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Fantasy Welcome To Amber Academy For The Gifted And Special

Isaac heaved a barely audible sigh of relief, slumping himself down on the chair at the left side by the desk where he placed his things at. He responded with his usual casual tone as he told Natsume, "I think I'll just take this side," he patted on the armrests of the chair he sat on, mumbling something along the lines of getting himself a swivel chair instead as he glanced down his seat.

He shifted his grey gaze around for a moment with an inquisitive spark in his eye, "Hmm..." somehow he shrugged, seeming like he was mentally conversing to himself over whatever idea popped in his head.

"Actually, either side's fine with me," Isaac said, tapping his small fishbowl lightly as Bo swam forward and pressed it's tiny snout on the other side of the glass at the same spot.

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Natsume shrugged and moved back to her the desk her suitcase was sitting on and sat on the chair next to the desk. "I'll take this side then." Once natsume sat down miki walked over to her and jumped on to her lap while natsume started petting her. "Master don't you think you should took out your paintings out of your suitcase." Natsume looked at miki with a small sigh nodded. "I'll get them out in a second i want to rest for abit."
Rin had just set her leather bag onto a wooden chair when a boy in crutches came in with a barking poodle, she whipped around automatically. It happened so quickly, it took her a moment to process it. "Oh," she muttered, "Well, it's good to meet you. My name is Rin," She thought the roommate system was a bit mismatched... It was like the names of people thrown into a top hat and pulled out randomly, not that it bothered her too much. "If you don't mind," she added, gesturing to the right side of the room, "Can I take this side of the room? And... uhm, would you like help with your luggage?"

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((@ReiiDeckklan — It's alright~))

I hate unpacking.

"Alright than, thanks," Rin gave a small shrug. "My name's Japanese. It means cold, severe, something along the lines of that." She took off her sheathed blades hanging from her waist and set them aside next to her desk. She then tightened her sash, and pulled out sheets from her bag throwing them up onto the plain mattress. "You're human, right? Sorry if that sounds a bit personal."
Rin pulled out a pillow that seemed way too large to fit inside her relatively small leather bag and threw it on top of the newly placed sheets without a thought. "Where I grew up, it's not polite, that's all,"

She briefly glanced over to him, and his strange sheets. "As weird as it may sound, I'm not human— half-weather spirit, half-dragon. I'm most likely older than you too. Uhh... What is 'Star Wars'? Is that like some sort of intergalactic warfare thing?"
'Do the bed first, you know how you want that.' Wila's voice pulled Eva out of her own thoughts. 'True, but that means you have to get down.' She thought looking over at her bunny. Wila's light laugh drifted through Eva's mind as she hopped off the bed onto the desk. Eva picked up one of her bags, setting on the desk next to Wila she pulled her black sheets out. After spreading the sheets over the bed she placed a rainbow fleece blanket over them, followed by a lavender comforter with black polka dots. She tossed pillows that matched the comforter at the head of the bed and layed a body pillow that matched the fleece against the wall. Next she ducked under the bed attaching a cream colored hammock to either end of the frame. She put a zebra patterned pillow and fleece in the hammock, then moved to hang rose patterned curtains around the ends of the bed, tying them up so the hammock was visible.

'How does it look Wila?' She thought as she looked over her handiwork. 'It looks great, and comfy.' Wila replied as she hopped back onto the bed laying on the body pillow. Eva giggled at her pet and placed her stuffed bunny on against the pillows. 'Now it's perfect.' She thought smiling.

In the midst of him considering on getting Bo a fish tank, Isaac's attention was averted at what Miki mentioned. He turned to face his roommate with a grin playing on his lips as his eye glinted with curiosity, "Paintings?"

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Natsume's hand stopped petting miki and looked at isaac while miki let out a nervous laugh. "What paintings, i didn't hear anything about paintings, did you miki?" Like miki natsume let out a nervous laugh while trying convince isaac that there no paintings...horribly. So she looked to miki for help which made it more worse cause miki is horrible at keeping secrets and telling lies. "Hehe yeah its not like master is a really, really great painter and she decide to bring some paintings from here to the academy or anything cause that's just absurd...Hehe.." Natsume looked down at miki with a glare and flicked her nose for just telling isaac that she really had paintings and that she was a painter. "Miki!! He wasn't suppose to know that part."

Rin sat down on her newly made bed, reaching her hand out for her leather bag, which was still sitting on her chair. It flew into her outstretched hand. Top three out of fifteen sounded like an overstatement. I guess that's what humans are like, always exaggerating, she thought as she took hold of her bag. "There have been creepier hybrids, and far more magnificent for that matter. It's nothing that special."

She tapped her chin thoughtfully when Gomer explained what Star Wars was. "So that's what people have been talking about for over thirty years. That explains a whole lot. You think there's Internet connection here? I don't want to miss Imperial Phantom Raid Mission."

"Hm?" Rin looked down at the cluster of bags on the floor, she noticed one particularly large one. "Is it that one?" she pointed down. His dog, Haley, began to bark. "Your dog has some... interesting vocabulary when it comes to food."
Talia Enns:

"ебать сегодня(Fuck today)..." Talia swore as she walked towards the academy slowly, dragging her feet on the ground, eyes baggy and half-lidded. Something about the waning moon phases made her grow more and more sleepy as the moon grew smaller and smaller. She knew that her energy levels would return to normal once the new moon hit, but until then...

"моя жизнь кошмаром(My life is a nightmare)." The days seemed to last an eternity when she was in this state. Her eyes slowly drifted closed, and she was stumbling blindly in the general direction of the dorms. At least she hoped this was the general direction.
Rin's eyes widened, "Magnificent? Not even close..." she muttered. She retrieved a silvery colored gaming laptop from her leather bag. If there isn't WiFi I think I'll just pack up and leave. "Some have labeled me as creep before," Rin shrugged nonchalantly.

She thought for a bit about reading the student package, it must have said something about the Internet. She stuck her hand in her bag and pulled out a overly bright and colorful pamphlet. Rin opened it up and skimmed the sections until she read out loud, ""Free Internet connection throughout the academy and for all students residing in the dorms. Please keep in mind that we do not supply modems or routers." Well, that seems quite definitive. Hold on, I think I've got both of them." She dug her hand into her bag again and pulled out a wireless modem and router.

Rin nodded staring at the bag for a moment, a few seconds later, the large bag floated up to Gomer's bed gently. "She said something along the lines of: "Food? I like food. Gimme. Followed by some statements about peanut butter that would be better left untouched." She felt the corners of her mouth twitch in a smile when he mentioned Haley and bath time, "Doesn't like water too much?"
Yukari suddenly stopped walking standing straight up throwing Kazuichi off her back she sniffed the air. "Steak!" She yelled running off to the cafeteria which seemed to be preparing for when it would be lunch. Kazuichi rubbed his back groaning in pain. "Ow hey Yukari that hurt....Yukari? Yukari?" He looked around she was already gone. He sighed. "Great first I'm lost and now my only weapon just ran off sometimes I think an actual dog would be less trouble taking care of." Yukari made it to the cafeteria but was disappointed to find she wasn't allowed any steak. She then looked around realizing she left Kazuichi behind. "Oh no master! MASTER!?" She began pacing back and forth. "Oh no no no the steak is too good I can't smell Master like this he's probably worried sick and scarred and what if he's hurt oh no no no!" She began running around like an idiot in circles.
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"Now now," started Isaac as he crossed his arms and idly leaned back on his chair, his dominant leg over the other as he faced Natsume's way. Though the bright smiley embroidered on his black and yellow loose sweater contradicted to his seemingly conceited yet sophisticated sitting position. Not that he wanted to initiate a fight, most probably, but was basically fooling around by then since he suddenly had the urge to pry over the information.

"Don't have to be so modest~" he mused, the cunning smirk on his face forming into an affably curious cheshire smile. Isaac, with a glint in his eye, continued in a more childish and brighter tone while he stood up from his seat, "I really wanna see them, and I won't take no for an answer!"

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Rin watched Gomer struggle onto his bed, she stifled a sleepy yawn. "It's a Samsung ATIV Book 9 Plus— thirteen inches. The best part is the eight hours of battery life, perfect for all-night gaming."

She smiled bashfully at her roommate's awe, "It's nothing, really. All I did was change the temperature around your bag to create air movement that I can control..." Rin wasn't a fan of sharing her abilities with others. She let them think it was just a magic-thing, anybody would believe that here, it wasn't that special anyways. "Uhm, the people I grew up with spoke a lot of languages. Actually, they spent most of their time talking to animals— 'cause they're nature spirits, which might sound inane, but they actually don't speak of too many interesting things to begin with and— where was I going with this?" Rin trailed off in confusion.

Dang it, I talked way too much. She must have been in a rambling mood today, she couldn't stop the words coming out of her mouth. "What about you?" Rin asked, anxious to change the subject, "Amber Academy is for students with all sorts of talents. Why are you here?"
Natsume immediately stood up grabbing her suitcase and holding the handle of the case tightly while miki slide of natsume's lap when she stood up quickly and landed on the floor with a quiet 'Ow'. "No! I don't care if you won't take no for an answer you will not see them." Natsume stood there with a childish glare holding her suitcase tightly. Natsume definitely wasn't going to let him see the paintings since she gets nervous about what they're thinking and the only living creatures that have seen them were her father and miki...so yeah.

"Okay V ready for your new school?" Veronica thought to herself this year she could finally bring Sashabelle her lovely Chocolate Lab pup who was half Angel. "What if people don't like me Ronnie?" Sashabelle's voice rang out. "You will be fine.... Come on in my arms... I'm flying to school today." Ronnie said as Sashabelle jumped in her arms she grabbed her bag and her things for Sashabelle and made her wings appear and flew to the school. When she landed she put Sashabelle down and put on Sashabelle's leash then hid her wings and walked in to get her schedule.
"C'mooon," the bespectacled teen groaned immaturely as he sat back on his partially cushioned chair and turned back to face his desk. He took out a neatly folded white bedsheet from the bag, followed by carelessly yanking out a thin maroon blanket with his other hand... Having an identical one slip out and join his other fallen items on the carpeted floor, which Isaac only spared a tedious 'what-a-drag' glance although he soon leaned down and started picking them up.

"You're gonna have to show them to me some time," said Isaac in a matter-of-factly tone while sitting back up, retrieving his last item of an earpiece and placing it back on his desk with his other belongings.

He glanced at the corner of his half-hooded eye, momentarily focusing on the suitcase Natsume clutched in her arms. His gaze then shifted to her narrowed pair of, probably, bitter chocolate brown orbs. Hey now, with those insecure eyes, it's even more tempting to take a peek on those paintings... He then divert his attention away and outstretched his fists up in the air with a small yawn escaping his lips as his long, lax sleeves vaguely framed his lanky arms. Maaaybe some other time, he thought.
"Well this is a big school." Veronica said holding her schedule she sighed as she looked up and ran right into the wall. "Ouch! Wall there." She said looking at her body since she was in her full human appearance she was bleeding. "Ronnie! Switch forms you need to heal yourself." Sashabelle barked in a growl. Veronica shook her head no afraid still about having a half angel talking slowly aging puppy.
Natsume blow a raspberry at him and set her suitcase back on the desk gentlely while miki jumped back on the desk and watched as her master stared at the suitcase with a softer gaze. "Master...He's going to end up seeing them anyway." Natsume sighed with a small nod and opened the suitcase digging under all her belongings were safely buried paintings she had painted. "I guess you're right...." Natsume took out the paintings but set them upside down on the desk so you could only see the back of them and not the front.

'So this is it, then?'

Approaching the courtyard of the school, Augustus let out a yawn as he continued his attempt to muster up the energy he would need for his classes. Even if the first day usually didn't amount to much actual work he knew that this would be a chance for a great change in his life; to be around others like him. People who didn't quite belong. "Irregulars" as the man who directed him here had referred to them. He had tried to take comfort in the fact that he wouldn't be the outsider any longer, yet the previous night he couldn't help but worry himself the majority of his time in bed rather than actually resting. Were it not for his sister then there would have been a strong chance that he may have not even made it here before half the day was over.

Scanning his surroundings he noted how the school itself seemed surprisingly normal. In his mind he had built it up to be something a little more...well, grand. Maybe something like a boss's castle. Probably silly to have expected that in the first place but with no point of reference he couldn't help himself. The students that were passing him, however...

'Oh man, this is gonna be rough.' There were others like him who appeared normal enough, likely gifted with powers as he was. Then there were people who seemed to be straight out of a fantasy novel. Animal ears, scales, some even appeared to have a degree of transparency to their physical form. He had been preparing himself for something out of a superhero comic rather than this. Throwing his book bag off his shoulder and onto the ground he leaned against a nearby tree, reaching over his glasses to gently rub his eyes. This was still a high school, surely there would be people who would develop a reputation of picking fights. He could handle humans, and even gifted humans, but creatures from other dimensions? That was beyond his ability to deal with. The only reason he had gotten off at his last school without any real fights is because he had used his "curse" to his advantage to keep others away. Coming here was a mistake. The best option for now would be to turn around and head back.

"You need to pay more attention to what you're doing."

Hearing a deep, imposing voice come from behind Augustus quickly spun around only to see nothing out of the ordinary. Students of various size and forms passed him as they headed inside, some giving him strange looks before diverting their attention back to the path they were headed on. The sounds of chatter from the student body filled the air, yet none of them seemed to be the source. A feeling of confusion washed over him for a brief moment until a chuckle filled the air.

"Poor new transfers. Always get a couple like you. Every single time."
The voice echoed out before a series of cracking was let out into the air as the center of the tree's body was hidden by a massive tan skinned figure who seemed to be crawling out of the solid wood. "Gotcha, huh? Somebody has to make sure the newbies don't get cold feet. It's not as bad as whatever you're thinking. So get going, okay?"

Frozen in place at the man's sudden appearance Augustus tried to stutter out a response to his order but failed, instead silently nodding in response. Watching the staff give a thumbs-up as he faded back into the tree he let out a deep sigh as he once again picked up his book bag and walked to the main doors of the campus. Retreating wasn't an option now that he had been seen. Today was off to a great start.
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Lucifer turned to his advisors and nodded. "I'll return in a few years, that's like only months here, Dragen you are my lead Advisor, see to it the other Tribes know I'm gone," opening his enchanted bag which you could physically fit anything in like Mary Poppins, he opened a portal and with a small sigh, stepped through.

"Too much sun," he murmured as he quickly brang up his hand and stepped onwards. His black skin, shimmered, his white eyes were ghastly abnormal and his choice of attire wasn't what one would call 'blending in'.

Stepping forward, Lucifer walked onwards his shirt flowing around him, revealing his torso, his long ears clearly defining his race.

"What now?" He asked no one as he stood in the shade of a tree, waiting for something to happen.
His eye lit up as Natsume brought the said paintings out. Obviously he could only see the frames since she placed them on her desk with them turned over, "Hmm, canvas... What kinda medium do you use?" asked Isaac while his sneakered feet silently lifted up from the carpeted floor.

The teen idly flew up and spread open the white bed sheet he was holding, placing it over the mattress on the top bunk bed at his side while floating in midair. He yawned slightly as he shifted and swiftly tucked in the sides and edges of the plain sheet, already wanting to take a snooze. Rather, he needed it since he was forced out of his house at roughly three in the morning thanks to a certain she-gorilla of an older sibling. Eh, sleep can wait.

Plopping himself onto the bed once he finished, Isaac lied down on his stomach and propped his elbows by the edge of the bed, his gaze focused back down on his roommate as he awaited her response. Acrylic paint? Isaac started to wonder.

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Natsume took one more painting and turned it over on the desk then zipping the suitcase shut and sitting on the chair. "I use Acrylic and sometimes Water Colors." Miki lied on the desk close to natsume while natsume starting petting miki softly and staring at the paintings. "Isaac..." Natsume turned her gaze to isaac while she was still petting miki softly.

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Nice, wish I could paint too, he commented mentally while eyeing the last piece of canvas Natsume has turned over. Well, he might have been able to bear such a hobby, yet he would rather observe instead of studying about them and have most of his time consumed. Still, he does sketch sometimes, mostly drawing doodles in those action Japanese comics styles.

Hearing his name, he shifted his gaze and raised his brow at Natsume while she petted Miki on her desk, responding to her with a questioning hum, "Hm?"

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"You wanted to see them right...Go ahead and look at them you're going to end up seeing anyway, might as well be now." Natsume moved her suitcase off the desk and laid out the paintings upward so now you can actually see what has been painted on them. "Hurry up before i change my mind and hide them for you."


<The Paintings>

Painting Number One:


Painting Number Two:


Painting Number Three:


Painting Number Four:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-30_15-33-37.jpeg.54a95ef06a563b22de308eab94344bca.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="77865" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-30_15-33-37.jpeg.54a95ef06a563b22de308eab94344bca.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>





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