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Fantasy We be Pirates: Open & accepting

"Well, the stars are useful when traveling, and I've traveled alone a lot, so it's good to know how to use them. And, well, they're pretty, but I'm not an astronomer." There seems to be a sadness hidden deep within him as he speaks. (It seems it didn't load, but here's some stuff. @animegirl20

Name: Crow Terminus.

Age: 18ish.

Race: seems human.

Appearance: Feathery black hair, Haunted purple eyes, pale skin, tall, precise hands with long, thin, dexterous fingers, always has his coat with him.

Yeah. His back story's complex and sad and it'll come out gradually as he makes friends and opens up but by bit.)

"Sometimes I 'talk' to them, though not when in the presence of others. Just when I'm alone and need to talk."
Death looked at the mortal that wanted to duel him "You better think twice before challenging someone who can't die" he explained, looking to the man that wanted to speak with him about a tear "So what is it you want to know?"
Death ignored the others and went out on the deck, he thought they would be scared but so far they proved him wrong "What is it you want to know?" he asked crow, he was a tall 7'5 figure outside, the cold rush of death like wind came to signify he was there.
Victoria then snaps out of her trance and decides to reside below deck... Once she makes it down there, she notices a door was open that wasn't earlier.. She then grew curious of why, and she peaked through to see Anthea looking at paintings.. Beautiful paintings.."Woah.. Those are very well done.." she said walking in and closing the door, then saw Anthea go into another room with maps..
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She heard the noise get louder and she turned around but she didnt see anything, "Hello?" She called out into the darkness and she got closer to the noise wanting to know what it was. The room got colder and the sounds of the water crashed along side of the ship but never entering. @Tylor guillory
"I'll see you soon." Crow walks over to Death. "I want to talk." He starts to climb the rigging up to the crow's nest. "Come on."
All of a sudden a small flurry of tentacles leapt at Anthea, and moved around her body to fast for her to react. Then it settled on her shoulder its tentacles wrapped around her head. It seemed to make a strange chirping noise. It was a baby kraken. It looked at Anthea with it big cute eyes. @sprouhtt
BELL said:
"Well, the stars are useful when traveling, and I've traveled alone a lot, so it's good to know how to use them. And, well, they're pretty, but I'm not an astronomer." There seems to be a sadness hidden deep within him as he speaks. (It seems it didn't load, but here's some stuff. @animegirl20
Name: Crow Terminus.

Age: 18ish.

Race: seems human.

Appearance: Feathery black hair, Haunted purple eyes, pale skin, tall, precise hands with long, thin, dexterous fingers, always has his coat with him.

Yeah. His back story's complex and sad and it'll come out gradually as he makes friends and opens up but by bit.)

"Sometimes I 'talk' to them, though not when in the presence of others. Just when I'm alone and need to talk."
"hey wanna see a trick?" She said trying to cheer him up. "Watch this" She put her right hand out and a flame appeared then she started to shape into different constellations. "I can make any shape you want."
BELL said:
"I'll see you soon." Crow walks over to Death. "I want to talk." He starts to climb the rigging up to the crow's nest. "Come on."
Death disappeared in a blink of an eye. Suddenly a death like cold wind rushed around the crows nest and the upper deck "What do you want?" asked Death.
Anthea dropped the map that was in her hand and it rolled down to where the paintings were, she tried to free herself but it was no use and she didn't want to call for help. "How can something this cute be so strong," She told herself as she laid in the monster tentacles as it wrapped around her body, squeezing her more and more making it hard for her to move and breath. @Tylor guillory
Crow sees her trick and smiles. "Maybe I'll have some requests later. For now, I have to talk to Death." He swiftly climbs to the crow's nest. "So, my first question: are you only the Death of this world, this universe?"

@Veyd Sahvoz
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Victoria randomly saw something jump upon her face and Shriek in high pitched tone as it clung to her head..In return Victoria screamed on the top of her lungs in fear it was going to eat her head off.. She then started running around in circles still screaming as she tried to pry it off of her head.. (Aww it sounds adorable! 030)
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As it released Anthea she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small bottle with some blue dust in it. She put a little bit of blue dust on the palm of her hand and she aims her hand towards the baby kraken that help Victoria and she blew the dust at the baby kraken trying to not get Victoria. She looked at the baby kraken as its eyes began to shut and it released Victoria as it fell to the ground and slept peacefully. "What in the world is this Kraken doing here?" She told Victoria quietly but this Kraken was going to be out for about a day and a half. (It does sound adorable!) @Tylor guillory @Am2aM
The baby kraken let out a strange crackling noise as the winged girl began running around screaming. It just cooed with glee not letting go. At the sound of screaming Fin woke up and scratched his head. "Huh what's all that about? Oh no SQUISHY!" Fin screamed as he ran out of his cabin and down below deck to there treasure room. He paniced until he noticed Victoria running around with something on her head. "Oh no! Don't do that your just gonna make him squeeze tighter! Stay calm and stop moving!" Fin order holding his hands out in a attempt to get her to stop. @sprouhtt @Am2aM
Fins expression changed to one of terror as Squishy stopped moving and fell to the ground."Whatever you do...don't move." Fin warned his expression one of shock and terror as the ship began to shake slightly and something big moved behind Anthea. @sprouhtt @Am2aM
Victoria stared at it, with a few tiny tentacle marks on her face, as her eye slightly twitched..."I-I have no idea..." she says to Anthea, still stunned... She then looked at Fin.."Why is there a baby kraken in the ship? And why did it molest meh face?" she asked pouting, as she stared at Fin still sitting on the ground with crossed arms... She then noticed the ship shake and Fin tell Anthea not to move.. "please don't tell me that is the parent.." Victoria basically whispered.. @Tylor guillory
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BELL said:
Crow sees her trick and smiles. "Maybe I'll have some requests later. For now, I have to talk to Death." He swiftly climbs to the crow's nest. "So, my first question: are you only the Death of this world, this universe?"
@Veyd Sahvoz
The deathly wind rushed again "I am eternal…not dead nor am I alive……I am the Grim Reaper of this world and all others, though I am all one being but I have copies for other realms" explained Death, rushing around the crow's nest. The sky seemed to get darker with clouds and a cold wind rushed around the waters and the ship.
Anthea watches this whole mess go down and as Captain Fin helps Victoria out. She shakes her head and gets a bit nervous as to what Captain Fin might do to her since she got caught in this locked room. @Tylor guillory "When theres a baby Kraken, theres a mother Kraken." She said as she heard something moving behind her.

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