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We were doomed from the Start.(CLOSED)

"I... surely... do hope... so..." Nie closed his eyes again. "Your... new armour... will arrive... soon... so... you'll... have to... at least... enter... the tournament..."

Something wasn't entirely right about his thought. The dentist was too tired at least to try to figure out what. After all, his son agreed. Nie watched the boy's face, fondly. He could really see Mitchell in that silver, vine-covered platemail...
Oh here we go, again

"Oh great thanks" I said awkwardly "I.. Look forward to it."

I mean what was I supposed to do? Give him the dissapointing reality that we were t in his fairytale castle anymore? I couldn't. That would be cruel.
Nie nodded, smiling. He started to feel really sleepy. Something important scratched on the edge of his consciousness, but his mind was way too clouded to figure out what was awry.

"You're... such... a good boy..." he closed his eyes. "Don't... you think... we should... tell about... the museum job... to your mom... only... on her birthday... she will be... so proud...."

He couldn't finish the thought: it was scattered already, leaving the dentist with the vague impression that something was not right. He just wanted to sleep....
"Yeah, sure. She'll be.. Proud"

Honestly, I felt sorry for the guy. His brain didn't work very well lately.

A mixture of infection, antibiotics and Leukemia can do that to you.

Poor bloke.
"Sorry... Mitchell... what were we... talking about?"

Nie felt rather confused. His thoughts and memories seemed to be shattered. Something was seriously out of place.

He remembered some words. They just didn't make sense.

"Sorry... I think... I'm a bit... lost..."
"It's. It's ok... Rest your head on the pillow. The tablets can tire you out. You might want to rest a bit. Sleep perhaps "

I helped my father lie back down. I couldn't bear looking at the internal torture going through this poor guys body.
The dentist nodded, obediently. He had no clear idea about what's going on, but his son's suggestion seemed logical. It made sense.

"Just... promise me... you'll... take care..."

Something was dangerous here, outside of the walls of the hospital. He knew it. It just was too cloudy to grasp entirely... Nie closed his eyes. His son was right. He should sleep. Maybe he would we able to think clearly later...
I watched my father drift back to sleep. I decided not to do the same for fear of another dream.

And I thought the less he knew about the world around him the better.

I then contemplated going to get water from the car. But it seemed so much effort
I grip my sword as I dismount Duende, leaving my noble steed outside on the street. I am not sure if I will find anything, but I still methodically search through the sector, sword in one hand, the magical sphere in another. My lord’s life force throbs in the crystal ball, giving me a bit of hope.

My liege might be still alive. And close. The charmed device might have never been so bright before – only in the dungeon, where the traitors spilled his blood. I know my liege escaped – I had never had any doubt about it. After all, the Crimson Knight was the one, who forced even me, the mighty Azucena, on my knees… he was mighty. He survived what those bastards had done with him… and he was gone.

I was searching for him since. My map started to fill up with the markings, the yellowish vellum scratched up with the ink; blue, red, green. This marked the third year since I realized he broke his irons and escaped… thankfully, the magical sphere my lady gave me still worked. Here and there I found his trail, then lost it again…

Now I am on the right path. I know this for sure as I kneel down next to the monster’s beheaded body. This clean cut was left by an axe, and as I touch the sphere to the dried blood on the stairs, it glows even more. My heart grows warm as I realize what this meant.

He was here. He fought. He won. He always wins.

I stand up, with more enthusiasm than I’ve felt in the last year.

My liege is close by…

I recommence the search with rejuvenated force. Then I found the blood in the garden of a pristine little home. The sphere glows brighter, pointing me inside, and as I follow it, my own blood grows cold.

So much blood here, inside, all my lord’s… and inside, in a ritual chamber ruined by struggle, I found his axe.

I fall to my knees, taking his weapon into my palm with shaking hands. I would recognize this weapon everywhere, I gazed at it quite enough times, when we fought – first, from my proud stupidity and brashness, then, as I was forced by the evil magician, then, only for practice. Still… no mistake here. This was the Balancer, my liege’s holy weapon, crafted by dragon fire with the blessing of our pure Ebony Lady…

He would never leave this behind. No way. Not if he can hold into it.

I stand up, shaking with anger, taking Balancer with me, to search the house. I found nothing else, just insignificant clutter, and some supplies, and more blood. However, from the traces, I can recognize that my lord was not killed by some meagre monsters he could kill in his sleep. No. He was taken captive by humans.

I smile, bitterly. He was always too soft-hearted when it came to humans. Always trying to save their souls. Always hoping for traces of good even in the heart of the evilest folk imaginable. Maybe my lady loved him so much for this kindness.

Maybe even I love him for this.

I step out to the street, heading back to my steed.

I will find him. I know it.

And I’ll crush his captors. After all, I failed him before…
I bit the bullet and went outside to get the water.

I unlocked the car door and searched inside. But I heard a curious noise. A rustling.

Oh great, Biters

I turned around with my hand on my gun to see a tall guy. Short hair and extremely skinny.

With the sun setting behind him I could just about see his silhouette walking towards me.

"Stop! Who are you" I put on the most authorative voice I own.

"Mitchell, is that you?" He said in a vaguely familiar voice

"Who. Who are you"

He drew himself closer so I could just about see his face

"It's me, it's Darius"

I stayed stood firm into the ground. Silent.

"I'm dreaming"

"James Mitchell, it's me. Your brother". He took my hand to touch his face. I instantly recognised him now and almost leapt into him for a hug

"I thought. You. I thought you were hung"

"Saved at the last minute" he smiled. "Ive been looking for you for years"
Nie was back in the dungeon, still strapped down on the racker. Unable to move, mouth held open by a gag, body torn and burnt… He couldn’t lift a finger. He just looked on as the sheriff and his posse ganged upon his son, bound and terrified, only in underwear.

All of them held spiked scourges. All of them laughed.

Nie screamed through the gag as the first one strike his son, laughing, and Mitchell screamed in pain and anguish. The mayor couldn’t bear it, he started to trash in his bounds, trying to tear them again, to get to his son, to stop his punishment…

Mitchell was innocent. He shouldn’t have been punished…

I ride my trusty steed in silence, my black armour fading into the dusk. I follow the trail, left by my liege’s captors… I know there must be more than one. After all, one opponent would be child’s play for my lord. And I found at least two pairs of boot prints in the mud. Even two people must have used black magic against him – otherwise, he wouldn’t be overwhelmed. I remember how easily he lifted me up and tossed me against the wall, even when both of us wore full armour… and he is two inches shorter than me. Still, that statuesque physique hold at least a bison’s power…

…I wonder if he still has it now. I kept myself up – after all, I have supplies, and I can cook. He can’t. He always leaned on out beautiful Ebony Lady for that.

I see the approaching, lumping figures against the wall of darkness. I am not afraid… I just stop by the trees, dismounting Duende. I leave him in the shadows, letting him to cool down, while I lift my sword, preparing to battle against the monsters.

I am not afraid. My sword is blessed by the Ebony Lady. My armour is made of a dragon’s hide. I am invincible. No bites can get through the dragonhide, and no spores of black magic gets through the filter of my helmet. My lord prepared me well for the battle.

So I’ll fight for him.
"Look" I say "I've met someone.. A guy he's super nice.. He's been like a father to me every since we found each other. When I was fleeing from... Well, you know. I call him Da now, I don't know it just felt right. You need to meet him"

"Dad, dad are you mad". Darius was clearly perplexed.

"Yeah, he's better than our dad ever was. He's caring loving... Everything. That guy took us again. Beat us. Tortured us. And this guy, Nigel, he stood by me through everything. But he's really sick... Come and meet him"

Darius nodded and followed me in quiet contemplation

"Dad.. Dad wake up... There's someone to meet you." He didn't wake "sorry, it's his illness he.."

"Is he infected"

"Oh god no, it's Leukemia. DAD!!!"
It felt like emerging from cool, deep water into hell. Everything hurt, and Nie wanted to scream from the pain as he came to himself. He couldn’t. Something, an evil knot was in his throat again.

‘Don’t scream. Give a sound, and your son will be hurt.’

Who said that?... he couldn’t remember anymore.

Nie opened his eyes, realizing his son was calling out to him. Even lifting his eyelids was a difficult task… he panicked for a minute, noticing the urge in Mitchell’s voice, and jerked, only to be awarded by even sharper and more vicious pain, which made him gasp.

The dentist blinked. Was he seeing double now?... there was someone else next to his son…

The face. So similar to Mitchell’s… short hair. His stature…

Even with a feverish mind, Nie managed to complete this puzzle.

“Told… you… so…” he forced out, with a genuine smile. He was so relieved. “Told… you… he was… alive…”

The mayor tried to rise up, looking at the boys with pride. Smiling. With a warm feeling washing over him…

…the knowledge that Mitchell will be all right.

“Darius… right?... you must be… Darius… please… take care… of my… son now…”

I look over my slain enemies, exhausted, my breast heaving still, my blood boiling with the heat of the battle.

I did good. I think they would be proud of me.

My armour is heavy now, covered with dust and old blood, and I am tired… but satisfied. Three monsters less left on the earth. I’d spit on the deformed heads, but I don’t want to take off my helmet.

I step to my steed, and slap on its backside. Duende neighs a bit, but calms down quickly. I pull out the second magical item from the saddle-bag.

I need water now. I have quite a few skins in my bag, but I’ll need more – I want to cleanse myself after this battle. I switch on the blue crystal field, and look at the magical map. It beeps, making me realize I’ll have to leave it out in the sun tomorrow for a while, but it shows me what I want.

A stream runs nearby. I smile.

Water and shelter. I’ll find it again.

My crusade must be blessed by my Ebony Lady…
"Hi.." Darius says. I can see he's uneasy by the whole thing. He can see the scars from a mile of. M... For murderer.

"Jam... Mitchell, can I talk to you outside. Just for a second"

"Sure I'll be a minute, Dad." I say and wave.

In the corridor Darius grabs my shirt and pushes me against the wall

"What the fuck are you playing at" he growls


" the brands. M for murderer. Are you out of your mind."

"He's had a rough past.. He wouldn't hurt me. Or you. Brother, you have to trust me. Please" I plead with him and his guard, and grip on me, drops.

"Okay. But we need to go and get some stuff you're on empty"

"Yeah sure, I'm just going to tell my d.. Nigel." I walk into the room "Darius and I are going out on a loot. I'll see you later"
There was something wrong. The tension was almost palpable in the room, and Nie froze, realizing it. Something was unearthly wrong, and as Darius grabbed his son and dragged him outside, the dentist almost rose… he only gave up because of the pain. He could barely move yet, his feverish mind running panicked circles.

That was when he realized that the brandings were highly visible. That his nature, his sins were clear as the sun as the boys looked at him. The notion filled him with bitter relief, and an even more burning pain than the physical wounds.

It was done. It was all done. But after all… it might have not been such a bad thing.

Mitchell wasn’t alone anymore.

He wasn’t needed anymore.

He managed to smile and nod when the boy returned, to tell him they are going out. Strangely, Nie only felt relief. No more pain. Just relief.

“All… right… take… care… my son… you are… in good… good hands… now… I’m… glad… so glad… your brother… is alive…”

The dentist smiled, genuinely.

I dress down, after checking the perimeter. I’m sure nothing can draw close without getting noticed… and my trusty steed stands by my side.

The water is cool, almost cold yet. It was snowing a few days before, after all. I still enjoy it. I’m cleaning myself thoroughly, my sword always by my side. I wash down the armour pieced, and clean them with the oil, too, so they won’t rust. I let my steed drink, and I drink myself full.

The magical sphere glows duller now. It’s all right. I’ll find the path again. Now it is time to rest. A warrior always needs rest after a battle, a feast and a place to sleep. I find both, I find a nice old tree to sleep on, and a packet of mac and cheese with some added embellishments; bacon bits and vegetables. I eat calmly, filling myself up, then scale the tree and lay down, pulling my blankets on myself.

I will sleep. I will continue by daylight.

I smile, pulling out the rings and medallions on my necklace. I play with them, revealing my lady’s beautiful figurine inside one, her face smiling tenderly. My lord’s handsome visage in the other.

The Ebony Lady. The Crimson Knight.


I smile. I want us back together. I know we won’t be in this life… but I will at least find my liege. I will protect him, as my lady wished with her last breath…
Me and my brother search the streets. My brother says nothing about Nigel to me... I can tell he's thinking something but

"I've missed you." I say meekly

"I've missed you more" he jokes as we break into a house.

We grab some tins and make our way. Door to door almost.

It wasn't well looted, this town, there was so much to take.

Once we'd finished Darius turned to me with a nice smile.

"I think we have enough. For the three of us, me, you. And Dad". He winked.

We started to make our way to the hospital again. We were stupid. Leaving ourselves wide open. But we didn't care. We were too happy.
Nigel sighed as he was left alone. He felt exhausted. Drained. His every nerve screamed pain.

And in spite of that, he still felt happy and satisfied. He wanted to laugh, but he was too tired for even that.

Darius was alive the whole time. Most likely, searching for his little brother, just as Mitchell was searching for him. All along. Nie smiled. Now the boys were together. He fulfilled his oath.

He can give it up now. He can give everything up. After all, he wasn’t needed now anymore… he was so tired. So broken. And now, he didn’t have a reason to hang on anymore.

The mayor let himself sink into darkness. At least there wasn’t pain anymore…

I am at the campsite again, weapons in hand, and roaring in my anger. I want nothing more than kill those monsters, but there are too many, they have overrun every single tent… I don’t have to worry about my son and husband, they are in another camp, with the other soldiers, but there are more who I consider family here…

I am late. I was late. Joy lays on the ground in a pool of her own blood, blue dress painted crimson by the liquid, abdomen torn open, her hands, broken, by the wound. I think she might have tried to protect the baby in her belly… her floral-patterned sword lies on the ground, by her side.

I cry. The pain is too much… my sweet little almost-sister, the most fragile and graceful creature on earth, is dying. I kneel by her side, holding her in my arm, touching the wound. It is fatal, I know this well, I know too damned well, and I still try to do something, anything…

“…Nigel… my… love… Azu… you… have to… find him… save… my love…!”

I grimace, touching her sweet face. She might be right. We are in a safe zone, and the mayor stayed back, to protect our town, in the first line against these monsters that attacked us…

…if this is the situation here, her fiancé might be dead already…

“Please… sis… help… him…”

I nod, and cry, watching as her life drains from Joy…
"Did you ever meet anyone on your travels" I ask Darius on the way back to Nigel. We were both weighed down with stuff I tonnes of bags we found in houses. Filled with goodies.

"Nope, not really. Not anyone who gave me any trouble" he replied nonchalantly "looks like you did, though"

"Well that bloke did recapture me and torture me for a few weeks. But other than that". I put a positive lilt on my voice. But it's rather sarcastic. "And, of course, Nie"

"He's a murderer?"

"WAS. Was. I think, I dunno. I think he lived in this like medieval style village thing. I think he had to kill a lot of people. I think he was made to. As I said he's got a shitty past. But that's not him. He's gentle. Caring. And has pretty much kept me alive as much as I've kept him alive. The barrack guy was so SO cruel to him... Poor bastard"

"Just as long as he's never hurt you" Darius retorted suspiciously

"Of course not. My back though. Barrack guy. The spiked belt whip. Again"

Darius pulled his mouth to the side of his face in grimace "poor sod, aren't you?" He laughed. Making light of the situation was something we were both good at.

"Pretty much, yeah"

He put his arm around me and knuckled my head.

"Missed you kiddo, not liking the hair, though"
I wake up jerking to my side, almost falling down from the tree. I manage to catch a branch and hold myself up until I regain my balance. My trusty steed is peacefully grazing under me in the foggy dawn. I try to breath, calming myself, while preparing for the long day.

I have to warm up myself, in both body and soul, before putting on my armour. I make a tea, cooking a small piece of meat alongside with the flatbread. I am still shaken by my dream.

It was strange. I remember the scene well, and in my dream yet it was changed. Like in a prophetic dream, those strange, magical-looking weapons in the hand of the soldiers. Some of the women, just like me, in pants. And in my dream, I had a family.

I’ve never had a family. Other than my liege and his lady, I’ve never had one. Not a son. Not a husband. A woman like me never needed a husband.

I smile, somehow bitterly. A Moorish woman, and on the top of it, a warrior. I was never desirable for any nobleman. And even my liege never looked at me as a woman. I don’t know if I’ve ever wanted him to. He was head over heels into my Ebony Lady. Our Joy. He always loved her, and she always loved him. I loved both.

I still love both, even though the Ebony Lady is only my guarding angel, not a living person anymore. I just hope my liege is alive.

I eat the food, then start strapping up my armour, inspecting myself as always before dressing. My muscles are still flexible, and there isn’t a nip on my black skin… I look at it, and wonder why my black was so different from the Ebony Lady... but then, she was from Ethiopia, if my memory serves, a holy lady from Africa. I am just a Moorish noblewoman, who chose the sword instead of God.

I smooth back my short hair before putting on the helmet. I think, now, with my face hidden, no one would believe I’m a woman. I was always gigantic, and the armour hides every curve… I grin behind the visor, reaching for my magical sphere.

I will follow the trail again. And if I find those bastards who dared to take my liege captive, well…

…heaven help them…
Walking past, we walk past a playing field complete with goal nets?

"Game of footy?" I nudge Darius and motion towards the pitch.

"Yeah, Erm give me a second " he laughs and runs inside one of the buildings, coming back minutes later with a football. "Game on" h joked.

We made an afternoon of it. Like the old days. Giggling together like brothers. Taking penalties, which we took very seriously.

Apart from the Intruder Z every so often, it was jus like the old days. We had a great time.
I follow the trail of blood in the forest; my liege’s blood. So much blood. It makes my body heavy, as I hold my steed’s steel halters. It is scary. I can just hope my lord is still alive. There is no one who bleeds so much and stays alive…

There is a little clearing in the woods, a great tree, on its lower, strong branch knotted ropes, a piece of wood, like a wooden frame, hung from them, a knocked over chair under. My sphere glows stronger as I approach it, and I run it over the ropes and the frame. The blood on them is my lord’s…

I want to roar. Instead, I follow the blood trail, and in the end, I find the wain. It is broken down, windows shattered, doors distorted. There are bodies inside, and I tremble as I move in to inspect it.

The sphere shows me there are the traces of my liege’s blood. But that’s it, traces, on the hands and boots of all of the four bodies. It makes me somehow proud, knowing that they needed four, even if the leader – I know he was, the remains of his clothing still bear the name, Commander Wilter- is positively a giant. Might have been even taller, than me.

But my lord’s body is not inside. He might have escaped… maybe. Maybe not. I found only lighter footprints, and the trails of another wain. There might have been more soldiers.

I look over the road, and smile, holding out the sphere. I’m sure I’ll find him, I’ll save him.

I mount Duende, and let him go. My steed roars into the silence, and I just sit on its back, enjoying the ride…
We walk back to the hospital muddy, but happy, content ball under Darius's arm like boys just coming home from playing outside.

No street lights meant the stars shone outside.

"Shall we watch them? " Darius asked

"We could sit on the patch of grass in the hospital. It's not cold."

"I would really like that" I smile. "I'll just pop my head round. To make sure Dads okay"

I walk in to the hospital room to find my Father sleeping peacefully. I smile. It was nice to see and I head back outside again to sit on the grass with my brother.

The stars shone

"That one there is call odethesius" he said pointing at nowhere in particular

"Is it?"

"Maybe, I don't know I'm making it up"

I playfully punched his arm.

A shooting star raced across the sky. I made a wish that one day we can

All be a happy family.
The house inside looks a bit better. Still smells from dust and dampness, and…

The sphere still glows. My lord was inside. Bled inside. I found an especially large spot on the floor. I kneel down, touching the floorboards, my heart growing cold.

Too much. I found too much blood in the way here. In the last few days, I found maybe three times the amount I’ve seen from his in the last three years. Excluding the dungeon, but he was tortured there for four days by those traitors…

…he has to be alive. I’m just praying for this. My liege has to be alive; otherwise I’ll fail my oath that I gave to my Ebony Lady.

I spring to my feet and spin around, kicking out the legs from under the man. I grab on my sword, and manage to evade the magical gun’s shot. It sprinkles me with hot lead, but my armour can take it, and in the next moment, I knock out the firearm from his hand.

Ugly. Old. Almost as tall as me. And he smells.

“Where is my liege?” I ask him, placing a foot on his neck. He groans, watching the orb in my hand.

“What the… is that a DNA tracker? Holy shit…”

“Answer my question!” I start to lose my angelic patience. He spits.

“I have no idea what are you talking about, crazy woman!”

“His blood covers the floor. I know he was here. What have you done with him?”

“…what the hell is a liege?”

“My lord. The lord mayor of Blood Springs. Nigel Canberton. His blood covers the floor. Tell me where he is, or you will be crushed!”

“…that sick bloke? With a bunch of brandings? The soldier boy took him…”

My heart grows even colder. I let him move away. To get up.


“Follow that road to the northeast. There is a town about 200 miles away. Crazy bitch…” the man coughs. I just pick up and broke his firearm, then throw down the pieces.

“For your help, I’ll spare your life…”
The stars twinkled for hours. And we lay watching them in the warmth.

We didn't say much. Not much was needed. We just enjoyed the company.

Like a child, I curled up into my big brother and buried my head into his chest. It was there where I fell asleep.

I felt safe in his arms. Even though we were out in the open.

Knowing our luck, I was probably wrong to feel safe. But I was with my brother and that's what mattered.
The man is still cursing when I leave him, after I kicked him in his guts. I just smile. Mere words couldn’t hurt me…

…well, at least not those. The others, still echoing in my heart, are still painful.



My heart is heavy. I’ve heard this from the traitorous sheriff. From her posse. They tortured my liege. They branded him, with the mark of murderers. Several times. Each time I asked, the number became smaller. Now, I start to think they said the truth the first time.

One mark for every family…

…and my lord is ill. Most likely gravely ill, and cursed still. No other way a mere soldier, a boy could have taken him…

I have to find him, I have to save him. I mount Duende, watching the sphere, the road in front of me.

Two hundred miles. A long way to go.

I close my eyes for a second, praying to my Ebony Lady.

‘Let him still be alive…’

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