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We The Werewolves

Two werewolves are in danger. The people are after them. They are wanted and to be killed. What will they do, and how will they get away?
Phoenix flipped on the light of her room and set her bag down with a heavy sigh. She was done with every single one of her obnoxious coworkers, but she knew she needed the job to be able to go to college. The young girl slipped out of her clothes and into soft PJ's. As soon as she started drifting off there was a firm knock at the door. What now? She though as she sat up and climbed down the steps. When she opened to door, Phoenix was greeted with two men holding guns at their sides. Her breath caught in her throat and she bolted out the back door. She knew why they were here, they were always hunting her. Phoenix ran as fast and her feet could carry her, not even caring about the burning sensation at her side. The young girl knew exactly where she was going. She arrived at his doorsteps and pounded at the door mercilessly.
Finn opened his door and saw his friend, Phoenix on the step. " What's up?" He asked kindly grinning but then frowning at the fear filled face that his friend had on. " Phoenix? Come in, my parents aren't home. They went out to a movie. What's wrong?"
She glanced behind her shoulder, her breath still coming out in ragged puffs. "I'm being followed." She choked and stumbled her way into his house. "We need to leave. Please." He eyes glimmered with terror.
" By who? Phoenix, what's wrong?? Tell me. Here sit down. You're still in your pajamas, you know that right? Why do we have to leave?" Finn lead the girl inside and sat her down on the couch. He looked in her eyes and realized what had happened. " oh god, it's not them, is it?"

He pulled out his iPhone and tapped the password in, shaking his head as he looked at his emails. "Threats. Really? That's all they got. Cowards. You're right Phoenix, they are after us." He paled and shook his head. " And we just got away. Geez, what do we do Phoenix?"
She slumped onto his couch and sighed, "I don't know." Phoenix was tired of running away from these monsters, who believed she was a cruel and brutal killer, when in reality they were the true monsters. "We need to leave... I don't have any cash. I have some stored at a nearby house along with some clothes... We can take your car."
" Oh, I have a bunch of cash, and, my mom's credit card, she left it here. And you can steal of some of my sister's clothes, she might be near the same size. I have to leave a note to my parents though. Okay, I'll be right back. Don't worry, they won't come now that you are here with me." Finn strided off into his room.
Phoenix followed him and put a hand on his shoulder, "You can't tell them anything cluing to where you are, okay?" If it was her choice she wouldn't leave a note, but knowing Finn he couldn't stand to know he made someone he loved sad. She crept into his sisters room and snatched a few clothes before saying, "C'mon we gotta go."
" Okay, okay, I wouldn't tell my parents where we are, just that we had to go on a trip. Lemme grab my cash and some extra clothes." Finn grabbed a few pairs of clothes and stuffed them in a bag. Then he walked over to his desk and opened the drawer, and snatched up a dark brown wallet. " Okay, ready? Do you have your phone?"
"Yes." She patted her left pocket and proceeded to walked down the stairs. Phoenix stepped out of the door cautiously as if the men were going to jump out at her at any moment. Her feet padded silently down the driveway to the car. The young girl jump in, pulling her bag along with her. For a moment she just sat there, adrenaline pumping through her body and breaths puffing in and out. She took a deep breath and leaned back into her seat.
" Geez. You look horrible. I know we are being stalked by creepy killer dudes but, man, just relax! Okay that didn't sound very convincing. Okay, let's just go." Finn started his orange Element and backed out of the driveway, grinning as he went. " So! Where to?"
"Um I need to pick up some stuff I set aside. You know," she paused, "Just in case." Phoenix sighed and continued, "Its down the road for about a mile then take a left." As they drove down the road she tilted her head back and her eyelids began drooping.
" Back to your house? You sure about that? They could....." Finn trailed off as he saw Phoenix, fast asleep, her eyes closed already. " Go to sleep, go to sleep little wolfie." Finn grinned, turning down onto Main Street, then gasping and banking sharply to the side. " Oh god! It's them! Phoenix! Wake up!"
Once again, just as she was just starting to fall asleep, the men appeared. Her head snapped up, and she blinked around frantically, "Wha-Where?" She saw them, her breath catching in her throat. She couldn't let them catch her, she knew what they did to here mom and she didn't want the same for herself.
"They. Won't. Move!" Finn tried to drive around the men then finally sped fast them, knocking the taller man over as he tried to move. " There. I'm gonna drop you out at your house, they can't get to you that fast. Get your stuff fast." Finn stopped the car and waited for Phoenix to get out.
She leaped out and bolted into her house. Running up the stairs, she glanced behind her shoulder nervously. Phoenix grabbed her stuff and ran as fast as she could towards the car. She flung open the door before climbing in and glancing over at Finn with a wild look in her eyes. "Drive!" She screamed.
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" Okay!" Finn started the car and put into third gear. He sped forward and past two red lights, almost ramming into, about three other cars. He kept going until he came to the woods. "Wolfie time." He grinned. He leaped out of the car and landed on the ground as a cute, dark gray wolf. He whined and jerked his head toward the woods. Let's go. Remember, our stuff comes with us where ever we go. Just grab it and run. Werewolves could talk to other werewolves in their head.

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