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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

I fell asleep quite quickly.

I dreamt we were at a theme park. On rides, taking family photos. I had a child, too. I don't know who she WA but she was small and very very blonde

Somehow she was okay to go on the roller coaster. Maybe with a car seat. I can't quite remember. But she always wanted me to hold her hand on the big loops and turns. It was a mad few dream hours.
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After the minor breakdown, I feel somehow better. Coming into terms with the fact that I will most likely lose my liege is still difficult. But the knowledge that I would have to take care of the boys is somehow comforting...

I rummage around for more bandages and pills and bottles, not even bothering to check the labels. I just stuff everything in...

...it is exhausting. I find a bed in quite good condition, and I make note of it. I'll take it back later....
Darius takes longer to sleep. He watched me sleep on the bed for a while. He likes knowing that I'm safe. That I'm not being hurt anymore.

Soon he curls up in the chair and cuddles in, sighing. He falls asleep slowly but quickly begins to snore as his sleep becomes deeper. He begins talking in his sleep again, but nothing out of the usual. Just the ocassional threat to "knock someone out" or something...
I return to the room, hauling the bedframe with me. I really need to empty the bag again.... I smile, looking at the boys. I gently pick up Darius to put him down on my own sleeping place. Mitchell almost looks comfortable on the bed....

They look so sweet. This makes me more determined, giving me power to continue.

"Sleep well, kids..."
Darius half woke up when he was moved. But not enough for him to figure out what was going on. Not really anyway. As far as he knew, he was being taken to bed by his mother when he was a child It didn't occur to him that this couldn't be the case right now.

He turned over, pulled the covers back and fell straight to sleep in peaceful slumber again.
I smile, leaning down to kiss the boy's face, purely out of habit. I don't even take notice of why would this be a habit... it simply feels good.

Children. No matter what is their real age... they still look like children now.

And they are kind of mine...

I am still smiling when I leave the room. Half of the rooms are still undisturbed, and I intend to finish looting them until the storm doesn't settle down... I have to. We can always sleep in, the soup will last tomorrow, too...

...there is no rush. I will have to take care of our new family. That's all...
I wake up stiff from bring curled up in a ball. I'm of quite awake, I just want to get more comfortable .

I see Darius in a bed asleep and I don't ask questions. I climb in with him with my own blankets and face away from him. The bed is comfortable and warm.

It wasn't long before I fell an arm snake around me and squeeze me tight.

"You're safe" Darius whispered in my ear before nodding off again. I believed every word of it and fell asleep too.
I search the rooms without being too hasty, in a comfortable pace. Still not inspecting anything really closely... just gathering everything in bottles and packages.

I find candles with crosses on them. Maybe part of an offering. I still collevt them, too. Just like the fresh bedsheets from a cupboard.

It is strange. So many things taken. And yet... so many things that were then commonplace, and is now precious, remained...

I return in dawn, finding the boys together in the bed. I giggle quietly, taking the edge if my liege's bed for myself. I doze off there, sitting beside my lord, holding his bony hands in mine...
I woke up still in my brothers sleepy embrace. It wasn't quite morning so I decide to keep quiet and just be alone with my thoughts.

I could here Nie's breathing, the Knights light, oddly feminine breathing and Darius's wild snores resonating through the building.

I was surprised that I could sleep with that noisy bastatd beside me- still threatening random dream people.
I was back in the military camp again, silently staring at the laughing woman. The sheriff sounded so content. So pleased with herself. At least the others had the decency to look slightly embarrassed. Ashamed.

She was gloating, though.

"Yeah, Maddalena. We punished him. Punished him for all. Took revenge for our families..."

I was shaking in anger... I turned away from them, reaching for my gear.

"Rejoice, Ma! We punished him for you, too! Oh, you should see him then. No more all high and mighty... just screaming... crying... we made him rue the day he sent you here to die...."

My thoughts were frozen. I was struggling with the words. I hadn't speak since I was taken here. Not since I saw not only my friends, but my son and husband die...

...and now, this hurt. I wanted to scream at their grinning face...

"Doesn't it feel good?..."

I reached for the pieces of my armour, and slowly, silently start to put zhem on...
The Knight starts shaking in her sleep. Dreams like Nigel had. Probably thinking of what happened before The End.

I drop myself down from

My bed and go over to her.

I slowly and carefully put my hand on her shoulder. I, for some reason, am still a little bit cautious of her because I find her unpredictable, I shake her arm gently

"Ma'am, please wake up"
She continued her gloating. Like she didn't notice my anguish as she talked about how they killed my best friend...

"We marked him as a murderer, for everyone. Well, for every family. Six hundred ninety five M for murderer... he didn't even screamed at the end... "

I put on the helmet, too. My heart was just a block of ice in my chest.

"Don't you think it was poetic? He was so obsessed with being medieval... he got dealt with justice in that style..."

I pulled out the sword. Turned around.

"So... you have..."

She laughed.

"I wanted to break him on the wheel. The others wanted burning oil. So we compromised..."

I started to scream then.... and I lifted up my sword.


I wake up at the slight shake and the voice, covered in cold sweat, shaking, still breathing heavily. I gesture wildly, without an intent to harm, more like praying, letting go of my liege's hand...
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I'm pushed back slightly by the startled gesture. But I'm unharmed.

"Ma'am " I walk back over to her. Softly. Calmly "it was a dream. Please don't worry. You're safe here"

To be honest, I didn't know what she was dreaming Abot, but I knew it couldn't be good.

"I'm going to fuck you in gobshite" shouted Darius in his sleep, I'd stopped bothering to wake him up in dreams like this. They made me laugh. But I composed myself to help the knight again.
I pant for a moment, the clouds slowly clearing up from my mind.

I'm not in that horrid place anymore. I don't have to listen at the sheriff laughing. After all, I've ripped them into pieces...

I sigh, with an apologetic smile aimed at Mitchell. Poor kid.

"Sorry. Did I hurt you?..."

I giggle when Darius swears in his sleep, and shake my head.

"I'm so glad my liege didn't hear that..." I sigh. I need....

...I need a hug. I extend my arm.

"Would you please be so kind and come here? I badly need someone to embrace. Won't hurt you. Promise..."
"You didn't hurt me, I'm okay." I whisper quietly and then go over to her with my arms extended.

I give her the biggest hug I'd given in a long time. "I love you. I'm not afraid of you. And I will protect you, in the same way that you have protected me and my brother. ".

I looked at her then at my father

"I know he's going to die, I think I've accepted that fate now. But will we still be family once he goes?"
I hug the kid, long and quiet, only taking care that I wouldn't crush him, wouldn't open up the injuries on his back anymore. My tears are welling up again, and it simply feels good and comforting. His words are cutting into my heart.

He is not afraid. I know how scary I am - I've made grown men tremble with a scowl, and this kid is still so brave, even though I hurt him before...

I pull him into my lap, crying openly again. He sounds so calm now. And I am crying still. I don't want to let any of them go. Not even my liege. No matter how well I know he is dying.

But I only nod.

"We will" I promise quietly. "I won't be your mom - that place was taken twofold. But I think I can be a decent aunt... I love you two. Mitchell... it's just... even I am afraid... so I want us be a family even more."
"I'm scared too." I look deeply and honestly "but we can't let the fear of falling apart get in out way"

Easier said than done.

I hug her again. It's strange to see her cry so much. To see her need the comforting, not me.

"You're going to make a good Auntie. I don't want my Dad to die. I really don't, but it will never be your fault if he does. I promise you that."
I smile. It is honest, even if a bit bitter now.

"I think I should have been the worst Auntie" I chuckle, trying to joke. "Always just learning... let's hope you will be right..."

I lean back against the head of the bed, still not letting the kid go. I caress his hair, a familiar sensation somehow. It shouldn't be. But it is.

"I know you might be right. But it might be my fault too... for not listening you right away... and... because I hadn't find him fast enough. Because I chose to go with the civilian group to the safe zone... and not stayed with him in the castle, preparing for the monster attack...." I sigh. So many places where our lives went awry...
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"No, ma'am. He has cancer. It's not something just you being with him would solve. Don't worry. No

Matter where he went the cancer would still take him

Unawares. You mustn't blame yourself . you really really mustn't."

I sigh when she runs her finger through my hair, it feels soft and loving. This whole situation was beginning to take its toll on even the strongest of people. I wish it could just be over.
"I cannot understand this" I admit, hugging the kid as close as possible without hurting him. I have to be careful. He is injured so badly, in every sense... "I cannot understand how could he be so sick. He haven't even had a cold before. This invisible enemy... it's like a curse.... and I don't have a clue about it. I just don't want him suffer anymore. I don't want us to suffer anymore..."
"It's killing him. It kills many people for no reason. Good people. Bad people. It doesn't discriminate. It's sad. It's painful. And it isn't new" I grimace at the thought. Why did it have to be cancer?

It could have been a big.

The flu.

Something that didn't take lives as often.
I shudder. Something in the back of my mind shouts that he is right... that Mitchell says the truth. I still don't want to accept it. I want to scream that this isn't right, we only have to take care of those wounds and my liege can survive...

I just nod, without really accepting the words. My lord is too good to die that way. He must be an exception. He has to be...

"You know, I've never thought about what will we do once I've found Lord Canberton" my voice is husky. "Do you... suppose... we could plan now?..."
"Find who?" I ask uncertainly. "Is he bad or good? Will he try to hurt us?"

I didn't want to take any chances, I had been a magnet for kidnappers and had only spent less than half the month not sleeping in chains of some sort.

"We have to be careful... And will my dad have to be healthy first?"
I quietly laugh. I really cannot believe it at first... Mitchell not knowing his father's name and title? Well. Not like my liege was ever haughty.

"Don't worry... Lord Canberton is my lord... your father. Lord Nigel Canberton. The Crimson Knight. Lord mayor of Blood Springs. And as you know, he is the nicest soul on this earth..."
"Ohhhhhhh" I sighed with relief. "I think I understood now."

I humbled myself a little it, I was so out of the loop with all of these Lord/Lady/Sherrif/ knight things.

"I'm sorry. They confuse me. It all confuses me. Maybe I'm not meant to be let into the family. I clearly can't grasp any of this."

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