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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

"I know it's not my fault. But it's my fault for dreaming something so... So... Stupid. I know you'd never to that. It was just a dream. Just a stupid horrible dream. It meant nothing. It means nothing. Please don't worry. I love you as much today as I loved you yesterday. If not, more. Please. Please. PLEASE don't worry."

The words tumble out of my mouth. I had to reassure my father. He was so worried. I felt so so guilty. I wanted to turn back time.
“You… cannot do… a thing… about… dreams… this is… not your… fault… never… your fault…” Nie tried to took a deep breath, and he almost choked on it. He wanted to laugh, with not happiness, but he managed to choke back the hysteria again. He still felt like he was going mad… the pain was simply too much to bear, both in his body and soul. “Strange… no matter… how much… I detest… this… I’ve… never… murdered… a real… living person… with my own hands… before… now… I want to… kill Commander Wilter… for real… for… doing this… to us… making you… fear me… making me… think… I’d… ever… lose you… so I… do worry… because… I still hate… myself… but… I do… love you… son… that’s why… this is so… horrendous… it… still made you… scared… still… made you… suffer… from me… even… just in… your dream… this is… way too much…”
"No no no no. It's. It's fine Please. Stop panicking. I love you to the moon and back. I really do. Please. You don't have to explain yourself to me"

I sighed. This whole thing was a shit storm

"I just love you so much"
“Your voice… was so scared… so filled… with pain…” Nie closed his hands into fists. He was still shaking wildly, even if the pang of the scene was slowly soothed by his son’s words. The physical pain sullenly started to get stronger. The dentist bitterly smiled. “You… were still… calling me… dad… telling me… you’re my… son… even… in your… nightmare… you… cannot possibly… imagine… how nice… how horrifying… is this… I know… you are… honest… you would… love me… even though… I’m just… so inept… cannot do… anything right… still… I… love you… son… just… sometimes… I still… feel… I’m… a monster…”
"But you're not a monster. Why won't you listen to me? You're the best... Please don't dwell on it it was only a dream. People dream about stupid stuff all the time... One time I dreamt I tried to kidnap Stephen Fry. It didn't mean anything, at all"

I just wish he'd leave it now.
“Kidnap… Stephen Fry?...” Nie just stared at his son, confused… then the tension broke in him, and he started to laugh, really laugh now, without the hysterical colour which scratched at his throat until now. Even if it hurt, he kept laughing, wheezing out a broken question. “Holy… pancakes… this.. must have… been… the heaviest… task… ever… He is…”

He couldn’t finish the sentence; he was laughing too hard, and his abdomen started to hurt so much he had to choke back a scream…
I broke into a laughter.

"I know he was all like" and then I put on my poshest accent "I jolly well will not come with you, you paddy oaf. I don't know why I needed to get him. But I did for some reason. I think I might have been a police officer, I can't remember "

I wiped a tear of laughter.

It was a funny dream, it was true.
Nie threw his head back, still struggling with laughter. He chuckled, even though it was painful. But the scene in his head was just too funny, no matter how grievous was the previous one…

“I think… you might… have been… the luckiest… sorriest… cop… in the… whole world…” he had to strain himself to speak, but he was really smiling now. “Kind of… wish… I could… see this… though…”
"I'll film it one day. I'll give Old stevey fry a ring and say "oi, mate. We need to act some scene""

I laughed so hard at the thought of recreating this crazy crazy dream with and English National Treasure. I was laughing that kind of laugh where you can't stop. Even though your abdomen is screaming to stop and your close to wetting your pants.
“Okay… but… I want… to see that… too…” Nie stopped laughing, even if only because he was out of breath and in a sea of pain. ‘I wonder if he is still alive…’

It wasn’t too probable. That man was old, even before the End came… but the dentist still hoped that somehow, at least some of them was still alive. Losing these people sounded dreadful.

He was still smiling, watching his son to laugh freely…
"He's probably leading some army to fight It, knowing him. And having a jolly good old time to, old sport"

I had to stop laughing now. I felt my abdomen muscles try to push themselves through my rib cage in laughter. And I nearly pissed myself
"I surely... do hope... so..." Nie smiled, leaning back a bit. He breathed more slowly, trying to ease the pain. "I... liked him... my Joy... was partial... to Johnny Depp, though..."
"Even I was partial to a bit of Johnny Depp. That Captain Jack outfit, though. I'm just saying that I can see how the ladies like him"

I put my hands up in playful surrender
Nie chuckled.

"I do... have to... agree. Although... I vote on... Tom... Hiddle...ston. Still... very unlikely... that any of... us... would... ever... had a... chance... with... them... At least... Joy... shared my... crush... on Hale... Berry..."

He tried to sit up, or at least rise a bit. The first real pang of pain made him realize that this was a stupid idea; he settled back with a grimace, lifting his hand to his abdomen.

"Well... I think... I'm... I was... a bit... stupid... now... not just... a bit... could you... give me... some water... please?"
"Of course" I jump up and get the jug of water and poor some more into his cup. It was running low.

"Ima have to go back to the car soon and pour some water into the jug. Not now though, later"

I hand him the cup of water. It was still cool.

"Could you take an anti biotic now too? It's time."
The dentist received the cup, and with a bit of luck, he managed to take it in a manner which provided he didn’t spill it at the same moment with his shaking hands. He nodded, a bit unsure… but he knew very well that the boy was right. He really needed to take it, no matter how painful was it to swallow…

“Yes… I can… I… think… just… I need… a moment… sorry. I… I feel… a bit… crushed… sorry… I… will still… try…”
"There we go it's all done!!" I smile as the tablet washes down, why did they make antibiotics so goddamn big? "You're doing great. Hey look, you're like 1/10th through your course... Or something like that"

This was meant to sound more positive than it came out... A tenth still meant a long way to go. But I wasn't the greates at maths so I was probably wrong.

"Not too long left anyway"
Strange thing is, this really felt like an accomplishment, being able to swallow that damned pill by himself… it made his stomach churn, though, and Nie had to held his hand to his mouth, struggling with nausea. He somehow thought that his son wouldn’t appreciate it. When he was sure that he would manage to keep it down, he smiled at Mitchell.

“One… tenth?... Are you… sure? I am… starting to… get inclined… to believe… I’ll… have to… find some… school books… when… this calms… down… son…”

It actually sounded like a good plan. Learning felt important, even after all this hell, and while Mitchell certainly had a very wide knowledge in History, Maths was still very much needed…
"Yeah... Maybe."

I tried to work it out in my head even more...

"So you have to take three a day, yeah? For 14 days. That's a total of 42 tablets and you've taken 4? That's like 2/21s or something crazy isn't it? It's not a fraction you can simplify any more than that. Now When you take 2 more that's 6. 6/42 is a different matter, that's like 1/7 of the way through. So like tonight you'll be a seventh of the way through... I think. So not long left after that."

Suck it, with your school book idea. Although this took a lot of working out in my head, school taught me this before I left at 14. So I could still vaguely remember it. Luckily. I hated school.
“That’s… better…” Nie smiled, a bit proud. “I see… you… just… had to… break it… down… properly… I really… appreciate that… Still… it might… be… useful… so… be prepared… to exercise… later…”

He chuckled, trying to move around a bit and lift himself up, a bit more confident. He quickly gave it up, as red-hot pain shot through his back. Okay… he really needed a bit more time for to do that without adrenaline. The dentist laid back, watching his son fondly.

“I’d… like to… ask you… to eat…” he said, almost sternly. “You know… you will… need that… right?... I’m… still… a bit worried… about… your injuries…”
"They're feeling much better " I sat delving into the backpack and pulling out a tin of what I liked to call, mystery meat.

Canned Meat was all it said on the tin and when I opened it I could swear it was cat food in the wrong tin, made from cows eyes or something. But there wasn't a terrific amount of food left, so I had to eat it like it or lump it. My face grimaced a little as k ate the slimy mystery meat. It was vile.
Nie watched his son eat. The grimace wasn't exactly to his liking, but he could just hope that it was simply the food wasn't exactly to Mitchell's tastes. After all, most of these were, well... fairly subpar.

"Sorry" he said softly. "When... I can... walk without... falling over... I'll look... around... for a treat... for you... promise..."

He smiled.

"But... for now... your vitamins... too... please..."
"Yeah hold on with that." I say clutching onto my churning stomach as I finish the last morsal of mystery meat. I sit as the generated gas comes back up again and repeats on me.

"Jesus Christ" I complain scrunching my face in concentration of keeping it down.

I grab two vitamin tablets and take them and drink a bit of water to wash everything down.

"I'm going to be tasting that for weeks"
"Really... sorry..." Nie felt a little guilty, to be honest. Usually, he managed to loot something better. But now...

"I wish... I could... get you... something better... sorry... but... thank you... for making me... worry less... still... would you... agree... to let me... check your... back... later?... "

He was a bit scared about the answer. Still... he had to ask it. Even if he did his best before, he was still anxious about those burns. More anxious than after the Silver Squire...

"...falling off... the tower... is not... such a small... deal... you know..." he finished the thought, trailing off again. At least the pain seemed to ease...
"Huh?" Falling off what tower.

Oh no, not the delusion again...

I smile and nod politely like I knew what he was on about. I didn't have a clue.

"Yeah, you can check my back later, but I think it's healing well. I hope it's healing well..."

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