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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

I chuckle, pulling the boy closer.

"Don't you worry your pretty head off about these things. I doubt it counts anymore. And if your father thought it was important, he would gave told you. It is just that for me he was my liege since I arrived to Blood Spring..."

I sigh, leaning back.

"It doesn't matter anymore... Blood Spring is a ghost town now. I guess since there isn't a kingdom any more, you don't have to know about it. Ask if you want. You two are members of our family either way..."
"Do you think maybe Blood Springs will ever get back to its former glory? Did everyone die? Or just a few"

I furrow my brow slightly as a question I'd been meaning to ask for a long time flashed into my head. I wondered whether I wanted to know. But I asked anyway.

"Ma'am. What did dad do?"
"Sadly... there is no chance for that. I mean, the buildings, the houses are still there... but everyone.... everyone died. No people anymore. Just the two of us..."

I sigh. Telling this is painful. Admitting that the End has really ended our beautiful life.

The question still confuses me a bit.

"Considering the circumstances, I insist you call me Auntie, too. Ma'am sounds weird from the sons of my liege..." I can't figure out the question, so I give up. "I don't understand what do you want to know. Do you want me to tell you all he did while ruling our home, or... just something else?..."
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"Sorry, Auntie. What I mean is. He told me, of the murders that he did. He told me he wasn't worthy of life because of it. But...."

I pause for a second, maybe she didn't know.

"Who did he murder? Why?"
I freeze from the words, and the anger roars up in me. I want to scream. I won't; I don't want to wake the other two up. So I just reach out, and close my right hand on the iron roll making up the headboard... the iron creaks and dents under my grip. It hurts, but it is better than screaming outright.

"He. Didn't. Kill. Anyone." I utter every word emphatically. I don't want to think of it... but I think the kid deserves explanation. "I can't believe he really told you this... my liege can be so stupid... He is unable to hurt a living soul. If you inquire of the markings on his body, it was done by the traitorous sheriff and her posse. Not for murdering anyone... they made him responsible for what happened to us, but... he didn't kill anyone. He didn't want anyone to die. Actually, it was quite the opposite... when the monsters attacked, and the great king's order came, he obeyed. He sent us away, the whole town, to a safe camp. That was the order and it sounded like the best thing to do that time. He couldn't have possibly known that it wasn't any safer than Blood Spring. We were attacked before the town was... and... well... everyone died there..."

I sigh, trembling from anger. I try to keep my voice low and soft. I barely manage. I cannot choke back the tears anymore.

"...the sheriff and some officers stayed back with him. They were supposed to protect him. And when they heard what happened, they decided my liege was to blame. They... punished him. Tortured him... she told me it was four days... or more... they told him he murdered them. I think he might have believed them from a point on... but... he never hurt us. I know he couldn't know it. He is smart, but not a seer... he was just... trying to do what was right... I know he didn't kill anyone back then. And not a living soul in the last three years. I was following him..."
"Jesus Christ" I say to myself. "I knew it wouldn't be true... But he kept... Telling me. Telling me that I shouldn't be with him, that I shouldn't protect him or look after him. Because he was a murderer. The commander guy, he blamed him

For being a murder. He said that my Father deserved every whip and scorn he got because he was a murderer"

Tears start falling from my eyes again "I didn't want to believe it. I mean, look at him, he's a gentle soul. But, with him outrightly admitting it to me, I had no choice."

I felt really guilty now.
I am shaking from anger now. I pull Mitchell even closer. I don’t even want to imagine this, but I still understand… and it is painful. Thinking that my liege would be a murderer… and still…

“And you still loved him” my voice is raspy. “You still have been caring for him… even though he told you that?... I… I thank you… and I love you even more for this…”

I sigh.

“He isn’t a murderer. I am; I am a true warrior. I have killed every single person who had hurt my liege. But even I have a heart. And I love you two very much, know this, okay? I would never hurt anyone who belongs to my lord… my family…”
"Thank you" I look down at my toes. "And thank you for clearing everything up for me.."

I stop speaking but feel there needs to be more

"I didn't want to ask. I know it's a sore subject. But I wanted, no needed, to know. I didn't want it to be true. And I thank god that it isn't. Thank you"
“You are very much welcome” I sigh, pulling a blanket over the kid in my arms. “Even if this is hard… it was better to talk about it now than you thinking that my liege would be stained by blood. Thinking something like this about your father must have hurt. I am just grateful that it hadn’t deterred you from loving him back.”

I lean down to kiss his hair.

“Thank you” I repeat softly. “Can you go back to sleep now?... You’re still injured. And I’ll need you to look over those witchcraft pills I’ve gathered later… no way I’m letting you suffer…”
"Okay.." I say. Noticing the lack of space here now I get up and go back over to my brother. " needed some space" I smile to show I wasn't trying to offend.

I get back in the bed and stare at my father for a bit. I loved him even more now.

"Goodnight" I say as I wipe a single, silent tear from my face.
“Goodnight” I whisper back, silently, and lean back to the headboard. I really don’t want to move from here, not now, not after this talk, I need to be close to my liege now… I extend my arm to touch him, caress his still hot, scarred face.

To know he really believed he killed our town… it is painful. It is unthinkable. I hate those traitors even more now. They made my liege suffer so much, not only in body, more in soul… if I wouldn’t be so afraid that I would crush his weak, frail body now, I’d scoop up my lord and cuddle him more.

He might have been the only innocent of us… and he thought he was unworthy to live. It was horrible to even think about it. I still couldn’t understand our sheriff’s reasoning… after all, my liege’s own family died there, too, all of them…

…just like mine with them…

I push back the thought, closing my eyes. This position is not really comfortable, but the knowledge that my liege is this close to me now makes up for it…
What has he been through. More than I could ever imagine in my life. I feel so sorry for him. I've been sad after being captured for a bit.

He was so strong after everything that had happened. His family died. His friends died and he was blamed for it when it wasn't true.

The poor man had started to believe it too. I was so pleased I didn't let it sway me.
It is so peaceful now. I let myself sink back to sleep, despite of the uncomfortable position. I feel so much calmer now.

My liege was loved this much. The thought is comforting. I was so afraid he was lonely. He could never stand it. But he found company, and a very good company it is… I have to smile from the thought.

He made a family from us back then. He made a family from strays now, too. And I love him for this… the skeleton-thin, scarred, tortured version of my liege just as much as the old, happy knight.

I don’t want to think about him dying now. Someone loved this much must live.

I sleep, with a happy smile and a contented, small snore…

Nie was stirring in his nightmare. He was back in the dungeon now, strapped down again, voice hoarse from screaming. All of his body ached…

He still felt somehow happy. He could see the others now, all free and living now… the fair was going on outside, not populated by ghost anymore.

“Was it worth it?” the sheriff asked with a bitter voice, and Nigel smiled and nodded.

Yes. It was worth it, after all. And now he could be free, too…

“I love you, too…”
I watched my new auntie sleeping. Her snoring battled Darius's. But it was sir much more feminine and light. It didn't seem right coming from such a big, strong woman.

It was another side to her I didn't see. Darius was murmuring in his sleep- incomprehensible words now. Nothing English anyway, and he couldn't speak another language, he'll he couldn't really speak English too well.

He turned with his arm and his hand hit my face and stayed there. Unimpressed, with a slightly sore nose, I picked it up and moved it.
Nie slowly opened his eyes.

There wasn’t much of light yet… and the dual snoring, which resounded in his head, assured him it was still night or very early dawn.

And he was still alive. It was hard to breathe, maybe because Ma Baker’s strong, muscular arm was across his chest, and the dentist smiled, even chuckling softly despite the pain. No one could snore like the baker, it sounded adorable…

It felt peaceful. Good.

He still felt tired, but somehow it was negligible now. Like he was floating, somehow detached from the constant pain, thoughts shattered. Just one thing remained, and Nie smiled.

He was with family, after all…
"Fuck the police!!!" Darius yelled in his sleep, which woke him and I up at the same time.

"Sorry" he said humbly. But then began laughing

"Prick, I was sleeping then" I say as I turn back over. "You've been swearing a lot in your sleep, lately"

"Yeah it happens" Darius said lying back down again.

I sigh "don't let anyone hear you swear, though. I'm not going in the punishment corner again."

He extended his arm and in one sharp shot I fell off the bed and went crashing to the floor. Darius peered his head over

"Be careful" he said sarcastically.
Nie was almost dozing off yet again, but the yell made him jerk awake, painfully and almost scared. But as he heard his sons chatting, he calmed down, even smiling a bit. This was adorable, and after the horror of the last weeks, it felt extraordinarily funny. He wanted to speak up, tell them that sleep-talk doesn’t warrant punishment, but he felt too weak to move or utter a word…

He still got scared and instinctively tried to move and get up when he heard the crash… but both the pain and the heavy arm on him interrupted his intent. He couldn’t even sit up…

…and I also wake up at the noise, confused and a bit scared. My head clears up notably quickly as I get on my feet and rush to Mitchell, before even properly opening my eyes.

“…are you all right?...” I reach down for him, pointing a scolding glance to his older brother…
"Fuck" I say, before I'd even had time to think. "Your an asshole" I say to Darius as Auntie Knightie helps me up. Then I begin smiling a big wide grin.

"You got me that time" I say walking back over to the bed. "But I'll get you when you least expect it."

With that I give him a swift punch at the top of his arm, making it go dead. He yelps but is laughing to.

"Touché" he giggles.
I frown from the language used.

“Kids! No swearing!” I scold them, and when the younger kid hits the other, I lean over them threateningly.

“Stop! You will go to the punishment corner, again! Both of you! And I won’t make any desserts, even if we manage to find some eggs and honey…” I sigh, when I realize how loud I was. “Seriously. The only time I want you two see fighting is when we are training. Horsing around is dangerous, especially with Mitchell being still injured…”

“I… agree…”

I freeze and turn to the voice, forgetting about the scolding in that instant, just almost breaking down crying as I realize my liege is awake. I smile, happily, and walk up to him with slightly trembling knees. He is still pale as the ghost of himself, and shaking, but he is smiling now, looking at the boys…
"DAD!!" I shout and I run over to him and carefully hug him.

Darius gets out of bed and walks over more humbly, but he breaks down too and starts hugging him.

"Welcome back old man." He smiles at him.

I stop hugging Nigel so he doesn't get hurt. But had so much more hug to give so I practically pounce of Darous and hug him too.
Nie smiled, weakly, but very happily now. He was still worried, but his knight leaning on his hands and both of his sons hugging him felt good, overwriting the pain for quite a while.

Being loved was a luxury, and he enjoyed it honestly, even if he was too spent to move.

“Are you… all right… Mitchell?...” he inquired still, shaken memories twisting into strange shapes.

I kiss my liege’s hand, smiling, kneeling next to the bed. Now I hope again, watching his eyes. They are not dull now… the grey is soft but kind, and makes me happy again. I don’t like the fact that he is still not moving, but seeing him smile and speak is quite a development from last night.

I have to make him strong again…
"Yeah I'm find. My brother pushed me off the bed. Because he's 7. Not 28." I say with a laugh.

Darius just shrugged. He knew he wasn't going to be in too much trouble."Ahhh he deserves it" he joked

"Auntie Knightie, are we still going to the punishment corner?" I ask innocently
Nie smiled and chuckled at the words. The kids quarrelling somehow felt natural.

“Still… not nice… to push… over… and hit… each other… boys…” he said softly, looking over his sons. “Please… don’t… do it…”

He had to grin at the title Mitchell gave to Ma Baker. It sounded quite right…

“You should!” I scowl, but one glance at my lord, and I relent. “Okay, not right now, but still, no cookies with lunch. And I will check on you, Mitchell, you won’t get out of it…”

I sigh.

“Your sons are quite a handful, my liege, but I still love them. Even with this, next time I will hand out more severe punishment. I can still make them write down the Code a hundred times…”

“That… is… cruel…” my lord smiles. I reply with a smile of my own.

“Well, they are bad boys. Mitchell. I thought out a more fitting punishment. You will browse through the tablets for the correct witchcraft pills. With your brother…”
"Ok. Ok." I say sitting down at the tablets rifling through the tablets. Darius follows me and sits next to me.

"This is your fault" he told me

"You pushed me off the bed " I retort. We both grimace as we rifle through the TONNE of tablets.

"We're not bad kids!" I react late
“Don’t be… this strict… with them…”

Nie smiled, closing his eyes again. Even this situation made him happy. It was so quotidian, so peaceful… even arguing about this felt good.

“Someone has to be, my liege. Even if you are spoiling them both, someone has to be strict and teach them manners!”

The dentist chuckled.

“I am… not spoiling… the kids…”

“Yes, you are, and you are coddling them!” I retort, turning back to Mitchell. “And you two are certainly naughty, continuing the bickering even after you were scolded about it. You need discipline, and if your father are not willing, then I will be the one!”

I smile, though, sitting down next to my lord. I touch his bony hands… he still feels feverish. Even like that, my heart is lighter now. He will survive, I suspect…

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