person, I think." He blushed slightly, but put his sleeve-covered hand in Messor's. "Lead the way, I guess..."
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Well, I could show you the game room, but I don't know if you like video games." Virian said, eating another piece of sushi.

"Oh sure, sounds good to me.", she answered. "I actually used to play a lot of video games, before school and all that happened of course.", she added smiling.
Capricornus said:
"Oh sure, sounds good to me.", she answered. "I actually used to play a lot of video games, before school and all that happened of course.", she added smiling.
Virian's face lit up. "Okay, then you need to see what I've got. What games do you play?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Virian's face lit up. "Okay, then you need to see what I've got. What games do you play?"

"I gladly do.", she answered grinning.

"I play the usual stuff, mostly RPG's. From time to time some Shooters."
Capricornus said:
"I gladly do.", she answered grinning.
"I play the usual stuff, mostly RPG's. From time to time some Shooters."
"Oh you have just become 10 times sexier." Virian said, as he took her hand and led her downstairs.

IronManatee said:
Caius jokingly patted her head, or well, the hood that covered her head. "Poor girl. If you really need someone to play with you so bad, I'll sacrifice myself.", he said with a laugh. He knew that the reason behind her current loneliness was most likely because of her insensitivity towards others. He knew and understood, so he felt pity for her. He rested his hand on her hood and sighed. "So what did you plan on doing?", he asked her, smirking.
SleepyBuddha said:
With the final decision resting on Yashnifus Hypnos got up and stretched, " Now of you all will excuse me I have a child of mine I need to teach." Hypnos said referring to Nacht. He was so rarely awake he should probably take the time to check on her. So Hypnos left the group of gods (I assume they are in the throne room area) and went off to find Nacht.
@IronManatee @MightBeASithLord @RedTeamGif
Nacht purred, "You're the best!" She said with a big grin and wrapped her arms around him in a really tight, not so comfortable, or breathable, hug. People seemed never ready to hang around Caius either, since his dominion. But he knew a lot about being alone, or so she assumed. He never seemed to turn her down for playtime or just to hang out, so she made it a habit to seek him out. "Maybe we could play cat and mouse? Hide and seek? Guess the fear? Ooh! What about fear tag?!" She said the question so loud anybody could probably hear her and find her. @IronManatee @SleepyBuddha
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"I'm glad to see you've made a friend while I was away Nacht." Hypnos said as he approached the both of them with his usual sleepy yet gentle smile. " Thank you for being by her side at my absence. I am Hypnos, And who are you if I may ask?" Hypnos asked very happy that Nacht was able to make a friend and nurture a relationship.

@IronManatee @RedTeamGrif
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Oh you have just become 10 times sexier." Virian said, as he took her hand and led her downstairs.

Helena's eyes widened and jaw dropped at the sight of Virian's game room. It was filled with various machines, consoles, everything one could think of. "T-this is amazing.", she said while looking around.
Capricornus said:
Helena's eyes widened and jaw dropped at the sight of Virian's game room. It was filled with various machines, consoles, everything one could think of. "T-this is amazing.", she said while looking around.
"Fun, huh?" Virian said, with a cheery smile. "How does a round of Street Fighter II sound?" Virian rolled up his sleeves and loosened his tie.

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