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Fantasy Welcome To Amber Academy For The Gifted And Special

Eva sighed looking around her side of the room not sure where she wanted to put anything yet. 'I wonder what our roommate will be like.' She directed her thoughts towards Wila. 'I don't know, but i hope she gets here soon.' Wila responded. 'Do you think she'll have a pet too? It'd be nice to have someone else to talk to.. gosh i hope its not a cat!' Eva giggled as her bunny freaked out. 'Calm down Wila, I'm sure she wont have a cat. It'd be pretty silly to place a bunny and cat in the same room.' She sat down on the bed and started petting Wila as she let her thoughts wander.
A small grin played on his lips as he jumped, more like drifted, down from the bunkbed and landed on the floor effortlessly by Natsume's desk. With hands in his denim pockets, he silently took his time to take it all in, the quality and various colors of each painting.

"Is this what Miki meant by sunflowers?" Isaac asked as he turned his attention to the warmest painting among the four, noting the tonal value and the contrast between the focused object and background of the art piece. Through the painting, he started wondering if the flowers have something to do with his roommate's character, perhaps even her powers.

"They all look pretty good, why'd you wanna hide them in the first place?"

"I get nervous when other's look at my artwork and the only living creatures that have seen my paintings are Miki and my father." Natsume's gaze shifted to the ground while messed around with the miki's fur silently. "When it come's her artwork she get's very shy about it." Natsume stayed quiet and continued to mess with miki's fur while miki sat there staring at the paintings with a small chuckle. "He would be proud of you natsume...very proud."

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zen slowly approached the school,he had gotten into a bit of an altercation with the entire train station be cause he was sleeping on the train tracks and was already a bit angry, who knew people could get so angry over such simple things. as zen reached the gate he vaulted over it boredly"so this is the place..." he studied the school looking for anyone around" this place is a ghost town..." zen walked around the campus looking for others"he decided to speed up process and merged with the shadows zooming around the school barely visible

Eva And Augustus = Room 110

Enns And Sisis = Room 111

Grace And Lucifer = Room 130

Veronica And Zen = Room 150

Ryo And Ayiko = Room 140

Apollo And No One At The Moment = Room 160
after finding no one zen decided to make his way to his room. he crawled out from the shadows twitching slightly"if i recall its room 150" he made his way up and opened the door seeing no none once again..."perfect" he went and plopped down on the bottom bunk" quiet and lonely my favorite zen turned the light off an d sat in the darkness resting but not sleeping
Isaac glanced up at her then shifted his grey gaze back down on the paintings. He lightly pushed up his glasses by the bridge with his index finger, a knowing lopsided smile on his face before he spoke, "Could it be that your dad taught you?"

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Natsume flinched a little at the word 'Dad' but kept her gaze to the floor and stared at it like the was the most interesting thing in the world. "Yeah....He taught me how to paint." Miki immediately noticed her master's little flinch and climbed onto her lap while she was petting miki tears started to well up in natsume's eyes but she immediately wiped them.

After noticing the brunette wiping her eyes with her head down, Isaac went silent for a moment and looked elsewhere, "Hey, what's it like having a dad?" he asked Natsume, turning his head to face the only window in the room. With an impassive stare, he seemed to be drifting into his own thoughts while absentmindedly watching the leaves of the trees outside rustling mutely.

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"It's same as having family...It's wonderful, it really is." Natsume didn't really know how to explain it but all she knew having a father is the Wonderful. "...I don't mean to be nosey or anything but don't you have a father isaac?" Natsume's gaze softed as she spoke softly hoping isaac wouldn't get angry or something. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

With the same deadpan expression he held, Isaac nonchalantly shrugged and answered, "Who knows," At the back of his head, he would vaguely reminisce a certain tall figure with their sweatered back facing him, and the familiar smell of an omelette dish mixed with the faint scent of orange juice emitting around the said person.

"By the way, what are we supposed to do now?" He asked as he turned back to Natsume, as if the previous subject was never mentioned, "Are we supposed to get to class straight away or somethin'? I kinda forgot what that secretary said,"

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Staring down at the key he had retrieved from the front desk, Augustus continued his habit of letting his imagination run wild as he marched toward his next destination; dorm room number 110. Just what kind of person would he end up having to spend his time next to for the entirety of the school year? Some kind of fallen prince on a dark path for vengeance? A necromancer? Some eldritch horror with extra spiky teeth? Stopping in front of the door he took a deep breath to gather his courage and composure before before entering the key into the lock, twisting it and pushing it open. Yet much to his surprise the person inside seemed significantly less imposing than he had expected, barring the threat of drowning him in adorable.

"U-uh...well." Augustus mumbled, a light tinge of pink filling his face as he examined Eva and her small companion. Raising a hand to his mouth to fake a cough in an effort to draw attention away from his shock, he silently turn toward the right corner of the room and threw his book bag's strap off his shoulder as he gently set it onto the ground. "I take it they've placed you here as well, miss?" He asked, aware of the response he would get. The decor of her side had already made it obvious. In his mind he was trying to chalk this up as some sort of mistake on the faculty's end. Not that he particularly minded, it was just shocking for the dorms to be shared in such a way. Somehow this had ranked as a bigger surprise than Tree Man.

Eva looks towards the door excitedly as she hears the lock turn. To her surprise a boy enters instead of a girl. 'Eva that's a boy.' Wila's voice pops into her head. 'I can see that Wila' She smiles at the boy as he starts talking. "Yes, this is my room. I thought my roommate would be a girl though." She says. 'It must be a mistake, they wouldn't put a boy and girl in the same room.' ' maybe Wil, I don't know.' She continues to smile at the boy. "I'm Eva, this is Wila." She introduces herself and her bunny.

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Natsume stayed quiet a second trying to remember what the secretary said. "Hmmm...Oh i remember now!! I remember her saying that we get two days to get use to the environment here before we go to our classes." Natsume grabbed a piece of paper that the secretary give her basically saying the same thing that she had just said and held it out for him. "Here take a look the Secretary give it to me."




Everybody and their characters get's TWO days i repeat TWO DAYS before classes and all that start so....HAVE FUN I GUESS!!
"Augustus Parris. It's nice to meet you, but..." Trailing off, he began to contemplate his options. There was the chance to simply head back to the front of the building and ask someone. If there wasn't a suitable staff member then he could just hang outside and observe the other rooms. All he needed was one other sighting of an arrangement like this, though then he ran the risk of being labeled the creeper of the school. Leaving a good first impression was vital. Humming to himself in thought he walked to the bed and reached into his pocket, pulling out a touch screen cell phone before sitting down on his bare mattress.

"...well, sorry. I'll try not to stick around too much." Sheepishly smiling toward Eva, he then turned his attention to the screen and began swiping through the list of WiFi signals nearby. One name had managed to capture his attention.

'AmberOffice02. Perfect, let's see what you've got for me.' Tapping the name, the prompt for a password appeared before seemingly filling itself and connecting after a few short seconds. Lowering his thumbs he watched as several screens flashed by until several names began to appear. "104, 106, 130." Stating the room numbers aloud, he paused as he caught the students in the last one. Poor Grace. A roommate like that had to have been bad news. With the press of a button the screen dimmed and he raised his gaze back toward the kemonomimi. "Putting aside the obvious, it's nice to see they allow pets. For what this place is I didn't expect it to be so relaxed."

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Eva tipped her head to the side watching Agustus talk to himself while on his phone. 'Kinda strange isn't he?' 'Be nice Wila.' Eva leans over the edge of her bed to get to her bag. Pulling out a bag chocolates she looks over and smiles at Agustua. "Want one?" She offers. "Yea, I like that we're allowed pets here. And that we have two days to get settled in before classes start.

"Ah, thank you. You're very kind." Standing from his bed he walked toward Eva, reaching out to grab the chocolate he closed his palm around it, walking back toward his bag and swiftly grabbing one of the straps and bringing it back to his bed. "It's nice. I really should have brought Sir Percival with me. Doubt my sis would appreciate it it much though." Unzipping the top he began to dig through the contents within. "I do appreciate the time to...well, get used to this. It's all a bit jarring."

A triumphant smirk appeared on his face as he felt a cool object press against his open palm. Pulling out a tall, thin aluminum can with a crudely drawn image of a silver key thrust into a green fruit. Placing it by Eva's feet he reached back into his belongings, pulling out an identical can before returning to his mattress.

"Key lime pie flavor. These energy drinks aren't exactly healthy, but nothing goes with sugar like more sugar."

"Is Sir Percival your pet?" She asks. She moves on her bed to sit with her legs dangling off the end. Wila climbs into her lap and watches Agustus curiously as he digs through his bag.

'What do you think he's looking for Eva?'

'I'm sure we'll see soon Wil, be patient.'

Eva watches the boy too, curious to see what he's looking for. "Jarring?" She asks. "Do you mean that the dorms appear to be coed?" She smiles at him as he places a drink near her. "Thanks, looks yummy." She says.

'Oh gosh he's feeding your sugar addiction.'

Wila scolds.

'Shush, I am not addicted to sugar.. It's just really yummy."

Eva scowls at the rabbit in her lap.


Lucifer didn't really know what to do with himself and so set off towards the front of the school and approached the desk.

"Prince, I mean Lucifer," was all he said as she passed over a key and a list of things he didn't bother to read.

"130, 130," he repeated over and over as he soon came to his room, opening the door he looked around and quickly set up everything, with a sigh he looked about and then headed out.

No where to go?
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"Sweet," Isaac beamed after he skimmed through the contents of the paper Natsume held out to him. He shuffled over to his desk to grab his A6 notebook sitting by Bo's temporary fishbowl, holding the caramel-coloured book and lightly tapping it's fabric spine onto the glass. He warily stashed the book in his back pocket, letting the hem of his sweater slide back down to cover it. From his duffel bag he took out a camcorder, which comes with a hand strap, and placed a firm grip on the device.

All of a sudden Isaac whipped around to face Natsume. The video screen of his camera was already flipped open, recording while Isaac spoke boisterously like a goofy host of some vlog, "Presenting my very first encounter in this radical school, Miki the red pandaaaa," he outstretched his arm and gestured to the said pet before turning the camera's focus to the owner, adding with a chuckle, "And of course, Natsume, the roommate and painter,"

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"Depending on who you ask. Technically he's my sister's cat but he doesn't really seem to like Lydia that much. I always try and tell her that it's okay. After all we still have to get twenty-four more to complete the Round Table." With a satisfied smile at his own joke, Augustus unwrapped the chocolate he had just recieved and tossed it into his mouth, savoring the rich flavor as Eva appeared to become agitated over something. She seemed to be focused on the bunny which was strange even considering her appearance.

"It's no so much the dorms. I mean, yeah, that was surprising. It's more..."
Pausing, his eyes rested on Eva's ears for a brief period before he shut them, swallowing the portion of the chocolate remaining whole and then reaching to the top of the can. Popping the drink open with the tab he raised it and took a sip before looking back toward his new roommate. A wave of uncertainty had washed over him after he had started speaking, contemplating exactly what the best way to phrase this would be. "...well, I didn't know. Back home I was the only one who wasn't normal. I thought at the end of the day there were only humans around, and we knew almost everything about the world. We were stuck in this tiny little place with nothing left. After I was directed here though they didn't tell me just how varied everything is. It's nice, but yes, very jarring."

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Natsume and miki stared at him for a second before they brust out into laughter. "Isaac what are you doing." Natsume let out a giggle and continued to pet miki while miki stared at the camera curiously. "Why are you recording me and miki....Are trying to make memories or something."

Her reaction made Isaac blink when he realised how she unexpectedly did not recoil, get provoked or draw back in a petulant manner. Having a friend or two back at home responding in a similar manner to Natsume's, he thought that perhaps his new roommate might not be difficult to get along with as a ghost of a smile made it's way to his face.

"Guess you could say that," Isaac shrugged, his general collected appearance illustrating that filming out of the blue with the camcorder in hand was something frequently done, then made a small nodding motion with the device,"Still, with my ability, there are many different uses for this baby," he added shrewdly and chuckled lowly in a malevolent manner.

Perhaps along with an outsider's views on Isaac's sudden sinister behaviour, his thoughts would reveal, a word such as 'blackmail' hinting through his glasses above his sly smirk. Not that he would really commit such an act... Unless the victim clearly deserved it in his perspective. Like a ninja of justice or something, he used to think, and still do. The effect barely lasted for a second before Isaac smoothly retracted back to his composed self as if it were done a mere flick of a switch.

"But that aside~ Might I suggest we explore the place together? I literally get lost easily, resulting why I was brought to the school by force in the first place," he mentioned the last part in a mutter. Isaac did want to discover the eccentric beings, besides my sister, that wander about the school campus, and he would unnoticeably have went out of his way earlier if he knew that there were no classes for the day from the beginning.

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Natsume shrugged but she stood up while miki climbed up onto her shoulder. "Alright let's go explore this place!" Natsume walked over to the door opening it then stepping aside the door while holding it open. "Camera Man first.~" Natsume let out a small giggle and just stood there holding the door open waiting for isaac to step though.

'Cat! He can't bring that here!' Wila starts to panic huddling close to Eva. 'Calm down Wila, the cats not here. It'll be okay.' Eva reassures her little bunny. Looking over at Augustus she smiles, "Wila wouldn't have been too happy if you had brought your cat." She says, "But if the cat chose you then you are his owner not your sister."

She blushes lightly as the boy looked at her ears before closing his eyes and finishing his chocolate. Sipping her drink she listens as the boy talks about home. "You didn't expect a kemonomimi." She says, "Most don't unless they already know about us." She smiles at him while petting Wila to calm her down.


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