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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

I see Darius roll his eyes, but I can't help but smile. Being told off felt like an actual family.

"We'll try and be better behaved." I say humbly

"We'll try" Darius added still looking down.

We were two lads in our Twenties and I could swear they thought we were about twelve. But that was okay.
A small flicker of memories. I push them back, afraid it would be painful to look at them, but I still smile.

This feels like a family.

“Thank you“ I say sincerely, rising to kiss their heads. “I won’t punish you if you behave well. I can do this much for your father. Right, my liege?...”

No answer. Suddenly scared, I jump back to the bed, but his breath is even and steady. He is asleep again, I think… and still smiling. I touch his neck, feeling out his pulse, and I nod.

“After you finish that, I will leave you rest, too” I promise to the boys quietly. “I’ll go out and take care of the food…”
"So what tablets are we looking for"

"Amoxicillin, dumbass. I mean amoxicillin, brother" Darius corrected himself covering his mouth then rolling over on the floor laughing.

I pick up a bottle and it's correct so I put it to the side.

Eventually I find about 4 bottles. Darius finds one or two more. There's TONNES of bottles.
“You are going to write down ‘I don’t call my brother names’ fifty times. As soon as I find pen and paper.” I rule, looking at the kids. It somehow feels warm in my chest, even if it is kind of annoying. I place the cooling cloth at my liege’s forehead and neck, and stand up.

“Well… did you find anything useful? I think I have collected every single witchcraft pills in the entire spital…”
"We've found 7 bottles of antibiotics." I say cheerily. I had her the bundle of brown round bottles.

"Oh were we supposed to look for other things too?" I go and sit back down in my searching spot. "Like what."

"We'll there's multi-vitamins" my brother holds up a bottle. "Do you want some stuff like that?"
“Anti…biotics… so these are the correct witchcraft pills?” I look at the bottles, scanning them over. They certainly look the same as the ones he was giving my liege… I nod, and compare them with the opened bottle.

Exactly the same. Perfect.

I lightly grab Mitchell’s hand.

“Come on. You take them, now. Your father is worried about you. Don’t make him fear more…” I sigh. “And don’t make me worry more. Your punishment is up. Take that pill, and go to bed. I’ll bring the breakfast soon…”
I take one of the pills as I was told, but the thought of going back to bed wasn't what I wanted to hear.

"I don't need to go to bed. I'm fine. I can help you make breakfast, I have t done anything around the place."

"She's right, just relax, the first tablet always makes hu feel whoozy, doesn't it. Just lie down, I'll help you, miss" Darius sides with the Knight.

Cheers, D I think and I get back into bed
“Thank you, Darius” I smile at the older kid. “But I will need you to stand watch over your brother. I want him to stay in bed, I’ll have to check on his back later. So you would be better stay with him. Besides, I’ll just warm up the soup. No real need for help there.”

My heart is still lighter than before, but I am slightly worried. My liege’s words to Mitchell were an inquiry about how he is, and this makes me skittish, more than it should. Those wounds on his back were bad, that’s sure. And I am half convinced they are infected…

I stand up, looking over them again.

“Please, Mitchell. I am serious. It is bad enough to watch your father in this state” I know this is not nice, but I want him to heed to my words. Even if it is evil. “I don’t want you to end up the same…”
I shut my eyes and try to shut her words out.

"But I'm not that bad" I say, my teeth starting to grit. I didn't want to bed ridden, I didn't need to be bedridden. I was not help in bed.

Darius walked and sat on the end of the bed. He didn't say anything just looked at his toes. Cleverly, he was half way between me and the knight. I don't think he wanted to see us argue anymore. He didn't want to see us have an out and out brawl or something. Something he knew had some sort of possibility.

I decide to drop it and flop my head on the pillow.

"Just.. Whatever" I sigh.
“And we don’t need you to get that bad” I say softly, stepping to the boy and leaning down to caress his hair. “Sorry, Mitchell. I won’t make the same mistake twice. Later, when I am sure you won’t break and won’t get sick, you can help as much as you want. Right now, I am taking no chances.”

I still feel like the evil stepmother as I leave the room for the food. I am still anxious somehow, and this is not good… I sigh, stepping into the kitchen.

I need to boil some water to redress the injuries, not only to warm up the soup. Our water starts to deplete, so I will have to go out to replenish it later… I nod to myself.

Doesn’t matter. Still have to make them up and about again…
I get up as soon as she leaves

"What are you doing go back to bed"

"I can't, I've got too much in my mind"

I start tidying the bottle hoard, putting the useful tablets on the side table in groups, all the labels facing the front neatly lined up. I pick up the rest and put them nearly in the corner. I tidy everywhere up a bit too. I liked it neat. A
It takes quite a while to properly heat up and portion the soup, and toast the smallcakes to make them nice and crispy. At least the water boils up without problem in the meantime, and I can put it into an insulated bowl, to keep it hot.

I pick up everything, balancing with the bowls easily. I put my liege’s portion, all liquid, no pieces into a cup, so I can make him drink it easier…

The way back seems easier now, and I kick in the door happily.

“Breakfa… what are you doing, Mitchell?!”
"I'm just tidying. I've got a lot on my mind. Tidying helps me calm down. I can't relax when stuff is everywhere. I had to do it."

"I didn't want to stop him, he's right. Tidying helps him relax." Darius was now fighting my corner.
“And I have said you should rest!” I feel angry. “Moving around is not good for your back! Maybe you think it is okay, but I am not particularly happy about that, and I really don’t need two of my beloveds dying again!”

I put down everything on the table, and I grab the packets of bandage with the golden star. I know this brand, my husband was shot once and the medic gave him these to prevent more infection.

“Get your ass back down on the bed, and take off that shirt, now!” I instruct him, coldly, but burning with anger. “If you won’t, I will wake your father…”
I sit on the bed looking dead ahead. I'm angry. I was making provisions so if I had to lie in stupid bed if be comfortable. I rip my shirt over my head in a short shap angry burst.

I wasn't at all happy, and what made it worse was that I hadn't really done anything wrong. I decide to stand my ground.

"I hadn't even done anything wrong. Just making the room comfortable so I could fucking lie in bed like an idiot." I yell.
“Do you think your father is an idiot for just lying in a bed?” I retort, grabbing the steaming bowl of water. “On your back, there are a bunch of important muscles! You use them for moving around, standing or sitting straight, even moving your arm or walking! You shouldn’t strain that for something both Darius and I could do!”

I look at his back, and my anger just burns higher. The welts are even more swollen than yesterday, and seem to be flaming hot. My worry is even worse now… I cannot make my voice calmer.

“Now lay down and let me work! I don’t need you to die, too!”

Nie jerked awake at the yelling, disoriented and scared. He didn’t understand what was happening… even turning his head was hard. But he recognized who were yelling. His knight was arguing with his younger son… he tried to speak, but his broken whisper somehow got lost in the noise.

“Don’t… quarrel… please… what is… happening?...”
"Nothing it's fine" I say to my dad. I'm angry ands tear is falling down my face. I don't move for a bit. Then I lie on my front to be treated.

I didn't want to cause upset. I was just making everywhere comfortable

What I couldn't stand was being told what to do that much. Not being given a chance to say my reasons. Just yelled. I knew she was caring for me but!
“Your younger son is being unreasonable” I report dutifully to my liege, leaning over the boy with shaking hands. The tears are making me even more uncomfortable. Evil stepmother it is… “His back looks horrible, and he still doesn’t want to lay down and rest. I am disciplining him…”

The wounds look dreadful, and from some of them some clean liquid is oozing… I shudder from the side, and I reach for the first package, dipping the material into the hot water, and starting to clean down the red area. I am doing it carefully, but I am quite sure it is painful…

The dentist tried to rise as he understood the situation, but he was trembling too much for that. And his knight was quick to snap at him, too.

“You, too, my liege! You can’t even raise your hands, so you stay down, too! I am pissed enough without you dying on me!”

“Sorry…” Nie said softly, looking at Mitchell, begging for being obedient. “Please… son… you were… hurt… so much… let her… take care… of you…”
I wince everytime my back is touched, wh makes me cry out more

I crack and yell at whoever is listening

"I was only tidying up so I could lie down!!! I can't relax when the place is a pig sty. It makes me itch. I wouldn't have been able to relax! But nobody is listening to me! I don't want to just lie in bed. But if I have to I have to be comfortable."
Nie nodded, collecting his strength to actually speak. He felt dead tired, and the pain started to raise in his body as he strained to turn to his family…

“That is… very… reasonable… Azucena… please… don’t… scold him… for this…”

“He shouldn’t move around with these wounds!”

“I don’t… think… he did it… too… excessively…” the dentist tried to argue, with a heavy mind. “Mitchell… is a… smart boy… he is… bright enough… to recognize… what is… too much… mental health… is important… too… if it… puts his… mind… to ease… I think… you should… help him… and let him… do it… please… Azu… don’t… argue… any more… it is… not good… this… doesn’t… warrant… scolding…”

Watching his son being in distress hurt so much… Nie couldn’t stand it. He kind of understood why Mitchell did it… everybody had a form of ritual to deal with stress and pain. His was fulfilling a promise…

I clench my teeth while switching to the disinfectant, trying to treat every wound accordingly. I cannot believe my liege takes the boy’s side in this argument.

“But it is! He could have just asked Darius, or even me, to clean up – I was already preparing to do the laundry! And now his wounds look almost as bad…” my voice breaks. “My liege… I… don’t… I don’t want…”

“Please… Azu… don’t… he just… wanted to… calm down… his… own way…” my lord’s voice is straining now, filled with pain. “It… couldn’t… make… his wounds… so much… worse… no way…”

I wince and look away guiltily. I realize what he is saying in truth – he is too kind to point it out, but it is still undeniable.

It was caused by me…

“I apologize” I sigh, treating the wounds even more carefully now. “I understand. Still… I need you to rest, Mitchell… and… you too, my liege… you both… are so broken now…”
"I need it done myself. The act of tidying calms me. Calmed me. I doubt it will work anymore." I'm calmer now but still, there is an element of anger in me. I keep wincing at the pain once it is done I thank my new Auntie for it.

"Thank you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause a stress, I just couldn't lie here when the place was like it was. And o had to do it."

I stand up again and look at the Knoghts quickly angry face.

"It's okay I'm only going outside to take a piss, you can't begrudge me of that." With that, I walk out the door to wee.

"When you Gotta go, you Gotta go" Darius said distantly.
I use the proper bandages for those wounds, as gingerly as I can. I am still brewing with anger, though I’m not sure how much of it is aimed at myself… I sigh.

“I am still adamant that you spend the day in bed. I will lend you the Chronicles, and I found a few other books, too. That might work…”

I only nod as Mitchell leaves for a minute… I quickly scoop up a few bottles from the corner. I recognize the labels… one of them is a mild sedative, mostly given for sleeping problems, and the other is a strong painkiller, usually prescribed for feminine pain… I sweep them, and pop one of each into my palm.

“My liege. How are you feeling?” I ask quietly, turning to my lord. He is way too pale still, and watching him pains me… even if he tries to smile.

“I am… fine…”

“You are lying.” I kneel down next to him. He is still burning up… “Darius. Would you be so kind to help me? I think we need one of those witchcraft pills for your father, too…”
Darius agrees and quickly goes to his Father's anti biotic bottle and takes one out and hands it to the Knight.

"There you go" he says. But he's had an idea. He grabs the pen from the top and Lables both bottles. One said "DAD and on the other he wrote "LOW RENT RUSSELL BRAND" and giggled to himself.

"No but seriously. It will help us keep track of how many they've had" he said

I went outside the building and pee'd into the flowers. It was a long pee, I hadn't actually pee'd for a while. Once done I zipped myself up and went back inside.
I nod and smile.

“Great. Now that you have a pen, you can start writing down that fifty ‘I won’t call my brother names’…” I look at him sternly, pointing at a sheet of paper. Originally it was a bandage wrapper, but it will do…

I place the tablet in my lord’s mouth.

“Please, swallow. I know it is painful… but you need this… I want you alive and well…” I hold the cup of soup to my liege’s lips. “Please…”

He just nods, and I help him sip a little… it makes me unhappy and sad when he signs he can’t drink any more, and the liquid is only slightly less than was in the cup. I put it down, and help him lay back.

Thankfully, I don’t have to go collect the annoying child. Mitchell comes back.

“Good” I nod, standing up, and lifting up his bowl. I slip the pills from my palm into the soup with the same motion, and stick his spoon into it, stirring it up a bit like I was checking if it is still warm enough. It is, thankfully, and spicy enough to mask the medicine’s taste. “Your breakfast is still warm. Get back into bed, please, and eat. I won’t feed you, I promise…”
I sigh, rub my hair and take off my trousers to reveal some underwear I'd looted and I take off my shirt too. My boots also come off.

"Sorry, it's more comfortable this way" I say, folding the clothes meticulously, putting the boots together under, toes under the bed, the rest of my clothes on the counter. I get into bed and look at Darius, who's brow is furrowed as he writes something. I can hear him say it to himself under his breath.

" I must not call my brother names". It made me giggle.

I take the bowl off the knight

"Thank you auntie". I eat it rather quickly. But it doesn't take long for me to feel extremely whoozy. I quickly hand the bowl to Azu before I drop it as I drop off to sleep.

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