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Fantasy Welcome To Amber Academy For The Gifted And Special

Isaac was levitating in midair with his feet a few centimeters above the floor and uttered thanks as he flew through the door his roommate opened. He turned back to face Natsume by the door as he floated a little more upwards, almost making a bird's eye view with the camcorder, "Where to?" he questioned her with a small excited glint in his eye and turned around once more, filming the few individuals wandering and lounging around the hallways of the dorm.

Not only could Isaac see it, but he could also sense the diversity wafting in the air along with some foreign chatters and odour emitted about. One of the supposedly students slid pass by, leaving a trail of lime green substance behind them. The humanoid figure, either covered in slime or was made out of it, apparently caught the attention of Isaac's video device as he filmed them. A slime person? Cool, looks like the type who can shape shift.

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"Ah...yeah." Augustus softly replied, tilting his head slightly at bunny's sudden change in behavior. There was no hint of malice in any of his prior statements. Why would there be? Even for an animal that is known to be easily frightened the timing on that was far too perfect.

Taking another sip of his drink as Eva commented on her people his curiosity had once again sparked at the implication. How exactly had they remained hidden for so long? What about the other creatures here? Why were humans so prominent and how were they all connected? Surely all of these details would be covered in his classes, but he was extremely eager to learn more of this new world that had been hidden from him.

"I live not far from here. The dorm room is more an...appeasement. So I can always spend time with him off of campus." Smiling warmly toward the pair, his gaze then shifted toward the small ball of fur that was now burying itself into her owner. "I'm assuming you understand Wila? Your reaction was telling. I have no intention of allowing anything to terrorize you."

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'See Wila, no cat, you'll be okay. I'd never let anything harm you.' Eva looked over at Agustus as he asked her about Wila. "Yes, I can understand her." She says with a bright smile. "I can understand all animals." She was not surprised that he had caught on to her connection with Wila, it didn't usually take people long to figure out that there was a silent conversation going on along side their verbal one.

ze stepped outside of his dorm room he had been trapped in his sleep like state by the "whispers" as every one where he was from called them. normally they would just...well..whisper to you but occasionally they would trap you in their realm sort of like being in a coma. zen stretched feeling almost every bone in his body pop"man i hate when that happens" he stepped out of the male dormitory looking around seeing no one"where is everyone..."zen went and at on one of the benches"so far ive seen no one and nothing ..."he sighed scratching the back of his head
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((@ReiiDeckklan—Sorry for the latest reply ever... Had a lot of work this week...))

"Half nature spirit, I only mostly grew up around them," Rin corrected hastily, she slightly winced at his squeal in embarrassment that she quickly hid. She climbed down her bed with the modem and router in her hands. "Where to plug this in..." she muttered to herself looking around for an outlet.

What time is it right now, I wonder?

Rin stooped around her desk, finding a place for modem and router. After fiddling around with the two of them for a bit, she carefully plugged them in. "Uuu... Haley doesn't chew on things connected to sockets, right?" she asked, remembering the poodle, who was now speaking about the fundamentals of snack time. At his question, Rin shrugged, "You can feed her here, I don't mind."
Natsume stepped out the dormroom and started walking down the hallway. "Dunno....Let's go down this way isaac." Natsume continued down the hallway while mentioning isaac to follow her and miki.


(Sorry for the late and short reply i've been in really bad pain lately so its hard to mve around.)
(Big big sorry for late reply)

Frost opened his mouth to reply but quickly shut it, considering what he should say. After a moment of thought he finally said "my name is frost, Mavis, your name is quite unique, i presume your an elf?" While observing his new roommate, he found her quite intriguing so far.
(I am going to try my second reply again)

"Well this is a big school." Veronica said holding her schedule she sighed as she looked up and ran right into the wall. "Ouch! Wall there." She said looking at her body since she was in her full human appearance she was bleeding. "Ronnie! Switch forms you need to heal yourself." Sashabelle barked in a growl. Veronica shook her head no afraid still about having a half angel talking slowly aging puppy.

'See Wila, no cat, you'll be okay. I'd never let anything harm you.' Eva looked over at Agustus as he asked her about Wila. "Yes, I can understand her." She says with a bright smile. "I can understand all animals." She was not surprised that he had caught on to her connection with Wila, it didn't usually take people long to figure out that there was a silent conversation going on along side their verbal one.

Isaac hummed softly as he followed Natsume down the hallway where the beings dwelled about. He continued filming, on the way subconsciously gaining attention from some others. Drifting up in mid-air while he shifted the focus to the red panda, Isaac started, "I'm curious, why do you call Natsume your master?"

Miki looked over at Isaac as she sat on Natsume's shoulder. "Oh that's because i'm her Minion or Companion, i was born to serve my master and only her." Natsume looked at Miki and shook her head then flicked Miki's head with a sigh. "I told you before and i'll tell you again, Miki you're family and always will be."


(Sorry for the late response)
Rin nodded as she watched the tiny light on the side of the router stop blinking and settled to a light green. "Thank the gods. I don't know too much about the behavior of house pets. Never had one."

She climbed back up to her bed and dug out a pair of headphones before switching on her laptop. At that moment, Gomer's phone rang, she heard him excuse himself and greet his mother.

Why is it so loud? Is... is it on speaker? I—

Her eyes widened at his mother's long (very long) list of concerns and questions. She smiled to herself in a somewhat envious manner.

His mother knows about me...?

"Uuu..." Rin froze for a long moment in confusion and embarrassment before she shook her head fiercely and muttered to herself, "It's not socially acceptable to eavesdrop on such a conversation."

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