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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

Victoria blushes as he says the first thing, but as he asks the last part she gets a bit suspicous.. "Um... Since you're my captain... I can't really just say no... SO... UM okay.." she says as she raises an eyebrow...
"Don't do it, Victoria!" Crow yells. Next he's behind Arthur with his sword to his throat. "I told you. If you steal from me, you'll have me going after you."
"Thank you, I appreciate the help now that blood how shall you give it to me?" Fin asked as he leaned in closer and kissed her again answering the question himself. He very gently bit her lip just enough to make her bleed. He then licks the blood and smiles."With this the contract is set in stone." As Fin says this he turns towards Arthur and the others and his evil Aura halts almost disappearing. Before exploding from him in massive waves so powerful they'd drive a weaker man insane.
Crow pulls Arthur back, jerking the gun away from Alexa's head, then looks at Fin. "What did you do?" He speaks low, and calm.
"Thank the Gods you've come to your senses" Arthur says. He then parried Crow's blade with his own and threw Alexa to the ground. " If you try and help her up I'll kill you. Now keep that anger of yours and focus it at Fin and we'll make it out alive" @BELL
"You're gonna have a hell of a time making this up to me if you survive. He looks at Fin again. "What was the contract you made?"
"It's rather simple, I've completed my end of the bargain." Fin smiled as his skin turned black like the night and red markings covered his body. The markings where a ancient fishman language that only a fishman would understand.
RetroAkabane said:
"Thank the Gods you've come to your senses" Arthur says. He then parried Crow's blade with his own and threw Alexa to the ground. " If you try and help her up I'll kill you. Now keep that anger of yours and focus it at Fin and we'll make it out alive" @BELL
Alexa get up and levitates as she looked up at him, seeming unharmed.
She looked at Fin and made a sword out of fire, levitating towards him at a rapid speed.
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Anthea wondered where they were, she searched the whole entire town from high to low and low to high. She stopped at a witches shop and begins to look around, "My dear, I was wondering when you were going to stop in." An/A old voice said coming from the spiral staircase. The old witch looked to be about 76 years old but thats what she wanted everyone to see. "You know I was coming?" Anthea said in surprise, "Well it's not that hard to hear the heart of the goddess, Athena's daughter coming. "What brings you here my dear?" She continued as she rubbed her hands today and walked over to her witches cauldron. She has her big magical staff in it and begins to stir it and adds in a giants eyeball, a firebirds feather, and a frogs heart to the cauldron and stirs it up and it lits up a big flame and then simmers down showing an imagine in it. "Come, come," The witch signaled Anthea to come over, "What am I looking at?" Anthea asked. "These people must be your friends, am I correct?" She said as an image of Crow, Arthur, Fin, and Victoria showed.
Fin appears infront of the two of them moving so fast that he wasn't able to be seen and he whispers in crows ear." That doesn't matter...what matters is that you get off my ship.....now." And with this Fin raised hid hand and using one finger for each flicked them off his ship.
Crow lands hard and recovers quickly, disappearing and reappearing in front of Fin. He lands on Fin's face, feet first, then launches off of it, doing a backflip and firing three explosive shots into Fin's face.
Not like this, I need to end him so that Father will help me. Arthur stands back up and dashes back onto the ship. "Well wasn't that a nice trick. How about a real fight now. No holding back for either of us. I'll show you the power of a demigod!"

@Tylor guillory
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Victoria quickly goes to the flung crew members.. "Are you okay?" She asked them as she caught Alexa in the air, her wings still hurting as she bled through her shirt... She then brought Alexa down and put her on the ground gently...
Am2aM said:
Victoria quickly goes to the flung crew members.. "Are you okay?" She asked them as she caught Alexa in the air, her wings still hurting as she bled through her shirt... She then brought Alexa down and put her on the ground gently...
Alexa looks up at her "Big sister . . . . it's okay" she explained, smiling slightly from the kindness of Victoria, as her eyes went from violet to devilish red and she stood up looking at Fin.
Fin doesn't seem fazed he titles his head unimpressed. "If that's all you can do then you might as well be useful, and die." Fin said the entire time he had been speaking in a manner that he didn't usually speak in. Fin moved fast but if wasn't his speed that was the problem his Aura seemed to powerful. It overwhelmed anyone near fin with fear making the hallucinate about horrible things personal nightmares.

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