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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

(Oh my jesus, cuteness overload by 100% this is so adorable haha)

Anthea spits her soup out in surprised and she puts her bowl down and takes Squishy in her hand caressing it, "Sorry about earlier," She said talking to the cute kraken. She let Squishy wrap the tentacles around her pointer finger and Anthea smiled, "Why does Captain Fin not like me?" She asked and laughed as Squishy just stares at her. @Tylor guillory
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Victoria looks around as someone from the crew calls out and says we are at the dock of Perda.. She then jumped off of the ship onto the docks... Taking in a big gulp of fresh sea air...
Arthur runs off the ship as fast as he could. "Finally civilization! I'm going to go have a look around the town if that's alright with you Cap." @Tylor guillory
Squishy hugged Antheas finger showing he forgave her. All of a sudden a bubble began to expand from what could only be described as Squishy nostrils. He hugged her hand and cooed his eyes closed as the bubble expanded getting bigger and bigger until it popped. As it popped squishy jumped and looked around surprised searching for the source of the pop.
Arthur walks casually through the town and eventually finds himself in the slums. Ahhh it feels good to be back where you came from he thought to himself. He then hears the cries of distress of female in the distance and sprints toward them as they get louder and louder. @NightCasterZ
"That is disguising and adorable at the same time," Anthea thought as she laughed and she played with Squishy. "You know if only Captain Fin was this much fun maybe he wouldn't be as stubborn as he is," She joked as she laughed out loud and petted Squishy. @Tylor guillory
Squishy puffed out his chest and made a bunch of noises as if he was trying to speak. He moved around with two tentacles acting like arms. He was clearly mimicking Captain Fin."Fin stood up and leapt off the ship most of his crew had already done so in order to get supplies for the trip.
"Squishy I feel like we are going to be the best of friends." She said and laughed. She played with Squishy for hours and hours. (Thank you!)
Squish bounced up and down happily. "Hey Anthea if you need something you might want to get it before we leave!" He called to her as he walked around the ship.
"Oi Arthur wait for me!" Crow had jumped off slightly behind Arthur, and ran behind him.
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The Sea Devil

She didn't answer him and she let Squishy go back to the room as she got up and walked back to the kitchen to bring her bowl down and she puts her hair in a ponytail and begins to head out into town for a couple of drinks and to buy some new clothes. @Tylor guillory
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Crow soon found himself lost in the slums, he'd lost track of Arthur. "Damn, that thief is fast..." As he wandered, he got more and more lost in the slums. "Dammit, Aki'd be useful to have around right now..."

As Fin walked threw Perda with some of his closest crew mates people seemed to hide from them."Huh never gets old every time we come to a new place people take one look and hide." Said on of his crew mates walking with him."Yeah or they mob together and try to chase us out." Said another man with a deep gruff voice. "Well it doesn't help that we destroyed a tavern last time we were here." Said a man with a more soothing gentle voice. "Haha we you mean the captain." Said a heavy set fellow with a goofy voice and they all laughed except Fin, who was silent the whole time.
As he wanders, Crow notices people more. They shy away from him, afraid of him and the pain he brings. "So they know..." He looks down, and bites his lip.
Perda Docks

Victoria starts walking down the dock to the town to go bye some clothes and perhaps even a new canteen, since she threw her other one into the water.. As she looks around she saw the captain and some of the crew members, so she hurries to catch up to the group..
"Fin?" she asks as she walks next to him..

Anthea walks back to the ship after shes finished being a new outfit to wear and so she goes back to the town and enters a pub and sees Crow. "Hey Crow want to join me tonight for a round of drinks?" She asked him and raised her eyebrows before she walked into the pub. @Tylor guillory
sprouhtt said:
Anthea walks back to the ship after shes finished being a new outfit to wear and so she goes back to the town and enters a pub and sees Crow. "Hey Crow want to join me tonight for a round of drinks?" She asked him and raised her eyebrows before she walked into the pub. @Tylor guillory
(I shall be at the pub! In a bit)

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