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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

“No worries. I might be a maiden, but I’ve still seen man naked. Even your father!“ I smile brightly, watching the kid to undress a bit and getting into bed obediently.

I am rather pleased that both my schemes paid off. The elder is writing off his punishment diligently, without as much as a yelp against it, and Mitchell finishes up his drugged soup without a speckle of suspicion. I smile, putting down the bowl, and I cautiously tuck him in, taking extra care so I wouldn’t touch his wounds.

It’s all right now. He needs rest.

I am checking on my liege, too… he seems dazed, and when I move to check his injuries, he actually whimpers. Even if he seems awake, I doubt he knows where he is actually… I clench my teeth, turning back to the bottles in the corner for a moment.

There are enough painkillers for this. So I just force him to swallow one, massaging it down his throat and feeling like an absolute monster after that… I could see I cause him pain with this, but I cannot stop. He is already so tortured, I’m sure the next act would be killing him otherwise… maybe, if he feels less pain, it would be okay…

I undress him slowly, tentatively, taking off the bandages, too. I take some of the warm water and use a wet flannel to clean him down, carefully.

Maybe I should shave him… but I set the thought aside, lifting my head and look at Darius.

“Have you finished…?”
"Two more sentences, sorry I lost count at one point. And I think I spelt brother wrong a few times " Darius said as his handwriting got worse and worse in an attempt to finish. "DONE!" . He handed the knight the paper with 50 sentences scrawled across it.

"Jesus, he fell asleep quickly . He won't stay in bed. He doesn't do being bedridden. One time, he got gastroenteritis from a dodgy KFC. Was ordered by the doctor to sleep. And did he? Did he bollock..." He covered his mouth "did he heck. He's a stubborn one my brother"
"Thank you" I can't help but feel contented when I'm taking the paper. The fact that Darius took his punishment seriously and actually completed it somehow makes me proud. Even if calling these scribbles 'writing' is really generous.

"This time, he really should" I sigh, looking over Mitchell. "His injuries have become infected, too. I'll try to keep him in bed, whatever it takes. I only not binding him to the bedframe because he was kept tied up long enough... please, help me redress your father's wounds. I am afraid I would hurt him otherwise..."

Nie stirred uncomfortably; he couldn't understand the words he heard. But he didn't have the power to move...

His younger son. Something was wrong with him...

"Don't... let... that nurse... touch... Mitchell..."
"I'd bind him" Darius said without much thought. "Stop him from being a little bugger. He's like a bloody ferret" he laughed and went over to Nie.

"What nurse? There aren't any nurses around here. We promise. It's just us. I'm not a nurse and Auntie isn't a nurse." He soothed and touched his burning head. He turns to the knight. "Okay what do you need me to do?"
"I won't hurt him any more" I sigh, with a bit of bad conscience. "Not after all of this hell. I just want him healthy and strong. Both of them..."

I got confused by my liege's words; they set a heavy stone in my stomach. He sounded so scared...

"She... would... hurt him... don't... let her... back... she... shouldn't touch... any of my... children..."

"She won't..." I promise. "We won't let her. Darius, please, hold him like this... firmly, okay?"
Darius agrees and holds the dentist.

He looked back at his sleeping little brother. He was worried he'd move too, he just knew that, at times, he could be a stubborn brat, and that maybe, tying him to the bed was good for him. It sounded so strange, wanting to tie his brother up after everything he's been through. But he couldn't watch these infections get worse

"He wouldn't be in any pain of we tied him lightly and loosely. Loose enough to let him toss around a bit and change sides and things. It'll let him know we're serious...." Darius trailed off and started soothing his father as he watched the Knight douse the first wound.
"Well. In that case, you will be in charge of the ropes" I sigh, leaning over my liege with the disinfectant. He struggles against his son's hold, and actually cries out from pain... I want to cry. I don't want to watch him suffer anymore, and his squirming just makes it worse.

"Please... my liege... I know this hurts... but bear with us... you will get better from this..."

Nie could barely speak, his mind overtaken by pain. He kind of understood the situation...

"It is... futile... I will... die... either way... please... just... leave me... care... for Mitchell..."
"No you'll get better" Darius soothed. He rubbed his arm lovingly. "Mitchell is fine. Don't worry about him."

He looks towards the Knight. She's okay now to continue without his hold so he goes to collect some rope from their loot. He ties it to the bed frame then straightens Mitchell's right arm and measures it out, cuts a length and tied it to Mitchell's wrist and pulls the rope so it tightens on the bed. He does the same to Mitchell's left arm. The ropes were free to move across the bedframe, to, so his arms could stretch freely.

"See, he won't be able to sit up, but these ropes soul don't restrict his movement at all when he's lying down. He can turn, move his arms. And it doesn't hurt him, unless he pulls it himself". He looked at his brother and lightly stroked his hair "sorry, brother, but it's for the best.
I am shaking now. My liege's words hurt. I understand it too well...

...he has given it up already...

"Darius is right. You won't die. We won't let you. Did you forget you promised us?"

"Ma Baker... where is your... son? Where is... your... husband?... I... killed them... too... right? You... should be... angry... with me... taking ... revenge... not... nursing... me... just so... I would die... a few months... later...."

I yell at him now. I do not care about waking Mitchell up anymore.

"I am a spinster! I have no son, no husband, never had them! And you didn't kill a soul! So shut up, your highness, and bloody let me take care of you, too!"
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"Yeah I am right." Darius said making the final adjustments to his brother's restraints.

He walked back over to Nigel "mate, look, you're going to live. You need to stop trying to give up. Even if not for us, for Mitchell. Look at him fast asleep over there. He's here for you. He's sick too, and look. He has never given up on you. Why are you giving up on him?"
"Not... on him... never... on you..." Nie was straining to speak. The world was made from pain... "But... I am... simply... not worth... this much... I will die... soon... either way... you are... wasting time... and supplies... on me... even if... it works... now..."

"Shut up now" I am yelling. I push the material dipped in disinfectant to the still oozing wound. "You won't die. Not now! Not later!"

I am crying, filled with anger. I am hurt by his pain and desperate look... my liege's grey eyes are empty again.

"Don't care... with me... please... take care... of Mitchell... don't let... the sheriff... get her hands... on him... again..."
Darius tries to calm the knight down. Putting his hand on her back and rubbing it gently. He looks at her.

"Don't get too mad at him. He's not quite with us at the moment. We need to let him relax again. Yelling at him isn't going to do that. "

He walked over to Nigel again and stoked his hair.

"Shh now everything is going to be okay". He soothes him for a while.

I wake up feeling terribly whoozy. The room is spinning and k haven't even begun to notice my bonds yet and lean over the side of the bed to vomit.

"I'm sorry" I say to the knight.
I feel a bit overwhelmed at this, and I am cracking now, I know this well. I am shaking from the anger. This is simply too much now...

That disturbing little voice in the back of my head also screams... I have to shut it out again, and I nod, simply covering my liege's wounds with the starred bandages.

"Thank you, Darius..."

That's when Mitchell wakes up and vomits in the same instant. I turn to tend him immediately, a bit afraid.

"Never mind that... are you all right?" I grab a clean cloth and a water skin. "Here. Wash it out from your mouth..."

Nie felt worse by the minute as he heard his younger son getting sick. His heart was clenched even more.

"Please... Darius... just... let me go... go and... tend... to your... little brother... he needs... you..."
"No Dad, your not going anywhere. Mitchell will be fine." Darius said sharply now.

I took the water skin off Auntie and drink it.

"I feel really dizzy, Aunt. I don't feel at all well." The water felt so nice and the rocking stopped afterwards.

"I need to clean up my mess" I say trying to get up. That's when he bonds stop me.

I look up, frightened. Flashbacks of being back with Johnny go into my head.

I pull on the straps it hurts, but I struggle.

Darius comes running over and stops me. "They're loose so you can move. But they're to stop you from

Getting up. It's really important you stay down, and I knew you wouldn't do it. I'll clean up your sick"

Dazed and confused I accepted it and lay back down again staring st the ceiling.
I sigh, taking another bottle from the pile, and picking up my soup bowl. I hadn't eaten... well. Later.

I just picking out the pills. I know well which is for nausea... an antipyretic... and the painkiller again. I step to Mitchell, while Darius is cleaning.

"Here. Take these; they should help with your vertigo. Sorry about tying you up... but I kind of agree with your brother. You are sick. You need to stay in bed..."

I'm glancing over my lord, then touch the kid's forehead. Just as I suspected, he has a fever... great.

"Please" I say softly, a bit hopeless. I am losing control...

Nie felt relieved as he saw the boy and his knight tending to his younger son. The pain was really too much now, but watching Mitchell suffer hurt him more... now he got his wish.

He hoped they can get him better. The kid deserved it... he needed the care...

The dentist closed his eyes, praying. He didn't want Mitchell to suffer anymore...
I take the tablet as quickly as possible. I just wanted to get better. I do feel hot and by the looks of the Knights face, i have a fever to. Although I didn't feel THAT hot.

I feel guilty and weak. I can't believe that I've got sick. I look over to my dad's bed. I can't see him terribly well

"Dad. I'm so sorry I'm sick. Please don't worry about me I'm

Going to get better" I say broken.

Soon I feel drowsy again and slowly fall asleep .
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Nie couldn't answer; the knot in his throat felt too big. His son sounded so sick... it just made him even more worried. He couldn't do a thing now... he couldn't help. And this made him think again wish him he was dead already. They could focus only on Mitchell then. The boy needed to be tended to. He needed attention. No matter how much of an adult he was... Mitchell was hurt so much by those horrible people...

The dentist closed his eyes. He really wished all of it would end now...

I am worried and torn. Mitchell is really sick; my liege is right. But I don't want to give up on either on them.

I just make the cold applications for the kid. I turn to Darius.

"Please... help me now. I will have to go get more water. You will have to stay and watch over them..."
Darius nods.

He's panicked. He's never seen his brother so sick in his life. He hates the fact he's faced with the prospect of losing both his brother and his father.

"Please, make him better" he's says gripping onto his brother's lifeless sleeping body. "I can't lose him, not like this. I'll watch him. Please be quick"

Tears are forming now
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"I don't know what more to do... maybe those witchcraft pills will help... and ee should make him eat more... but we will do everything we can. You won't lose him."

I put on my armour with a heavy heart. I am afraid so much that my liege would simply go and die while I'm gone... but I know we will need clear water. Much more clear water.

We would need a real hospital. With real doctors. With real equipment...

Useless daydreams...

I am losing hope yet again. The kid is sick... and I half agree with the notion that we shouldn't waste resources. We don't have the supplies to win both fights... but I am still willing to try.

I am human, after all...
Darius put his hand on his brother's bare thin chest. It's burning hot.

He put his head on him and hugged him.

"Come on, brother, please. You're going to be ok. And your dads going to be ok"

He starts to break down at the foot of the bed now.

"We need to be a family. I can't bury you. Not now."
I leave the building, reluctantly, with a heart icy cold with fear. I am afraid too much. Not of the monsters... but I am half fleeing from the notion that my beloveds are dying again.

I am foolish. I am not a healer. And I am still trying the impossible... that's the right thing to do...

...then why this hurts this much?... I want to curl up and cry...

I can't let it happen. Not anymore. I remove the last piece of the barricade then step out to the street.

Well. Where was that well where I've cleaned myself before?...
I didn't feel anything. The whooziness still floating in my head. It makes me see weird colours and vision.

And shadows...

But I couldn't see what was in the shadows. They didn't seem to threaten me. They danced around. I didn't know whether this was me getting closer to death. Or was it just the tablets easing me into comfort.
I am moving around carefully, trying to avoid being detected by any monsters. I am fairly sure they are nearby....

I find the well. The water level is higher than before, which makes me pleased... most likely, the storm helped...

I fill up the water skins, and start to make my way back to the spital. I hurry... even if I am not sure I want to be there when my lord dies...

...no, not when. If...

I am closing in to the building when I notice the big, looming shape on tge roof. I have to stare at it for a while before I realise what it is... then I laugh out loud.

I am such an idiot...
Darius curled up next to me sleeping body, tired from heartache, he falls asleep. He starts snoring away.

His snores enter my dreams. But, again , the noise isn't threatening. I know who is snoring and it comforts me to know he's asleep.

I want to wake up again, but can't. I feel trapped in a sleepy prison. Maybe I'd wake up soon. Oh god I hoped.
I am am idiot.

I should have thought. Having a rain collector tank on the roof sounded kind of natural now that I was staring directly at it... I feel relief. Even if I have to clean and boil that water first... there still must be plenty. I smile now, entering into the building.

I rebuild the barricade, then go upstairs, still carrying the water skins. I pick up some bleach from the cleaning closet, and head back to the room.

I find both boys sleeping. I smile, and pick up a wet flannel, smoothing it over Mitchell's forehead again. I kind of want to wake him up and make him drink, so I let my armour clatter a bit...
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