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Fantasy Welcome To Amber Academy For The Gifted And Special

Frost awkwardly ignored the two conversing girls and grabbed his room keys, he looked at it "103" was forged onto it, he stared at his giant duffel bag."not again" he whispered to himself as he lifted his bag up.
[Thank you! She actually is just listed by her lastname (Jinx) by mistake! Thanks for the offer though:3 @Shizuekana ]

Mavis Jinx

Mavis grins as a student actually stops to help her. When the girl suggests walking together, she nods and starts to walk beside her, looking for the main office, as Rin informed her to do.

When the girls make it the front office, Mavis erases bottom half of her dry-erase board, so, now, it just announces her name. She lays it on the desk and smiles shyly at the secretary, hoping the woman will understand and give her the correct room key. It seems the lady is nice enough about the situation because she gets the female's key without questioning her message. However, when the woman returns, she snatches one of Mavis' markers and writes "103" in messy handwriting. This action slightly offends the elf, but she nods a thank-you gesture, trying to forgive the woman's confusion. Deaf people usually tend to be mute, so it is an understandable mistake.

She waits for her new acquaintance to get her room key, as well and scans the room she's in. Mavis waves slightly at another student, a boy this time, who seems to be new, also.
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Natsume stared at isaac for a second when a smirk slips on to her face. "Alright deal." Miki sat on natsume's shoulder looking back at isaac then natsume over and over. "Wait...So you guys are going to race to the dorms." Natsume looked at miki with the smirk still planted on her face and nodded.

(Again i'm sorry for the late reply...Sorry again hehe (':3)
@SilentB34R )
(It's fine, it's fine~ You don't have to worry about it @SkyDust101 ^^)

Isaac shifted his gaze over to Miki that settled at Natsume's shoulder, responding to the pet with a cheeky expression that read, 'Why not?'. He breathed in for a moment and exhaled, his eye reopening as he gazed over at his challenger with a sly grin on his face. Bo inadvertently retracted its head into it's shell marginally. The turtle seemed to somehow read the rivalrous spark between the two through the glass of it's fishbowl, until Isaac's arm covered it's view with his secure but gentle hold.

"Excellent," uttered Isaac with a closed-eyed smile, or perhaps a wink though it was hard to tell with his fringe covering majority of the left side of his face, "Starting...Now," with that said as he pointed over to the direction of the dormitory, the ombre-haired teen along with his belongings, disappeared from sight in a blink of an eye.
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Frost is smiles at the fact the girl waved at him, he recut tangly raised his key up, right beside the "103" on (who he presumed was) Mavis's board, to signify they were room mates. He then stuffed the keys into his back pocket. After that he slowly dragged his duffel bag through a hall way, he eventually stopped at door 103. He took his keys and opened the door slowly, he held it open for Mavis but did not come in.

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Natsume let out a small gasp and immediately took off with her suitcase while miki tightly hung on to her master's shoulder. "M-master slow down!!" Natsume let out a small loud laugh and looked back to miki with a bright smile. "No way miki i'm having to much fun!!" Miki looked at her master then smilied while clingling to natsume's shoulder even more tighter.
She's fast, Isaac thought, watching as Natsume darted down the hallway. He even had to step aside just barely for her to get through, without her notice since he and the things he held were invisible to others' eyes at the moment. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he spotted a few other students scramming to make way for the brunette, even her pet seemed like it was likely to fly off her shoulder.

He then glanced down at Bo, "Seems like it's a one-sided competition, huh?" even though Isaac said that, knowing the other has a higher chance of winning, he still did what he could and sprinted down the hallway like an average human--just without those around acknowledging his presence.
Natsume continued to laugh excitedly while miki watched her master sprint down the hallway dodgeing students. "I haven't had so much in months!" Natsume's bright smile widen as she run with miki giggling when she tripped and landed face first into the ground "Master!! Are you okay!!"
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Rin placed the sheet of paper that listed her in Room 107 on the front desk after Mavis, ignoring the stares of others when they saw that she had about zero percent of luggage. Apparently, Mavis had gotten a dorm room a few doors down from her. Rin couldn't tell if that was normal, or just plain creepy, it didn't bother her too much. She promptly received her key and was given directions to her room. Apart from a two students racing through the halls or the short guy who was, and she was just guessing here, a snowman, because at that moment, a small flame burst on her index finger. Normally, she could control her own powers.

Stupid balance thing, I can't even become a dragon. Nope, I'm the "defected" murdering angle-thing... Meh.

She stopped at the room labeled "107", glad to see that no one was already inside. Hopefully, she wouldn't have a roommate, but if she did, at least she'd have already scoped out the better bed.
Roomate Update:

Rin And Gomer= Room 109

Eva And No One Yet= Room 110

Enns And No One Yet= Room 111

(.....we need more males xD )
SkyDust101 said:
Roomate Update:
Rin And Gomer= Room 109

Eva And No One Yet= Room 110

Enns And No One Yet= Room 111

(.....we need more males xD )
(if you're allowed to have more than one character i can make a male character!)
Eva stared up at the big building in awe. 'So this is my new school' she thought. She hugged her stuffed bunny to her chest wishing her mom could be here to see the Academy. 'Your dad is here' Wila's voice popped into her head interrupting her memories of her mother. 'I know Willa' she thought, 'Im glad dads with me but i still wish mom could be here.' Turning she smiled up at her dad, "I think I've got it from her papa." she said. "You sure? I could walk you to the office, help you find your dorm room." Her dad replied. "It's okay papa, me and Willa can manage." She said, hugging her father before picking up her bags and heading towards the office.

Eva walked into the office and set her bags down by the desk. "Eva Talise" she said smiling at the secretary. She was handed her dorm key, '110' was engraved on it.
'Room 110 it is' Wila's voice entered head again as the little bunny peeked down from atop Eva's head. 'I guess so' Eva thought as she gathered her bags and headed back out into the hall in search of her room.
Not long after, Isaac managed to reach where Natsume had stopped clumsily and revealed himself, "I~diot," he teased with a deadpanned expression, attempting to stifle a laugh simultaneously, and idly strolled pass by. Usually he would be lending a hand, however he was engrossed with the game by then and had forgotten the initial reason to have started the bet. Plus, his hands were full. They were already close by the room 104, it's location just a few metres away from reach.
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Natsume sat up quickly and glared at isaac's back while miki sat the panicking because natsume's forehead had a bruise and her nose was bleeding. "M-m-master!! Your nose and f-forehead." While miki continued with her panicking natsume pulled her handkerchief and covered her nose then stood up grabbing her suitcase while holding the now pinkish handkerchief that was once white up to her nose and walking over to the dormroom with a panicking red panda following behide quickly. "Master be careful please!!" Natsume ignored the pleads from miki and continued speed-walking to the dorm with a bloodly nose and a bruised forehead.
Isaac arrived at the room first, casually twisting the knob with his elbow and opening the door while whistling a jolly tune, "Yahoo, first one to--" the smile on his face faded when he turned to wait for his roommate, only to realize the injuries she have from the fall. He stared silently as Natsume walked briskly.
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Natsume pushed past isaac and walked over to one of the desk in the room setting her suitcase on top of it while miki jumped on to the table and watched her master with concern dancing around in her eyes. "Isaac could get some tissue please." Natsume sat in the chair holding the handkerchief to her nose while looking though her bag for something. "Damn where did i put it!"


What the dorms look like:

(But without all the decorations or whatever in the picture/Background...So um yeah('
:) ))

For a moment Isaac stood at the doorway, seeming to be in a daze with him staring blankly at Natsume's back as she busied herself with her bag. On the outside it would seem as though Isaac was apathetic towards the situation, and the glaze over his eye could be mistaken as yawning tears from napping. Miki's request apparently snapped him out of a trance, making him shake his head and hastily walk over to the other desk, unconsciously placing his bulky duffel bag roughly on the wooden furniture with a loud thud and putting the fishbowl containing Bo at the side hurriedly but carefully.

Despite the indifferent face he wore, he promptly zipped open his bag and started frantically rummaging through his things. He managed to fish out a medium-sized aid kit as some of his items spilled out from his bag and dropped to the carpeted floor. Isaac then placed the white box with the red cross in the middle at Natsume's desk, unlocking the aid kit and taking out the tissue roll from it.

Isaac quickly took her hand and placed the item on her palm, the hand tightly holding her wrist trembling faintly as he spoke quickly in a contrasting blithesome manner, "Haha--really sorry about that--I don't really know how to handle this medical stuff and all so yeah," he laughed sheepishly while letting go of her wrist, the light reflecting on his lenses seeming to block whatever the look in his eye was.

"Oh, how about this-- Punch me in the face or something!" he suggested the brunette loudly, comically gesturing the action as he poked his fist onto his cheek.
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[Wow! Sorry, I must have fell asleep typing this! @Belowzero0]

Mavis Jinx

Mavis feels her cheeks heat up as she realizes the boy before her is going to be her roommate, and she is slightly worried the head of the school thought her name was a boy's name. She walks with both the boy and her new friend, Rin, toward their hall, towing her things with her. When they near the door, Mavis waves 'bye' to Rin and curiously watches the boy unlock their door.

Her roommate doesn't walk into the room right away, so Mavis nods a 'thanks' to him and drags her things inside. She decides to claim the right side of the room, so she sits on her new bed and works on her dry-erase board. She erases everything on its surface and writes a new message in neat handwriting.

Now the board reads: "Hi! I'm Mavis. What's your name? I can't talk, but I can hear everything fine."

The girl stands and walks toward her new roommate, smiling shyly. She holds the board up for him to read and grows nervous that he may make fun of her disability.
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Natsume looked down at her palm and took the tissue roll stopping the blood from flowing. "Don't sweat it dude...i'm going to hurt someone if i wasn't there fault." Natsume looked at isaac with a smile and stood up from the chair while closing her suitcase. "Thank you for the tissue roll....Anyway which side of the room do you want." Natsume moved to the middle of the room and pointed to the both sides of the room while miki sat on the table letting out a sigh.

Finding her room Eva unlocked the door. Looking around she decided on the left side and dropped her bags next to the bed. Willa hopped off her head onto the bed. 'How do you want to decorate?' Eva looked at the little bunny and smiled. 'Im not sure Wila, I'll think of something.' She sat on the bed next to Wila looking around and wondering who her roommate would be as she tried to think of how to decorate her side.
Kazuichi pointed at the school as he and Yukari approached it. "Yukari." "Yes?" "While I'm all for my servant carrying me to my destination umm well I just don't you think a piggy back ride is a bit too embarrassing?" She stopped walking thinking then simply shook her head. "Nope." She answered blankly. Kazuichi sighed as they made there way into the school. "Kazuichi where's the office." He shrugged. "I didn't bother with a map of the place I figured someone would show us around." She nodded. "I see." They began looking around for directions.

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