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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

I return with the metal-framed bed, carrying it on my back again, and put it down next to my liege’s… I moved it easily, and I am glad for this. My muscles hasn’t been forsaken me yet…

“Well, rats are delicious, too” I joke, and I laugh softly. “Okay, I admit I hadn’t tried it yet, but I’ve read recipes. My liege had an exquisite library, and there were some cookbooks. One of them was a collection of wartime recipes from several besieged cities. Some of them wrote about how to make a stew, minced meatloaf or other things from rats. Everything is about the spices, mark my words, child…”

I look over his brother, too.

“Do you want to drink some tea?” I ask softly. I hear rain again, maybe just in my head, and somehow it relaxes me. “You can lay down now here, right next to your father…”
"No tea, but water please" I say "and thank you for the bed."

I grab the linen I'd picked out and continued to put the pillows in the cases, put on the sheet and through over the blankets.

I think i needed lucy.

"Do you mind if I get something from the car?" I ask getting back up again and reaching for the keys in the front pocket of the backpack.
I give him the water-skin again, and lean over my liege. I move softly without the armour… well, I’m only wetting his lips, pouring and massaging some water down on his throat, too, and while he stirs in pain, he still doesn’t wake up… well. At least I can keep giving him liquids. Soup will be it, again…

“I won’t let you go down there alone, but no, I don’t mind. As long as you not overexerting yourself, so whatever you need, I’ll carry” I straighten up, reaching for my favourite crossbow. “Besides, I’ve barricaded the door; you would need help. I’ll bring more water on the way back. How does your head feeling?”

I am still worried, but I don’t want to coddle him now. He looks so determined… I’ll put him into bed later. And give him more medicine… he needs it…

…just like my liege…
"My heads fine... It's just a teddy dog... That's all I want from the car.. Dad gave it to me when we travelling. I use it to cuddle. That makes me sound like a right baby... But it makes me feel comfortable."

I take the water and drink it even more. The water helps make me feel so much better.
Listening to his words make me inexplicably happy. A teddy dog… it makes me relaxed that he wants something like this. Cuddling is good. Maybe I myself should find something to cuddle instead of my liege, too…

“Oh, I see” I nod, smiling. “We should go retrieve it right now, then. Only first dress up well. Even a coat; I think it is raining outside…”

I also add:

“It doesn’t make you sound as a baby. I’d want something to cuddle now, too. Okay, scratch the would. I am jealous. Especially since it was gifted to you by him…”
"It's pretty special." I say putting my trousers and tshirt back on. I sit on the floor and put on my socks that I'd put neatly rolled into a ball and then my boots. I take my army jacket from hanging on the door and put it on.

"Am I dressed up enough now?" I giggle at her. "I feel like Scott of the Antarctic"
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“It will do; I reckon we won’t spend that much time outside. I will gather you the cleaning supplies, though. As a sign of good faith” I joke, reaching for my sword and a bag again. “I also have a weird urge to brew a bit hot chocolate later. What do you think?...”

I smile at him, offering my arm.

“If you need it… I can help…”
"Hot chocolate sounds AMMMAAZZZINNGG" I laugh It really did. A great way to warm the cockles of my stomach.

I walk out the room and start walking towards the exit. I start to stumble slightly. I think it was the fact I hadn't been out of the room

For a while. It made me slightly dizzy. I was so thankful for the Knoghts arm that was ready for me to hold on to.
“I can make some” I grin. He sounds so happy like a child, and it makes me feel better. “Not much, though. I was saving it for a special occasion. I guess getting a family is a special occasion…”

I hold him as he sways, shaking my head a little bit.

“Okay, that seals it, young man. We gather your doggie, and you’re back to bed again. We don’t need you to get more sick…” I sigh, holding him firmly while walking. I won’t turn back yet to make him lie down… but I know I will tie him up to the bed later.

I only let his arm go while making him sit down as we reach the entrance, and I have to tear down the barricade I’ve built…
"I.. Didn't know the barricade was this tight. I'm sorry I wouldn't have asked if I'd known. God I'm

Being such a pain for a teddy bear. Are you sure you don't need any help? I could have climbed through the window...."

I really did feel guilty right now as I sat down on The window ledge and watched her tear down the ridiculously well constructed barricade,

"Can you get that back up?"
“Hey, that doggie is important. Besides, the hot chocolate powder is in the back saddlebag, on my steed, also outside” I laugh, while tearing the obstruction down from piece to piece. “And you sit tight. I can do this quite quickly. What have you thought, I would leave this spital defenseless, now that my liege is here, bed-ridden? I’ve built this up and tore it down several times for now. It is modular, you see. Easy to construct. Easy to remove if you know where to pull. Look. Almost down now…”

I move the last piece, and peek out. The street is empty… still…

“Come on” I grip my sword. “I’ll watch so we should be quick. Although I think I’ve already dispatched most monsters in this area…”
I watched in awe at the lady's strength as she tore down the barricade again. And the SPEED in which she'd done it was spectacular.

I jumped down off the ledge once it was finished and peered outside. Dead- ironically - it looked like going outside at sunrise. Daylight outside, but not a soul in sight.

I walk gingerly outside with the knight and her weapons behind me- protecting me. Then I do a quick run to the car and unlock it, swinging open the passenger door and grabbing the teddy. I look around for anything we might need. More blankets- proper woollen homely ones- given to us by the farmer guy- would be nice.
“If you want something else from this wein, this would be the time” I say, looking over the street cautiously. No movement, but still, I want to be careful. I want Mitchell safe. “Just give it all to me to carry, don’t worry.”

There is blood inside the metal cart, and I’m a bit disturbed by the knowledge that this is most likely my liege’s… but I cannot do anything about that. I just stand watch over his son while Mitchell is retrieving the necessary items…
"Blankets and a teddy. I can carry them, they're not heavy and they're so warm" I say cuddling them


I close the door with my hip, it makes a loud metal clank that resonates through the town. I lock it back up again afterwards.

"That's everything" I say as I make my way back inside.
I nod, a bit hesitantly. They really don't look that heavy, and I still remember my liege's scolding.

"Okay. Just be careful" and I step to my abandoned steed. It stands there, calm and still, unharmed. The saddle-bag is untouched, too... I empty it all into my bag, and I follow the kid back in to the building.

"Now, back into the bed, child. I rebuild the barricade... that noise might attract them..." I sigh. "Drink. Eat a smallcake. And make your dad drink, too. I also believe it is time for your witchcraft pills..."
I nod with a somewhat sad lilt.

"Okay sure" I was going to miss this freedom.

I walked back to the room and put blankets neatly on my bed. I took a look at Darius, who was still fast asleep. I took a drink myself and then turned

To my father. I did the usual of tilting him up slightly and pouring the water down his throat. Worked like a charm.

I grabbed a cake from the top and placed it on my bed to eat in a bit, then started to get undressed, folding my clothes as I went.
I have to work diligently for quite a while to reconstruct the barricade. I don't mind it, actually. Looking at the boy hugging the toy with love felt good...

I hear the staggering footsteps outside in the rain. I smile, knowing they won't get to us.

Well then. Time to collect the things I've promised...

There are quite a few cleaning potions and instruments there in the closet. I collect it all, then head upstairs.

"Well. Is everyone safe here?" I ask, smiling. The sound of rain slowly gets heavier outside...
"Apparently so!" I grin chomping on the cake. I immediately clock the cleaning products and run to her happily taking them from her arms.

Cloths, polishes, blesch, floor cleaner, window cleaner.

"These are Amazing thank you so much. If you don't mind I might use the window cleaner. The Windows getting dirtier by the minute and it's getting to me.
"Hey, hey, hey" I catch Mitchell's nape, and lift him up, settling him back on the bed, gently. "No way, kid. It is raining. No sense in doing so. But I want to do laundry... let me see your back. If it is fine..."

I realize how hot his skin is, and sigh.

"But I guess I can't let you do that. Where are those witchcraft pills?"

I dig into my own gear. I have a small spirit cooker. I can make the hot chocolate right there...
"Here" I go to get the bottle of Anti Biotics and hand them to her. I turn around my naked torso so she could get a look at my back. I prayed that it would look better, but i didn't hold out much hope.

I really REALLY wanted to use those cleaning products on the place. The thought of this place with four people, one of them Darius (yuck) living in one room made my skin crawl. It needed cleaning regularly. To
I sigh, inspecting those injuries with a heavy heart. It is not much better. At least it wasn't worsening now... but the welts and burns were still red and swollen.

I sneak not only the antibiotics, but the others into my palm, handing them to the kid.

"Take these. And I'll make that hot chocolate now as a consolation, because now I'll rebandage these, then back to bed it is..."
I take the tablets without first inspecting what I was taking. I was too tired to pay that much attention.

"Damn, I thought I'd be well enough to give the surfaces a polish. Pllleeeeeassseee." I give my best puppy dog eyes at her. I don't know whether they would ever work with her or not. But I was looking forward to the hot chocolate.

I made a point not to get into bed yet. That would be resigning myself. And I didn't want that. I was clinging on to what I could.
Those eyes almost swoon me. Almost.

"No deal, young man. Not even if you beg. Sure not today. Besides, I don't want to disturb the others..."

I use the disinfectants and the herbal balsam carefully. I don't want to cause any more pain... I'm sure I still do. But I'm still calmer after I've rebandaged the wounds. I pick up the boy and put him into bed, giving him the chronicle and a bunch of journals I've found in the rooms.

"Here. Occupy yourself, because you are not leaving the bed tonight. No matter how much I hate it but I'll tie you up if needed..."
The treatment to my wounds hurts like hell. At this point, I'm willing to bet they're giving me more pain than good, but what did I know.

I looked at the journals, around 20 of them. All about biological sciences. They make me yawn just watching looking at them.

"Please let me do something other than read I'm bored" I say, sounding more like a child than a grown up. But I was telling the truth of the matter.
"No. I'm being strict and serious now..." I wash my hand, then summon fire on the small cooker with the lighter. "Reading is good. Calms the soul. Besides, that chronicle is important..."

I trail off, putting on the water.

"...but I think I have enough water to heat you up for washing up..."

I'm stalling. Hoping that the sleeping pill takes effect. Just like the antipyretic...

"You can clean to your heart's content as soon as you are healed. Promise."

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